Loïc Le Guyader authoredLoïc Le Guyader authored
xgm.py 36.28 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Toolbox for SCS.
Various utilities function to quickly process data measured at the SCS instruments.
Copyright (2019) SCS Team.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
def pulsePatternInfo(data, plot=False):
''' display general information on the pulse patterns operated by SASE1 and SASE3.
This is useful to track changes of number of pulses or mode of operation of
SASE1 and SASE3. It also determines which SASE comes first in the train and
the minimum separation between the two SASE sub-trains.
data: xarray Dataset containing pulse pattern info from the bunch decoder MDL:
{'sase1, sase3', 'npulses_sase1', 'npulses_sase3'}
plot: bool enabling/disabling the plotting of the pulse patterns
print of pulse pattern info. If plot==True, plot of the pulse pattern.
#Which SASE comes first?
npulses_sa3 = data['npulses_sase3']
npulses_sa1 = data['npulses_sase1']
dedicated = False
if np.all(npulses_sa1.where(npulses_sa3 !=0, drop=True) == 0):
dedicated = True
print('No SASE 1 pulses during SASE 3 operation')
if np.all(npulses_sa3.where(npulses_sa1 !=0, drop=True) == 0):
dedicated = True
print('No SASE 3 pulses during SASE 1 operation')
if dedicated==False:
pulseIdmin_sa1 = data['sase1'].where(npulses_sa1 != 0).where(data['sase1']>1).min().values
pulseIdmax_sa1 = data['sase1'].where(npulses_sa1 != 0).where(data['sase1']>1).max().values
pulseIdmin_sa3 = data['sase3'].where(npulses_sa3 != 0).where(data['sase3']>1).min().values
pulseIdmax_sa3 = data['sase3'].where(npulses_sa3 != 0).where(data['sase3']>1).max().values
#print(pulseIdmin_sa1, pulseIdmax_sa1, pulseIdmin_sa3, pulseIdmax_sa3)
if pulseIdmin_sa1 > pulseIdmax_sa3:
t = 0.220*(pulseIdmin_sa1 - pulseIdmax_sa3 + 1)
print('SASE 3 pulses come before SASE 1 pulses (minimum separation %.1f µs)'%t)
elif pulseIdmin_sa3 > pulseIdmax_sa1:
t = 0.220*(pulseIdmin_sa3 - pulseIdmax_sa1 + 1)
print('SASE 1 pulses come before SASE 3 pulses (minimum separation %.1f µs)'%t)
print('Interleaved mode')
#What is the pulse pattern of each SASE?
for key in['sase3', 'sase1']:
print('\n*** %s pulse pattern: ***'%key.upper())
npulses = data['npulses_%s'%key]
sase = data[key]
if not np.all(npulses == npulses[0]):
print('Warning: number of pulses per train changed during the run!')
#take the derivative along the trainId to track changes in pulse number:
diff = npulses.diff(dim='trainId')
#only keep trainIds where a change occured:
diff = diff.where(diff !=0, drop=True)
#get a list of indices where a change occured:
idx_change = np.argwhere(np.isin(npulses.trainId.values,
diff.trainId.values, assume_unique=True))[:,0]
#add index 0 to get the initial pulse number per train:
idx_change = np.insert(idx_change, 0, 0)
print('npulses\tindex From\tindex To\ttrainId From\ttrainId To\trep. rate [kHz]')
for i,idx in enumerate(idx_change):
n = npulses[idx]
idxFrom = idx
trainIdFrom = npulses.trainId[idx]
if i < len(idx_change)-1:
idxTo = idx_change[i+1]-1
idxTo = npulses.shape[0]-1
trainIdTo = npulses.trainId[idxTo]
if n <= 1:
print('%i\t%i\t\t%i\t\t%i\t%i'%(n, idxFrom, idxTo, trainIdFrom, trainIdTo))
f = 1/((sase[idxFrom,1] - sase[idxFrom,0])*222e-6)
print('%i\t%i\t\t%i\t\t%i\t%i\t%.0f'%(n, idxFrom, idxTo, trainIdFrom, trainIdTo, f))
if plot:
plt.plot(data['npulses_sase3'].trainId, data['npulses_sase3'], 'o-',
ms=3, label='SASE 3')
plt.ylabel('pulses per train')
plt.plot(data['npulses_sase1'].trainId, data['npulses_sase1'], '^-',
ms=3, color='C2', label='SASE 1')
def repRate(data, sase='sase3'):
''' Calculates the pulse repetition rate in sase according
to the bunch pattern and assuming a minimum pulse
separation of 222e-9 seconds.
