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Commit 8e196ee5 authored by Loïc Le Guyader's avatar Loïc Le Guyader
Browse files

Merge branch 'digitizers_LM' into 'master'

Simplify digitizer functions and pulse ID coordinates assignment for XGM, digitizers

See merge request !100
parents 1175e2c9 eff7d14e
No related branches found
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1 merge request!100Simplify digitizer functions and pulse ID coordinates assignment for XGM, digitizers
with 3517 additions and 9100 deletions
This diff is collapsed.
The bunch pattern table is an array of 2700 values per train (the maximum number of pulses at 4.5 MHz provided by the machine) and contains information on how the pulses are distributed among SASE 1, 2, 3, and the various lasers at European XFEL.
The data stored in the bunch pattern table (mnemonic *bunchPatternTable*) can be extracted using the wrappers to the `euxfel_bunch_pattern <>`_ package as follows:
.. code:: ipython3
import toolbox_scs as tb
......@@ -6,29 +9,17 @@
proposalNB = 2511
runNB = 176
**option 1**
This method uses function we implemented.
.. code:: ipython3
run, data = tb.load(proposalNB, runNB, "bunchPatternTable")
ppl_mask = tbm.is_ppl(data.bunchPatternTable)
fields = ["bunchPatternTable"]
run = tb.load(fields, runNB, proposalNB)
bpt = run['bunchPatternTable']
ppl_mask is a boolean DataArray of dimensions trainId x 2700, where True values indicate where a laser pulse from the PP laser was triggered.
bpt_dec = tbm.extractBunchPattern(
.. note::
The position of the PP laser pulses with respect to that of the SASE 3 pulses is arbitrary. The PP laser pattern always starts at pulse Id 0, while that of SASE 3 can vary, depending on the machine parameters.
**option 2**
This method uses function from the euxfel_bunch_pattern package.
From this mask, one can obtain the number of pulses per train by summing along the 'pulse_slot' dimension:
.. code:: ipython3
ppl_npulses = ppl_mask.sum(dim='pulse_slot')
run = tb.load_run(proposalNB, runNB)
mnemonic = tb.mnemonics["bunchPatternTable"]
bpt = run.get_array(*mnemonic.values())
bpt_is_laser = tbm.is_ppl(bpt)
......@@ -43,12 +43,17 @@ extensions = [
# Comment out autoapi to be able to run nbsphinx
# 'autoapi.extension',
autoapi_dirs = ['../src/toolbox_scs']
autoapi_ignore = ['*/deprecated/*']
# Don't add .txt suffix to source files:
html_sourcelink_suffix = ''
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
* :doc:`load run and data <load>`.
.. * :doc:`load run and data <load>`.
* :doc:`load data in memory <Loading_data_in_memory>`.
......@@ -12,15 +13,23 @@ misc
* :doc:`bunch pattern decoding <bunch_pattern_decoding>`.
detectors (dssc)
Most of the functions within toolbox_scs.detectors can be accessed directly. This is useful during development, or when working in a non-standardized way, which is often neccessary during data evaluation. For frequent routines there is the possibility to use dssc objects that guarantee consistent data structure, and reduce the amount of recurring code within the notebook.
* bin data using toolbox_scs.tbdet -> *to be documented*.
* :doc:`bin data using the DSSCBinner <dssc/DSSCBinner>`.
* post processing, data analysis -> *to be documented*
Point detectors
Detectors that produce one point per pulse, or 0D detectors, are all handled in a similar way. Such detectors are, for instance, the X-ray Gas Monitor (XGM), the Transmitted Intensity Monitor (TIM), the electron Bunch Arrival Monitor (BAM) or the photo diodes monitoring the PP laser.
* :doc:`extract data from point detectors <point_detectors/point_detectors>`.
Loading data in memory is performed as follows:
**Option 1**:
.. code:: python3
......@@ -13,9 +15,9 @@
proposalNr = 2565
runNr = 19
run_data = tb.load(fields, runNr, proposalNr)
run, data = tb.load(proposalNr, runNr, fields)
run_data is an xarray dataArray. It has an attribute called 'run' containing the underlying extra_data dataCollection.
run is an extra_data dataCollection and data is an xarray Dataset containing all variables listed in fields. For convinience, data also contains the variable bunchPatternTable, which is used by other functions of the ToolBox. All variables are aligned by train Id.
