From aa19e7237a7d9c727cc5533a69c9320b8360e648 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laurent Mercadier <>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 13:58:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] raise TypeError if npulses missing when no pulse pattern info
 is available

--- | 24 +++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 195550c..5b292f6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def selectSASEinXGM(data, sase='sase3', xgm='SCS_XGM', sase3First=True, npulses=
             sase: key of sase to select: {'sase1', 'sase3'}
             xgm: key of xgm to select: {'SA3_XGM', 'SCS_XGM'}
             sase3First: bool, optional. Used in case no bunch pattern was recorded
-            npulses: int, optional. Used in case no bunch pattern was recorded.
+            npulses: int, optional. Required in case no bunch pattern was recorded.
             DataArray that has all trainIds that contain a lasing
@@ -135,10 +135,13 @@ def selectSASEinXGM(data, sase='sase3', xgm='SCS_XGM', sase3First=True, npulses=
             are filled with NaNs.
     if sase not in data:
-        print('Missing bunch pattern info!\n'
-              +'Retrieving {} SASE {} pulses assuming that '.format(npulses, sase[4])
+        print('Missing bunch pattern info!')
+        if npulses is None:
+            raise TypeError('npulses argument is required when bunch pattern ' +
+                             'info is missing.')
+        print('Retrieving {} SASE {} pulses assuming that '.format(npulses, sase[4])
               +'SASE {} pulses come first.'.format('3' if sase3First else '1'))
-        #in older version of DAQ, non data numbers were filled with 0.0.
+        #in older version of DAQ, non-data numbers were filled with 0.0.
         xgmData = data[xgm].where(data[xgm]!=0.0, drop=True)
         xgmData = xgmData.fillna(0.0).where(xgmData!=1.0, drop=True)
         if (sase3First and sase=='sase3') or (not sase3First and sase=='sase1'):
@@ -449,7 +452,7 @@ def getTIMapd(data, mcp=1, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None,
             bkgstop: trace index of background stop
             t_offset: index separation between two pulses
             mcp: MCP channel number
-            npulses: int, optional. Number of pulses to compute. Needed if
+            npulses: int, optional. Number of pulses to compute. Required if
                 no bunch pattern info is available.
             stride: int, optional. Used to select pulses in the APD array if
                 no bunch pattern info is available.
@@ -458,9 +461,12 @@ def getTIMapd(data, mcp=1, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None,
                  with N=max(number of pulses per train)
     if 'sase3' not in data:
-        print('Missing bunch pattern info!\n'
-              +'Retrieving {} SASE 3 pulses assuming that '.format(npulses)
-              +'SASE 3 pulses come first.')
+        print('Missing bunch pattern info!\n')
+        if npulses is None:
+            raise TypeError('npulses argument is required when bunch pattern ' +
+                             'info is missing.')
+        print('Retrieving {} SASE 3 pulses assuming that '.format(npulses) +
+               'SASE 3 pulses come first.')
         if use_apd:
             tim = data['MCP{}apd'.format(mcp)][:,:npulses:stride]
@@ -800,7 +806,7 @@ def matchXgmTimPulseId(data, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None,
             bkgstart: trace index of background start
             bkgstop: trace index of background stop
             t_offset: index separation between two pulses
-            npulses: number of pulses to compute. Needed if no bunch
+            npulses: number of pulses to compute. Required if no bunch
                 pattern info is available
             sase3First: bool, needed if bunch pattern is missing.
             stride: int, used to select pulses in the TIM APD array if