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'spi-check-red' cli for cross-checking results of SPI data reduction

Oleksii Turkot requested to merge red_check into main

'spi-check-red' cli allows to cross-check whether produced RED data correspond to the input from users.

Currently the output of the tool looks like:

% spi-check-red 5476 32:659 -t raw --spi-reduce-cfel
INFO:spi_reduction.cli.check_red:Cross-checking RED raw data in proposal 5476 for run(s) 32:659.
INFO:spi_reduction.cli.check_red:User reduction input: 
SPIFrameSelectCFEL - reduce SPI data in CFEL format with:
    proposal_num: 5476
    base_path: '/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202401/p005476/scratch/events'
INFO:spi_reduction.cli.check_red:r0032: RED is not missing any selected frames. User data is missing 1 train(s) present in RED.
INFO:spi_reduction.cli.check_red:r0037: RED is not missing any selected frames. User data is missing 142 train(s) present in RED.
ERROR:spi_reduction.cli.check_red:r0038: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202401/p005476/red/r0038'
ERROR:spi_reduction.cli.check_red:r0044: No detector sources identified in the data
INFO:spi_reduction.cli.check_red:r0121: Full match of trainId and pulseId between RED and selection.
Edited by Oleksii Turkot

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