data: xarray Dataset containing pulse pattern
sase: sase in which the repetition rate is
calculated (1,2 or 3)
f: repetition rate in kHz
assert sase in data, 'key "{}" not found in data!'.format(sase)
sase = data[sase].where(data['npulses_{}'.format(sase)]>1,
if len(sase)==0:
print('Not enough pulses to extract repetition rate')
return 0
f = 1/((sase[0,1] - sase[0,0])*222e-6)
return f
def selectSASEinXGM(data, sase='sase3', xgm='SCS_XGM'):
''' Extract SASE1- or SASE3-only XGM data.
There are various cases depending on i) the mode of operation (10 Hz
with fresh bunch, dedicated trains to one SASE, pulse on demand),
ii) the potential change of number of pulses per train in each SASE
and iii) the order (SASE1 first, SASE3 first, interleaved mode).
data: xarray Dataset containing xgm data
sase: key of sase to select: {'sase1', 'sase3'}
xgm: key of xgm to select: {'SA3_XGM', 'SCS_XGM'}
DataArray that has all trainIds that contain a lasing
train in sase, with dimension equal to the maximum number of pulses of
that sase in the run. The missing values, in case of change of number of pulses,
are filled with NaNs.
result = None
npulses_sa3 = data['npulses_sase3']
npulses_sa1 = data['npulses_sase1']
dedicated = 0
if np.all(npulses_sa1.where(npulses_sa3 !=0, drop=True) == 0):
dedicated += 1
print('No SASE 1 pulses during SASE 3 operation')
if np.all(npulses_sa3.where(npulses_sa1 !=0, drop=True) == 0):
dedicated += 1
print('No SASE 3 pulses during SASE 1 operation')
#Alternating pattern with dedicated pulses in SASE1 and SASE3:
if dedicated==2:
if sase=='sase1':
result = data[xgm].where(npulses_sa1>0, drop=True)[:,:npulses_sa1.max().values]
result = data[xgm].where(npulses_sa3>0, drop=True)[:,:npulses_sa3.max().values]
result = result.where(result != 1.0)
return result
# SASE1 and SASE3 bunches in a same train: find minimum indices of first and
# maximum indices of last pulse per train
pulseIdmin_sa1 = data['sase1'].where(npulses_sa1 != 0).where(data['sase1']>1).min().values
pulseIdmax_sa1 = data['sase1'].where(npulses_sa1 != 0).where(data['sase1']>1).max().values
pulseIdmin_sa3 = data['sase3'].where(npulses_sa3 != 0).where(data['sase3']>1).min().values
pulseIdmax_sa3 = data['sase3'].where(npulses_sa3 != 0).where(data['sase3']>1).max().values
if pulseIdmin_sa1 > pulseIdmax_sa3:
sa3First = True
elif pulseIdmin_sa3 > pulseIdmax_sa1:
sa3First = False
print('Interleaved mode')
#take the derivative along the trainId to track changes in pulse number:
diff = npulses_sa3.diff(dim='trainId')
#only keep trainIds where a change occured:
diff = diff.where(diff != 0, drop=True)
#get a list of indices where a change occured:
idx_change_sa3 = np.argwhere(np.isin(npulses_sa3.trainId.values,
diff.trainId.values, assume_unique=True))[:,0]
#Same for SASE 1:
diff = npulses_sa1.diff(dim='trainId')
diff = diff.where(diff !=0, drop=True)
idx_change_sa1 = np.argwhere(np.isin(npulses_sa1.trainId.values,
diff.trainId.values, assume_unique=True))[:,0]
#create index that locates all changes of pulse number in both SASE1 and 3:
#add index 0 to get the initial pulse number per train:
idx_change = np.unique(np.concatenate(([0], idx_change_sa3, idx_change_sa1))).astype(int)
if sase=='sase1':
npulses = npulses_sa1
maxpulses = int(npulses_sa1.max().values)
npulses = npulses_sa3
maxpulses = int(npulses_sa3.max().values)
for i,k in enumerate(idx_change):
#skip if no pulses after the change:
if npulses[idx_change[i]]==0:
#calculate indices
if sa3First:
a = 0
b = int(npulses_sa3[k].values)
c = b
d = int(c + npulses_sa1[k].values)
a = int(npulses_sa1[k].values)
b = int(a + npulses_sa3[k].values)
c = 0
d = a
if sase=='sase1':
a = c
b = d
if i==len(idx_change)-1:
l = None
l = idx_change[i+1]
temp = data[xgm][k:l,a:a+maxpulses].copy()
temp[:,b:] = np.NaN
if result is None:
result = temp
result = xr.concat([result, temp], dim='trainId')
return result
def saseContribution(data, sase='sase1', xgm='SA3_XGM'):
''' Calculate the relative contribution of SASE 1 or SASE 3 pulses
for each train in the run. Supports fresh bunch, dedicated trains
and pulse on demand modes.
