# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Toolbox for SCS. Various utilities function to quickly process data measured at the SCS instruments. Copyright (2019) SCS Team. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import xarray as xr from scipy.signal import find_peaks import ToolBox as tb # XGM def cleanXGMdata(data, npulses=None, sase3First=True): ''' Cleans the XGM data arrays obtained from load() function. The XGM "TD" data arrays have arbitrary size of 1000 and default value 1.0 when there is no pulse. This function sorts the SASE 1 and SASE 3 pulses. For DAQ runs after April 2019, sase-resolved arrays can be used. For older runs, the function selectSASEinXGM is used to extract sase-resolved pulses. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing XGM TD arrays. npulses: number of pulses, needed if pulse pattern not available. sase3First: bool, needed if pulse pattern not available. Output: xarray Dataset containing sase- and pulse-resolved XGM data, with dimension names 'sa1_pId' and 'sa3_pId' ''' dropList = [] mergeList = [] load_sa1 = True if 'sase3' in data: if np.all(data['npulses_sase1'].where(data['npulses_sase3'] !=0, drop=True) == 0): print('Dedicated trains, skip loading SASE 1 data.') load_sa1 = False npulses_sa1 = None else: print('Missing bunch pattern info!') if npulses is None: raise TypeError('npulses argument is required when bunch pattern ' + 'info is missing.') #pulse-resolved signals from XGMs keys = ["XTD10_XGM", "XTD10_SA3", "XTD10_SA1", "XTD10_XGM_sigma", "XTD10_SA3_sigma", "XTD10_SA1_sigma", "SCS_XGM", "SCS_SA3", "SCS_SA1", "SCS_XGM_sigma", "SCS_SA3_sigma", "SCS_SA1_sigma"] for whichXgm in ['SCS', 'XTD10']: load_sa1 = True if (f"{whichXgm}_SA3" not in data and f"{whichXgm}_XGM" in data): #no SASE-resolved arrays available if not 'sase3' in data: npulses_xgm = data[f'{whichXgm}_XGM'].where(data[f'{whichXgm}_XGM'], drop=True).shape[1] npulses_sa1 = npulses_xgm - npulses if npulses_sa1==0: load_sa1 = False if npulses_sa1 < 0: raise ValueError(f'npulses = {npulses} is larger than the total number' +f' of pulses per train = {npulses_xgm}') sa3 = selectSASEinXGM(data, xgm=f'{whichXgm}_XGM', sase='sase3', npulses=npulses, sase3First=sase3First).rename({'XGMbunchId':'sa3_pId'}).rename(f"{whichXgm}_SA3") mergeList.append(sa3) if f"{whichXgm}_XGM_sigma" in data: sa3_sigma = selectSASEinXGM(data, xgm=f'{whichXgm}_XGM_sigma', sase='sase3', npulses=npulses, sase3First=sase3First).rename({'XGMbunchId':'sa3_pId'}).rename(f"{whichXgm}_SA3_sigma") mergeList.append(sa3_sigma) dropList.append(f'{whichXgm}_XGM_sigma') if load_sa1: sa1 = selectSASEinXGM(data, xgm=f'{whichXgm}_XGM', sase='sase1', npulses=npulses_sa1, sase3First=sase3First).rename( {'XGMbunchId':'sa1_pId'}).rename(f"{whichXgm}_SA1") mergeList.append(sa1) if f"{whichXgm}_XGM_sigma" in data: sa1_sigma = selectSASEinXGM(data, xgm=f'{whichXgm}_XGM_sigma', sase='sase1', npulses=npulses_sa1, sase3First=sase3First).rename({'XGMbunchId':'sa1_pId'}).rename(f"{whichXgm}_SA1_sigma") mergeList.append(sa1_sigma) dropList.append(f'{whichXgm}_XGM') keys.remove(f'{whichXgm}_XGM') for key in keys: if key not in data: continue if "sa3" in key.lower(): sase = 'sa3_' elif "sa1" in key.lower(): sase = 'sa1_' if not load_sa1: dropList.append(key) continue else: dropList.append(key) continue res = data[key].where(data[key] != 1.0, drop=True).rename( {'XGMbunchId':'{}pId'.format(sase)}).rename(key) res = res.assign_coords( {f'{sase}pId':np.arange(res[f'{sase}pId'].shape[0])}) dropList.append(key) mergeList.append(res) mergeList.append(data.drop(dropList)) subset = xr.merge(mergeList, join='inner') for k in data.attrs.keys(): subset.attrs[k] = data.attrs[k] return subset def selectSASEinXGM(data, sase='sase3', xgm='SCS_XGM', sase3First=True, npulses=None): ''' Given an array containing both SASE1 and SASE3 data, extracts SASE1- or SASE3-only XGM data. The function tracks the changes of bunch patterns in sase 1 and sase 3 and applies a mask to the XGM array to extract the relevant pulses. This way, all complicated patterns are accounted for. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing xgm data sase: key of sase to select: {'sase1', 'sase3'} xgm: key of xgm to select: {'XTD10_XGM[_sigma]', 'SCS_XGM[_sigma]'} sase3First: bool, optional. Used in case no bunch pattern was recorded npulses: int, optional. Required in case no bunch pattern was recorded. Output: DataArray that has all trainIds that contain a lasing train in sase, with dimension equal to the maximum number of pulses of that sase in the run. The missing values, in case of change of number of pulses, are filled with NaNs. ''' #1. case where bunch pattern is missing: if sase not in data: print('Retrieving {} SASE {} pulses assuming that '.format(npulses, sase[4]) +'SASE {} pulses come first.'.format('3' if sase3First else '1')) #in older version of DAQ, non-data numbers were filled with 0.0. xgmData = data[xgm].where(data[xgm]!=0.0, drop=True) xgmData = xgmData.fillna(0.0).where(xgmData!