diff --git a/pes_to_spec/model.py b/pes_to_spec/model.py
index f4b677f1edb2b56ae9edec21715638b15ced3ffa..b95641de1a0445226822663d9c5dc1e2b4bf95cc 100644
--- a/pes_to_spec/model.py
+++ b/pes_to_spec/model.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import dask.array as da
 import numpy as np
 import scipy
+import lmfit
 from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
 from sklearn.covariance import EllipticEnvelope
 from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA, PCA
@@ -76,6 +77,42 @@ def deconv(y: np.ndarray, yhat: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.
     H = Syh/Syy
     return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(H)), H, Syy
+def fit_gaussian(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> lmfit.ModelResult:
+    """Fit Gaussian and return the fit result."""
+    def gaussian(x, amplitude, centre, sigma):
+        return amplitude * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - centre)**2 / (sigma**2))
+    gmodel = lmfit.Model(gaussian)
+    result = gmodel.fit(y, x=x, centre=0.0, amplitude=np.amax(y), sigma=1.0)
+    return result
+def get_resolution(y: np.ndarray, y_hat: np.ndarray, e: np.ndarray,
+                   e_center: Optional[float]=None, e_width: Optional[float]=None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, lmfit.ModelResult]:
+    """
+    Given the true y and the predicted y, together with the energy axis e,
+    estimate the impulse response of the system and return the Gaussian fit to it.
+    If e_center and e_width are given, multiply the spectra by a box function with given parameters before the resolution estimate.
+    Args:
+      y: The true spectrum. Shape (N, K).
+      y_hat: The predicted spectrum. Shape (N, K).
+      e: The energy axis. Shape (K,).
+      e_center: If given the energy value, for which to probe the resolution.
+      e_width: The width of the energy neighbourhood to probe if e_center is given.
+    Returns: The centered energy axis, the impulse response and the fit result.
+    """
+    e_range = e[-1] - e[0]
+    e_axis = np.linspace(-0.5*e_range, 0.5*e_range, len(e))
+    y_sel = y
+    y_hat_sel = y_hat
+    if e_center is not None and e_width is not None:
+        #f = ((e > e_center - e_width*0.5) & (e < e_center + e_width*0.5)).astype(np.float32)
+        f = np.exp(-0.5 * (e - e_center)**2 / (e_width**2))
+        f /= np.sum(f)
+        y_sel = y_sel*f
+        y_hat_sel = y_hat_sel*f
+    h, H, S = deconv(y_sel, y_hat_sel)
+    return e_axis, h, fit_gaussian(e_axis, np.absolute(h))
 class PromptNotFoundError(Exception):