Python Scripted Calibration
First: do not run this on the Maxell gateway. Rather, salloc a node for yourself first:
salloc -p exfel/upex -t 01:00:00
where -p gives the partition to use: exfel or upex and -t the duration the node should be allocated. Then ssh onto that node.
(optionally) Set up the environment:
module load python3
pip install --user ipython --upgrade
pip install --user ipyparallel --upgrade
pip install --user dill
If running headless (i.e. without X forwarding), be sure to set MPLBACKEND=Agg, via:
Then start an ipcluster. If you followed the steps above this can be done via:
~/.local/bin/ipcluster start --n=32
Run the script:
python3 --input /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/201701/p002012/raw/r0100 \
--output ../../test_out --mem-cells 30 --detector AGIPD --sequences 0,1
Here --input should point to a directory of RAW files for the detector you are calibrating. They will be output into the folder specified by --output, which will have the run number or the last folder in the hiearchy of the input appended. Additionally, you need to specify the number of --mem-cells used for the run, as well as the --detector. Finally, you can optionally specify to only process certain --sequences of files, matching the sequence numbers of the RAW input. These should be given as a comma-separated list.
Finally, there is a --no-relgain option, which disables relative gain correction. This can be useful while we still further characterize the detectors to provid accurate relative gain correction constants.
You'll get a series of plots in the output directory as well.