=1.0, drop=True) if (sase3First and sase=='sase3') or (not sase3First and sase=='sase1'): return xgmData[:,:npulses].assign_coords(XGMbunchId=np.arange(npulses)) else: if xr.ufuncs.isnan(xgmData).any(): raise Exception('The number of pulses changed during the run. ' 'This is not supported yet.') else: start=xgmData.shape[1]-npulses return xgmData[:,start:start+npulses].assign_coords(XGMbunchId=np.arange(npulses)) #2. case where bunch pattern is provided #2.1 Merge sase1 and sase3 bunch patterns to get indices of all pulses xgm_arr = data[xgm].where(data[xgm] != 1., drop=True) sa3 = data['sase3'].where(data['sase3'] > 1, drop=True) sa3_val=np.unique(sa3) sa3_val = sa3_val[~np.isnan(sa3_val)] sa1 = data['sase1'].where(data['sase1'] > 1, drop=True) sa1_val=np.unique(sa1) sa1_val = sa1_val[~np.isnan(sa1_val)] sa_all = xr.concat([sa1, sa3], dim='bunchId').rename('sa_all') sa_all = xr.DataArray(np.sort(sa_all)[:,:xgm_arr['XGMbunchId'].shape[0]], dims=['trainId', 'bunchId'], coords={'trainId':data.trainId}, name='sase_all') if sase=='sase3': idxListSase = np.unique(sa3) newName = xgm.split('_')[0] + '_SA3' else: idxListSase = np.unique(sa1) newName = xgm.split('_')[0] + '_SA1' #2.2 track the changes of pulse patterns and the indices at which they occured (invAll) idxListAll, invAll = np.unique(sa_all.fillna(-1), axis=0, return_inverse=True) #2.3 define a mask, loop over the different patterns and update the mask for each pattern mask = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((data.dims['trainId'], sa_all['bunchId'].shape[0]), dtype=bool), dims=['trainId', 'XGMbunchId'], coords={'trainId':data.trainId, 'XGMbunchId':sa_all['bunchId'].values}, name='mask') big_sase = [] for i,idxXGM in enumerate(idxListAll): mask.values = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=bool) idxXGM = np.isin(idxXGM, idxListSase) idxTid = invAll==i mask[idxTid, idxXGM] = True sa_arr = xgm_arr.where(mask, drop=True) if sa_arr.trainId.size > 0: sa_arr = sa_arr.assign_coords(XGMbunchId=np.arange(sa_arr.XGMbunchId.size)) big_sase.append(sa_arr) if len(big_sase) > 0: da_sase = xr.concat(big_sase, dim='trainId').rename(newName) else: da_sase = xr.DataArray([], dims=['trainId'], name=newName) return da_sase def saseContribution(data, sase='sase1', xgm='XTD10_XGM'): ''' Calculate the relative contribution of SASE 1 or SASE 3 pulses for each train in the run. Supports fresh bunch, dedicated trains and pulse on demand modes. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing xgm data sase: key of sase for which the contribution is computed: {'sase1', 'sase3'} xgm: key of xgm to select: {'XTD10_XGM', 'SCS_XGM'} Output: 1D DataArray equal to sum(sase)/sum(sase1+sase3) ''' xgm_sa1 = selectSASEinXGM(data, 'sase1', xgm=xgm) xgm_sa3 = selectSASEinXGM(data, 'sase3', xgm=xgm) #Fill missing train ids with 0 r = xr.align(*[xgm_sa1, xgm_sa3], join='outer', exclude=['XGMbunchId']) xgm_sa1 = r[0].fillna(0) xgm_sa3 = r[1].fillna(0) contrib = xgm_sa1.sum(axis=1)/(xgm_sa1.sum(axis=1) + xgm_sa3.sum(axis=1)) if sase=='sase1': return contrib else: return 1 - contrib def calibrateXGMs(data, allPulses=False, plot=False, display=False): ''' Calibrate the fast (pulse-resolved) signals of the XTD10 and SCS XGM (read in intensityTD property) to the respective slow ion signal (photocurrent read by Keithley, key 'pulseEnergy.photonFlux.value'). If the sase-resolved averaged signals ("slowTrain", introduced in May 2019) are recorded, the calibration is defined as the mean ratio between the photonFlux and the slowTrain signal. Otherwise, the averaged fast signals are computed using a rolling average. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset allPulses: if True, uses "XTD10_XGM" and "SCS_XGM" arrays and computes the relative contributions of SASE1 and SASE3 to photonFlux. This should be more accurate in cases where the number of SASE1 pulses is large and/or the SASE1 pulse intensity cannot be neglected. plot: bool, plot the calibration output display: bool, displays info if True Output: ndarray with [XTD10 calibration factor, SCS calibration factor] ''' if allPulses: return calibrateXGMsFromAllPulses(data, plot) hasSlowTrain=[True,True] results = np.array([np.nan, np.nan], dtype=float) slowTrainData = [] for i,whichXgm in enumerate(['XTD10', 'SCS']): #1. Try to load fast data averages (in DAQ since May 2019) if f'{whichXgm}_slowTrain' in data: if display: print(f'Using fast data averages (slowTrain) for {whichXgm}') slowTrainData.append(data[f'{whichXgm}_slowTrain']) else: mnemo = tb.mnemonics[f'{whichXgm}_slowTrain'] if mnemo['key'] in data.attrs['run'].keys_for_source(mnemo['source']): if display: print(f'Using fast data averages (slowTrain) for {whichXgm}') slowTrainData.append(data.attrs['run'].get_array(mnemo['source'], mnemo['key'])) #2. Calculate fast data average from fast data else: if display: print(f'No averages of fast data (slowTrain) available for {whichXgm}.'