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Update nbparameterise to 0.6

Thomas Kluyver requested to merge feat/nbparam-0.6 into master


Update to the latest nbparameterise. The new functionality is not really important to us, but it may be useful, or at least less surprising, that unrecognised code in the parameters cell is now preserved rather than deleted. There should be no drawbacks from using the new version.

If we make relevant improvements in future versions, e.g. to use type hints, it will also be a smaller update to do then.

How Has This Been Tested?

I've installed it in my testing environment, manually removed astsearch, and re-run a random calibration:

xfel-calibrate jungfrau CORRECT --slurm-name correct_FXE_jungfrau_202222_p003495_r7 \
    --cal-db-timeout 300000 --cal-db-interface 'tcp://max-exfl016:8015#8044' \
    --karabo-da JNGFR01 JNGFR02 --receiver-template 'JNGFR{:02d}' \
    --roi-definitions 2 140 160 0 1024 -2 2 40 60 0 1024 -2 \
    --in-folder /gpfs/exfel/exp/FXE/202222/p003495/raw \
    --out-folder /gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/kluyvert/jf-calib-p3495-r7 \
    --karabo-id FXE_XAD_JF1M --run 7

I've inspected one of the resulting notebooks manually to check that the specified parameters were used.

Types of changes

  • Chore (non-code changes, e.g. comments, readme, grammar, etc...)


@schmidtp @ahmedk

Merge request reports