New/Updated Centroiding Methods
Updated the current toolbox to include double hits. Two algorithms are available for centroiding. These are controlled by the 'method' parameter which can be chosen to be 'auto' or 'manual' which refers to the thresholds used determining whether that has been a photon detected. The auto method uses the thresholds determined from the incident photon energy as done in the ESRF RIXSToolBox. The manual method relies of the STD_THRESHOLD that is set to 3.5 by default in the toolbox. The 'nrj' is now read from the data file by default to support "auto" as the default method.
The attached notebook gives a comparison of a run from commissioing 2022 processed using the two different centroiding algorithms as well as the integration method. This was a dilute sample, but it can be seen that the methods produce spectra of nearly identical quality with the chosen run. The only difference is the ratio of elastic line to inelastic features.
Merge request reports
requested review from @lleguy
assigned to @kuikenb
added 1 commit
- 8026e420 - Fixed an issue with the centroiding that would give an error when no double hits are detected
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for a9721594 succeeds
mentioned in commit e102bdcf