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Commit 99da2fe8 authored by Loïc Le Guyader's avatar Loïc Le Guyader
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Adds the XAS and XMCD absorption spectra calculation

parent 9c793e9e
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1 merge request!25Adds the XAS and XMCD absorption spectra calculation 0 → 100644
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Toolbox for XAS experiments.
Based on the LCLS LO59 experiment libraries.
Time-resolved XAS and XMCD with uncertainties.
Copyright (2019-) SCS Team
Copyright (2017-2019) Loïc Le Guyader <>
import numpy as np
def absorption(T, Io):
""" Compute the absorption A = -ln(T/Io)
T: 1-D transmission value array of length N
Io: 1-D Io monitor value array of length N
a structured array with:
muA: absorption mean
sigmaA: absorption standard deviation
weights: sum of Io values
muT: transmission mean
sigmaT: transmission standard deviation
muIo: Io mean
sigmaIo: Io standard deviation
p: correlation coefficient between T and Io
counts: length of T
counts = len(T)
assert counts == len(Io), "T and Io must have the same length"
# return type of the structured array
fdtype = [('muA', 'f8'), ('sigmaA', 'f8'), ('weights', 'f8'),
('muT', 'f8'), ('sigmaT', 'f8'), ('muIo', 'f8'), ('sigmaIo', 'f8'),
('p', 'f8'), ('counts', 'i8')]
if counts == 0:
return np.array([(np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN,
np.NaN, np.NaN, 0)], dtype=fdtype)
muT = np.mean(T)
sigmaT = np.std(T)
muIo = np.mean(Io)
sigmaIo = np.std(Io)
weights = np.sum(Io)
p = np.corrcoef(T, Io)[0,1]
muA = -np.log(muT/muIo)
# from error propagation for correlated data
sigmaA = (np.sqrt((sigmaT/muT)**2 + (sigmaIo/muIo)**2
- 2*p*sigmaIo*sigmaT/(muIo*muT)))
# direct calculation
#mask = (Io != 0)
#sigmaA = np.nanstd(-np.log(T[mask]/Io[mask]))
return np.array([(muA, sigmaA, weights, muT, sigmaT, muIo, sigmaIo,
p, counts)], dtype=fdtype)
def binning(x, data, func, bins=100, bin_length=None):
""" General purpose 1-dimension data binning
x: input vector of len N
data: structured array of len N
func: a function handle that takes data from a bin an return
a structured array of statistics computed in that bin
bins: array of bin-edges or number of desired bins
bin_length: if not None, the bin width covering the whole range
bins: the bins edges
res: a structured array of binned data
if bin_length is not None:
bin_start = np.amin(x)
bin_end = np.amax(x)
bins = np.arange(bin_start, bin_end+bin_length, bin_length)
elif np.size(bins) == 1:
bin_start = np.amin(x)
bin_end = np.amax(x)
bins = np.linspace(bin_start, bin_end, bins)
bin_centers = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2
nb_bins = len(bin_centers)
bin_idx = np.digitize(x, bins)
dummy = func([])
res = np.empty((nb_bins), dtype=dummy.dtype)
for k in range(nb_bins):
res[k] = func(data[bin_idx == k])
return bins, res
def xas(nrun, bins=None, Iokey='SCS_XGM', Itkey='MCP3apd', nrjkey='nrj', Iooffset=0):
""" Compute the XAS spectra from a xarray nrun.
nrun: xarray of SCS data
bins: array of bin-edges or number of desired bins
Iokey: string for the Io fields, typically 'SCS_XGM'
Itkey: string for the It fields, typically 'MCP3apd'
NRJkey: string for the nrj fields, typically 'nrj'
Iooffset: offset to apply on Io
a dictionnary containing:
nrj: the bins center
muA: the absorption
sigmaA: standard deviation on the absorption
sterrA: standard error on the absorption
muIo: the mean of the Io
counts: the number of events in each bin
stacked = nrun.stack(x=['trainId','pId'])
Io = stacked[Iokey].values + Iooffset
It = stacked[Itkey].values
nrj = stacked[nrjkey].values
names_list = ['nrj', 'Io', 'It']
rundata = np.vstack((nrj, Io, It))
rundata = np.rec.fromarrays(rundata, names=names_list)
def whichIo(data):
""" Select which fields to use as I0 and which to use as I1
if len(data) == 0:
return absorption([], [])
return absorption(-data['It'], data['Io'])
if bins is None:
num_bins = 80
energy_limits = [np.min(nrj), np.max(nrj)]
bins = np.linspace(energy_limits[0], energy_limits[1], num_bins+1)
dummy, nosample = binning(rundata['nrj'], rundata, whichIo, bins)
muA = nosample['muA']
sterrA = nosample['sigmaA']/np.sqrt(nosample['counts'])
bins_c = 0.5*(bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
return {'nrj':bins_c, 'muA':muA, 'sterrA':sterrA, 'sigmaA':nosample['sigmaA'],
'muIo':nosample['muIo'], 'counts':nosample['counts']}
def xasxmcd(dataP, dataN):
""" Compute XAS and XMCD from data with both magnetic field direction
dataP: structured array for positive field
dataN: structured array for negative field
xas: structured array for the sum
xmcd: structured array for the difference
assert len(dataP) == len(dataN), "binned datasets must be of same lengths"
assert not np.any(dataP['nrj'] - dataN['nrj']), "Energy points for dataP and dataN should be the same"
muXAS = dataP['muA'] + dataN['muA']
muXMCD = dataP['muA'] - dataN['muA']
# standard error is the same for XAS and XMCD
sigma = np.sqrt(dataP['sterrA']**2 + dataN['sterrA']**2)
res = np.empty(len(muXAS), dtype=[('nrj', 'f8'), ('muXAS', 'f8'), ('sigmaXAS', 'f8'),
('muXMCD', 'f8'), ('sigmaXMCD', 'f8')])
res['nrj'] = dataP['nrj']
res['muXAS'] = muXAS
res['muXMCD'] = muXMCD
res['sigmaXAS'] = sigma
res['sigmaXMCD'] = sigma
return res
from ToolBox.Load import * from ToolBox.Load import *
from ToolBox.xgm import * from ToolBox.xgm import *
from ToolBox.XAS import *
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