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Fix issues found during commissioning

Cyril Danilevski requested to merge fix/commissioning into master

Hi @amunnich ,

The following are fixes of issues that were found during testing at SQS with POD.

These are 3 parts:

  • On one hand, I had mistakenly set the maximum spectrum size to 2048, which meant that the DAQ was dropping data when acquiring larger spectra.
  • The connectDevice import was missing, and thus could not connect to the POD device.
  • Configuring the POD turns out to be different from what we'd expect:
    One has to set actualBunches to 0 (by doing targetBunches = 0 and call setBunches),
    Then set targetBuches = 1, Finally call start every time.

These changes were tested at SQS with David Lomidze.
Data was successfully recorded, and it's now all running as expected.

Thanks! Cyril

Edited by Cyril Danilevski

Merge request reports