**Option 2**:
......@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ run_data is an xarray dataArray. It has an attribute called 'run' containing the
proposalNr = 2565
runNr = 19
run = tb.load_run(proposalNr, runNr)
run_data = run.get_array(*mnemonic.values())
run, _ = tb.load(proposalNr, runNr)
data = run.get_array(*mnemonic.values())
run is an extra_data dataCollection and run_data an xarray dataArray for a single data source.
run is an extra_data dataCollection and data an xarray dataArray for a single data source.
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
This notebook shows an example of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) experiment.
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Import toolbox_scs and subpackages
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
import toolbox_scs as tb
import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
import toolbox_scs.routines as tbr
import extra_data as ed
import xarray as xr
import logging
log_root = logging.getLogger(__name__)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Load data, extract pulse-resolved signals from detectors
Here, we use the ToolBox mnemonics to get the arrays: MCP1apd is the pulse-resolved peak-integrated TIM data from MCP 1, SCS_SA3 is the XGM data for SASE 3 pulses in SCS hutch, nrj is the monochromator energy in eV and magnet is the current applied to the magnet in A.
The function get_all_detectors() takes care of aligning the pulse-resolved data (TIM and XGM) according to the sase 3 bunch pattern.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
runNB = 491
proposalNB = 900094
mcp = 'MCP1apd'
fields = [mcp, 'SCS_SA3', 'nrj', 'magnet']
run, ds = tb.load(proposalNB, runNB, fields)
mcp = mcp.replace('apd', 'peaks')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Split positive and negative magnetic fields, calculate XAS and XMCD spectra
Here we first define the monochromator energy bins, and apply the xas() subroutine to subsets of the data. The subsets correspond to positive magnet current and negative magnet current. The xas() routine returns (among other quantities) the binned energy and the absorption, which are then plotted for both positive and negative magnet currents.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
nrj_bins_edges = np.linspace(704, 712, 31)
pxas = tbr.xas(ds.where(ds['magnet'] > 2, drop=True), bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
nxas = tbr.xas(ds.where(ds['magnet'] < -2, drop=True), bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plt.plot(pxas['nrj'], pxas['muA'])
plt.plot(nxas['nrj'], nxas['muA'])
plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
We now calculate the XMCD using the positive and negative data returned by xas() routine.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
res = tbr.xasxmcd(pxas, nxas)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plt.plot(res['nrj'], res['muXAS'])
plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]')
plt.plot(res['nrj'], -res['muXMCD'], c='C1')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Only 2000 first train
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
subds = ds.isel({'trainId':slice(1600)})
pxas2 = tbr.xas(subds.where(subds['magnet'] > 2, drop=True), bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
nxas2 = tbr.xas(subds.where(subds['magnet'] < -2, drop=True), bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plt.ylabel('energy [eV]')
plt.xlabel('train number')
plt.plot(subds['magnet'], c='C1')
plt.ylabel('magnet current [A]')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plt.errorbar(pxas['nrj'], pxas['muA'], pxas['sterrA'], label='pos all trains')
plt.errorbar(pxas2['nrj'], pxas2['muA'], pxas2['sterrA'], c='C0', ls='--', label='pos first 2000 trains')
plt.errorbar(nxas['nrj'], nxas['muA'], nxas['sterrA'], label='neg all trains')
