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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Geometric beam calculator for SCS.

    Copyright (2021) SCS Team.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy.physics.optics import GeometricRay, FreeSpace, ThinLens
from sympy.solvers import solve
from sympy import symbols, simplify
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify

class GeoBeams:
    """The Beams object to compute beam propagation from source point to sample.

    elems : dict
        dictionnaries of numerical values for the different parameters.
    def __init__(self):
        # all distances in meters
        self.elems = {
            'dIHF': -56,  # Intermediate Horizontal Focus position
            'dEX': -30,  # Exit Slit position
            'dHFM': -3.35,  # Horizontal Focusing Mirror position
            'fHFM': 5.74,  # HFM focal length
            'dVFM': -2,  # Vertical Focusing Mirror position
            'fVFM': 5.05,  # VFM focal length
            'dBOZ': -0.23,  # Beam splitting Off axis Zone plate position
            'fBOZ': 0.25,  # BOZ focal length
            'theta_grating': 0,  # grating deflection angle in rad
            'dSAMZ': 0.0,  # Sample position
            'WH': 0.8e-3,  # BOZ horizontal width
            'WV': 0.8e-3,  # BOZ vertical width
            'offaxis': -0.55e-3,  # BOZ center to optical axis
            'EXw': 100e-6,  # Exit Slit width
            'IHFw': 200e-6,  # IHF source width
            'x1': 0,  # horizontal beam height at source
            'theta1_x': 0,  # horizontal beam angle at source
            'x2': 0,  # horizontal beam height at BOZ
            'y1': 0,  # vertical beam height at source
            'theta1_y': 0,  # vertical beam angle at source
            'y2': 0  # vertical beam height at BOZ

    def compute_eqs(self):
        """Compute the beam propagation equation between source and zone plate.

        eq_x, eq_y: tuple, the horizontal x and vertical y equations to
            compute the initial angle from the source to pass by the zone plate
            position x2, given the source position at x1.
        dEX, dIHF, dVFM, dHFM, dBOZ = symbols('dEX, dIHF, dVFM, dHFM, dBOZ')
        fVFM, fHFM, fBOZ = symbols('fVFM, fHFM, fBOZ')
        x1, theta1_x, x2 = symbols('x1, theta1_x, x2')
        y1, theta1_y, y2 = symbols('y1, theta1_y, y2')

        # horizontal and vertical beam propagation from the
        # source to the zone plate
        self.HFM = simplify(
            FreeSpace(-dHFM+dBOZ)*ThinLens(fHFM) *
            FreeSpace(-dIHF+dHFM)*GeometricRay(x1, theta1_x))
        self.VFM = simplify(
            FreeSpace(-dVFM+dBOZ)*ThinLens(fVFM) *
            FreeSpace(-dEX+dVFM)*GeometricRay(y1, theta1_y))
        self.HFM_f = lambdify(self.elems.keys(), self.HFM, ['numpy'])
        self.VFM_f = lambdify(self.elems.keys(), self.VFM, ['numpy'])

        # beams for the zone plate first order (0th order is unfocused)
        self.HBOZ = simplify(ThinLens(fBOZ)*self.HFM)
        self.VBOZ = simplify(ThinLens(fBOZ)*self.VFM)
        self.HBOZ_f = lambdify(self.elems.keys(), self.HBOZ, ['numpy'])
        self.VBOZ_f = lambdify(self.elems.keys(), self.VBOZ, ['numpy'])

        # solve which beam angle at the source theta1 ends on the
        # zone plate at x2, given x1
        self.theta1_x = solve(self.HFM[0] - x2, theta1_x)[0]
        self.theta1_y = solve(self.VFM[0] - y2, theta1_y)[0]
        self.theta1_x_f = lambdify(self.elems.keys(), self.theta1_x, ['numpy'])
        self.theta1_y_f = lambdify(self.elems.keys(), self.theta1_y, ['numpy'])

    def path(self):
        """Compute the horizontal and vertical beam propagation.


        x = []
        z_x = []

        # source
        x1 = self.elems['x1']
        angle1 = self.elems['theta1_x']
        x += [x1]
        z_x += [self.elems['dIHF']]
        ray = GeometricRay(x1, angle1)

        # KBS
        ray = (ThinLens(self.elems['fHFM']) *
               FreeSpace(-self.elems['dIHF'] + self.elems['dHFM'])*ray)
        z_x += [self.elems['dHFM']]
        x += [ray[0].evalf()]

        # BOZ
        ray = (ThinLens(self.elems['fBOZ']) *
               FreeSpace(-self.elems['dHFM'] + self.elems['dBOZ'])*ray)
        z_x += [self.elems['dBOZ']]
        x += [ray[0].evalf()]

        # sample
        ray = FreeSpace(-self.elems['dBOZ']+self.elems['dSAMZ'])*ray
        z_x += [self.elems['dSAMZ']]
        x += [ray[0].evalf()]

        y = []
        z_y = []

        # source
        y1 = self.elems['y1']
        angle1 = self.elems['theta1_y']
        y += [y1]
        z_y += [self.elems['dEX']]
        ray = GeometricRay(y1, angle1)