+ ' Attempting calibration from fast data.') if f'{whichXgm}_SA3' in data: if display: print(f'Calculating slowTrain from SA3 for {whichXgm}') slowTrainData.append(data[f'{whichXgm}_SA3'].rolling(trainId=200 ).mean().mean(axis=1)) elif f'{whichXgm}_XGM' in data: sa3 = selectSASEinXGM(data, xgm=f'{whichXgm}_XGM') slowTrainData.append(sa3.rolling(trainId=200).mean().mean(axis=1)) else: hasSlowTrain[i]=False if hasSlowTrain[i]: results[i] = np.mean(data[f'{whichXgm}_photonFlux']/slowTrainData[i]) if display: print(f'Calibration factor {whichXgm} XGM: {results[i]}') if plot: plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(data['XTD10_photonFlux'], label='XTD10 photon flux') plt.plot(slowTrainData[0]*results[0], label='calibrated XTD10 fast signal') plt.ylabel(r'Energy [$\mu$J]') plt.legend(fontsize=8, loc='upper left') plt.twinx() plt.plot(slowTrainData[0], label='uncalibrated XTD10 fast signal', color='C4') plt.ylabel(r'Uncalibrated energy') plt.legend(fontsize=8, loc='upper right') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(data['SCS_photonFlux'], label='SCS photon flux') plt.plot(slowTrainData[1]*results[1], label='calibrated SCS fast signal') plt.ylabel(r'Energy [$\mu$J]') plt.xlabel('train Id') plt.legend(fontsize=8, loc='upper left') plt.twinx() plt.plot(slowTrainData[1], label='uncalibrated SCS fast signal', color='C4') plt.ylabel(r'Uncalibrated energy') plt.legend(fontsize=8, loc='upper right') plt.tight_layout() return results def calibrateXGMsFromAllPulses(data, plot=False): ''' Calibrate the fast (pulse-resolved) signals of the XTD10 and SCS XGM (read in intensityTD property) to the respective slow ion signal (photocurrent read by Keithley, channel 'pulseEnergy.photonFlux.value'). One has to take into account the possible signal created by SASE1 pulses. In the tunnel, this signal is usually large enough to be read by the XGM and the relative contribution C of SASE3 pulses to the overall signal is computed. In the tunnel, the calibration F is defined as: F = E_slow / E_fast_avg, where E_fast_avg is the rolling average (with window rollingWindow) of the fast signal. In SCS XGM, the signal from SASE1 is usually in the noise, so we calculate the average over the pulse-resolved signal of SASE3 pulses only and calibrate it to the slow signal modulated by the SASE3 contribution: F = (N1+N3) * E_avg * C/(N3 * E_fast_avg_sase3), where N1 and N3 are the number of pulses in SASE1 and SASE3, E_fast_avg_sase3 is the rolling average (with window rollingWindow) of the SASE3-only fast signal. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset rollingWindow: length of running average to calculate E_fast_avg plot: boolean, plot the calibration output Output: factors: numpy ndarray of shape 1 x 2 containing [XTD10 calibration factor, SCS calibration factor] ''' XTD10_factor = np.nan SCS_factor = np.nan noSCS = noXTD10 = False if 'SCS_XGM' not in data: print('no SCS XGM data. Skipping calibration for SCS XGM') noSCS = True if 'XTD10_XGM' not in data: print('no XTD10 XGM data. Skipping calibration for XTD10 XGM') noXTD10 = True if noSCS and noXTD10: return np.array([XTD10_factor, SCS_factor]) if not noSCS and noXTD10: print('XTD10 data is needed to calibrate SCS XGM.') return np.array([XTD10_factor, SCS_factor]) start = 0 stop = None npulses = data['npulses_sase3'] ntrains = npulses.shape[0] rollingWindow=200 # First, in case of change in number of pulses, locate a region where # the number of pulses is maximum. if not np.all(npulses == npulses[0]): print('Warning: Number of pulses per train changed during the run!') start = np.argmax(npulses.values) stop = ntrains + np.argmax(npulses.values[::-1]) - 1 if stop - start < rollingWindow: print('not enough consecutive data points with the largest number of pulses per train') start += rollingWindow stop = np.min((ntrains, stop+rollingWindow)) # Calculate SASE3 slow data sa3contrib = saseContribution(data, 'sase3', 'XTD10_XGM') SA3_SLOW = data['XTD10_photonFlux']*(data['npulses_sase3']+data['npulses_sase1'])*sa3contrib/data['npulses_sase3'] SA1_SLOW = data['XTD10_photonFlux']*(data['npulses_sase3']+data['npulses_sase1'])*(1-sa3contrib)/data['npulses_sase1'] # Calibrate XTD10 XGM with all signal from SASE1 and SASE3 if not noXTD10: xgm_avg = selectSASEinXGM(data, 'sase3', 'XTD10_XGM').mean(axis=1) rolling_sa3_xgm = xgm_avg.rolling(trainId=rollingWindow).mean() ratio = SA3_SLOW/rolling_sa3_xgm XTD10_factor = ratio[start:stop].mean().values print('calibration factor XTD10 XGM: %f'%XTD10_factor) # Calibrate SCS XGM with SASE3-only contribution if not noSCS: SCS_SLOW = data['SCS_photonFlux']*(data['npulses_sase3']+data['npulses_sase1'])*sa3contrib/data['npulses_sase3'] scs_sase3_fast = selectSASEinXGM(data, 'sase3', 'SCS_XGM').mean(axis=1) meanFast = scs_sase3_fast.rolling(trainId=rollingWindow).mean() ratio = SCS_SLOW/meanFast SCS_factor = ratio[start:stop].median().values print('calibration factor SCS XGM: %f'%SCS_factor) if plot: if noSCS ^ noXTD10: plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) else: plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) plt.subplot(211) plt.title('E[uJ] = %.2f x IntensityTD' %(XTD10_factor)) plt.plot(SA3_SLOW, label='SA3 slow', color='C1') plt.plot(rolling_sa3_xgm*XTD10_factor, label='SA3 fast signal rolling avg', color='C4') plt.plot(xgm_avg*XTD10_factor, label='SA3 fast signal train avg', alpha=0.2, color='C4') plt.ylabel('Energy [uJ]') plt.xlabel('train in run') plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10) plt.twinx() plt.plot(SA1_SLOW, label='SA1 slow', alpha=0.2, color='C2') plt.ylabel('SA1 slow signal [uJ]') plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=10) plt.subplot(212) plt.title('E[uJ] = %.2g x HAMP' %SCS_factor) plt.plot(SCS_SLOW, label='SCS slow', color='C1') plt.plot(meanFast*SCS_factor, label='SCS HAMP rolling avg', color='C2') plt.ylabel('Energy [uJ]') plt.xlabel('train in run') plt.plot(scs_sase3_fast*SCS_factor, label='SCS HAMP train avg', alpha=0.2, color='C2') plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10) plt.tight_layout() return np.array([XTD10_factor, SCS_factor]) # TIM def mcpPeaks(data, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, mcp=1, t_offset=None, npulses=None): ''' Computes peak integration from raw MCP traces. