feat [Jungfrau][Dark]: Update notebook to write and read ccvs without using calibrationDBRemote
This addresses the first step in this issue, which is removing calibrationDBRemote usage.
Dark notebook.
- Replace
and storing local h5 constant file withwrite_ccv
- Replace
with CalibrationData API - Get pdu using calibration_client and have a
dict. - Refactor code based on the new
dict and remove unused variables. - Use
to get old constants - Bonus: use
- new
method and addJungfrauConditions
- Add
as it was introduce in CALCAT: https://git.xfel.eu/ITDM/calibration_catalog/-/merge_requests/164 -
Update extra with the begin_at_strategy
if no comments related to this part in this MR.
- Refactor
to smaller functions: I have reduced the refactor to reduce the diff - d2782da9 - Enable adding deviations for the stored conditions.
- New warning class
to catchhas already been taken
422 errors while injecting CCVs.
- Update jungfrau's calibration name for Noise10Hz
Jungfrau dark summary notebook
- Fix access to new data structure for local stored CCVs
How Has This Been Tested?
Running a JF notebook during development and checking stored local constants -
Running a JF notebook during development and checking injected constants in CALCAT
Automated tests. - It is expected to fail as file names changes and structure as well.
Relevant Documents (optional)
first test result through xcaltst:
- Failed: failed_4m_test_injection.pdf Some jobs succeeded and some failed with the following errors:
SSLError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-a88110cdc6c3> in <module>
6 for (mod, const), (data, timestamp, filepath, h5path) in zip(
----> 7 mod_x_const, old_retrieval_res.get()):
8 old_const.setdefault(mod, {})[const] = data
9 old_mdata.setdefault(mod, {})[const] = {
~/.pyenv/versions/3.8.11/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/pool.py in get(self, timeout)
769 return self._value
770 else:
--> 771 raise self._value
773 def _set(self, i, obj):
SSLError: None: Max retries exceeded with url: /test_calibration/api/detectors?
˓→identifier=SPB_IRDA_JF4M (Caused by None)
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
ConnectionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-a88110cdc6c3> in <module>
6 for (mod, const), (data, timestamp, filepath, h5path) in zip(
----> 7 mod_x_const, old_retrieval_res.get()):
8 old_const.setdefault(mod, {})[const] = data
9 old_mdata.setdefault(mod, {})[const] = {
~/.pyenv/versions/3.8.11/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/pool.py in get(self, timeout)
769 return self._value
770 else:
--> 771 raise self._value
773 def _set(self, i, obj):
ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed
˓→connection without response'))
- Second test: second_test.pdf showed that reinjecting same CCV wasn't handeled the same as we expect.
RuntimeError: {'success': False, 'status_code': 422, 'info': 'Error creating
˓→calibration_constant_version', 'app_info': {'calibration_constant_id': ['has
˓→already been taken'], 'physical_detector_unit_id': ['has already been taken'],
˓→'begin_at': ['has already been taken']}, 'pagination': {}, 'data': {}}
Third test with already taken error
Forth and final test: final_report_test.pdf
Types of changes
- New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
Edited by Karim Ahmed
Merge request reports
Filter activity
added Test CAL Data Affected label
added 1 commit
- 4d105dba - fix: small fixes after testing part of injecting ccvs
added 1 commit
- 8ba4e33e - fix: small fixes after testing part of injecting ccvs
added 1 commit
- 09475354 - fix: handle CCVAlreadyInject case using a warning
added Doing label
added 1 commit
- 0ac4ba6c - fix: handle CCVAlreadyInject case using a warning
added 1 commit
- d8775666 - feat: use begin_at_strategy to find prior ccvs
added 25 commits
46f1bb1c...b650db91 - 14 commits from branch
- 6958fc29 - 1 earlier commit
- 1a465bf2 - feat: separate method to get_full_path for a constant
- 89c6e21a - Add JungfrauConditions
- 9aff47a1 - feat: Update Jungfrau dark notebook to write and read ccvs without using calibrationDBRemote
- 4cd22f2d - fix: small fixes after testing part of injecting ccvs
- 9c97670f - fix: handle CCVAlreadyInject case using a warning
- f8bee045 - fix: format warning and fix after testing
- 71cdcabc - fix: improve the retrieval for old constant
- e70292b2 - feat: use begin_at_strategy to find prior ccvs
- 051df21b - fix: store dims not shapes
- 9e195d08 - fix: in the process of fixing summary chapter for junfrau darks
Toggle commit list-
46f1bb1c...b650db91 - 14 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 5eee0511 - fix: Fix summary chapter plotting and CCV file access
- Resolved by Karim Ahmed
- Resolved by Karim Ahmed
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