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(DSSC CORRECTION) Feat/Message for missing devices without NB failure

Merged Karim Ahmed requested to merge feat/dssc_corr_account_missing_modules into master
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# DSSC Offline Correction #
Author: European XFEL Detector Group, Version: 1.0
Offline Calibration for the DSSC Detector
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
in_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/201931/p900095/raw/" # the folder to read data from, required
run = 1515 # runs to process, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/" # the folder to output to, required
run = 1520 #runs to process, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/DSSC" # the folder to output to, required
sequences = [-1] # sequences to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed
mem_cells = 0 # number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer
overwrite = True # set to True if existing data should be overwritten
cluster_profile = "noDB" # cluster profile to use
max_pulses = 500 # maximum number of pulses per train
bias_voltage = 100 # detector bias voltage
cal_db_interface = "tcp://max-exfl016:8020#8025" # the database interface to use
use_dir_creation_date = True # use the creation data of the input dir for database queries
sequences_per_node = 1 # number of sequence files per cluster node if run as slurm job, set to 0 to not run SLURM parallel
cal_db_timeout = 300000 # in milli seconds
chunk_size_idim = 1 # chunking size of imaging dimension, adjust if user software is sensitive to this.
instrument = "SCS" # the instrument the detector is installed at, required
mask_noisy_asic = 0.25 # set to a value other than 0 and below 1 to mask entire ADC if fraction of noisy pixels is above
offset_image = "PP" # last one
mask_cold_asic = 0.25 # mask cold ASICS if number of pixels with negligable standard deviation is larger than this fraction
noisy_pix_threshold = 1. # threshold above which ap pixel is considered noisy.
geo_file = "/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/xcal/dssc_geo_june19.h5" # detector geometry file
dinstance = "DSSC1M1"
def balance_sequences(in_folder, run, sequences, sequences_per_node):
import glob
import re
import numpy as np
if sequences[0] == -1:
sequence_files = glob.glob("{}/r{:04d}/*-S*.h5".format(in_folder, run))
seq_nums = set()
for sf in sequence_files:
seqnum = re.findall(r".*-S([0-9]*).h5", sf)[0]
seq_nums -= set(sequences)
seq_nums = set(sequences)
nsplits = len(seq_nums)//sequences_per_node+1
while nsplits > 32:
sequences_per_node += 1
nsplits = len(seq_nums)//sequences_per_node+1
print("Changed to {} sequences per node to have a maximum of 8 concurrent jobs".format(sequences_per_node))
return [l.tolist() for l in np.array_split(list(seq_nums), nsplits) if l.size > 0]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
# make sure a cluster is running with ipcluster start --n=32, give it a while to start
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipyparallel import Client
from IPython.display import display, Markdown, Latex
print("Connecting to profile {}".format(cluster_profile))
view = Client(profile=cluster_profile)[:]
from iCalibrationDB import ConstantMetaData, Constants, Conditions, Detectors, Versions
from import (gain_map_files, parse_runs, run_prop_seq_from_path, get_notebook_name,
get_dir_creation_date, get_constant_from_db)
from dateutil import parser
from datetime import timedelta
creation_time = None
if use_dir_creation_date:
creation_time = get_dir_creation_date(in_folder, run)
print("Using {} as creation time".format(creation_time))
in_folder = "{}/r{:04d}".format(in_folder, run)
if sequences[0] == -1:
sequences = None
MAX_PAR = 32
if in_folder[-1] == "/":
in_folder = in_folder[:-1]
