in_folder="/gpfs/exfel/exp/FXE/202221/p003225/raw"# the folder to read data from, required
out_folder="/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/gotthard2"# the folder to output to, required
metadata_folder=""# Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate
run=50# run to process, required
sequences=[-1]# sequences to correct, set to [-1] for all, range allowed
sequences_per_node=1# number of sequence files per node if notebook executed through xfel-calibrate, set to 0 to not run SLURM parallel
# Parameters used to access raw data.
karabo_id="FXE_XAD_G2XES"# karabo prefix of Gotthard-II devices
karabo_da=["GH201"]# data aggregators
receiver_template="RECEIVER"# receiver template used to read INSTRUMENT keys.
control_template="CONTROL"# control template used to read CONTROL keys.
instrument_source_template="{}/DET/{}:daqOutput"# template for source name (filled with karabo_id & receiver_id). e.g. 'SPB_IRDA_JF4M/DET/JNGFR01:daqOutput'
ctrl_source_template="{}/DET/{}"# template for control source name (filled with karabo_id_control)
karabo_id_control=""# Control karabo ID. Set to empty string to use the karabo-id
# Parameters for calibration database.
use_dir_creation_date=True# use the creation data of the input dir for database queries.
cal_db_interface="tcp://max-exfl016:8016#8025"# the database interface to use.
cal_db_timeout=180000# timeout on caldb requests.
overwrite_creation_time=""# To overwrite the measured creation_time. Required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC.00 e.g. "2022-06-28 13:00:00.00"
# Parameters affecting corrected data.
constants_file=""# Use constants in given constant file path. /gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/dont_remove/gotthard2/constants/calibration_constants_GH2.h5
offset_correction=True# apply offset correction. This can be disabled to only apply LUT or apply LUT and gain correction for non-linear differential results.
gain_correction=True# apply gain correction.
# Parameter conditions.
bias_voltage=-1# Detector bias voltage, set to -1 to use value in raw file.
exposure_time=-1.# Detector exposure time, set to -1 to use value in raw file.
exposure_period=-1.# Detector exposure period, set to -1 to use value in raw file.
acquisition_rate=-1.# Detector acquisition rate (1.1/4.5), set to -1 to use value in raw file.
single_photon=-1# Detector single photon mode (High/Low CDS), set to -1 to use value in raw file.
# Parameters for plotting
skip_plots=False# exit after writing corrected files
pulse_idx_preview=3# pulse index to preview. The following even/odd pulse index is used for preview. # TODO: update to pulseId preview.