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  • SCS/ToolBox
  • kluyvert/ToolBox
2 results
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Commits on Source (7)
with 311 additions and 216 deletions
......@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ If the toolbox has been installed in your home directory previously, everything
.. code:: bash
pip install --user .
pip install --user ".[maxwell]"
Alternatively, use the -e flag for installation to install the package in development mode.
.. code:: bash
pip install --user -e .
pip install --user -e ".[maxwell]"
......@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ with open('VERSION') as f:
_version = _version.strip("\n")
basic_analysis_reqs = ['numpy', 'scipy',] # and is readily available in Karabo
advanced_analysis_reqs = [
'pandas', 'imageio', 'xarray>=0.13.0', 'h5py', 'h5netcdf',]
interactive_reqs = ['ipykernel', 'matplotlib', 'tqdm',]
maxwell_reqs = ['joblib', 'extra_data', 'euxfel_bunch_pattern>=0.6']
description="A collection of code for the SCS beamline",
......@@ -20,9 +27,11 @@ setup(name='toolbox_scs',
package_dir={'': 'src'},
'xarray>=0.13.0', 'numpy', 'matplotlib',
'pandas', 'scipy', 'h5py', 'h5netcdf',
'extra_data', 'euxfel_bunch_pattern>=0.6',
'advanced': advanced_analysis_reqs,
'interactive': interactive_reqs,
'maxwell': advanced_analysis_reqs + interactive_reqs + maxwell_reqs,
'test': ['pytest']
from .load import (load, concatenateRuns, get_array, run_by_path)
from .constants import mnemonics
from .mnemonics_machinery import mnemonics_for_run
__all__ = (
# functions
# Classes
# Variables
from .constants import *
from .detectors import *
# Module name is the same as a child function, we use alias to avoid conflict
import toolbox_scs.load as load_module
from .load import *
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean namespace
# clean_ns is a collection of undesired items in the namespace
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from .misc import *
from .mnemonics_machinery import *
from .routines import *
clean_ns = [
# filenames
# folders
for name in dir():
if name in clean_ns:
del globals()[name]
__all__ = (
# top-level modules
+ load_module.__all__
+ mnemonics_machinery.__all__
del globals()['clean_ns']
del globals()['name']
# submodules
+ detectors.__all__
+ misc.__all__
+ routines.__all__
__all__ = [
mnemonics = {
# Machine
"sase3": ({'source': 'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
......@@ -142,6 +147,17 @@ mnemonics = {
'key': 'interlock.AActionState.value',
'dim': None},),
# XTD10 MCP (after GATT)
'XTD10_MCP3raw': ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_MCP/ADC/1:channel_3.output',
'key': 'data.rawData',
'dim': ['XTD10_MCPsampleId']},),
'XTD10_MCP5raw': ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_MCP/ADC/1:channel_5.output',
'key': 'data.rawData',
'dim': ['XTD10_MCPsampleId']},),
'XTD10_MCP9raw': ({'source': 'SA3_XTD10_MCP/ADC/1:channel_9.output',
'key': 'data.rawData',
'dim': ['XTD10_MCPsampleId']},),
# DPS imagers
"DPS1CAM2": ({'source': 'SCS_BLU_DPS-1/CAM/IMAGER2CAMERA:daqOutput',
'key': 'data.image.pixels',
from .xgm import (
get_xgm, calibrate_xgm)
from .digitizers import (
get_peaks, get_tim_peaks, get_laser_peaks, get_digitizer_peaks,
from .bam_detectors import get_bam
from .pes import get_pes_tof, get_pes_params
from .dssc_data import (
save_xarray, load_xarray, get_data_formatted, save_attributes_h5)
from .dssc_misc import (
load_dssc_info, create_dssc_bins, quickmask_DSSC_ASIC,
get_xgm_formatted, load_mask)
from .dssc_processing import (
from .dssc import (
DSSCBinner, DSSCFormatter)
from .azimuthal_integrator import (
AzimuthalIntegrator, AzimuthalIntegratorDSSC)
from .azimuthal_integrator import *
from .bam_detectors import *
from .digitizers import *
from .dssc import *
from .dssc_data import *
from .dssc_misc import *
from .dssc_processing import *
from .pes import *
from .xgm import *
__all__ = (
# Functions
# Classes
# Variables
+ bam_detectors.__all__
+ digitizers.__all__
+ dssc.__all__
+ dssc_data.__all__
+ dssc_misc.__all__
+ dssc_processing.__all__
+ pes.__all__
+ xgm.__all__
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean namespace
# -> certain filenames we dont need in the namespace. Especially not those
# that are marked as private by using an underscore (_<filename>.py).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
clean_ns = [
# filenames
for name in dir():
if name in clean_ns:
del globals()[name]
del globals()['clean_ns']
del globals()['name']
import logging
import numpy as np
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ from ..misc.bunch_pattern_external import is_pulse_at
from ..mnemonics_machinery import (mnemonics_to_process,
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ from ..util.exceptions import ToolBoxValueError
from ..mnemonics_machinery import (mnemonics_to_process,
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -271,6 +279,7 @@ def get_peaks(run,
# 2. Use raw data from digitizer
# minimum pulse period @ 4.5MHz, according to digitizer type
digitizer = digitizer_type(source=source)
min_distance = 1
if digitizer == 'FastADC':
min_distance = 24
......@@ -348,8 +357,7 @@ def get_peaks(run,
return peaks.assign_coords({extra_dim: pid})
def channel_peak_params(run, source, key=None, digitizer=None,
channel=None, board=None):
def channel_peak_params(run, source, key=None, channel=None, board=None):
Extract peak-integration parameters used by a channel of the digitizer.