out_folder = "{}/{}".format(out_folder, os.path.split(in_folder)[-1])
print("Outputting to {}".format(out_folder))
if not os.path.exists(out_folder):
elif not overwrite:
raise AttributeError("Output path exists! Exiting")
import warnings
loc = None
if instrument == "SCS":
loc = "SCS_DET_DSSC1M-1"
dinstance = "DSSC1M1"
print("Detector in use is {}".format(loc))
if offset_image.upper() != "PP":
offset_image = int(offset_image)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def combine_stack(d, sdim):
combined = np.zeros((sdim, 2048,2048))
combined[...] = np.nan
d = np.moveaxis(d, 2, 3)
dy = 0
quad_pos = [
(0, 145),
(-5, 25),
(130, 15),
(130, 140),
px = 0.236
py = 0.204
with h5py.File(geo_file, "r") as gf:
for i in range(16):
t1 = gf["Q{}M{}"]
if i < 8:
dx = -512
if i > 3:
dx -= 25
mx = 1
my = i % 8
combined[:, my*128+dy:(my+1)*128+dy,
mx*512-dx:(mx+1)*512-dx] = np.rollaxis(d[i],2,1)[:,:,::-1]
dy += 30
if i == 3:
dy += 30
elif i < 12:
dx = 80 - 50
if i == 8:
dy = 4*30 + 30 +50 -30
mx = 1
my = i % 8 +4
combined[:, my*128+dy:(my+1)*128+dy,
mx*512-dx:(mx+1)*512-dx] = np.rollaxis(d[i],2,1)[:,::-1,:]
dy += 30
dx = 100 - 50
if i == 11:
dy = 20
mx = 1
my = i - 14
combined[:, my*128+dy:(my+1)*128+dy,
mx*512-dx:(mx+1)*512-dx] = np.rollaxis(d[i],2,1)[:,::-1,:]
dy += 30
return combined
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# set everything up filewise
from queue import Queue
from collections import OrderedDict
def map_modules_from_files(filelist):
module_files = OrderedDict()
mod_ids = OrderedDict()
total_sequences = 0
sequences_qm = {}
one_module = None
for quadrant in range(0, QUADRANTS):
for module in range(0, MODULES_PER_QUAD):
name = "Q{}M{}".format(quadrant + 1, module + 1)
module_files[name] = Queue()
num = quadrant * 4 + module
mod_ids[name] = num
file_infix = "{}{:02d}".format(DET_FILE_INSET, num)
sequences_qm[name] = 0
for file in filelist:
if file_infix in file:
if not one_module:
one_module = file, num
total_sequences += 1
sequences_qm[name] += 1
return module_files, mod_ids, total_sequences, sequences_qm, one_module
dirlist = sorted(os.listdir(in_folder))
file_list = []
for entry in dirlist:
#only h5 file
abs_entry = "{}/{}".format(in_folder, entry)
if os.path.isfile(abs_entry) and os.path.splitext(abs_entry)[1] == ".h5":
if sequences is None:
for seq in sequences:
if "{:05d}.h5".format(seq) in abs_entry:
mapped_files, mod_ids, total_sequences, sequences_qm, one_module = map_modules_from_files(file_list)
MAX_PAR = min(MAX_PAR, total_sequences)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Processed Files ##
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import copy
from IPython.display import HTML, display, Markdown, Latex
import tabulate
print("Processing a total of {} sequence files in chunks of {}".format(total_sequences, MAX_PAR))
table = []
mfc = copy.copy(mapped_files)
ti = 0
for k, files in mfc.items():
i = 0
while not files.empty():
f = files.get()
if i == 0:
table.append((ti, k, i, f))
table.append((ti, "", i, f))
i += 1
ti += 1
if len(table):
md = display(Latex(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='latex', headers=["#", "module", "# module", "file"])))
# restore the queue
mapped_files, mod_ids, total_sequences, sequences_qm, one_module = map_modules_from_files(file_list)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import copy
from functools import partial
def correct_module(total_sequences, sequences_qm, loc, dinstance, offset_image,
mask_noisy_asic, mask_cold_asic, noisy_pix_threshold, chunksize,
mem_cells, bias_voltage, cal_db_timeout, creation_time, cal_db_interface, inp):
import numpy as np
import copy
import h5py
from cal_tools.enums import BadPixels
from import get_dir_creation_date, get_constant_from_db_and_time, get_random_db_interface
from iCalibrationDB import ConstantMetaData, Constants, Conditions, Detectors, Versions
