Improved BOZ analysis
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The first step is to compute a good average image, this mean remove saturated shots and ignoring bad pixels
The second step is from that good average image to fit the plane field on n/0 and p/0 rois. We have to make sure that the rois have same width.
f.savefig(path+f'p{params.proposal}-r{}-d{params.darkrun}-inspect-noflatfield.png', dpi=300)
f.savefig(path+f'p{params.proposal}-r{}-d{params.darkrun}-inspect-withflatfield.png', dpi=300)
To speed up online analysis, we save the corrections with a dummy non-linearity correction. The saved file can be used for online analysis as soon as it appears.
f.savefig(path+f'p{params.proposal}-r{}-d{params.darkrun}-inspect-correction.png', dpi=300)