......@@ -364,13 +372,12 @@ def channel_peak_params(run, source, key=None, digitizer=None,
key: str
optional, used in combination of source (if source is not a ToolBox
mnemonics) instead of digitizer, channel and board.
digitizer: {"FastADC", "ADQ412"} str
Type of digitizer. If None, inferred from the source mnemonic.
channel: int or str
The digitizer channel for which to retrieve the parameters. If None,
inferred from the source mnemonic.
inferred from the source mnemonic or source + key arguments.
board: int
Board of the ADQ412. If None, inferred from the source mnemonic.
Board of the ADQ412. If None, inferred from the source mnemonic or
source + key arguments.
......@@ -381,58 +388,116 @@ def channel_peak_params(run, source, key=None, digitizer=None,
m = run_mnemonics[source]
source = m['source']
key = m['key']
if key is not None:
if 'network' in source:
digitizer = 'ADQ412'
ch_to_int = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3}
k = key.split('.')[1].split('_')
channel = ch_to_int[k[2]]
board = k[1]
digitizer = 'FastADC'
channel = int(source.split(':')[1].split('.')[0].split('_')[1])
if digitizer is None:
raise ValueError('digitizer argument is missing.')
if 'network' in source:
return adq412_channel_peak_params(run, source, key, channel, board)
return fastADC_channel_peak_params(run, source, channel)
def fastADC_channel_peak_params(run, source, channel=None):
Extract peak-integration parameters used by a channel of the Fast ADC.
run: extra_data.DataCollection
DataCollection containing the digitizer data.
source: str
Name of Fast ADC source, e.g. 'SCS_UTC1_MCP/ADC/1:channel_5.output'.
channel: int
The Fast ADC channel for which to retrieve the parameters. If None,
inferred from the source.
dict with peak integration parameters.
fastADC_keys = {
'baseStart': ('baselineSettings.baseStart.value',
'baseStop': ('baseStop.value',),
'baseLength': ('baselineSettings.length.value',),
'enable': ('enablePeakComputation.value',),
'pulseStart': ('initialDelay.value',),
'pulseLength': ('peakSamples.value',),
'npulses': ('numPulses.value',),
'period': ('pulsePeriod.value',)
if channel is None:
raise ValueError('channel argument is missing.')
if isinstance(channel, str):
ch_to_int = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3}
channel = ch_to_int[channel]
if board is None and digitizer == 'ADQ412':
raise ValueError('board argument is missing.')
keys = None
if digitizer == 'ADQ412':
baseKey = f'board{board}.apd.channel_{channel}.'
keys = ['baseStart', 'baseStop', 'pulseStart',
'pulseStop', 'initialDelay', 'upperLimit',
keys = {k: baseKey + k + '.value' for k in keys}
keys['npulses'] = f'board{board}.apd.numberOfPulses.value'
if digitizer == 'FastADC':
if ":" in source:
baseKey = source.split(':')[1].split('.')[0]+'.'
baseKey = f'channel_{channel}.'
