Additional parameters through the user-side configuration file for analog channels and detector settings. Parameters that are deprecated and ignored, but present in the file, are excluded.
The trigger defines the boundary of each pulse on the digitizer trace acquired by train. The starting position in samples of each found trigger is shown for the first few trains in detail on the left and all trains on the right.
The analog signal is digitized into discrete edges using a fast timing discriminator. The result of this operation is available in files in the `raw.triggers` dataset.
The pulse height distribution is an integral view about the chosen digitization thresholds. For more detail, please refer to the spectral pulse height distributions further below.
The fractional edge distribution visualizes the interpolated component of edge positions, i.e. between discrete digitizer samples. This should in general be flat, in particular a convex shape indicates poor interpolation due to too fast rise times.
A more detailed view into the distribution of pulse heights as a function of TOF, e.g. to indicate whether the spectrometer transmission may depend on the kinetic energy and/or (in the case of ions) mass.
fig.text(0.02,0.98,det_name.upper()+' after corrections',rotation=90,ha='left',va='top',size='x-large')
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Overview of initial detector signal correlations before actual hit reconstruction takes place. Only the firsts edge on each channel occuring for each trigger is included, if their times are compatible with a rough time sum window.
* The top row contains the spectrum of time differences on each wire in temporal coordinates on the left and spatial coordinates on the right (according to configured scale factors).
* The middle row depicts time sums, first integrated and then as a function of time difference. The time sum should generally be somewhat constant, a spectrum-like appearance indicates wire ends have been swapped entirely.
* [HEX-only] The bottom row shows the detector image for each combination of wires based on this limited dataset. There should be no deformations or rotations in any of the wire pairs, else likely channels are misassigned.
The plot occurs twice if signal-level corrections for time sum or position are enabled.
Each hit may be reconstructed by one of 19 different methods. These differ by the number of real signals across the channels, which could be combined to form the hit. Each of these methods is designed by a number between `0` and `19` (with empty hits using `-1`), which can be found in the `m` key of a hit, e.g.:
*`0`: All six anode signals and the corresponding MCP signal were found.
*`4`: One signal on layer `u` is missing, all other signals for this event were found.
*`18`: Only one anode signal on each layer was found and the MCP signal is missing. There is no way to check whether this combination of signals is actually valid based on the detector data alone.
* For hits reconstructed with method `> 10`, extra attention should be given to ensure they add meaningful signal.
* Any method `> 14` has to considered risky, because neither a time sum nor the position can be checked. If the scale factors and/or `w` shift are not correct, then the number of events reconstructed with the risky methods will increase. They will most likely be *ghost hits*, which do not correspond to actual impacts on the detector.