Remove report service directory
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reportservice/ deleted
100644 → 0
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− 129
Then based on these configurations, it produces slurm jobs (through xfel-calibrate command line) to generate *.png plots of calibration configurations over time.
Finally these generated plots are pushed on to DetectorCharacterization(DC) remote repository and displayed on the ReadTheDocs(RTD).
It is important to know the machine name and the port, where the reportservice is running, for successful connection.
* --mode: The mode for running the service. Choices are sim[simulation], local and prod[production].
*prod* is the production mode working on the max-exfl-cal001 as xcal user for generating the DC report through RTD
and it should generate a very generalized DC report for the available detectors with information useful for most of the detector experts and users.
*local* is the mode used for generating figures locally without uploading the DC report on RTD or pushing figures
to the git repository, rather generated figures are copied to the local repository and depending on the
*sim* is a simulation mode, which is mostly used for debugging purposes and tool development without generating any reports locally or over RTD.
This mode make sure not to do any git interactions and it only works on running the notebooks for generating figures in the out-folder without further work.
The global information holds the path to the DetectorCharacterization main tool for displaying the plots.
Also, the information over the server ( and the time for automatic triggers for updating DC plots.
figures-remote: "http://<username>:<git-access-tocken>"
The YAML configuration file can be modified with all the available parameters, responsible for generating the required plots and DC report on RTD.
* --instrument: A selected list of instruments to generate a report for. This instrument must be in the report_conf.yaml. The default for this argument is ['all]
* --overwrite-conf: A bool for indicating a new report configuration file(conf-file) should be sent instead of the default report_conf.yaml,
* --upload: A bool for uploading the figure to out-folder of the report service(repo-local) and generating a report. Default is False