data: xarray Dataset containing xgm data
sase: key of sase for which the contribution is computed: {'sase1', 'sase3'}
xgm: key of xgm to select: {'SA3_XGM', 'SCS_XGM'}
1D DataArray equal to sum(sase)/sum(sase1+sase3)
xgm_sa1 = selectSASEinXGM(data, 'sase1', xgm=xgm)
xgm_sa3 = selectSASEinXGM(data, 'sase3', xgm=xgm)
#Fill missing train ids with 0
r = xr.align(*[xgm_sa1, xgm_sa3], join='outer', exclude=['XGMbunchId'])
xgm_sa1 = r[0].fillna(0)
xgm_sa3 = r[1].fillna(0)
contrib = xgm_sa1.sum(axis=1)/(xgm_sa1.sum(axis=1) + xgm_sa3.sum(axis=1))
if sase=='sase1':
return contrib
return 1 - contrib
def filterOnTrains(data, key='sase3'):
''' Removes train ids for which there was no pulse in sase='sase1' or 'sase3' branch
data: xarray Dataset
sase: SASE onwhich to filter: {'sase1', 'sase3'}
filtered xarray Dataset
key = 'npulses_' + key
res = data.where(data[key]>0, drop=True)
return res
def calibrateXGMs(data, rollingWindow=200, plot=False):
''' Calibrate the fast (pulse-resolved) signals of the XTD10 and SCS XGM
(read in intensityTD property) to the respective slow ion signal
(photocurrent read by Keithley, channel 'pulseEnergy.photonFlux.value').
One has to take into account the possible signal created by SASE1 pulses. In the
tunnel, this signal is usually large enough to be read by the XGM and the relative
contribution C of SASE3 pulses to the overall signal is computed.
In the tunnel, the calibration F is defined as:
F = E_slow / E_fast_avg, where
E_fast_avg is the rolling average (with window rollingWindow) of the fast signal.
In SCS XGM, the signal from SASE1 is usually in the noise, so we calculate the
average over the pulse-resolved signal of SASE3 pulses only and calibrate it to the
slow signal modulated by the SASE3 contribution:
F = (N1+N3) * E_avg * C/(N3 * E_fast_avg_sase3), where N1 and N3 are the number
of pulses in SASE1 and SASE3, E_fast_avg_sase3 is the rolling average (with window
rollingWindow) of the SASE3-only fast signal.
data: xarray Dataset
rollingWindow: length of running average to calculate E_fast_avg
plot: boolean, plot the calibration output
factors: numpy ndarray of shape 1 x 2 containing
[XTD10 calibration factor, SCS calibration factor]
noSCS = noSA3 = False
sa3_calib_factor = None
scs_calib_factor = None
if 'SCS_XGM' not in data:
print('no SCS XGM data. Skipping calibration for SCS XGM')
noSCS = True
if 'SA3_XGM' not in data:
print('no SASE3 XGM data. Skipping calibration for SASE3 XGM')
noSA3 = True
if noSCS and noSA3:
return np.array([None, None])
start = 0
stop = None
npulses = data['npulses_sase3']
ntrains = npulses.shape[0]
# First, in case of change in number of pulses, locate a region where
# the number of pulses is maximum.
if not np.all(npulses == npulses[0]):
print('Warning: Number of pulses per train changed during the run!')
