diff --git a/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py b/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py
index d85dfaae94143ad6fbd267b8379d5cec6cdd4bad..12e1e941d97fb206ccd4c6972463403a5593e98d 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ebpfcat.py
@@ -260,36 +260,36 @@ class EtherXDP(XDP):
     counters = variables.globalVar("64I")
     rate = 0
+    DATA0 = 26
     def program(self):
         ETHERTYPE = 12
         CMD0 = 16
-        IDX0 = 17
         ADDR0 = 18
         with prandom(self.ebpf) & 0xffff < self.rate:
             self.dropcounter += 1
-        with self.packetSize > 24 as p, p.pH[ETHERTYPE] == 0xA488, \
+        with self.packetSize > 30 as p, p.pH[ETHERTYPE] == 0xA488, \
                 p.pB[CMD0] == 0:
             self.r3 = p.pI[ADDR0]  # use r3 for tail_call
             with self.counters.get_address(None, False, False) as (dst, _), \
                     self.r3 < FastEtherCat.MAX_PROGS:
                 self.r[dst] += 4 * self.r3
-                self.r4 = self.mB[self.r[dst]]
+                self.r4 = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
                 # we lost a packet
-                with p.pB[IDX0] == self.r4 as Else:
+                with p.pH[self.DATA0] == self.r4 as Else:
                     self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1 + (self.r4 & 1)
                 # normal case: two packets on the wire
-                with Else, ((p.pB[IDX0] + 1 & 0xff) == self.r4) \
-                           | (p.pB[IDX0] == 0) as Else:
+                with Else, ((p.pH[self.DATA0] + 1 & 0xffff) == self.r4) \
+                           | (p.pH[self.DATA0] == 0) as Else:
                     self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1
                     with self.r4 & 1:  # last one was active
-                        p.pB[IDX0] = self.mB[self.r[dst]]
+                        p.pH[self.DATA0] = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
                 with Else:
-                p.pB[IDX0] = self.mB[self.r[dst]]
+                p.pH[self.DATA0] = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
                 self.r2 = self.get_fd(self.programs)
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class FastSyncGroup(SyncGroupBase, XDP):
             await super().run()
     def update_devices(self, data):
-        if data[3] & 1:
+        if data[EtherXDP.DATA0 - Packet.ETHERNET_HEADER] & 1:
             self.current_data = data
         elif self.current_data is None:
             return self.asm_packet
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ethercat.py b/ebpfcat/ethercat.py
index 4b703e2e2207898e7361f568d965ce2299a8f0b2..4757bb57a36d6ca7adb1dec6f2aa2a4466ecac2b 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ethercat.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ethercat.py
@@ -191,12 +191,13 @@ class Packet:
     MAXSIZE = 1000  # maximum size we use for an EtherCAT packet
     def __init__(self):
         self.data = []
-        self.size = 14
+        self.size = self.PACKET_HEADER
     def append(self, cmd, data, idx, *address):
         """Append a datagram to the packet
@@ -220,13 +221,15 @@ class Packet:
         An implicit empty datagram is added at the beginning of the packet
         that may be used as an identifier for the packet.
-        ret = [pack("<HBBiHHH", self.size | 0x1000, 0, 0, index, 1 << 15, 0, 0)]
+        ret = [pack("<HBBiHHHH", (self.size-2) | 0x1000, 0, 0, index, 0x8002, 0, 0, 0)]
         for i, (cmd, data, *dgram) in enumerate(self.data, start=1):
             ret.append(pack("<BBhHHH" if len(dgram) == 3 else "<BBiHH",
                             cmd.value, *dgram,
                             len(data) | ((i < len(self.data)) << 15), 0))
+        if self.size < 46:
+            ret.append(b"3" * (46 - self.size))
         return b''.join(ret)
     def __str__(self):
diff --git a/ebpfcat/ethercat_test.py b/ebpfcat/ethercat_test.py
index 7b7ea857a578f4e8537e9bde78966e1b6aca0cf4..a895f3a3934c4f82f05371b8826f53daaf0c9eea 100644
--- a/ebpfcat/ethercat_test.py
+++ b/ebpfcat/ethercat_test.py
@@ -123,30 +123,34 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
         ec.results = [None, None]
         await ti.initialize(-1, 4)
         ai = AnalogInput(ti.channel1.value)
-        SyncGroup.packet_index = 1000
+        SyncGroup.packet_index = 0x66554433
         sg = SyncGroup(ec, [ai])
         self.task = sg.start()
         ec.expected = [
             H("2a10"  # EtherCAT Header, length & type
-              "0000e8030000008000000000"  # ID datagram
+              "0000334455660280000000000000"  # ID datagram
               # in datagram
-              "04000400801110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
-            1000, # == 0x3e8, see ID datagram
+              "04000400801110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+              "3333"), # padding
+            0x66554433, # index
             H("2a10"  # EtherCAT Header, length & type
-              "0000e8030000008000000000"  # ID datagram
+              "0000334455660280000000000000"  # ID datagram
               # in datagram
-              "04000400801110000000123456780000000000000000000000000000"),
-            1000,
+              "04000400801110000000123456780000000000000000000000000000"
+              "3333"),  # padding
+            0x66554433, # index
         ec.results = [
             H("2a10"  # EtherCAT Header, length & type
-              "0000e8030000008000000000"  # ID datagram
+              "0000334455660280000000000000"  # ID datagram
               # in datagram
-              "04000400801110000000123456780000000000000000000000000000"),
+              "04000400801110000000123456780000000000000000000000000000"
+              "3333"), # padding
             H("2a10"  # EtherCAT Header, length & type
-              "0000e8030000008000000000"  # ID datagram
+              "0000334455660280000000000000"  # ID datagram
               # in datagram
-              "04000400801110000000123456780000000000000000000000000000"),
+              "04000400801110000000123456780000000000000000000000000000"
+              "3333"), # padding
         self.future = Future()
         with self.assertRaises(CancelledError):
@@ -169,14 +173,15 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
         ec.results = [None, None]
         await ti.initialize(-2, 7)
         ao = AnalogOutput(ti.ch1_value)
-        SyncGroup.packet_index = 1000
+        SyncGroup.packet_index = 0x55443322
         sg = SyncGroup(ec, [ao])
         self.task = sg.start()
         ec.expected = [
             H("2210"  # EtherCAT Header, length & type
-              "0000e8030000008000000000"  # ID datagram
-              "0500070000110800000000000000000000000000"), # out datagram
-            1000, # == 0x3e8, see ID datagram
+              "0000223344550280000000000000"  # ID datagram
+              "0500070000110800000000000000000000000000" # out datagram
+              "33333333333333333333"), # padding
+            0x55443322,  # index
         ec.results = [
             (8, 0),  # return state 8, no error
@@ -187,14 +192,16 @@ class Tests(TestCase):
             await gather(self.future, self.task)
         ec.expected = [
             H("2210"  # EtherCAT Header, length & type
-              "0000e8030000008000000000"  # ID datagram
-              "0500070000110800000076980000000000000000"), # out datagram
-            1000,
+              "0000223344550280000000000000"  # ID datagram
+              "0500070000110800000076980000000000000000" # out datagram
+              "33333333333333333333"), # padding
+            0x55443322,  # index
         ec.results = [
             H("2210"  # EtherCAT Header, length & type
-              "0000e8030000008000000000"  # ID datagram
-              "0500070000110800000076980000000000000000"), # out datagram
+              "0000223344550280000000000000"  # ID datagram
+              "0500070000110800000076980000000000000000" # out datagram
+              "33333333333333333333"), # padding
         self.future = Future()
         with self.assertRaises(CancelledError):