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hRIXS functions

Merged Cammille Carinan requested to merge hrixs into master
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@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ CURVE_A = 2.19042931e-02 # curvature parameters as determined elsewhere
CURVE_B = -3.02191568e-07
def centroid(image, threshold=THRESHOLD, curvature=(CURVE_A, CURVE_B)):
def _esrf_centroid(image, threshold=THRESHOLD, curvature=(CURVE_A, CURVE_B)):
gs = 2
base = image.mean()
cp = np.argwhere(image[gs // 2: -gs // 2, gs // 2: -gs // 2] > threshold) + np.array([gs // 2, gs // 2])
@@ -175,6 +175,43 @@ def centroid(image, threshold=THRESHOLD, curvature=(CURVE_A, CURVE_B)):
return res
def _new_centroid(image, threshold=THRESHOLD, curvature=(CURVE_A, CURVE_B)):
"""find the position of photons with sub-pixel precision
A photon is supposed to have hit the detector if the intensity within a
2-by-2 square exceeds a threshold. In this case the position of the photon
is calculated as the center-of-mass in a 4-by-4 square.
Return the list of x,y coordinate pairs, corrected by the curvature.
base = image.mean()
corners = image[1:, 1:] + image[:-1, 1:] + image[1:, :-1] + image[:-1, :-1]
threshold = corners.mean() + 3.5 * corners.std()
middle = corners[1:-1, 1:-1]
candidates = (
(middle > threshold)
* (middle >= corners[:-2, 1:-1]) * (middle > corners[2:, 1:-1])
* (middle >= corners[1:-1, :-2]) * (middle > corners[1:-1, 2:])
* (middle >= corners[:-2, :-2]) * (middle > corners[2:, :-2])
* (middle >= corners[:-2, 2:]) * (middle > corners[2:, 2:]))
cp = np.argwhere(candidates)
if len(cp) > 10000:
raise RuntimeError(
"too many peaks, threshold too low or acquisition time too high")
res = []
for cy, cx in cp:
spot = image[cy: cy + 4, cx: cx + 4] - base
mx = np.average(np.arange(cx, cx + 4), weights=spot.sum(axis=0))
my = np.average(np.arange(cy, cy + 4), weights=spot.sum(axis=1))
my -= (curvature[0] + curvature[1] * mx) * mx
res.append((my, mx))
return res
centroid = _new_centroid
def decentroid(res):
res = np.array(res)
ret = np.zeros(shape=(res.max(axis=0) + 1).astype(int))
@@ -270,12 +307,10 @@ class hRIXS:
if proposal is None:
proposal = cls.PROPOSAL
run, data = tb.load(proposal,
fields=['hRIXS_det', 'SCS_slowTrain'])
run, data = tb.load(proposal, runNB=runNB, fields=['hRIXS_det'])
# Get slow train data
mnemo = tb.mnemonics['SCS_slowTrain'][0]
mnemo = tb.mnemonics_for_run(run)['SCS_slowTrain']
slow_train = run[mnemo['source'], mnemo['key']].ndarray().sum()
return cls(images=data['hRIXS_det'][1 if first_wrong else 0:].data,