diff --git a/pes_to_spec/model.py b/pes_to_spec/model.py
index d5264de850e8e1528706cd38c51e215908fb56e6..141591def848bd5ef2018c6adda9dcc1e0b7849c 100644
--- a/pes_to_spec/model.py
+++ b/pes_to_spec/model.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
 from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
 def matching_ids(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
     """Returns list of train IDs common to sets a, b and c."""
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Model(object):
         high_res_gc = fftconvolve(high_res_data, gaussian, mode="same", axes=1)/80.0
         return high_res_gc
-    def fit(self, low_res_data: Dict[str, np.ndarray], high_res_data: np.ndarray, high_res_photon_energy: np.ndarray):
+    def fit(self, low_res_data: Dict[str, np.ndarray], high_res_data: np.ndarray, high_res_photon_energy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
         Train the model.
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ class Model(object):
           low_res_data: Low resolution data as a dictionary with the key set to `channel_{i}_{k}`, where i is a number between 1 and 4 and k is a letter between A and D. For each dictionary entry, a numpy array is expected with shape (train_id, ToF channel).
           high_res_data: Reference high resolution data with a one-to-one match to the low resolution data in the train_id dimension. Shape (train_id, ToF channel).
           high_res_photon_energy: Photon energy axis for the high-resolution data.
+        Returns: Smoothened high resolution spectrum.
         self.high_res_photon_energy = high_res_photon_energy
@@ -117,7 +119,9 @@ class Model(object):
         self.fit_model.fit(low_pca_train, high_pca_train, low_pca_test, high_pca_test)
         high_pca_rec = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca)
-        self.high_pca_unc =  np.sqrt(np.mean((high_res - high_pca_rec)**2, axis=0))
+        self.high_pca_unc =  np.sqrt(np.mean((high_res - high_pca_rec)**2, axis=0, keepdims=True))
+        return high_res
     def predict(self, low_res_data: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
@@ -127,15 +131,17 @@ class Model(object):
           low_res_data: Low resolution data as in the fit step with shape (train_id, channel, ToF channel).
-        Returns: High resolution data with shape (3, train_id, ToF channel). The component 0 of the first dimension is the predicted spectrum. Components 1 and 2 correspond to two sources of uncertainty.
+        Returns: High resolution data with shape (train_id, ToF channel, 3). The component 0 of the last dimension is the predicted spectrum. Components 1 and 2 correspond to two sources of uncertainty.
         low_res = self.preprocess_low_res(low_res_data)
         low_pca = self.lr_pca.transform(low_res)
+        n_trains = low_res.shape[0]
         # Get high res.
-        high_pca = self.fit_model.predict(low_pca, None, None)
+        high_pca = self.fit_model.predict(low_pca)
         high_res_predicted = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca["Y"])
-        high_res_unc = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca["Y"] + high_pca["Y_eps"]) - high_pca_predicted
-        result = np.stack((high_res_predicted, high_res_unc, self.high_pca_unc), axis=0)
+        n_high_res_features = high_res_predicted.shape[1]
+        high_res_unc = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca["Y"] + high_pca["Y_eps"]) - high_res_predicted
+        result = np.stack((high_res_predicted, high_res_unc, np.broadcast_to(self.high_pca_unc, (n_trains, n_high_res_features))), axis=2)
         return result
     def save(self, filename: str, lr_pca_filename: str, hr_pca_filename: str):
diff --git a/scripts/test_analysis.py b/scripts/test_analysis.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index adb6b8ebb6e5c450eccb0a048c537bcbef55bfcf..56b422c8f0be0d584c4dfe5d9a715a99a1a61ae8
--- a/scripts/test_analysis.py
+++ b/scripts/test_analysis.py
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import numpy as np
 from extra_data import RunDirectory, by_id
 from pes_to_spec.model import Model, matching_ids
+from itertools import product
 import matplotlib
@@ -23,10 +29,15 @@ def plot_result(filename: str, spec_pred: np.ndarray, spec_raw_int: np.ndarray,
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
     gs = GridSpec(1, 1)
     ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
-    ax.plot(spec_raw_pe, spec_raw_int, c='b', lw=3, label="High resolution measurement")
-    ax.plot(spec_raw_pe, spec_pred[0,:], c='r', lw=3, label="High resolution prediction")
-    ax.fill_between(spec_raw_pe, spec_pred[0,:] - spec_pred[1,:], spec_pred[0,:] + spec_pred[1,:], fillcolor='red', alpha=0.6, label="68% unc. (stat.)")
-    ax.fill_between(spec_raw_pe, spec_pred[0,:] - spec_pred[2,:], spec_pred[0,:] + spec_pred[2,:], fillcolor='magenta', alpha=0.6, label="68% unc. (syst., PCA)")
+    eps = np.mean(spec_pred[:, 1])
+    ax.plot(spec_raw_pe, spec_raw_int, c='b', lw=3, label="High resolution measurement (smoothened)")
+    ax.plot(spec_raw_pe, spec_pred[:, 0], c='r', lw=3, label="High resolution prediction")
+    ax.fill_between(spec_raw_pe, spec_pred[:, 0] - spec_pred[:, 1], spec_pred[:, 0] + spec_pred[:, 1], facecolor='red', alpha=0.6, label="68% unc. (stat.)")
+    ax.fill_between(spec_raw_pe, spec_pred[:, 0] - spec_pred[:, 2], spec_pred[:, 0] + spec_pred[:, 2], facecolor='magenta', alpha=0.6, label="68% unc. (syst., PCA)")
+    ax.legend()
+    ax.set(title=f"avg(unc) = {eps}",
+           xlabel="Photon energy [eV]",
+           ylabel="Intensity")
@@ -56,7 +67,7 @@ def main():
     spec_raw_int = run['SA3_XTD10_SPECT/MDL/FEL_BEAM_SPECTROMETER_SQS1:output', f"data.intensityDistribution"].select_trains(by_id[tids - spec_offset]).ndarray()
     # read the PES data for each channel
-    channels = [f"channel_{i}_{l}" for i, l in zip(range(1, 5), ["A", "B", "C", "D"])]
+    channels = [f"channel_{i}_{l}" for i, l in product(range(1, 5), ["A", "B", "C", "D"])]
     pes_raw = {ch: run['SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network', f"digitizers.{ch}.raw.samples"].select_trains(by_id[tids]).ndarray() for ch in channels}
     # read the XGM information
@@ -66,14 +77,17 @@ def main():
     #retvol_raw_timestamp = run["SA3_XTD10_PES/MDL/DAQ_MPOD", "u212.timestamp"].select_trains(by_id[tids]).ndarray()
     model = Model()
-    model.fit({k: v[train_tids,:] for k, v in pes_raw}, spec_raw_int[train_tids,:], spec_raw_pe[train_tids, :])
+    train_idx = np.isin(tids, train_tids)
+    model.fit({k: v[train_idx, :] for k, v in pes_raw.items()}, spec_raw_int[train_idx, :], spec_raw_pe[train_idx, :])
+    spec_smooth = model.preprocess_high_res(spec_raw_int, spec_raw_pe)
     # test
     spec_pred = model.predict(pes_raw)
     # plot
     for tid in test_tids:
-        plot_result(f"test_{tid}.png", spec_pred[:, tid, :], spec_raw_int[tid, :], spec_raw_pe[0, :])
+        idx = np.where(tid==tids)[0][0]
+        plot_result(f"test_{tid}.png", spec_pred[idx, :, :], spec_smooth[idx, :], spec_raw_pe[idx, :], eps)
 if __name__ == '__main__':