start = np.argmax(npulses.values)
stop = ntrains + np.argmax(npulses.values[::-1]) - 1
if stop - start < rollingWindow:
print('not enough consecutive data points with the largest number of pulses per train')
start += rollingWindow
stop = np.min((ntrains, stop+rollingWindow))
# Calibrate SASE3 XGM with all signal from SASE1 and SASE3
if not noSA3:
xgm_avg = data['SA3_XGM'].where(data['SA3_XGM'] != 1.0).mean(axis=1)
rolling_sa3_xgm = xgm_avg.rolling(trainId=rollingWindow).mean()
ratio = data['SA3_XGM_SLOW']/rolling_sa3_xgm
sa3_calib_factor = ratio[start:stop].mean().values
print('calibration factor SA3 XGM: %f'%sa3_calib_factor)
# Calibrate SCS XGM with SASE3-only contribution
sa3contrib = saseContribution(data, 'sase3', 'SA3_XGM')
if not noSCS:
scs_sase3_fast = selectSASEinXGM(data, 'sase3', 'SCS_XGM').mean(axis=1)
meanFast = scs_sase3_fast.rolling(trainId=rollingWindow).mean()
ratio = ((data['npulses_sase3']+data['npulses_sase1']) *
data['SCS_XGM_SLOW'] * sa3contrib) / (meanFast * data['npulses_sase3'])
scs_calib_factor = ratio[start:stop].median().values
print('calibration factor SCS XGM: %f'%scs_calib_factor)
if plot:
plt.title('E[uJ] = %.2f x IntensityTD' %(sa3_calib_factor))
plt.plot(data['SA3_XGM_SLOW'], label='SA3 slow', color='C1')
label='SA3 fast signal rolling avg', color='C4')
plt.ylabel('Energy [uJ]')
plt.xlabel('train in run')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10)
plt.plot(xgm_avg*sa3_calib_factor, label='SA3 fast signal train avg', alpha=0.2, color='C4')
plt.ylabel('Calibrated SA3 fast signal [uJ]')
plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=10)
plt.title('E[uJ] = %.2f x HAMP' %scs_calib_factor)
plt.plot(data['SCS_XGM_SLOW'], label='SCS slow (all SASE)', color='C0')
slow_avg_sase3 = data['SCS_XGM_SLOW']*(data['npulses_sase1']
plt.plot(slow_avg_sase3, label='SCS slow (SASE3 only)', color='C1')
plt.plot(meanFast*scs_calib_factor, label='SCS HAMP rolling avg', color='C2')
plt.ylabel('Energy [uJ]')
plt.xlabel('train in run')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10)
plt.plot(scs_sase3_fast*scs_calib_factor, label='SCS HAMP train avg', alpha=0.2, color='C2')
plt.ylabel('Calibrated HAMP signal [uJ]')
plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=10)
return np.array([sa3_calib_factor, scs_calib_factor])
def mcpPeaks(data, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, mcp=1, t_offset=None, npulses=None):
''' Computes peak integration from raw MCP traces.
data: xarray Dataset containing MCP raw traces (e.g. 'MCP1raw')
intstart: trace index of integration start
intstop: trace index of integration stop
bkgstart: trace index of background start
bkgstop: trace index of background stop
mcp: MCP channel number
t_offset: index separation between two pulses. If None, checks the
pulse pattern and determine the t_offset assuming mininum pulse
separation of 220 ns and digitizer resolution of 2 GHz.
