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  • SCS/ToolBox
  • kluyvert/ToolBox
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......@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ Detectors that produce one point per pulse, or 0D detectors, are all handled in
* :doc:`extract data from point detectors <point_detectors/point_detectors>`.
Photo-Electron Spectrometer (PES)
* :doc:`Basic analysis of PES spectra <PES_spectra_extraction>`.
......@@ -73,6 +73,75 @@ mnemonics = {
'key': 'actualPosition.value',
'dim': None},),
"PES_N_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_4_A.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_NNE_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_4_B.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_NE_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_4_C.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_ENE_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_4_D.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_E_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_3_A.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_ESE_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_3_B.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_SE_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_3_C.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_SSE_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_3_D.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_S_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_1_A.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_SSW_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_1_B.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_SW_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_1_C.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_WSW_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_1_D.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_W_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_2_A.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_WNW_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_2_B.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_NW_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_2_C.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_NNW_raw": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/ADC/1:network',
'key': 'digitizers.channel_2_D.raw.samples',
'dim': ['PESsampleId']},),
"PES_pressure": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/GAUGE/G30310F',
'key': 'value.value',
'dim': None},),
"PES_RV": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/MDL/DAQ_MPOD',
'key': 'u215.value',
'dim': None},),
"PES_N2": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/DCTRL/V30300S_NITROGEN',
'key': 'interlock.AActionState.value',
'dim': None},),
"PES_Ne": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/DCTRL/V30310S_NEON',
'key': 'interlock.AActionState.value',
'dim': None},),
"PES_Kr": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/DCTRL/V30320S_KRYPTON',
'key': 'interlock.AActionState.value',
'dim': None},),
"PES_Xe": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_PES/DCTRL/V30330S_XENON',
'key': 'interlock.AActionState.value',
'dim': None},),
# DPS imagers
"DPS1CAM2": ({'source': 'SCS_BLU_DPS-1/CAM/IMAGER2CAMERA:daqOutput',
'key': 'data.image.pixels',
......@@ -80,6 +149,7 @@ mnemonics = {
"DPS2CAM2": ({'source': 'SCS_BLU_DPS-2/CAM/IMAGER2CAMERA:daqOutput',
'key': 'data.image.pixels',
'dim': ['dps2cam2_y', 'dps2cam2_x']},),
# keithley
"XTD10_photonFlux": ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_XGM/XGM/DOOCS',
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from .digitizers import (
get_peaks, get_tim_peaks, get_laser_peaks, get_digitizer_peaks,
from .bam_detectors import get_bam
from .pes import get_pes_tof, get_pes_params
from .dssc_data import (
save_xarray, load_xarray, get_data_formatted, save_attributes_h5)
from .dssc_misc import (
......@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ __all__ = (
......@@ -66,7 +69,8 @@ clean_ns = [
""" Beam Arrival Monitor related sub-routines
Copyright (2021) SCS Team.
(contributions preferrably comply with pep8 code structure
import logging
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import extra_data as ed
from ..misc.bunch_pattern_external import is_sase_3
from ..mnemonics_machinery import (mnemonics_to_process,
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_pes_tof(run, mnemonics=None, merge_with=None,
start=31390, width=300, origin=None, width_ns=None,
baseStart=None, baseWidth=80,
Extracts time-of-flight spectra from raw digitizer traces. The
tracesvare either loaded via ToolBox mnemonics or those in the
optionally provided merge_with dataset. The spectra are aligned
by pulse Id using the SASE 3 bunch pattern, and have time coordinates
in nanoseconds.
run: extra_data.DataCollection
DataCollection containing the digitizer data
mnemonics: str or list of str
mnemonics for PES, e.g. "PES_W_raw" or ["PES_W_raw", "PES_ENE_raw"].
If None and no merge_with dataset is provided, defaults to "PES_W_raw".
merge_with: xarray Dataset
If provided, the resulting Dataset will be merged with this
one. The PES variables of merge_with (if any) will also be
computed and merged.
start: int
starting sample of the first spectrum in the raw trace.
width: int
number of samples per spectra.
origin: int
sample of the raw trace that corresponds to time-of-flight origin.
