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Commit c89e6c06 authored by Loïc Le Guyader's avatar Loïc Le Guyader
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Merge branch 'pp-fix' into 'master'

Fix pp pattern in DSSC dask binning

Closes #28

See merge request !144
parents 44f691ca d2495a60
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1 merge request!144Fix pp pattern in DSSC dask binning
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
import dask
print(f'dask: {dask.__version__}')
import dask.array as da
import xarray as xr
%% Output
dask: 2.11.0
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from psutil import virtual_memory
import gc
# gc.collect() # run garbage collection to free possible memory
mem = virtual_memory()
print(f'Physical memory: {} Gb') # total physical memory available
%% Output
Physical memory: 504 Gb
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import toolbox_scs as tb
from toolbox_scs.routines.boz import load_dssc_module
from extra_data import open_run
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Parameters
%% Cell type:code id: tags:parameters
``` python
proposalNB = 2719
dark_runNB = 180
runNB = 179
module_group = 0
pulse_pattern = ['pumped', 'intradark', 'unpumped', 'intradark']*6 + ['pumped', 'intradark']
pulse_pattern = ['pumped', 'unpumped']
xaxis = 'delay' # 'nrj'
bin_width = 0.1 # [ps]
path = f'/gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/202002/p002719/scratch/tests/r{runNB}/'
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
proposalNB = int(proposalNB)
dark_runNB = int(dark_runNB)
runNB = int(runNB)
module_group = int(module_group)
bin_width = float(bin_width)
moduleNB = list(range(module_group*4, (module_group+1)*4))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Processing function
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def process(module):
# Load dark
arr_dark, tid_dark = load_dssc_module(proposalNB, dark_runNB, module, drop_intra_darks=False)
arr_dark = arr_dark.rechunk((100, -1, -1, -1))
dark_img = arr_dark.mean(axis=0).compute()
# Load module data
arr, tid = load_dssc_module(proposalNB, runNB, module, drop_intra_darks=False)
arr = arr.rechunk((100, -1, -1, -1))
# dark and intra dark correction
arr = arr - dark_img
arr = arr[:, ::2, :, :] - arr[:, 1::2, :, :]
# Load slow data against which to bin
if xaxis == 'delay':
run, v = tb.load(proposalNB, runNB, ['PP800_DelayLine', 'BAM1932M', 'SCS_XGM'])
run, v = tb.load(proposalNB, runNB, [xaxis, 'SCS_XGM'])
# select part of the run
# v = v.isel({'trainId':slice(0,3000)})
# combine slow and DSSC module data
xr_data = xr.DataArray(arr,
coords={'trainId': tid,
'sa3_pId': v['sa3_pId'].values},
dims = ['trainId', 'sa3_pId', 'y', 'x'])
xr_data = xr_data.expand_dims(module=[module], axis=2)
r = xr.merge([xr_data.to_dataset(name='DSSC'), v], join='inner')
# calculate bins
if xaxis == 'delay':
r['delay'] = tb.misc.positionToDelay(r['PP800_DelayLine'])
bam = r['BAM1932M'] - r['BAM1932M'].mean()
r['bin_delay'] = ((r['delay'] - bam)/bin_width).round()*bin_width
r['bin_' + xaxis] = (r[xaxis]/bin_width).round()*bin_width
# add the pulse pattern coordinates
Nrepeats = int(len(v['sa3_pId'].values)/len(pulse_pattern))
pp = pulse_pattern*Nrepeats
pp = np.array(pp)
r = r.assign_coords(pp=("sa3_pId", pp))
# select pattern and bin data
bin_data = None
for p in np.unique(pp):
# slice using non-index coordinates
sub_r = r.sel(sa3_pId=(r.pp == p))
res = sub_r.groupby('bin_'+xaxis).mean()
if bin_data is None:
bin_data = res
bin_data['DSSC'] = res['DSSC'].expand_dims(pp=[p])
bin_data['SCS_SA3'] = res['SCS_SA3'].expand_dims(pp=[p])
bin_data = xr.merge([bin_data,
# save the result
fname = path + f'run{runNB}-darkrun{dark_runNB}-module{module}.h5'
bin_data.to_netcdf(fname, format='NETCDF4', engine='h5netcdf')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Processing
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for m in moduleNB:
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ another slow data channel. Specific pulse pattern can be defined, such as:
.. code:: python
['pumped', 'intradark', 'unpumped', 'intradark']
['pumped', 'unpumped']
which will be repeated. XGM data will also be binned similarly to the DSSC
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