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing MCP raw traces (e.g. 'MCP1raw') intstart: trace index of integration start intstop: trace index of integration stop bkgstart: trace index of background start bkgstop: trace index of background stop mcp: MCP channel number t_offset: index separation between two pulses. Needed if bunch pattern info is not available. If None, checks the pulse pattern and determine the t_offset assuming mininum pulse separation of 220 ns and digitizer resolution of 2 GHz. npulses: number of pulses. If None, takes the maximum number of pulses according to the bunch pattern (field 'npulses_sase3') Output: results: DataArray with dims trainId x max(sase3 pulses) ''' keyraw = 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) if keyraw not in data: raise ValueError("Source not found: {}!".format(keyraw)) if npulses is None: npulses = int(data['npulses_sase3'].max().values) if t_offset is None: sa3 = data['sase3'].where(data['sase3']>1) if npulses > 1: #Calculate the number of pulses between two lasing pulses (step) step = sa3.where(data['npulses_sase3']>1, drop=True)[0,:2].values step = int(step[1] - step[0]) #multiply by elementary samples length (220 ns @ 2 GHz = 440) t_offset = 440 * step else: t_offset = 1 results = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((data.trainId.shape[0], npulses)), coords=data[keyraw].coords, dims=['trainId', 'MCP{}fromRaw'.format(mcp)]) for i in range(npulses): a = intstart + t_offset*i b = intstop + t_offset*i bkga = bkgstart + t_offset*i bkgb = bkgstop + t_offset*i if b > data.dims['samplesId']: break bg = np.outer(np.median(data[keyraw][:,bkga:bkgb], axis=1), np.ones(b-a)) results[:,i] = np.trapz(data[keyraw][:,a:b] - bg, axis=1) return results def getTIMapd(data, mcp=1, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None, bkgstart=None, bkgstop=None, t_offset=None, npulses=None, stride=1): ''' Extract peak-integrated data from TIM where pulses are from SASE3 only. If use_apd is False it calculates integration from raw traces. The missing values, in case of change of number of pulses, are filled with NaNs. If no bunch pattern info is available, the function assumes that SASE 3 comes first and that the number of pulses is fixed in both SASE 1 and 3. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing MCP raw traces (e.g. 'MCP1raw') intstart: trace index of integration start intstop: trace index of integration stop bkgstart: trace index of background start bkgstop: trace index of background stop t_offset: number of ADC samples between two pulses mcp: MCP channel number npulses: int, optional. Number of pulses to compute. Required if no bunch pattern info is available. stride: int, optional. Used to select pulses in the APD array if no bunch pattern info is available. Output: tim: DataArray of shape trainId only for SASE3 pulses x N with N=max(number of pulses per train) ''' #1. case where no bunch pattern is available: if 'sase3' not in data: print('Missing bunch pattern info!\n') if npulses is None: raise TypeError('npulses argument is required when bunch pattern ' + 'info is missing.') print('Retrieving {} SASE 3 pulses assuming that '.format(npulses) + 'SASE 3 pulses come first.') if use_apd: tim = data[f'MCP{mcp}apd'][:,:npulses:stride] else: tim = mcpPeaks(data, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, mcp=mcp, t_offset=t_offset, npulses=npulses) return tim #2. If bunch pattern available, define a mask that corresponds to the SASE 3 pulses sa3 = data['sase3'].where(data['sase3']>1, drop=True) sa3 -= sa3[0,0] #2.1 case where apd is used: if use_apd: pulseId = 'apdId' pulseIdDim = data.dims['apdId'] initialDelay = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.initialDelay.value')[0].values upperLimit = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.upperLimit.value')[0].values #440 = samples between two pulses @4.5 MHz with ADQ412 digitizer: period = int((upperLimit - initialDelay)/440) #display some warnings if apd parameters do not match pulse pattern: period_from_bunch_pattern = int(np.nanmin(np.diff(sa3))) if period > period_from_bunch_pattern: print(f'Warning: apd parameter was set to record 1 pulse out of {period} @ 4.5 MHz ' + f'but XFEL delivered 1 pulse out of {period_from_bunch_pattern}.') maxPulses = data['npulses_sase3'].max().values if period*pulseIdDim < period_from_bunch_pattern*(maxPulses-1): print(f'Warning: Number of pulses and/or rep. rate in apd parameters were set ' + f'too low ({pulseIdDim})to record the {maxPulses} SASE 3 pulses') peaks = data[f'MCP{mcp}apd'] #2.2 case where integration is performed on raw trace: else: pulseId = f'MCP{mcp}fromRaw' pulseIdDim = int(np.max(sa3).values) + 1 period = int(np.nanmin(np.diff(sa3))) peaks = mcpPeaks(data, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, mcp=mcp, t_offset=period*440, npulses=pulseIdDim) sa3 = sa3/period #2.3 track the changes of pulse patterns and the indices at which they occured (invAll) idxList, inv = np.unique(sa3, axis=0, return_inverse=True) mask = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((data.dims['trainId'], pulseIdDim), dtype=bool), dims=['trainId', pulseId], coords={'trainId':data.trainId, pulseId:np.arange(pulseIdDim)}) mask = mask.sel(trainId=sa3.trainId) for i,idxApd in enumerate(idxList): idxApd = idxApd[idxApd>=0].astype(int) idxTid = inv==i mask[idxTid, idxApd] = True peaks = peaks.where(mask, drop=True) peaks = peaks.assign_coords({pulseId:np.arange(peaks[pulseId].shape[0])}) return peaks def calibrateTIM(data, rollingWindow=200, mcp=1, plot=False, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None, bkgstart=None, bkgstop=None, t_offset=None, npulses_apd=None): ''' Calibrate TIM signal (Peak-integrated signal) to the slow ion signal of SCS_XGM (photocurrent read by Keithley, channel 'pulseEnergy.photonFlux.value'). The aim is to find F so that E_tim_peak[uJ] = F x TIM_peak. For this, we want to match the SASE3-only average TIM pulse peak per train (TIM_avg) to the slow XGM signal E_slow. Since E_slow is the average energy per pulse over all SASE1 and SASE3 pulses (N1 and N3), we first extract the relative contribution C of the SASE3 pulses by looking at the pulse-resolved signals of the SA3_XGM in the tunnel. There, the signal of SASE1 is usually strong enough to be above noise level. Let TIM_avg be the average of the TIM pulses (SASE3 only). The calibration factor is then defined as: F = E_slow * C * (N1+N3) / ( N3 * TIM_avg ). If N3 changes during the run, we locate the indices for which N3 is maximum and define a window where to apply calibration (indices start/stop). Warning: the calibration does not include the transmission by the KB mirrors! Inputs: data: xarray Dataset rollingWindow: length of running average to calculate TIM_avg mcp: MCP channel plot: boolean. If True, plot calibration results. use_apd: boolean. If False, the TIM pulse peaks are extract from raw traces using getTIMapd intstart: trace index of integration start intstop: trace index of integration stop bkgstart: trace index of background start bkgstop: trace index of background stop t_offset: index separation between two pulses npulses_apd: number of pulses Output: F: float, TIM calibration factor. ''' start = 0 stop = None npulses = data['npulses_sase3'] ntrains = npulses.shape[0] if not np.all(npulses == npulses[0]): start = np.argmax(npulses.values) stop = ntrains + np.argmax(npulses.values[::-1]) - 1 if stop - start < rollingWindow: print('not enough consecutive data points with the largest number of pulses per train') start += rollingWindow stop = np.min((ntrains, stop+rollingWindow)) filteredTIM = getTIMapd(data, mcp, use_apd, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, t_offset, npulses_apd) sa3contrib = saseContribution(data, 'sase3', 'XTD10_XGM') avgFast = filteredTIM.mean(axis=1).rolling(trainId=rollingWindow).mean() ratio = ((data['npulses_sase3']+data['npulses_sase1']) * data['SCS_photonFlux'] * sa3contrib) / (avgFast*data['npulses_sase3']) F = float(ratio[start:stop].median().values) if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) ax = plt.subplot(211) ax.set_title('E[uJ] = {:2e} x TIM (MCP{})'.format(F, mcp)) ax.plot(data['SCS_photonFlux'], label='SCS XGM slow (all SASE)', color='C0') slow_avg_sase3 = data['SCS_photonFlux']*(data['npulses_sase1'] +data['npulses_sase3'])*sa3contrib/data['npulses_sase3'] ax.plot(slow_avg_sase3, label='SCS XGM slow (SASE3 only)', color='C1') ax.plot(avgFast*F, label='Calibrated TIM rolling avg', color='C2') ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('Energy [$\mu$J]', size=10) ax.plot(filteredTIM.mean(axis=1)*F, label='Calibrated TIM train avg', alpha=0.2, color='C9') ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8, ncol=2) plt.xlabel('train in run') ax = plt.subplot(234) xgm_fast = selectSASEinXGM(data) ax.scatter(filteredTIM, xgm_fast, s=5, alpha=0.1, rasterized=True) fit, cov = np.polyfit(filteredTIM.values.flatten(),xgm_fast.values.flatten(),1, cov=True) y=np.poly1d(fit) x=np.linspace(filteredTIM.min(), filteredTIM.max(), 10) ax.plot(x, y(x), lw=2, color='r') ax.set_ylabel('Raw HAMP [$\mu$J]', size=10) ax.set_xlabel('TIM (MCP{}) signal'.format(mcp), size=10) ax.annotate(s='y(x) = F x + A\n'+ 'F = %.3e\n$\Delta$F/F = %.2e\n'%(fit[0],np.abs(np.sqrt(cov[0,0])/fit[0]))+ 'A = %.3e'%fit[1], xy=(0.5,0.6), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=10, color='r') print('TIM calibration factor: %e'%(F)) ax = plt.subplot(235) ax.hist(filteredTIM.values.flatten()*F, bins=50, rwidth=0.8) ax.set_ylabel('number of pulses', size=10) ax.set_xlabel('Pulse energy MCP{} [uJ]'.format(mcp), size=10) ax.set_yscale('log') ax = plt.subplot(236) if not use_apd: pulseStart = intstart pulseStop = intstop else: pulseStart = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.pulseStart.value')[0].values pulseStop = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.pulseStop.value')[0].values if 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) not in data: tid, data = data.attrs['run'].train_from_index(0) trace = data['SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network']['digitizers.channel_1_D.raw.samples'] print('no raw data for MCP{}. Loading trace from MCP1'.format(mcp)) label_trace='MCP1 Voltage [V]' else: trace = data['MCP{}raw'.format(mcp)][0] label_trace='MCP{} Voltage [V]'.format(mcp) ax.plot(trace[:pulseStop+25], 'o-', ms=2, label='trace') ax.axvspan(pulseStart, pulseStop, color='C2', alpha=0.2, label='APD region') ax.axvline(pulseStart, color='gray', ls='--') ax.axvline(pulseStop, color='gray', ls='--') ax.set_xlim(pulseStart - 25, pulseStop + 25) ax.set_ylabel(label_trace, size=10) ax.set_xlabel('sample #', size=10) ax.legend(fontsize=8) plt.tight_layout() return F ''' TIM calibration table Dict with key= photon energy and value= array of polynomial coefficients for each MCP (1,2,3). The polynomials correspond to a fit of the logarithm of the calibration factor as a function of MCP voltage. If P is a polynomial and V the MCP voltage, the calibration factor (in microjoule per APD signal) is given by -exp(P(V)). This table was generated from the calibration of March 2019, proposal 900074, semester 201930, runs 69 - 111 (Ni edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2323 runs 113 - 153 (Co edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2334 runs 163 - 208 (Fe edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2349 ''' tim_calibration_table = { 705.5: np.array([ [-6.85344690e-12, 5.00931986e-08, -1.27206912e-04, 1.15596821e-01, -3.15215367e+01], [ 1.25613942e-11, -5.41566381e-08, 8.28161004e-05, -7.27230153e-02, 3.10984925e+01], [ 1.14094964e-12, 7.72658935e-09, -4.27504907e-05, 4.07253378e-02, -7.00773062e+00]]), 779: np.array([ [ 4.57610777e-12, -2.33282497e-08, 4.65978738e-05, -6.43305156e-02, 3.73958623e+01], [ 2.96325102e-11, -1.61393276e-07, 3.32600044e-04, -3.28468195e-01, 1.28328844e+02], [ 1.14521506e-11, -5.81980336e-08, 1.12518434e-04, -1.19072484e-01, 5.37601559e+01]]), 851: np.array([ [ 3.15774215e-11, -1.71452934e-07, 3.50316512e-04, -3.40098861e-01, 1.31064501e+02], [5.36341958e-11, -2.92533156e-07, 6.00574534e-04, -5.71083140e-01, 2.10547161e+02], [ 3.69445588e-11, -1.97731342e-07, 3.98203522e-04, -3.78338599e-01, 1.41894119e+02]]) } def timFactorFromTable(voltage, photonEnergy, mcp=1): ''' Returns an energy calibration factor for TIM integrated peak signal (APD) according to calibration from March 2019, proposal 900074, semester 201930, runs 69 - 111 (Ni edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2323 runs 113 - 153 (Co edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2334 runs 163 - 208 (Fe edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2349 Uses the tim_calibration_table declared above. Inputs: voltage: MCP voltage in volts. photonEnergy: FEL photon energy in eV. Calibration factor is linearly interpolated between the known values from the calibration table. mcp: MCP channel (1, 2, or 3). Output: f: calibration factor in microjoule per APD signal ''' energies = np.sort([key for key in tim_calibration_table]) if photonEnergy not in energies: if photonEnergy > energies.max(): photonEnergy = energies.max() elif photonEnergy < energies.min(): photonEnergy = energies.min() else: idx = np.searchsorted(energies, photonEnergy) - 1 polyA = np.poly1d(tim_calibration_table[energies[idx]][mcp-1]) polyB = np.poly1d(tim_calibration_table[energies[idx+1]][mcp-1]) fA = -np.exp(polyA(voltage)) fB = -np.exp(polyB(voltage)) f = fA + (fB-fA)/(energies[idx+1]-energies[idx])*(photonEnergy - energies[idx]) return f poly = np.poly1d(tim_calibration_table[photonEnergy][mcp-1]) f = -np.exp(poly(voltage)) return f def checkTimApdWindow(data, mcp=1, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None): ''' Plot the first and last pulses in MCP trace together with the window of integration to check if the pulse integration is properly calculated. If the number of pulses changed during the run, it selects a train where the number of pulses was maximum. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset mcp: MCP channel (1, 2, 3 or 4) use_apd: if True, gets the APD parameters from the digitizer device. If False, uses intstart and intstop as boundaries and uses the bunch pattern to determine the separation between two pulses. intstart: trace index of integration start of the first pulse intstop: trace index of integration stop of the first pulse Output: Plot ''' mcpToChannel={1:'D', 2:'C', 3:'B', 4:'A'} apdChannels={1:3, 2:2, 3:1, 4:0} npulses_max = data['npulses_sase3'].max().values tid = data['npulses_sase3'].where(data['npulses_sase3'] == npulses_max, drop=True).trainId.values if 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) not in data: print('no raw data for MCP{}. Loading average trace from MCP{}'.format(mcp, mcp)) trace = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network', 'digitizers.channel_1_{}.raw.samples'.format(mcpToChannel[mcp]) ).sel({'trainId':tid}).mean(dim='trainId') else: trace = data['MCP{}raw'.format(mcp)].sel({'trainId':tid}).mean(dim='trainId') if use_apd: pulseStart = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_{}.pulseStart.value'.format(apdChannels[mcp]))[0].values pulseStop = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_{}.pulseStop.value'.format(apdChannels[mcp]))[0].values initialDelay = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_{}.initialDelay.value'.format(apdChannels[mcp]))[0].values upperLimit = data.attrs['run'].get_array( 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_{}.upperLimit.value'.format(apdChannels[mcp]))[0].values else: pulseStart = intstart pulseStop = intstop if npulses_max > 1: sa3 = data['sase3'].where(data['sase3']>1) step = sa3.where(data['npulses_sase3']>1, drop=True)[0,:2].values step = int(step[1] - step[0]) nsamples = 440 * step else: nsamples = 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,3)) ax.plot(trace[:pulseStop+25], color='C1', label='first pulse') ax.axvspan(pulseStart, pulseStop, color='k', alpha=0.1, label='APD region') ax.axvline(pulseStart, color='gray', ls='--') ax.axvline(pulseStop, color='gray', ls='--') ax.set_xlim(pulseStart-25, pulseStop+25) ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) ax.set_ylabel('MCP{} Voltage [V]'.format(mcp)) ax.set_xlabel('First pulse sample #') if npulses_max > 1: pulseStart = pulseStart + nsamples*(npulses_max-1) pulseStop = pulseStop + nsamples*(npulses_max-1) ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.plot(range(pulseStart-25,pulseStop+25), trace[pulseStart-25:pulseStop+25], color='C4', label='last pulse') ax2.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) ax2.set_xlabel('Last pulse sample #') lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax2.legend(lines + lines2, labels + labels2, loc=0) else: ax.legend(loc='lower left') plt.tight_layout() def matchXgmTimPulseId(data, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None, bkgstart=None, bkgstop=None, t_offset=None, npulses=None, sase3First=True, stride=1): ''' Function to match XGM pulse Id with TIM pulse Id. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing XGM and TIM data use_apd: bool. If True, uses the digitizer APD ('MCP[1,2,3,4]apd'). If False, peak integration is performed from raw traces. All following parameters are needed in this case. intstart: trace index of integration start intstop: trace index of integration stop bkgstart: trace index of background start bkgstop: trace index of background stop t_offset: index separation between two pulses npulses: number of pulses to compute. Required if no bunch pattern info is available sase3First: bool, needed if bunch pattern is missing. stride: int, used to select pulses in the TIM APD array if no bunch pattern info is available. Output: xr DataSet containing XGM and TIM signals with the share d dimension 'sa3_pId'. Raw traces, raw XGM and raw APD are dropped. ''' dropList = [] mergeList = [] ndata = cleanXGMdata(data, npulses, sase3First) for mcp in range(1,5): if 'MCP{}apd'.format(mcp) in data or 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) in data: MCPapd = getTIMapd(data, mcp=mcp, use_apd=use_apd, intstart=intstart, intstop=intstop,bkgstart=bkgstart, bkgstop=bkgstop, t_offset=t_offset, npulses=npulses, stride=stride).rename('MCP{}apd'.format(mcp)) if use_apd: MCPapd = MCPapd.rename({'apdId':'sa3_pId'}) else: MCPapd = MCPapd.rename({'MCP{}fromRaw'.format(mcp):'sa3_pId'}) mergeList.append(MCPapd) if 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) in ndata: dropList.append('MCP{}raw'.format(mcp)) if 'MCP{}apd'.format(mcp) in data: dropList.append('MCP{}apd'.format(mcp)) mergeList.append(ndata.drop(dropList)) subset = xr.merge(mergeList, join='inner') for k in ndata.attrs.keys(): subset.attrs[k] = ndata.attrs[k] return subset # Fast ADC def fastAdcPeaks(data, channel, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, period=None, npulses=None, source='scs_ppl', usePeakValue=False, peakType='pos'): ''' Computes peak integration from raw FastADC traces. Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing FastADC raw traces (e.g. 'FastADC1raw') channel: FastADC channel number intstart: trace index of integration start intstop: trace index of integration stop bkgstart: trace index of background start bkgstop: trace index of background stop period: number of samples between two pulses. Needed if bunch pattern info is not available. If None, checks the pulse pattern and determine the period assuming a resolution of 9.23 ns per sample which leads to 24 samples between two bunches @ 4.5 MHz. npulses: number of pulses. If None, takes the maximum number of pulses according to the bunch patter (field 'npulses_sase3') source: str, nature of the pulses, 'sase[1,2 or 3]', or 'scs_ppl', or any name. Used to give name to the peak Id dimension. usePeakValue: bool, if True takes the peak value of the signal, otherwise integrates over integration region. peakType: str, 'pos' or 'neg'. Used if usePeakValue is True to indicate if min or max value should be extracted. Output: results: DataArray with dims trainId x max(sase3 pulses) ''' keyraw = 'FastADC{}raw'.format(channel) if keyraw not in data: raise ValueError("Source not found: {}!".format(keyraw)) if npulses is None or period is None: indices, npulses_bp, mask = tb.extractBunchPattern(runDir=data.attrs['run'], key=source) if npulses is None: npulses = int(npulses_bp.max().values) if period is None: indices = indices_bp.where(indices_bp>1) if npulses > 1: #Calculate the number of pulses between two lasing pulses (step) step = indices.where(npulses_bp>1, drop=True)[0,:2].values step = int(step[1] - step[0]) #multiply by elementary pulse length (221.5 ns / 9.23 ns = 24 samples) period = 24 * step else: period = 1 pulseId = source if source=='scs_ppl': pulseId = 'ol_pId' if 'sase' in source: pulseId = f'sa{source[4]}_pId' results = xr.DataArray(np.empty((data.trainId.shape[0], npulses)), coords=data[keyraw].coords, dims=['trainId', pulseId]) for i in range(npulses): a = intstart + period*i b = intstop + period*i bkga = bkgstart + period*i bkgb = bkgstop + period*i bg = np.outer(np.median(data[keyraw][:,bkga:bkgb], axis=1), np.ones(b-a)) if usePeakValue: if peakType=='pos': val = np.max(data[keyraw][:,a:b] - bg, axis=1) if peakType=='neg': val = np.min(data[keyraw][:,a:b] - bg, axis=1) else: val = np.trapz(data[keyraw][:,a:b] - bg, axis=1) results[:,i] = val return results def autoFindFastAdcPeaks(data, channel=5, window='large', usePeakValue=False, source='scs_ppl', display=False, plot=False): ''' Automatically finds peaks in channel of Fast ADC trace, a minimum width of 4 samples. The find_peaks function and determination of the peak integration region and baseline subtraction is optimized for typical photodiode signals of the SCS instrument (ILH, FFT reflectometer, FFT diag stage). Inputs: data: xarray Dataset containing Fast ADC traces key: data key of the array of traces window: 'small' or 'large': defines the width of the integration region centered on the peak. usePeakValue: bool, if True takes the peak value of the signal, otherwise integrates over integration region. display: bool, displays info on the pulses found plot: bool, plots regions of integration of the first pulse in the trace Output: peaks: DataArray of the integrated peaks ''' key = f'FastADC{channel}raw' if key not in data: raise ValueError(f'{key} not found in data set') #average over the 100 first traces to get at least one train with signal trace = data[key].isel(trainId=slice(0,100)).mean(dim='trainId').values if plot: trace_plot = np.copy(trace) #subtract baseline and check if peaks are positive or negative bl = np.median(trace) trace_no_bl = trace - bl if np.max(trace_no_bl) >= np.abs(np.min(trace_no_bl)): posNeg = 'positive' else: posNeg = 'negative' trace_no_bl *= -1 trace = bl + trace_no_bl threshold = bl + np.max(trace_no_bl) / 2 #find peaks centers, peaks = find_peaks(trace, height=threshold, width=(4, None)) c = centers[0] w = np.average(peaks['widths']).astype(int) period = np.median(np.diff(centers)).astype(int) npulses = centers.shape[0] if window not in ['small', 'large']: raise ValueError(f"'window argument should be either 'small' or 'large', not {window}") if window=='small': intstart = int(c - w/4) + 1 intstop = int(c + w/4) + 1 if window=='large': intstart = int(peaks['left_ips'][0]) intstop = int(peaks['right_ips'][0]) + w bkgstop = int(peaks['left_ips'][0])-5 bkgstart = bkgstop - 10 if display: print(f'Found {npulses} {posNeg} pulses, avg. width={w}, period={period} samples, ' + f'rep. rate={1e6/(9.230769*period):.3f} kHz') fAdcPeaks = fastAdcPeaks(data, channel=channel, intstart=intstart, intstop=intstop, bkgstart=bkgstart, bkgstop=bkgstop, period=period, npulses=npulses, source=source, usePeakValue=usePeakValue, peakType=posNeg[:3]) if plot: plt.figure() plt.plot(trace_plot, 'o-', ms=3) for i in range(npulses): plt.axvline(intstart+i*period, ls='--', color='g') plt.axvline(intstop+i*period, ls='--', color='r') plt.axvline(bkgstart+i*period, ls='--', color='lightgrey') plt.axvline(bkgstop+i*period, ls='--', color='grey') plt.title(f'Fast ADC {channel} trace') plt.xlim(bkgstart-10, intstop + 50) return fAdcPeaks def mergeFastAdcPeaks(data, channel, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, period=None, npulses=None, dim='lasPulseId'): ''' Calculates the peaks from Fast ADC raw traces with fastAdcPeaks() and merges the results in Dataset. Inputs: data: xr Dataset with 'FastADC[channel]raw' traces channel: Fast ADC channel intstart: trace index of integration start intstop: trace index of integration stop bkgstart: trace index of background start bkgstop: trace index of background stop period: Number of ADC samples between two pulses. Needed if bunch pattern info is not available. If None, checks the pulse pattern and determine the period assuming a resolution of 9.23 ns per sample = 24 samples between two pulses @ 4.5 MHz. npulses: number of pulses. If None, takes the maximum number of pulses according to the bunch patter (field 'npulses_sase3') dim: name of the xr dataset dimension along the peaks ''' peaks = fastAdcPeaks(data, channel=channel, intstart=intstart, intstop=intstop, bkgstart=bkgstart, bkgstop=bkgstop, period=period, npulses=npulses) key = 'FastADC{}peaks'.format(channel) if key in data: s = data.drop(key) else: s = data peaks = peaks.rename(key).rename({'peakId':dim}) subset = xr.merge([s, peaks], join='inner') for k in data.attrs.keys(): subset.attrs[k] = data.attrs[k] return subset