If None, origin is equal to start.
width_ns: float
time window for one spectrum. If None, the time window is defined by
width / sample rate.
baseStart: int
starting sample of the baseline.
baseWidth: int
number of samples to average (starting from baseStart) for baseline
sample_rate: float
sample rate of the digitizer.
pes: xarray Dataset
Dataset containing the PES time-of-flight spectra (e.g. "PES_W_tof"),
merged with optionally provided merg_with dataset.
>>> import toolbox_scs as tb
>>> import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
>>> run, ds = tb.load(2927, 100, "PES_W_raw")
>>> pes = tbdet.get_pes_tof(run, merge_with=ds)
def to_processed_name(name):
return name.replace('raw', 'tof')
to_process = mnemonics_to_process(mnemonics, merge_with,
'PES', to_processed_name)
run_mnemonics = mnemonics_for_run(run)
# check if bunch pattern table exists
if bool(merge_with) and 'bunchPatternTable' in merge_with:
bpt = merge_with['bunchPatternTable']
elif 'bunchPatternTable' in run_mnemonics:
bpt = run.get_array(*run_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable'].values())
elif 'bunchPatternTable_SA3' in run_mnemonics:
bpt = run.get_array(*mnemonics['bunchPatternTable_SA3'].values())
bpt = None
mask = is_sase_3(bpt).assign_coords({'pulse_slot': np.arange(2700)})
mask_on = mask.where(mask, drop=True)
npulses = mask.sum(dim='pulse_slot')[0].values
if npulses > 1:
period = mask_on['pulse_slot'].diff(dim='pulse_slot')[0].values
period = 0
if origin is None:
origin = start
if baseStart is None:
baseStart = start
if width_ns is not None:
width = int(sample_rate * width_ns * 1e-9)
time_ns = 1e9 * (np.arange(start, start + width) - origin) / sample_rate
ds = xr.Dataset()
for m in to_process:
if bool(merge_with) and m in merge_with:
arr = merge_with[m]
arr = run.get_array(*run_mnemonics[m].values(), name=m)
spectra = []
for p in range(npulses):
begin = p*period*440 + start
end = begin + width
baseBegin = p*period*440 + baseStart
baseEnd = baseBegin + baseWidth
pes = arr.isel(PESsampleId=slice(begin, end))
bl = arr.isel(
PESsampleId=slice(baseBegin, baseEnd)).mean(dim='PESsampleId')
spectra.append(pes - bl)
spectra = xr.concat(spectra,
dim='sa3_pId').rename(m.replace('raw', 'tof'))
ds = ds.merge(spectra)
if len(ds.variables) > 0:
ds = ds.assign_coords({'sa3_pId': mask_on['pulse_slot'].values})
ds = ds.rename({'PESsampleId': 'time_ns'})
ds = ds.assign_coords({'time_ns': time_ns})
if bool(merge_with):
ds = merge_with.drop(to_process,
errors='ignore').merge(ds, join='inner')
return ds
def get_pes_params(run):
Extract PES parameters for a given extra_data DataCollection.
Parameters are gas, retardation voltage.
run: extra_data.DataCollection
DataCollection containing the digitizer data
params: dict
dictionnary of PES parameters
params = {}
sel = run.select_trains(ed.by_index[:20])
mnemonics = mnemonics_for_run(run)
for gas in ['N2', 'Ne', 'Kr', 'Xe']:
arr = sel.get_array(*mnemonics[f'PES_{gas}'].values())
if arr[0] == 0:
params['gas'] = gas
if 'gas' not in params:
params['gas'] = 'unknown'
log.warning('Could not find which PES gas was used.')
arr = sel.get_array(*mnemonics['PES_RV'].values())
params['ret_voltage'] = float(arr[0].values)
return params
......@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ def mnemonics_to_process(mnemo_list, merge_with, detector, func=None):
det_mnemos = [m for m in _mnemonics if 'FastADC' in m]
default_mnemo = 'FastADC5raw'
default_processed = 'FastADC5peaks'
if detector == 'PES':
det_mnemos = [m for m in _mnemonics if 'PES' in m and 'raw' in m]
default_mnemo = 'PES_W_raw'
default_processed = 'PES_W_tof'
dig_dims = list(set([_mnemonics[m][0]['dim'][0] for m in det_mnemos]))
processed_mnemos = list(set([func(m) for m in det_mnemos]))