plt.errorbar(nxas2['nrj'], nxas2['muA'], nxas['sterrA'], c='C1', ls='--', label='neg first 2000 trains')
plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
res2 = tbr.xasxmcd(pxas2, nxas2)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plt.plot(res['nrj'], res['muXAS'])
plt.plot(res2['nrj'], res2['muXAS'], ls='--', c='C0')
plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]')
plt.plot(res['nrj'], -res['muXMCD'], c='C1')
plt.plot(res2['nrj'], -res2['muXMCD'], ls='--', c='C1')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Mono up or down
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
dE = np.gradient(savgol_filter(ds['nrj'], 9, 1))
mono_turn = dE > 0
plt.ylabel('Delta energy (meV)')
plt.plot(mono_turn, ls='', marker='.', c='C1')
plt.ylabel('mono going up')
plt.title(f'run {runNB} p{proposalNB}')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
ds['mono_turn'] = xr.DataArray(np.gradient(savgol_filter(ds['nrj'], 9, 1))>0, dims=['trainId'])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
subds = ds#.isel({'trainId':slice(1600)})
Eshift = 0.05
shift_subds = subds
shift_subds['nrj'] = subds['nrj'] + Eshift
pxas3a = tbr.xas(shift_subds.where((subds['magnet'] > 2)*subds['mono_turn'], drop=True),
bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
nxas3a = tbr.xas(shift_subds.where((subds['magnet'] < -2)*subds['mono_turn'], drop=True),
bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
shift_subds['nrj'] = subds['nrj'] - Eshift
pxas3b = tbr.xas(shift_subds.where((subds['magnet'] > 2)*np.logical_not(subds['mono_turn']), drop=True),
bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
nxas3b = tbr.xas(shift_subds.where((subds['magnet'] < -2)*np.logical_not(subds['mono_turn']), drop=True),
bins=nrj_bins_edges, plot=False, Itkey=mcp)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
#plt.errorbar(pxas['nrj'], pxas['muA'], pxas['sterrA'])
plt.errorbar(pxas3a['nrj'], pxas3a['muA'], pxas3a['sterrA'], c='C0', ls='-', label='+H, mono up')
plt.errorbar(pxas3b['nrj'], pxas3b['muA'], pxas3b['sterrA'], c='C0', ls='--',
label=f'+H, mono down, dE = {-1e3*Eshift} meV')
#plt.errorbar(nxas['nrj'], nxas['muA'], nxas['sterrA'])
plt.errorbar(nxas3a['nrj'], nxas3a['muA'], nxas3a['sterrA'], c='C1', ls='-', label='-H, mono up')
plt.errorbar(nxas3b['nrj'], nxas3b['muA'], nxas3b['sterrA'], c='C1', ls='--',
label=f'-H, mono down, dE = {-1e3*Eshift} meV')
plt.xlabel('Energy (eV)')
plt.ylabel('XAS (arb. units)')
plt.title(f'run {runNB} p{proposalNB}')
plt.xlim([707, 709])
plt.ylim([3, 4.5])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plt.title(f'run {runNB} p{proposalNB}')
plt.xlabel('Energy (eV)')
plt.ylabel('XAS (mono up) - XAS (mono down) (arb. units)')
plt.plot(pxas3a['nrj'], pxas3a['muA'] - pxas3b['muA'])
plt.plot(nxas3a['nrj'], nxas3a['muA'] - nxas3b['muA'])
plt.ylim([-0.1, 0.18])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
This diff is collapsed.
from .load import (load, concatenateRuns, get_array,
load_run, run_by_path)
from .load import (load, concatenateRuns, get_array, run_by_path)
from .constants import mnemonics
......@@ -8,7 +7,6 @@ __all__ = (
# Classes
# Variables
This diff is collapsed.
from .xgm import (
load_xgm, cleanXGMdata, matchXgmTimPulseId, calibrateXGMs,
from .tim import (
get_xgm, calibrate_xgm)
from .digitizers import (
get_peaks, get_tim_peaks, get_laser_peaks, get_digitizer_peaks,
from .bam_detectors import get_bam
from .dssc_data import (
save_xarray, load_xarray, get_data_formatted, save_attributes_h5)
from .dssc_misc import (
......@@ -12,25 +13,30 @@ from .dssc_processing import (
from .dssc import (
DSSCBinner, DSSCFormatter)
from .azimuthal_integrator import AzimuthalIntegrator, AzimuthalIntegratorDSSC
from .azimuthal_integrator import (
AzimuthalIntegrator, AzimuthalIntegratorDSSC)
__all__ = (
# Functions
# Classes
......@@ -58,8 +64,9 @@ clean_ns = [
""" Beam Arrival Monitor related sub-routines
Copyright (2021) SCS Team.
