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WIP: Add docs on how to use ToolBox with Jupyter notebooks on Maxwell

Cammille Carinan requested to merge maxwell-notebooks into master

Hi all,

This is a suggestion on how to use the Toolbox (on environments) in Maxwell jupyter notebooks.

The integral part of this process is that the environment is installed at <PROPOSAL_PATH>/usr/Software/envs as suggested by the install script at !109 (closed). This path can be still changed from the future discussions, but we should consider enforcing a uniform environment path for all proposal as early as possible to avoid confusion.

I am also not keen of making the user copy/pasting some code on their notebook to install the kernel.. would it be possible to use a shared folder to store scripts? Probably /gpfs/exfel/data/group/scs could be a candidate: then the user can just run !python gpfs/exfel/data/group/scs/scripts/ or something similar.

Please feel free to let me know what you think :D

@lleguy @mercadil @mercurio

Edited by Cammille Carinan

Merge request reports