npulses: number of pulses. If None, takes the maximum number of
pulses according to the bunch patter (field 'npulses_sase3')
results: DataArray with dims trainId x max(sase3 pulses)
keyraw = 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp)
if keyraw not in data:
raise ValueError("Source not found: {}!".format(keyraw))
if npulses is None:
npulses = int(data['npulses_sase3'].max().values)
sa3 = data['sase3'].where(data['sase3']>1)
if t_offset is None:
if npulses > 1:
#Calculate the number of pulses between two lasing pulses (step)
step = sa3.where(data['npulses_sase3']>1, drop=True)[0,:2].values
step = int(step[1] - step[0])
#multiply by elementary samples length (220 ns @ 2 GHz = 440)
t_offset = 440 * step
t_offset = 1
results = xr.DataArray(np.empty((sa3.shape[0], npulses)), coords=sa3.coords,
dims=['trainId', 'MCP{}fromRaw'.format(mcp)])
for i in range(npulses):
a = intstart + t_offset*i
b = intstop + t_offset*i
bkga = bkgstart + t_offset*i
bkgb = bkgstop + t_offset*i
bg = np.outer(np.median(data[keyraw][:,bkga:bkgb], axis=1), np.ones(b-a))
results[:,i] = np.trapz(data[keyraw][:,a:b] - bg, axis=1)
return results
def getTIMapd(data, mcp=1, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None,
bkgstart=None, bkgstop=None, t_offset=None, npulses=None):
''' Extract peak-integrated data from TIM where pulses are from SASE3 only.
If use_apd is False it calculates integration from raw traces.
The missing values, in case of change of number of pulses, are filled
with NaNs.
data: xarray Dataset containing MCP raw traces (e.g. 'MCP1raw')
intstart: trace index of integration start
intstop: trace index of integration stop
bkgstart: trace index of background start
bkgstop: trace index of background stop
t_offset: index separation between two pulses
mcp: MCP channel number
npulses: number of pulses to compute
tim: DataArray of shape trainId only for SASE3 pulses x N
with N=max(number of pulses per train)
sa3 = data['sase3'].where(data['sase3']>1, drop=True)
npulses_sa3 = data['npulses_sase3']
maxpulses = int(npulses_sa3.max().values)
step = 1
if maxpulses > 1:
#Calculate the number of non-lasing pulses between two lasing pulses (step)
step = sa3.where(data['npulses_sase3']>1, drop=True)[0,:2].values
step = int(step[1] - step[0])
if use_apd:
apd = data['MCP{}apd'.format(mcp)]
initialDelay = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.initialDelay.value')[0].values
upperLimit = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.upperLimit.value')[0].values
nsamples = upperLimit - initialDelay
npulses_per_apd = int(nsamples/440)
sa3 /= npulses_per_apd
apd = mcpPeaks(data, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, mcp=mcp,
t_offset=t_offset, npulses=npulses)
sa3 /= step
sa3 -= sa3[:,0]
sa3 = sa3.astype(int)
if np.all(npulses_sa3 == npulses_sa3[0]):
tim = apd[:, sa3[0].values]
return tim
stride = 1
if use_apd:
stride = np.max([stride,int(step/npulses_per_apd)])
diff = npulses_sa3.diff(dim='trainId')
#only keep trainIds where a change occured:
diff = diff.where(diff != 0, drop=True)
#get a list of indices where a change occured:
idx_change = np.argwhere(np.isin(npulses_sa3.trainId.values,
diff.trainId.values, assume_unique=True))[:,0]
#add index 0 to get the initial pulse number per train:
idx_change = np.insert(idx_change, 0, 0)
tim = None
for i,idx in enumerate(idx_change):
if npulses_sa3[idx]==0:
if i==len(idx_change)-1:
l = None
l = idx_change[i+1]
b = npulses_sa3[idx].values
temp = apd[idx:l,:maxpulses*stride:stride].copy()
temp[:,b:] = np.NaN
if tim is None:
tim = temp
tim = xr.concat([tim, temp], dim='trainId')
return tim
def calibrateTIM(data, rollingWindow=200, mcp=1, plot=False, use_apd=True, intstart=None,
intstop=None, bkgstart=None, bkgstop=None, t_offset=None, npulses_apd=None):
''' Calibrate TIM signal (Peak-integrated signal) to the slow ion signal of SCS_XGM
(photocurrent read by Keithley, channel 'pulseEnergy.photonFlux.value').
The aim is to find F so that E_tim_peak[uJ] = F x TIM_peak. For this, we want to
match the SASE3-only average TIM pulse peak per train (TIM_avg) to the slow XGM
signal E_slow.
Since E_slow is the average energy per pulse over all SASE1 and SASE3
pulses (N1 and N3), we first extract the relative contribution C of the SASE3 pulses
by looking at the pulse-resolved signals of the SA3_XGM in the tunnel.
There, the signal of SASE1 is usually strong enough to be above noise level.
Let TIM_avg be the average of the TIM pulses (SASE3 only).