(contributions preferrably comply with pep8 code structure
import logging
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from ..constants import mnemonics as _mnemonics
from ..misc.bunch_pattern_external import is_pulse_at
import toolbox_scs.load as tbload
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_bam(run, mnemonics=None, merge_with=None, bunchPattern='sase3'):
Load beam arrival monitor (BAM) data and align their pulse ID
according to the bunch pattern. Sources can be loaded on the fly
via the mnemonics argument, or processed from an existing data set
run: extra_data.DataCollection
DataCollection containing the digitizer data.
mnemonics: str or list of str
mnemonics for BAM, e.g. "BAM1932M" or ["BAM414", "BAM1932M"].
If None, defaults to "BAM1932M" in case no merge_with dataset
is provided.
merge_with: xarray Dataset
If provided, the resulting Dataset will be merged with this
one. The BAM variables of merge_with (if any) will also be
selected, aligned and merged.
bunchPattern: str
'sase1' or 'sase3' or 'scs_ppl', bunch pattern
used to extract peaks. The pulse ID dimension will be named
'sa1_pId', 'sa3_pId' or 'ol_pId', respectively.
xarray Dataset with pulse-resolved BAM variables aligned,
merged with Dataset *merge_with* if provided.
>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
>>> run, _ = tb.load(2711, 303)
>>> bam = tbdet.get_bam(run)
# get the list of mnemonics to process
mnemonics = tbload.mnemonics_to_process(mnemonics, merge_with, 'BAM')
if len(mnemonics) == 0:'No array with unaligned BAM data to extract. Skipping.')
return merge_with
else:'Extracting BAM data from {mnemonics}.')
# Prepare the dataset of non-BAM data to merge with
if bool(merge_with):
mw_ds = merge_with.drop(mnemonics, errors='ignore')
mw_ds = xr.Dataset()
# extract the XFEL pulses: slice(0,5400,2)
roi = np.s_[:5400:2]
ds = xr.Dataset()
for m in mnemonics:
if bool(merge_with) and m in merge_with:
val = merge_with[m].isel({_mnemonics[m]['dim'][0]: roi})
log.debug(f'Using {m} from merge_with dataset.')
val = run.get_array(*_mnemonics[m].values(), roi=roi, name=m)
log.debug(f'Loading {m} from DataCollection.')
val[_mnemonics[m]['dim'][0]] = np.arange(2700)
ds = ds.merge(val, join='inner')
# check if bunch pattern table exists
if bool(merge_with) and 'bunchPatternTable' in merge_with:
bpt = merge_with['bunchPatternTable']
log.debug('Using bpt from merge_with dataset.')
elif _mnemonics['bunchPatternTable']['source'] in run.all_sources:
bpt = run.get_array(*_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable'].values())
log.debug('Loaded bpt from extra_data run.')
bpt = None
# align the pulse Id
if bpt is not None and len(ds.variables) > 0:
dim_names = {'sase3': 'sa3_pId', 'sase1': 'sa1_pId',
'scs_ppl': 'ol_pId'}
mask = is_pulse_at(bpt, bunchPattern)
mask = mask.rename({'pulse_slot': dim_names[bunchPattern]})
ds = ds.rename({_mnemonics['BAM1932M']['dim'][0]:
ds = ds.where(mask, drop=True)
# merge with non-BAM dataset
ds = mw_ds.merge(ds, join='inner')
return ds
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import joblib
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from ..load import load_run
import toolbox_scs as tb
from ..util.exceptions import ToolBoxValueError, ToolBoxFileError
from .dssc_data import (
save_xarray, load_xarray, save_attributes_h5,
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class DSSCBinner:
self.proposal = proposal_nr
self.runnr = run_nr = load_dssc_info(proposal_nr, run_nr) = load_run(proposal_nr, run_nr), _ = tb.load(proposal_nr, run_nr)
self.binners = {}
for b in binners:
self.add_binner(b, binners[b])
......@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@ from imageio import imread
import extra_data as ed
from ..constants import mnemonics as _mnemonics
from ..misc.bunch_pattern_external import is_sase_3
from .xgm import get_xgm
from .digitizers import get_tim_peaks
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -95,15 +94,6 @@ def create_dssc_bins(name, coordinates, bins):
'trainId, x, or y')
def _bunch_pattern_sase3(run_obj):
log.debug('load sase3 bunch pattern info')
bpt = run_obj.get_array(*_mnemonics["bunchPatternTable"].values())
is_sase3 = is_sase_3(bpt.values[0])
ind_sase3 = np.where(is_sase3 == 1)[0]
n_pulses = len(ind_sase3)
return is_sase3, ind_sase3, n_pulses
def get_xgm_formatted(run_obj, xgm_name, dssc_frame_coords):
Load the xgm data and define coordinates along the pulse dimension.
