diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpf.py b/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
index 106f0be033a43d8477113566d7f9fcbda482325d..cdceca590bb6c5cedac4fb9d21f5d606fcd28242 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpf.py
@@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ class Expression:
     __ror__ = __or__ = lambda self, value: self._binary(value, Opcode.OR)
     __lshift__ = lambda self, value: self._binary(value, Opcode.LSH)
+    __rlshift__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) << self
     __rxor__ = __xor__ = lambda self, value: self._binary(value, Opcode.XOR)
     __gt__ = comparison(Opcode.JGT, Opcode.JLE, Opcode.JSGT, Opcode.JSLE)
@@ -474,24 +475,11 @@ class Expression:
         return Binary(self.ebpf, myself, value, opcode,
                       self.signed or value.signed, self.fixed or value.fixed)
-    def _rsum(self, value, opcode):
-        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
-        myself = self
-        if self.fixed != value.fixed:
-            if self.fixed:
-                value *= self.FIXED_BASE
-            else:
-                myself *= self.FIXED_BASE
-        return ReverseBinary(
-            self.ebpf, value, myself, opcode,
-            self.signed or value.signed, self.fixed or value.fixed)
     __radd__ = __add__ = lambda self, value: self._sum(value, Opcode.ADD)
     __sub__ = lambda self, value: self._sum(value, Opcode.SUB)
-    __rsub__ = lambda self, value: self._rsum(value, Opcode.SUB)
+    __rsub__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) - self
     __mod__ = lambda self, value: self._sum(value, Opcode.MOD)
-    __rmod__ = lambda self, value: self._rsum(value, Opcode.MOD)
+    __rmod__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) % self
     def __mul__(self, value):
         value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
@@ -513,14 +501,10 @@ class Expression:
         return Binary(self.ebpf, myself, value, Opcode.DIV,
                       self.signed or value.signed, True)
-    def __rtruediv__(self, value):
-        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
-        if self.fixed:
-            value *= self.FIXED_BASE ** 2
-        else:
-            value *= self.FIXED_BASE
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, value, self, Opcode.DIV,
-                             self.signed or value.signed, True)
+    def _reverse(self, op, value):
+        return op(Constant(self.ebpf, value), self)
+    __rtruediv__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) / self
     def __floordiv__(self, value):
         value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
@@ -534,25 +518,22 @@ class Expression:
                       self.signed or value.signed, False)
     def __rfloordiv__(self, value):
-        value = ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value)
         if self.fixed:
-            value *= self.FIXED_BASE
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, value, self, Opcode.DIV,
-                             self.signed or value.signed, False)
+            value = Constant(self.ebpf, value)
+            if not value.fixed:
+                value *= self.FIXED_BASE
+        else:
+            value = Constant(self.ebpf, int(value))
+        return Binary(self.ebpf, value, self, Opcode.DIV,
+                      self.signed or value.signed, False)
     def __rshift__(self, value):
         opcode = Opcode.ARSH if self.signed else Opcode.RSH
         return Binary(self.ebpf, self, ensure_expression(self.ebpf, value),
                       opcode, self.signed, False)
-    def __rrshift__(self, value):
-        opcode = Opcode.ARSH if value < 0 else Opcode.RSH
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, Constant(self.ebpf, value), self,
-                             opcode, value < 0, False)
-    def __rlshift__(self, value):
-        return ReverseBinary(self.ebpf, Constant(self.ebpf, value), self,
-                             Opcode.LSH, value < 0, False)
+    __rrshift__ = lambda self, value: Constant(self.ebpf, value) >> self
     def __and__(self, value):
         return AndExpression(self.ebpf, self,
@@ -674,27 +655,6 @@ class Binary(Expression):
                                           and self.right.contains(no))
-class ReverseBinary(Expression):
-    def __init__(self, ebpf, left, right, operator, signed, fixed):
-        self.ebpf = ebpf
-        self.left = left
-        self.right = right
-        self.operator = operator
-        self.signed = signed
-        self.fixed = fixed
-    @contextmanager
-    def calculate(self, dst, long, force=False):
-        with self.left.calculate(dst, long) as (dst, _):
-            with self.right.calculate(None, long) as (src, long):
-                self.ebpf.append(self.operator + Opcode.LONG * long
-                                 + Opcode.REG, dst, src, 0, 0)
-            yield dst, long
-    def contains(self, no):
-        return self.right.contains(no)
 class Negate(Expression):
     def __init__(self, ebpf, arg):
         self.ebpf = ebpf
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py b/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
index 01b61ac2a1fa07057a092470390a35c4e1e203b2..3ee92bbdad6b3403e58c0a58b6ec07129f91f91e 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpf_test.py
@@ -192,6 +192,17 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
         e.r1 = e.r2 // e.x3
         e.x4 = e.x5 // e.x6
+        e.x1 = 3 / e.r2
+        e.x3 = 3.5 / e.r4
+        e.x5 = 3 / e.x6
+        e.x4 = 4.5 / e.x6
+        e.x1 = 3 // e.r2
+        e.x3 = 3.5 // e.r4
+        e.x5 = 3 // e.x6
+        e.x4 = 4.5 // e.x6
         self.assertEqual(e.opcodes, [
            Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.MOV+O.LONG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.ADD+O.LONG, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
@@ -268,7 +279,30 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
            Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.LONG+O.REG, dst=1, src=3, off=0, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.REG+O.MOV, dst=4, src=5, off=0, imm=0),
            Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.LONG+O.REG, dst=4, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
-           Instruction(opcode=O.MUL+O.LONG, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=300000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=350000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=3, src=4, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DW, dst=5, src=0, off=0, imm=4230196224),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.W, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=6),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=5, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DW, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=2050327040),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.W, dst=0, src=0, off=0, imm=10),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=4, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=1, src=2, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=1, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.MOV+O.LONG, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=3),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.REG+O.LONG+O.DIV, dst=3, src=4, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=3, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=5, src=0, off=0, imm=300000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=5, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=5, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MOV, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=450000),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.DIV+O.REG+O.LONG, dst=4, src=6, off=0, imm=0),
+           Instruction(opcode=O.LONG+O.MUL, dst=4, src=0, off=0, imm=100000),
     def test_local(self):