The calibration factor is then defined as: F = E_slow * C * (N1+N3) / ( N3 * TIM_avg ).
If N3 changes during the run, we locate the indices for which N3 is maximum and define
a window where to apply calibration (indices start/stop).
Warning: the calibration does not include the transmission by the KB mirrors!
data: xarray Dataset
rollingWindow: length of running average to calculate TIM_avg
mcp: MCP channel
plot: boolean. If True, plot calibration results.
use_apd: boolean. If False, the TIM pulse peaks are extract from raw traces using
intstart: trace index of integration start
intstop: trace index of integration stop
bkgstart: trace index of background start
bkgstop: trace index of background stop
t_offset: index separation between two pulses
npulses_apd: number of pulses
F: float, TIM calibration factor.
start = 0
stop = None
npulses = data['npulses_sase3']
ntrains = npulses.shape[0]
if not np.all(npulses == npulses[0]):
start = np.argmax(npulses.values)
stop = ntrains + np.argmax(npulses.values[::-1]) - 1
if stop - start < rollingWindow:
print('not enough consecutive data points with the largest number of pulses per train')
start += rollingWindow
stop = np.min((ntrains, stop+rollingWindow))
filteredTIM = getTIMapd(data, mcp, use_apd, intstart, intstop, bkgstart, bkgstop, t_offset, npulses_apd)
sa3contrib = saseContribution(data, 'sase3', 'SA3_XGM')
avgFast = filteredTIM.mean(axis=1).rolling(trainId=rollingWindow).mean()
ratio = ((data['npulses_sase3']+data['npulses_sase1']) *
data['SCS_XGM_SLOW'] * sa3contrib) / (avgFast*data['npulses_sase3'])
F = float(ratio[start:stop].median().values)
if plot:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))
ax = plt.subplot(211)
ax.set_title('E[uJ] = {:2e} x TIM (MCP{})'.format(F, mcp))
ax.plot(data['SCS_XGM_SLOW'], label='SCS XGM slow (all SASE)', color='C0')
slow_avg_sase3 = data['SCS_XGM_SLOW']*(data['npulses_sase1']
ax.plot(slow_avg_sase3, label='SCS XGM slow (SASE3 only)', color='C1')
ax.plot(avgFast*F, label='Calibrated TIM rolling avg', color='C2')
ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8)
ax.set_ylabel('Energy [$\mu$J]', size=10)
ax.plot(filteredTIM.mean(axis=1)*F, label='Calibrated TIM train avg', alpha=0.2, color='C9')
ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8, ncol=2)
plt.xlabel('train in run')
ax = plt.subplot(234)
xgm_fast = selectSASEinXGM(data)
ax.scatter(filteredTIM, xgm_fast, s=5, alpha=0.1, rasterized=True)
fit, cov = np.polyfit(filteredTIM.values.flatten(),xgm_fast.values.flatten(),1, cov=True)
x=np.linspace(filteredTIM.min(), filteredTIM.max(), 10)
ax.plot(x, y(x), lw=2, color='r')
ax.set_ylabel('Raw HAMP [$\mu$J]', size=10)
ax.set_xlabel('TIM (MCP{}) signal'.format(mcp), size=10)
ax.annotate(s='y(x) = F x + A\n'+
'F = %.3e\n$\Delta$F/F = %.2e\n'%(fit[0],np.abs(np.sqrt(cov[0,0])/fit[0]))+
'A = %.3e'%fit[1],
xy=(0.5,0.6), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=10, color='r')
print('TIM calibration factor: %e'%(F))
ax = plt.subplot(235)
ax.hist(filteredTIM.values.flatten()*F, bins=50, rwidth=0.8)
ax.set_ylabel('number of pulses', size=10)
ax.set_xlabel('Pulse energy MCP{} [uJ]'.format(mcp), size=10)
ax = plt.subplot(236)
if not use_apd:
pulseStart = intstart
pulseStop = intstop
pulseStart = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.pulseStart.value')[0].values
pulseStop = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1', 'board1.apd.channel_0.pulseStop.value')[0].values
if 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) not in data:
tid, data = data.attrs['run'].train_from_index(0)
trace = data['SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network']['digitizers.channel_1_D.raw.samples']
print('no raw data for MCP{}. Loading trace from MCP1'.format(mcp))
label_trace='MCP1 Voltage [V]'
trace = data['MCP{}raw'.format(mcp)][0]
label_trace='MCP{} Voltage [V]'.format(mcp)
ax.plot(trace[:pulseStop+25], 'o-', ms=2, label='trace')
ax.axvspan(pulseStart, pulseStop, color='C2', alpha=0.2, label='APD region')
ax.axvline(pulseStart, color='gray', ls='--')
ax.axvline(pulseStop, color='gray', ls='--')
ax.set_xlim(pulseStart - 25, pulseStop + 25)
ax.set_ylabel(label_trace, size=10)
ax.set_xlabel('sample #', size=10)
return F
''' TIM calibration table
Dict with key= photon energy and value= array of polynomial coefficients for each MCP (1,2,3).