......@@ -123,27 +113,16 @@ def get_xgm_formatted(run_obj, xgm_name, dssc_frame_coords):
xgm data with coordinate 'pulse'.
log.debug('load raw xgm data')
xgm_raw = run_obj.get_array(*_mnemonics[xgm_name].values())
log.debug('create formatted xarray.dataArray')
_, ind_sase3, n_pulses = _bunch_pattern_sase3(run_obj)
coords = {'trainId': xgm_raw.trainId.values}
shape = (len(xgm_raw.trainId.values), n_pulses)
xgm_formatted = xr.DataArray(np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float64),
dims=['trainId', 'pulse'])
for i in range(len(xgm_formatted.trainId)):
xgm_formatted[i, :] = xgm_raw[i, 0:n_pulses].values
xgm = get_xgm(run_obj, xgm_name)[xgm_name]
pulse_dim = [d for d in xgm.dims if d != 'trainId'][0]
xgm = xgm.rename({pulse_dim: 'pulse'})
if type(dssc_frame_coords) == int:
dssc_frame_coords = np.linspace(0,
dssc_frame_coords = np.arange(xgm.sizes['pulse']*dssc_frame_coords,
step=dssc_frame_coords, dtype=np.uint64)
xgm_formatted['pulse'] = dssc_frame_coords
xgm['pulse'] = dssc_frame_coords'loaded formatted xgm data.')
return xgm_formatted
return xgm
def get_tim_formatted(run_obj, tim_names, dssc_frame_coords):
......@@ -161,40 +140,22 @@ def get_tim_formatted(run_obj, tim_names, dssc_frame_coords):
xgm: xarray.DataArray
xgm data with coordinate 'pulse'.
tim: xarray.DataArray
tim data with coordinate 'pulse'.
log.debug('load tim data')
data = []
for name in tim_names:
tim_raw = xr.zeros_like(data[0])
for d in data:
tim_raw -= d
tim_raw /= len(data)
log.debug('calculate pulse indices in raw data')
_, ind_sase3, n_pulses = _bunch_pattern_sase3(run_obj)
ind_pulse_tim = ((np.array(ind_sase3)-ind_sase3[0])/4).astype(np.int64)
log.debug('create formatted xarray.dataArray')
coords = {'trainId': tim_raw.trainId.values}
shape = (len(tim_raw.trainId.values), n_pulses)
tim_formatted = xr.DataArray(np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float64),
dims=['trainId', 'pulse'])
for i in range(len(tim_formatted.trainId)):
tim_formatted[i, :] = np.take(tim_raw[i, :].values, ind_pulse_tim)
tim = get_tim_peaks(run_obj, tim_names)
# average over all tim sources
tim = -tim.to_array().mean(dim='variable')
pulse_dim = [d for d in tim.dims if d != 'trainId'][0]
tim = tim.rename({pulse_dim: 'pulse'})
if type(dssc_frame_coords) == int:
dssc_frame_coords = np.linspace(0,
dssc_frame_coords = np.arange(tim.sizes['pulse']*dssc_frame_coords,
step=dssc_frame_coords, dtype=np.uint64)
tim_formatted['pulse'] = dssc_frame_coords
tim['pulse'] = dssc_frame_coords'loaded formatted tim data.')
return tim_formatted
return tim
def quickmask_DSSC_ASIC(poslist):
""" Tim related sub-routines
Copyright (2019) SCS Team.
contributions preferrably comply with pep8 code structure
import logging
import xarray as xr
from .xgm import matchXgmTimPulseId
from ..constants import mnemonics as _mnemonics
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def load_TIM(run, apd='MCP2apd'):
Load TIM traces and match them to SASE3 pulses.
