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Offline calibration and processing machinery.
Documentation: https://rtd.xfel.eu/docs/european-xfel-offline-calibration/en/latest/
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dataAnalysis / EXtra-speckle
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Some Jupyter notebooks to help beginners start using a selected set of ML methods.
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Function that decodes the timing information in the 115KBaud protocol received via USB.
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Machine Learning projects. / pes_to_spec
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
this is a repo for online xpcs used with calng (related repos: -fastXPCS: code used for offline analysis, but also contains utility functions useful for this project, e.g., code to compute the XPCS -steamAgipd: online calibration of agipd and xpcs)
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Interactive jupyter notebook widget to calculate beam splitting off-axis zone plate (BOZ) (formerly known as transmission zone plate grating TZPG) beams size and position at the sample and detector planes for the SCS instrument.
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Next generation online calibration pipeline
Operator documentation: https://rtd.xfel.eu/docs/calng/en/latest/
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Bash source to ease the writing of functions to configure/monitor FPGA projects
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dataAnalysis / EXDF-tools
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseTools to work with EXDF HDF5 files
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