The polynomials correspond to a fit of the logarithm of the calibration factor as a function
of MCP voltage. If P is a polynomial and V the MCP voltage, the calibration factor (in microjoule
per APD signal) is given by -exp(P(V)).
This table was generated from the calibration of March 2019, proposal 900074, semester 201930,
runs 69 - 111 (Ni edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2323
runs 113 - 153 (Co edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2334
runs 163 - 208 (Fe edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2349
tim_calibration_table = {
705.5: np.array([
[-6.85344690e-12, 5.00931986e-08, -1.27206912e-04, 1.15596821e-01, -3.15215367e+01],
[ 1.25613942e-11, -5.41566381e-08, 8.28161004e-05, -7.27230153e-02, 3.10984925e+01],
[ 1.14094964e-12, 7.72658935e-09, -4.27504907e-05, 4.07253378e-02, -7.00773062e+00]]),
779: np.array([
[ 4.57610777e-12, -2.33282497e-08, 4.65978738e-05, -6.43305156e-02, 3.73958623e+01],
[ 2.96325102e-11, -1.61393276e-07, 3.32600044e-04, -3.28468195e-01, 1.28328844e+02],
[ 1.14521506e-11, -5.81980336e-08, 1.12518434e-04, -1.19072484e-01, 5.37601559e+01]]),
851: np.array([
[ 3.15774215e-11, -1.71452934e-07, 3.50316512e-04, -3.40098861e-01, 1.31064501e+02],
[5.36341958e-11, -2.92533156e-07, 6.00574534e-04, -5.71083140e-01, 2.10547161e+02],
[ 3.69445588e-11, -1.97731342e-07, 3.98203522e-04, -3.78338599e-01, 1.41894119e+02]])
def timFactorFromTable(voltage, photonEnergy, mcp=1):
''' Returns an energy calibration factor for TIM integrated peak signal (APD)
according to calibration from March 2019, proposal 900074, semester 201930,
runs 69 - 111 (Ni edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2323
runs 113 - 153 (Co edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2334
runs 163 - 208 (Fe edge): https://in.xfel.eu/elog/SCS+Beamline/2349
Uses the tim_calibration_table declared above.
voltage: MCP voltage in volts.
photonEnergy: FEL photon energy in eV. Calibration factor is linearly
interpolated between the known values from the calibration table.
mcp: MCP channel (1, 2, or 3).
f: calibration factor in microjoule per APD signal
energies = np.sort([key for key in tim_calibration_table])
if photonEnergy not in energies:
if photonEnergy > energies.max():
photonEnergy = energies.max()
elif photonEnergy < energies.min():
photonEnergy = energies.min()
idx = np.searchsorted(energies, photonEnergy) - 1
polyA = np.poly1d(tim_calibration_table[energies[idx]][mcp-1])
polyB = np.poly1d(tim_calibration_table[energies[idx+1]][mcp-1])
fA = -np.exp(polyA(voltage))
fB = -np.exp(polyB(voltage))
f = fA + (fB-fA)/(energies[idx+1]-energies[idx])*(photonEnergy - energies[idx])
return f
poly = np.poly1d(tim_calibration_table[photonEnergy][mcp-1])
f = -np.exp(poly(voltage))
return f
def checkTimApdWindow(data, mcp=1, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None):
''' Plot the first and last pulses in MCP trace together with
the window of integration to check if the pulse integration
is properly calculated. If the number of pulses changed during
the run, it selects a train where the number of pulses was
data: xarray Dataset
mcp: MCP channel (1, 2, 3 or 4)
use_apd: if True, gets the APD parameters from the digitizer
device. If False, uses intstart and intstop as boundaries
and uses the bunch pattern to determine the separation
between two pulses.