run: extra_data.DataCollection, extra_data.RunDirectory
timdata : xarray.DataArray
xarray DataArray containing the tim data
>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
>>> run = tb.run_by_proposal(2212, 235)
>>> data = tbdet.load_TIM(run)
fields = ["sase1", "sase3", "npulses_sase3",
"npulses_sase1", apd, "SCS_SA3", "nrj"]
timdata = xr.Dataset()
for f in fields:
m = _mnemonics[f]
timdata[f] = run.get_array(m['source'],
timdata.attrs['run'] = run
timdata = matchXgmTimPulseId(timdata)
return timdata.rename({'sa3_pId': 'pulse'})[apd]
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This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -12,24 +12,30 @@ import logging
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import extra_data as ed
from .misc.bunch_pattern import extractBunchPattern
from .constants import mnemonics as _mnemonics_ld
from .constants import mnemonics as _mnemonics
from .util.exceptions import ToolBoxValueError, ToolBoxPathError
from .util.data_access import find_run_dir
import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB,
def load(proposalNB=None, runNB=None,
Load a run and extract the data. Output is an xarray with aligned
......@@ -37,16 +43,16 @@ def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB,
fields: list of strings, list of dictionaries
list of mnemonic strings to load specific data such as "fastccd",
"SCS_XGM", or dictionnaries defining a custom mnemonic such as
'actual_current.value', None}}
proposalNB: (str, int)
proposal number e.g. 'p002252' or 2252
runNB: (str, int)
run number as integer
proposalNB: (str, int)
of the proposal number e.g. 'p002252' or 2252
fields: str, list of str, list of dict
list of mnemonics to load specific data such as "fastccd",
"SCS_XGM", or dictionnaries defining a custom mnemonic such as
{"extra": {'source: 'SCS_CDIFFT_MAG/SUPPLY/CURRENT',
'key': 'actual_current.value',
'dim': None}}
subFolder: (str)
sub-folder from which to load the data. Use 'raw' for raw data
or 'proc' for processed data.
......@@ -60,31 +66,49 @@ def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB,
rois: dictionary
a dictionnary of mnemonics with a list of rois definition and
the desired names, for example:
{'roi': by_index[730:890, 535:720],
'dim': ['ref_x', 'ref_y']},
{'roi':by_index[1050:1210, 535:720],
'dim': ['sam_x', 'sam_y']}}}
useBPTable: boolean
If True, uses the raw bunch pattern table to extract sase pulse number
and indices in the trains. If false, load the data from BUNCH_DECODER
middle layer device.
{'fastccd': {'ref': {'roi': by_index[730:890, 535:720],
'dim': ['ref_x', 'ref_y']},
'sam': {'roi':by_index[1050:1210, 535:720],
'dim': ['sam_x', 'sam_y']}}}
extract_tim: bool
If True, extracts the peaks from TIM variables (e.g. 'MCP2raw',
'MCP3apd') and aligns the pulse Id with the sase3 bunch pattern.
extract_laser: bool
If True, extracts the peaks from FastADC variables (e.g. 'FastADC5raw',
'FastADC3peaks') and aligns the pulse Id with the PP laser bunch pattern.
extract_xgm: bool
If True, extracts the values from XGM variables (e.g. 'SCS_SA3',
'XTD10_XGM') and aligns the pulse Id with the sase1 / sase3 bunch pattern.
extract_bam: bool
If True, extracts the values from BAM variables (e.g. 'BAM1932M')
and aligns the pulse Id with the sase3 bunch pattern.
tim_bp: str
bunch pattern used to extract the TIM pulses. Ignored if extract_tim=False.
laser_bp: str
bunch pattern used to extract the TIM pulses. Ignored if extract_tim=False.
