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Draft: Caching addon runner

David Hammer requested to merge caching-addon-runner into master


  • Ability to either process live data (pass-through mode) or cache some trains to later do the same processing to them
  • Ability to start building new cache while still processing old cache (two buffers, swap later)
  • Load correction addons from entry points like correction devices
  • Run correction addons
    • Load data to GPU first
    • Run "while data on GPU" hook
    • Get data off GPU
    • Run "after data is back in memory" hook
  • Provide proper output schema
  • Look more like a device
    • Monitor, provide geometry
    • Have, potentially, a list of fastSources
    • Imitate other device properties as needed (not well-defined, should improve API instead of assuming addons will inspect device schema / properties deeply)
Edited by David Hammer

Merge request reports