from hashlib import blake2b
import struct
import binascii
filename, filename_out, channel, qm = inp
h5path = "INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/".format(loc, channel)
h5path_idx = "INDEX/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/".format(loc, channel)
low_edges = None
hists_signal_low = None
high_edges = None
hists_signal_high = None
pulse_edges = None
err = None
offset_not_found = False
def get_num_cells(fname, loc, module):
with h5py.File(fname, "r") as f:
cells = f["INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/cellId".format(loc, module)][()]
maxcell = np.max(cells)
options = [100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800]
dists = np.array([(o-maxcell) for o in options])
dists[dists<0] = 10000 # assure to always go higher
return options[np.argmin(dists)]
def get_checksum(fname, loc, module):
with h5py.File(fname, "r") as infile:
count = np.squeeze(infile["/INDEX/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/count".format(loc, channel)])
first = np.squeeze(infile["/INDEX/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/first".format(loc, channel)])
last_index = int(first[count != 0][-1]+count[count != 0][-1])
first_index = int(first[count != 0][0])
pulseids = infile["INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/pulseId".format(loc, channel)][first_index:int(first[count != 0][1])]
bveto = blake2b(, digest_size=8)
pulseid_checksum = struct.unpack('d', binascii.unhexlify(bveto.hexdigest()))[0]
return pulseid_checksum
if mem_cells == 0:
mem_cells = get_num_cells(filename, loc, channel)
pulseid_checksum = get_checksum(filename, loc, channel)
print("Memcells: {}".format(mem_cells))
condition = Conditions.Dark.DSSC(bias_voltage=bias_voltage, memory_cells=mem_cells,
detinst = getattr(Detectors, dinstance)
device = getattr(detinst, qm)
with h5py.File(filename, "r", driver="core") as infile:
y = infile[h5path+"image/data"].shape[2]
x = infile[h5path+"image/data"].shape[3]
offset, when = get_constant_from_db_and_time(device,
if offset is not None:
offset = np.moveaxis(np.moveaxis(offset[...], 2, 0), 2, 1)
offset_not_found = True
offset = np.zeros((x, y, mem_cells))
offset = np.moveaxis(np.moveaxis(offset[...], 2, 0), 2, 1)
print("No offset found in the database")
def copy_and_sanitize_non_cal_data(infile, outfile):
# these are touched in the correct function, do not copy them here
dont_copy = ["data"]
dont_copy = [h5path + "image/{}".format(do)
for do in dont_copy]
# a visitor to copy everything else
def visitor(k, item):
if k not in dont_copy:
if isinstance(item, h5py.Group):
elif isinstance(item, h5py.Dataset):
group = str(k).split("/")
group = "/".join(group[:-1])
infile.copy(k, outfile[group])
with h5py.File(filename, "r", driver="core") as infile:
with h5py.File(filename_out, "w") as outfile:
copy_and_sanitize_non_cal_data(infile, outfile)
# get indices of last images in each train
first_arr = np.squeeze(infile[h5path_idx+"image/first"]).astype(
last_arr = np.concatenate((first_arr[1:], np.array([-1,]))).astype(
assert first_arr.size == last_arr.size
oshape = list(infile[h5path+"image/data"].shape)
if len(oshape) == 4:
oshape = [oshape[0],]+oshape[2:]
chunks = (chunksize, oshape[1], oshape[2])
ddset = outfile.create_dataset(h5path + "image/data",
oshape, chunks=chunks,
mdset = outfile.create_dataset(h5path + "image/mask",
oshape, chunks=chunks,
for train in range(first_arr.size):
first = first_arr[train]
last = last_arr[train]
data = np.squeeze(infile[h5path+"image/data"][first:last, ...].astype(np.float32))
cellId = np.squeeze(infile[h5path+"image/cellId"][first:last, ...])
pulseId = np.squeeze(infile[h5path+"image/pulseId"][first:last, ...])
if offset_image != "PP" and offset_not_found:
data -= data[offset_image, ...]
data[...] -= offset[cellId,...]