keys = ['baseStart', 'baseStop', 'initialDelay',
'peakSamples', 'numPulses', 'pulsePeriod',
keys = {k: baseKey + k + '.value' for k in keys}
if ":" in source:
source = source.split(':')[0]
tid, data =
result = [data[source][k] for k in keys.values()]
result = dict(zip(keys.keys(), result))
if digitizer == 'ADQ412':
result['period'] = result.pop('upperLimit') - \
if digitizer == 'FastADC':
result['period'] = result.pop('pulsePeriod')
result['npulses'] = result.pop('numPulses')
result['pulseStart'] = result['initialDelay']
result['pulseStop'] = result.pop('initialDelay') + \
result['enable'] = result.pop('enablePeakComputation')
channel = int(source.split(':')[1].split('.')[0].split('_')[1])
baseName = f'channel_{channel}.'
source = source.split(':')[0]
data =[1][source]
result = {}
for mnemo, versions in fastADC_keys.items():
for v in versions:
key = baseName + v
if key in data:
result[mnemo] = data[key]
if 'baseLength' in result:
result['baseStop'] = result['baseStart'] + \
if 'pulseLength' in result:
result['pulseStop'] = result['pulseStart'] + \
return result
def adq412_channel_peak_params(run, source, key=None,
channel=None, board=None):
Extract peak-integration parameters used by a channel of the ADQ412.
run: extra_data.DataCollection
DataCollection containing the digitizer data.
source: str
Nname of ADQ412 source, e.g. 'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network'.
key: str
optional, e.g. 'digitizers.channel_1_D.apd.pulseIntegral', used in
combination of source instead of channel and board.
channel: int or str
The ADQ412 channel for which to retrieve the parameters. If None,
inferred from the source mnemonic or source + key arguments.
board: int
Board of the ADQ412. If None, inferred from the source mnemonic or
source + key arguments.
dict with peak integration parameters.
if key is None:
if channel is None or board is None:
raise ValueError('key or channel + board arguments are '
k = key.split('.')[1].split('_')
ch_to_int = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3}
channel = ch_to_int[k[2]]
board = k[1]
baseName = f'board{board}.apd.channel_{channel}.'
source = source.split(':')[0]
adq412_keys = {
'baseStart': (baseName + 'baseStart.value',),
'baseStop': (baseName + 'baseStop.value',),
'enable': (baseName + 'enable.value',),
'pulseStart': (baseName + 'pulseStart.value',),
'pulseStop': (baseName + 'pulseStop.value',),
'initialDelay': (baseName + 'initialDelay.value',),
'upperLimit': (baseName + 'upperLimit.value',),
'npulses': (f'board{board}.apd.numberOfPulses.value',)
data =[1][source]
result = {}
for mnemo, versions in adq412_keys.items():
for key in versions:
if key in data:
result[mnemo] = data[key]
result['period'] = result.pop('upperLimit') - \
return result
......@@ -523,7 +588,8 @@ def get_peak_params(run, mnemonic, raw_trace=None, ntrains=200):
title = 'Digitizer peak params'
mnemo_raw = mnemonic
min_distance = 24 if "FastADC" in mnemonic else 440
digitizer = digitizer_type(mnemonic, run_mnemonics)
min_distance = 24 if digitizer == "FastADC" else 440
title = 'Auto-find peak params'
if raw_trace is None:
sel = run.select_trains(np.s_[:ntrains])
......@@ -589,7 +655,8 @@ def check_peak_params(run, mnemonic, raw_trace=None, ntrains=200, params=None,
log.warning('The digitizer did not record peak-integrated data.')
if not plot:
return params
min_distance = 24 if "FastADC" in mnemonic else 440
digitizer = digitizer_type(mnemonic, run_mnemonics)
min_distance = 24 if digitizer == "FastADC" else 440
if 'bunchPatternTable' in run_mnemonics and bunchPattern != 'None':
sel = run.select_trains(np.s_[:ntrains])
bp_params = {}
......@@ -689,6 +756,24 @@ def plotPeakIntegrationWindow(raw_trace, params, bp_params, show_all=False):
return fig, ax
def digitizer_type(mnemonic=None, mnemo_dict=None, source=None):
if mnemonic is not None:
source = mnemo_dict[mnemonic]['source']
if ':channel' in source:
return 'FastADC'
if ':network' in source:
return 'ADQ412'
dic = {'XTD10_MCP': 'FastADC',
'FastADC': 'FastADC',
'PES': 'ADQ412',
'MCP': 'ADQ412'}
for k, v in dic.items():
if k in mnemonic:
return v
log.warning(f'Could not find digitizer type from mnemonic {mnemonic}.')