intstart: trace index of integration start of the first pulse
intstop: trace index of integration stop of the first pulse
mcpToChannel={1:'D', 2:'C', 3:'B', 4:'A'}
apdChannels={1:3, 2:2, 3:1, 4:0}
npulses_max = data['npulses_sase3'].max().values
tid = data['npulses_sase3'].where(data['npulses_sase3'] == npulses_max,
if 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) not in data:
tid, data_from_train = data.attrs['run'].train_from_id(tid)
trace = data_from_train['SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network']['digitizers.channel_1_'
print('no raw data for MCP{}. Loading trace from MCP{}'.format(mcp, mcp))
trace = data['MCP{}raw'.format(mcp)].sel(trainId=tid).T
if use_apd:
pulseStart = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
pulseStop = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
initialDelay = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
upperLimit = data.attrs['run'].get_array(
pulseStart = intstart
pulseStop = intstop
if npulses_max > 1:
sa3 = data['sase3'].where(data['sase3']>1)
step = sa3.where(data['npulses_sase3']>1, drop=True)[0,:2].values
step = int(step[1] - step[0])
nsamples = 440 * step
nsamples = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,3))
ax.plot(trace[:pulseStop+25], color='C1', label='first pulse')
ax.axvspan(pulseStart, pulseStop, color='k', alpha=0.1, label='APD region')
ax.axvline(pulseStart, color='gray', ls='--')
ax.axvline(pulseStop, color='gray', ls='--')
ax.set_xlim(pulseStart-25, pulseStop+25)
ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4)
ax.set_ylabel('MCP{} Voltage [V]'.format(mcp))
ax.set_xlabel('First pulse sample #')
if npulses_max > 1:
pulseStart = pulseStart + nsamples*(npulses_max-1)
pulseStop = pulseStop + nsamples*(npulses_max-1)
ax2 = ax.twiny()
ax2.plot(range(pulseStart-25,pulseStop+25), trace[pulseStart-25:pulseStop+25],
color='C4', label='last pulse')
ax2.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4)
ax2.set_xlabel('Last pulse sample #')
lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax2.legend(lines + lines2, labels + labels2, loc=0)
ax.legend(loc='lower left')
def matchXgmTimPulseId(data, use_apd=True, intstart=None, intstop=None,
bkgstart=None, bkgstop=None, t_offset=None,
''' Function to match XGM pulse Id with TIM pulse Id.
data: xarray Dataset containing XGM and TIM data
use_apd: bool. If True, uses the digitizer APD ('MCP[1,2,3,4]apd').
If False, peak integration is performed from raw traces.
All following parameters are needed in this case.
intstart: trace index of integration start
intstop: trace index of integration stop
bkgstart: trace index of background start
bkgstop: trace index of background stop
t_offset: index separation between two pulses
npulses: number of pulses to compute
xr DataSet containing XGM and TIM signals with the share
dimension 'pId'. Raw traces, raw XGM and raw APD are dropped.
res = selectSASEinXGM(data, xgm='SCS_XGM').rename({'XGMbunchId':'pId'}).rename('SCS_XGM')
dropList = ['SCS_XGM']
mergeList = [res]
if 'SA3_XGM' in data:
res2 = selectSASEinXGM(data, xgm='SA3_XGM').rename({'XGMbunchId':'pId'}).rename('SA3_XGM')
for mcp in range(1,5):
if 'MCP{}apd'.format(mcp) in data or 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) in data:
MCPapd = getTIMapd(data, mcp=mcp, use_apd=use_apd, intstart=intstart,
intstop=intstop,bkgstart=bkgstart, bkgstop=bkgstop,
if use_apd:
MCPapd = MCPapd.rename({'apdId':'pId'})
MCPapd = MCPapd.rename({'MCP{}fromRaw'.format(mcp):'pId'})
if 'MCP{}raw'.format(mcp) in data:
if 'MCP{}apd'.format(mcp) in data:
subset = xr.merge(mergeList, join='inner')
return subset