res: xarray.DataArray
an xarray DataSet with aligned trainIds
run, data: DataCollection, xarray.DataArray
extra_data DataCollection of the proposal and run number and an
xarray Dataset with aligned trainIds and pulseIds
>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> run, data = tb.load(2212, 208, ['SCS_SA3', 'MCP2apd', 'nrj'])
runFolder = find_run_dir(proposalNB, runNB)
except ToolBoxPathError as err:
run = ed.RunDirectory(runFolder).select_trains(subset)
if fields is None:
return run, xr.Dataset()
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = [fields]
if validate:
# get_ipython().system('extra-data-validate ' + runFolder)
......@@ -96,25 +120,20 @@ def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB,
vals = []
# load pulse pattern info
if useBPTable:
bp_mnemo = _mnemonics_ld['bunchPatternTable']
if bp_mnemo['source'] not in run.all_sources:
print('Source {} not found in run. Skipping!'.format(
bp_table = run.get_array(bp_mnemo['source'], bp_mnemo['key'],
sase1, npulses_sase1, dummy = extractBunchPattern(
bp_table, 'sase1')
sase3, npulses_sase3, dummy = extractBunchPattern(
bp_table, 'sase3')
keys += ["sase1", "npulses_sase1", "sase3", "npulses_sase3"]
vals += [sase1, npulses_sase1, sase3, npulses_sase3]
if _mnemonics['bunchPatternTable']['source'] in run.all_sources:
bpt = run.get_array(*_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable'].values())
elif _mnemonics['bunchPatternTable_SA3']['source'] in run.all_sources:'Did not find SCS bunch pattern table but found the SA3 one.')
bpt = run.get_array(*_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable_SA3'].values())
fields += ["sase1", "sase3", "npulses_sase3", "npulses_sase1"]
log.warning('Source {} and {} not found in run. Skipping!'.format(
for f in fields:
if type(f) == dict:
# extracting mnemomic defined on the spot
if len(f.keys()) > 1:
......@@ -124,73 +143,73 @@ def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB,
v = f[k]
# extracting mnemomic from the table
if f in _mnemonics_ld:
v = _mnemonics_ld[f]
if f in _mnemonics:
v = _mnemonics[f]
k = f
print('Unknow mnemonic "{}". Skipping!'.format(f))
print(f'Unknow mnemonic "{f}". Skipping!')
if k in keys:
continue # already loaded, skip
if display:
print('Loading {}'.format(k))
print(f'Loading {k}')
if v['source'] not in run.all_sources:
print('Source {} not found in run. Skipping!'.format(v['source']))
log.warning(f'Source {v["source"]} not found in run. Skipping!')
print(f'Source {v["source"]} not found in run. Skipping!')
if k not in rois:
# no ROIs selection, we read everything
vals.append(run.get_array(v['source'], v['key'],
arr = run.get_array(*v.values())
if len(arr) == 0:
log.warning(f'Empty array for {f}: {v["source"]}, {v["key"]}. '
print(f'Empty array for {f}: {v["source"]}, {v["key"]}. '
# ROIs selection, for each ROI we select a region of the data and
# save it with new name and dimensions
for nk, nv in rois[k].items():
vals.append(run.get_array(v['source'], v['key'],
arr = run.get_array(v['source'], v['key'],
if len(arr) == 0:
log.warning(f'Empty array for {f}: {v["source"]}, {v["key"]}. '
print(f'Empty array for {f}: {v["source"]}, {v["key"]}. '
aligned_vals = xr.align(*vals, join='inner')
result = dict(zip(keys, aligned_vals))
result = xr.Dataset(result)
result.attrs['run'] = run
result.attrs['runFolder'] = runFolder
return result
data = dict(zip(keys, aligned_vals))
data = xr.Dataset(data)
data.attrs['runFolder'] = runFolder
tim = [k for k in _mnemonics if 'MCP' in k and k in data]
if extract_tim and len(tim) > 0:
data = tbdet.get_tim_peaks(run, mnemonics=tim, merge_with=data,
def load_run(proposal, run, **kwargs):
Get run in given proposal
laser = [k for k in _mnemonics if 'FastADC' in k and k in data]
if extract_laser and len(laser) > 0:
data = tbdet.get_laser_peaks(run, mnemonics=laser, merge_with=data,
Wraps the extra_data open_run routine, out of convenience for the toolbox
user. More information can be found in the karabo_data documentation.