return 'ADQ412'
def get_tim_peaks(run, mnemonics=None, merge_with=None,
bunchPattern='sase3', integParams=None,
......@@ -837,6 +922,9 @@ def get_digitizer_peaks(run, mnemonics, digitizer, merge_with=None,
elif 'bunchPatternTable' in run_mnemonics:
bpt = run.get_array(*run_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable'].values())
log.debug('Loaded bpt from DataCollection.')
elif 'bunchPatternTable_SA3' in run_mnemonics:
bpt = run.get_array(*run_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable_SA3'].values())
log.debug('Loaded bpt from DataCollection.')
bpt = None
......@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ from .dssc_misc import (
from .dssc_processing import (
process_dssc_data, create_empty_dataset)
__all__ = ["DSSCBinner", "DSSCFormatter"]
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ import xarray as xr
from ..util.exceptions import ToolBoxFileError
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ import extra_data as ed
from .xgm import get_xgm
from .digitizers import get_tim_peaks
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ import extra_data as ed
from ..mnemonics_machinery import mnemonics_for_run
from .dssc_data import save_xarray
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, parallel_backend
from time import strftime
import tempfile
import shutil
from import tqdm
import os
......@@ -17,11 +16,11 @@ import h5py
from glob import glob
from imageio import imread
import ToolBox as tb
from ..constants import mnemonics as _mnemonics
from .azimuthal_integrator import AzimuthalIntegrator
from ..misc.laser_utils import positionToDelay
class FastCCD:
def __init__(self, proposal, distance=1, raw=False):
......@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ from ..mnemonics_machinery import (mnemonics_to_process,
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ from ..misc.bunch_pattern_external import is_sase_1, is_sase_3
from ..mnemonics_machinery import (mnemonics_to_process,
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ from .mnemonics_machinery import mnemonics_for_run
from .util.exceptions import ToolBoxValueError
import toolbox_scs.detectors as tbdet
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -123,20 +130,13 @@ def load(proposalNB=None, runNB=None,
data_arrays = []
run_mnemonics = mnemonics_for_run(run)
# load pulse pattern info
if 'bunchPatternTable' in run_mnemonics:
bpt = run.get_array(*run_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable'].values(),
elif 'bunchPatternTable_SA3' in run_mnemonics:'Did not find SCS bunch pattern table but found the SA3 one.')
bpt = run.get_array(*run_mnemonics['bunchPatternTable_SA3'].values(),
bpt = load_bpt(run, run_mnemonics=run_mnemonics)
if bpt is None:
log.warning('Bunch pattern table not found in run. Skipping!')
for f in fields:
if type(f) == dict:
......@@ -322,3 +322,20 @@ def get_array(run, mnemonic_key=None, stepsize=None):
return data
def load_bpt(run, merge_with=None, run_mnemonics=None):
if run_mnemonics is None:
run_mnemonics = mnemonics_for_run(run)
for key in ['bunchPatternTable', 'bunchPatternTable_SA3']:
if bool(merge_with) and key in merge_with:
log.debug(f'Using {key} from merge_with dataset.')
return merge_with[key]
if key in run_mnemonics:
bpt = run.get_array(*run_mnemonics[key].values(),
log.debug(f'Loaded {key} from DataCollection.')
return bpt
log.debug('Could not find bunch pattern table.')
return None
from .bunch_pattern import (extractBunchPattern, pulsePatternInfo,
from .bunch_pattern_external import (is_sase_3, is_sase_1,
is_ppl, is_pulse_at)
from .laser_utils import positionToDelay, degToRelPower
from .bunch_pattern import *
from .bunch_pattern_external import *
from .laser_utils import *
__all__ = (
# Functions
# Classes
# Variables
+ bunch_pattern_external.__all__
+ laser_utils.__all__
......@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ from extra_data import RunDirectory
# import and hide variable, such that it does not alter namespace.
from ..constants import mnemonics as _mnemonics_bp
__all__ = [
def extractBunchPattern(bp_table=None, key='sase3', runDir=None):
''' generate the bunch pattern and number of pulses of a source directly from the
......@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ import logging
import euxfel_bunch_pattern as ebp
__all__ = [
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = [
def positionToDelay(pos, origin=0, invert = False, reflections=1):
''' converts a motor position in mm into optical delay in picosecond