"proc_folder = \"\" # Path to corrected image data used to create histograms and validation plots\n",
"raw_folder = \"/gpfs/exfel/exp/MID/202030/p900137/raw\" # folder of raw data. This is used to save information of source data of generated constants, required\n",
"run = 449 # runs of image data used to create histograms\n",
"raw_folder = \"\" # folder of raw data. This is used to save information of source data of generated constants, required\n",
"run = 38 # runs of image data used to create histograms\n",
in_folder=""# in this notebook, in_folder is not used as the data source is in the destination folder
out_folder=""# the folder to output to, required
metadata_folder=""# Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate
proc_folder=""# Path to corrected image data used to create histograms and validation plots
raw_folder="/gpfs/exfel/exp/MID/202030/p900137/raw"# folder of raw data. This is used to save information of source data of generated constants, required
run=449# runs of image data used to create histograms
raw_folder=""# folder of raw data. This is used to save information of source data of generated constants, required
run=38# runs of image data used to create histograms
karabo_id="MID_DET_AGIPD1M-1"# karabo karabo_id
karabo_id="SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1"# karabo karabo_id
ctrl_source_template='{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP'# path to control information
karabo_id_control="MID_EXP_AGIPD1M1"# karabo-id for control device
karabo_id_control="SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1"# karabo-id for control device
use_dir_creation_date=True# use the creation data of the input dir for database queries
cal_db_interface="tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015#8045"# the database interface to use
cal_db_timeout=30000# in milli seconds
local_output=True# output constants locally
local_output=False# output constants locally
db_output=False# output constants to database
# Fit parameters
peak_range=[-30,30,35,65,80,130,145,200]# where to look for the peaks, [a0, b0, a1, b1, ...] exactly 8 elements
# Bad-pixel thresholds
d0_lim=[10,70]# hard limits for d0 value (distance between noise and first peak)
gain_lim=[0.80,1.2]# Threshold on gain in relative number. Contribute to BadPixel bit "Gain_deviation"
cell_range=[1,5]# range of cell to be considered, [0,0] for all
cell_range=[0,352]# range of cell to be considered, [0,0] for all
pixel_range=[0,0,512,128]# range of pixels x1,y1,x2,y2 to consider [0,0,512,128] for all
n_peaks_fit=4# Number of gaussian peaks to fit including noise peak
# Detector conditions
mem_cells=-1# number of memory cells used, negative values for auto-detection.
bias_voltage=0.# Bias voltage
acq_rate=0.# the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine
gain_setting=-1# the gain setting, negative values for auto-detection.
photon_energy=8.05# photon energy in keV
integration_time=-1# integration time, negative values for auto-detection.