xgm = ['XTD10_XGM', 'XTD10_XGM_sigma', 'XTD10_SA3', 'XTD10_SA3_sigma',
'XTD10_SA1', 'XTD10_SA1_sigma', 'SCS_XGM', 'SCS_XGM_sigma',
'SCS_SA1', 'SCS_SA1_sigma', 'SCS_SA3', 'SCS_SA3_sigma']
xgm = [k for k in xgm if k in data]
if extract_xgm and len(xgm) > 0:
data = tbdet.get_xgm(run, mnemonics=xgm, merge_with=data)
proposal: str, int
Proposal number
run: str, int
Run number
data: str
default -> 'raw'
include: str
default -> '*'
bam = [k for k in _mnemonics if 'BAM' in k and k in data]
if extract_bam and len(bam) > 0:
data = tbdet.get_bam(run, mnemonics=bam, merge_with=data)
run : extra_data.DataCollection
DataCollection object containing information about the specified
run. Data can be loaded using built-in class methods.
return ed.open_run(proposal, run, **kwargs)
return run, data
def run_by_path(path):
......@@ -280,8 +299,8 @@ def get_array(run, mnemonic_key=None, stepsize=None):
data = xr.DataArray(
np.ones(len(run.train_ids), dtype=np.int16),
dims=['trainId'], coords={'trainId': run.train_ids})
elif mnemonic_key in _mnemonics_ld:
mnem = _mnemonics_ld[mnemonic_key]
elif mnemonic_key in _mnemonics:
mnem = _mnemonics[mnemonic_key]
data = run.get_array(*mnem.values())
raise ToolBoxValueError("Invalid mnemonic", mnemonic_key)
......@@ -295,3 +314,79 @@ def get_array(run, mnemonic_key=None, stepsize=None):
return data
def mnemonics_to_process(mnemo_list, merge_with, detector, func=None):
Finds the list of mnemonics, within mnemo_list and merge_with, that
correspond to arrays that are not yet loaded and/or processed by a
detector function. Removes the mnemonics of the already processed
arrays from the list.
mnemo_list: str or list of str
ToolBox mnemonics of pulse-resolved detector arrays
merge_with: xarray Dataset
Dataset that may contain non-processed arrays
detector: str
One in {'ADQ412', 'FastADC', 'XGM', 'BAM'}
func: function
function that takes one argument, an unprocessed mnemonic string,
and converts it into a processed one, i.e. from 'MCP2apd' to
'MCP2peaks'. If None, the function returns the input mnemonic.
mnemonics: list of str
the mnemonics to process
if func is None:
def func(x):
return x
if detector == 'BAM':
det_mnemos = [m for m in _mnemonics if 'BAM' in m]
default_mnemo = 'BAM1932M'
default_processed = 'BAM1932M'
if detector == 'XGM':
det_mnemos = ['XTD10_XGM', 'XTD10_XGM_sigma', 'XTD10_SA3',
'XTD10_SA3_sigma', 'XTD10_SA1', 'XTD10_SA1_sigma',
'SCS_XGM', 'SCS_XGM_sigma', 'SCS_SA1', 'SCS_SA1_sigma',
'SCS_SA3', 'SCS_SA3_sigma']
default_mnemo = 'SCS_SA3'
default_processed = 'SCS_SA3'
if detector == 'ADQ412':
det_mnemos = [m for m in _mnemonics if 'MCP' in m]
default_mnemo = 'MCP2apd'
default_processed = 'MCP2peaks'
if detector == 'FastADC':
det_mnemos = [m for m in _mnemonics if 'FastADC' in m]
default_mnemo = 'FastADC5raw'
default_processed = 'FastADC5peaks'
dig_dims = list(set([_mnemonics[m]['dim'][0] for m in det_mnemos]))
processed_mnemos = list(set([func(m) for m in det_mnemos]))
# create a list of mnemonics to process from the provided mnemonics and
# merge_with Dataset
mw_mnemos = []
mw_processed = []
if bool(merge_with):
mw_mnemos = [m for m in merge_with if m in det_mnemos and
any(dim in merge_with[m].dims for dim in dig_dims)]
mw_processed = [m for m in merge_with if m in processed_mnemos and
any(dim in merge_with[m].dims for dim in dig_dims)
is False]
if mnemo_list is None:
mnemonics = []
if len(mw_mnemos) == 0 and default_processed not in mw_processed:
mnemonics = [default_mnemo]
mnemonics = [mnemo_list] if isinstance(mnemo_list, str) else mnemo_list
mnemonics = list(set(mnemonics + mw_mnemos))
for m in mnemonics[:]:
if func(m) in mw_processed:
return mnemonics
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