if train == 0:
pulseId = np.repeat(pulseId[:, None], data.shape[1], axis=1)
pulseId = np.repeat(pulseId[:,:,None], data.shape[2], axis=2)
bins = (55, pulseId.max())
rnge = [[-5, 50], [0, pulseId.max()]]
bins = (55, int(pulseId.max()))
rnge = [[-5, 50], [0, int(pulseId.max())]]
hists_signal_low, low_edges, pulse_edges = np.histogram2d(data.flatten(),
rnge = [[-5, 300], [0, pulseId.max()]]
hists_signal_high, high_edges, _ = np.histogram2d(data.flatten(),
# data[data < 0] = 0
ddset[first:last, ...] = data
# find static and noisy values in dark images
data = infile[h5path+"image/data"][last, ...].astype(np.float32)
bpix = np.zeros(oshape[1:], np.uint32)
dark_std = np.std(data, axis=0)
bpix[dark_std > noisy_pix_threshold] = BadPixels.NOISE_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD.value
for i in range(8):
for j in range(2):
count_noise = np.count_nonzero(bpix[i*64:(i+1)*64, j*64:(j+1)*64])
asic_std = np.std(data[:, i*64:(i+1)*64, j*64:(j+1)*64])
if mask_noisy_asic:
if count_noise/(64*64) > mask_noisy_asic:
bpix[i*64:(i+1)*64, j*64:(j+1)*64] = BadPixels.NOISY_ADC.value
if mask_cold_asic:
count_cold = np.count_nonzero(asic_std < 0.5)
if count_cold/(64*64) > mask_cold_asic:
bpix[i*64:(i+1)*64, j*64:(j+1)*64] = BadPixels.ASIC_STD_BELOW_NOISE.value
# This was removed because last element in last is -1 and that produce errors
# Also because mdset is not clear why is it needed.
# for train in range(first_arr.size):
# first = first_arr[train]
# last = last_arr[train]
# mdset[first:last, ...] = np.repeat(bpix[None,...], last-first, axis=0)
except Exception as e:
success = False
reason = "Error"
err = e
if err is None and offset_not_found:
err = "Offset was not found in the database!"
err = "Offset not found in database!. No offset correction applied."
return (hists_signal_low, hists_signal_high, low_edges, high_edges, pulse_edges, when, qm, err)
done = False
first_files = []
inp = []
left = total_sequences
hists_signal_low = 0
hists_signal_high = 0
low_edges, high_edges, pulse_edges = None, None, None
whens = []
qms = []
Errors = []
while not done:
dones = []
first = True
for i in range(16):
qm = "Q{}M{}".format(i//4 +1, i % 4 + 1)
if qm in mapped_files and not mapped_files[qm].empty():
fname_in = str(mapped_files[qm].get())
if qm in mapped_files:
if not mapped_files[qm].empty():
fname_in = str(mapped_files[qm].get())
print("{} file is missing".format(qm))
print("Skipping {}".format(qm))
first_files.append((None, None))
fout = os.path.abspath("{}/{}".format(out_folder, (os.path.split(fname_in)[-1]).replace("RAW", "CORR")))
if first:
first_files.append((fname_in, fout))
first_files.append((i, fname_in, fout))
inp.append((fname_in, fout, i, qm))
first = False
if len(inp) >= min(MAX_PAR, left):
print("Running {} tasks parallel".format(len(inp)))
p = partial(correct_module, total_sequences, sequences_qm,
loc, dinstance, offset_image, mask_noisy_asic,
mask_cold_asic, noisy_pix_threshold, chunk_size_idim,
mem_cells, bias_voltage, cal_db_timeout, creation_time, cal_db_interface)
r = view.map_sync(p, inp)
#r = list(map(p, inp))
inp = []
left -= MAX_PAR
for rr in r:
if rr is not None:
hl, hh, low_edges, high_edges, pulse_edges, when, qm, err = rr
if hl is not None: # any one being None will also make the others None
hists_signal_low += hl.astype(np.float64)
hists_signal_high += hh.astype(np.float64)
done = all(dones)
whens = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(qms,whens))]
qms = sorted(qms)
for i, qm in enumerate(qms):
when = whens[i].isoformat()
when = whens[i]
if Errors[i] is not None:
print("Offset for {} was injected on {}, Error: {}".format(qm, when, Errors[i]))
# Avoid writing wrong injection date if cons. not found.
if "not found" in Errors[i]:
print("ERROR! {}: {}".format(qm, Errors[i]))
print("Offset for {} was injected on {}, ERROR!: {}".format(qm, when, Errors[i]))
print("Offset for {} was injected on {}".format(qm, when))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
def do_3d_plot(data, edges, x_axis, y_axis):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# Make data.