        # KBS
        ray = (ThinLens(self.elems['fVFM']) *
        z_y += [self.elems['dVFM']]
        y += [ray[0].evalf()]

        # BOZ
        ray = (ThinLens(self.elems['fBOZ']) *
        z_y += [self.elems['dBOZ']]
        y += [ray[0].evalf()]

        # sample
        ray = FreeSpace(-self.elems['dBOZ']+self.elems['dSAMZ'])*ray
        z_y += [self.elems['dSAMZ']]
        y += [ray[0].evalf()]

        return z_x, x, z_y, y

    def plot(self):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(6, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True)

        xmin, xmax = [np.Inf, -np.Inf]
        ymin, ymax = [np.Inf, -np.Inf]
        for k, (x2, y2) in enumerate(zip(
                [self.elems['WH']/2, -self.elems['WH']/2],
                np.array([self.elems['WV']/2, -self.elems['WV']/2])
                + self.elems['offaxis'])):
            for kk, (x1, y1) in enumerate(zip(
                    [self.elems['IHFw']/2, -self.elems['IHFw']/2],
                    [self.elems['EXw']/2, -self.elems['EXw']/2])):
                c = f'C{3*k+kk}'

                self.elems['x1'] = x1
                self.elems['x2'] = x2
                self.elems['y1'] = y1
                self.elems['y2'] = y2

                self.elems['theta1_x'] = self.theta1_x_f(
                self.elems['theta1_y'] = self.theta1_y_f(

                z_x, x, z_y, y = self.path()
                ax[0].plot(z_x, 1e3*np.array(x), c=c)
                ax[1].plot(z_y, 1e3*np.array(y), c=c)

                if xmin > x[-1]:
                    xmin = x[-1]
                if xmax < x[-1]:
                    xmax = x[-1]

                if ymin > y[-1]:
                    ymin = y[-1]
                if ymax < y[-1]:
                    ymax = y[-1]

        ax[0].set_ylabel('x (mm)')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('y (mm)')
        ax[1].set_xlabel('z (m)')

        return fig

    def plane_image(self, p0, n, ZPorder, Gorder=0):
        """Compute the BOZ image on a plane.

            p0: [x, y, z] point on the imaging plane
            n: [X, Y, Z] plane normal vector
            ZPorder: int, order of the zone plate, i.e. 0 or 1
            Gorder: int, grating order, in [-1, 0, 1]
            list of 4 corners [x,y]
        xmin, xmax = [np.Inf, -np.Inf]
        ymin, ymax = [np.Inf, -np.Inf]
        for k, (x2, y2) in enumerate(zip(
                [self.elems['WH']/2, -self.elems['WH']/2],
                np.array([self.elems['WV']/2, -self.elems['WV']/2])
                + self.elems['offaxis'])):
            for kk, (x1, y1) in enumerate(zip(
                    [self.elems['IHFw']/2, -self.elems['IHFw']/2],
                    [self.elems['EXw']/2, -self.elems['EXw']/2])):

                self.elems['x1'] = x1
                self.elems['y1'] = y1
                self.elems['x2'] = x2
                self.elems['y2'] = y2

                self.elems['theta1_x'] = self.theta1_x_f(
                self.elems['theta1_y'] = self.theta1_y_f(

                # evaluate HFM/VFM or HBOZ/VBOZ
                if ZPorder == 1:
                    bx = self.HBOZ_f(*list(self.elems.values()))
                    by = self.VBOZ_f(*list(self.elems.values()))
                elif ZPorder == 0:
                    bx = self.HFM_f(*list(self.elems.values()))
                    by = self.VFM_f(*list(self.elems.values()))
                    raise ValueError(
                        'ZPorder other than 0 or 1 not implemented')

                # intersection beam with plane
                l1 = np.array([x2, y2, self.elems['dBOZ']])
                l12 = np.array([bx[1][0] + Gorder*self.elems['theta_grating'],
                                by[1][0], 1])

                p = self.LinePlaneIntersection(p0, n, l1, l12=l12)

                if xmin > p[0]:
                    xmin = p[0]
                if xmax < p[0]:
                    xmax = p[0]

                if ymin > p[1]:
                    ymin = p[1]
                if ymax < p[1]:
                    ymax = p[1]

        return np.array([[xmax, ymax], [xmax, ymin],
                         [xmin, ymin], [xmin, ymax]])

    def LinePlaneIntersection(self, p0, n, l1, *, l2=None, l12=None):
        """ Calculate the intersection point in space between a line (beam)
            passing through 2 points l1 and l2 and a (sample) plane passing by
            p0 with normal n

            l1: [x,y,z] point on line
            l2: [x,y,z] point on line
            p0: [x,y,z] point on plane
            n: plane normal vector
        assert not((l2 is None) and (l12 is None)), (
            "Either l2 or l12 must be defined")

        # plane parametrized as (p - p0).n = 0
        # line parametrized as p = l1 + l12*d with d Real
        if l12 is None:
            l12 = l2 - l1

        if, n) == 0:
            return [0, 0, 0]  # line is either in the plane or outside of it
            d = - l1), n)/, n)
            return l1 + l12*d