X = edges[0][:-1]
Y = edges[1][:-1]
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
Z = data.T
# Plot the surface.
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def do_2d_plot(data, edges, y_axis, x_axis):
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
extent = [np.min(edges[1]), np.max(edges[1]),np.min(edges[0]), np.max(edges[0])]
im = ax.imshow(data[::-1,:], extent=extent, aspect="auto", norm=LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=np.max(data)))
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Mean Intensity per Pulse ##
The following plots show the mean signal for each pulse in a detailed and expanded intensity region.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
do_3d_plot(hists_signal_low, [low_edges, pulse_edges], "Signal (ADU)", "Pulse id")
do_2d_plot(hists_signal_low, [low_edges, pulse_edges], "Signal (ADU)", "Pulse id")
do_3d_plot(hists_signal_high, [high_edges, pulse_edges], "Signal (ADU)", "Pulse id")
do_2d_plot(hists_signal_high, [high_edges, pulse_edges], "Signal (ADU)", "Pulse id")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
corrected = []
raw = []
mask = []
cell_fac = 1
first_idx = 400*10+40
last_idx = 400*10+56
pulse_ids = []
train_ids = []
for i, ff in enumerate(first_files[:16]):
for ff in first_files:
rf, cf = ff
if rf is None:
raise Exception("File not present")
infile = h5py.File(rf, "r")
raw.append(np.array(infile["/INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/data".format(loc, i)][first_idx:last_idx,0,...]))
infile = h5py.File(cf, "r")
corrected.append(np.array(infile["/INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/data".format(loc, i)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
mask.append(np.array(infile["/INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/mask".format(loc, i)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
pulse_ids.append(np.squeeze(infile["/INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/pulseId".format(loc, i)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
train_ids.append(np.squeeze(infile["/INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/trainId".format(loc, i)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
channel, raw_file, corr_file = ff
infile = h5py.File(raw_file, "r")
first_idx = int(np.array(infile["/INDEX/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/first"
.format(loc, channel)])[0])
raw_d = np.array(infile["/INSTRUMENT/{}/DET/{}CH0:xtdf/image/data"
.format(loc, channel)])
# Use first 128 images for plotting
if raw_d.shape[0] >= 128:
# random number for plotting
plt_im = 128
plt_im = d.shape[0]
last_idx = first_idx + plt_im
infile = h5py.File(corr_file, "r")
.format(loc, channel)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
.format(loc, channel)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
.format(loc, channel)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
.format(loc, channel)][first_idx:last_idx,...]))
except Exception as e:
corrected.append(np.zeros((last_idx-first_idx, 512, 128)))
mask.append(np.zeros((last_idx-first_idx, 512, 128)))
raw.append(np.zeros((last_idx-first_idx, 512, 128)))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def combine_stack(d, sdim):
combined = np.zeros((sdim, 1300,1300), np.float32)
combined[...] = 0
dy = 0
quad_pos = [
(0, 145),
(130, 140),
(125, 15),
(0, 15),
px = 0.236
py = 0.204
with h5py.File(geo_file, "r") as gf:
for i in range(16):
for i in range(len(d)):
mi = i
mi = 3-(i%4)
mp = gf["Q{}/M{}/Position".format(i//4+1, mi%4+1)][()]
t1 = gf["Q{}/M{}/T01/Position".format(i//4+1, i%4+1)][()]
t2 = gf["Q{}/M{}/T02/Position".format(i//4+1, i%4+1)][()]
if i//4 < 2:
t1, t2 = t2, t1
if i // 4 == 0 or i // 4 == 1:
td = d[i][:,::-1,:]
td = d[i][:,:,::-1]
t1d = td[:,:,:256]
t2d = td[:,:,256:]
x0t1 = int((t1[0]+mp[0])/px)
y0t1 = int((t1[1]+mp[1])/py)
x0t2 = int((t2[0]+mp[0])/px)
y0t2 = int((t2[1]+mp[1])/py)
x0t1 += int(quad_pos[i//4][1]/px)
x0t2 += int(quad_pos[i//4][1]/px)
y0t1 += int(quad_pos[i//4][0]/py)+combined.shape[1]//16
y0t2 += int(quad_pos[i//4][0]/py)+combined.shape[1]//16
combined[:,y0t1:y0t1+128,x0t1:x0t1+256] = t1d
combined[:,y0t2:y0t2+128,x0t2:x0t2+256] = t2d
return combined
combined = combine_stack(corrected, last_idx-first_idx)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
combined = combine_stack(corrected, last_idx-first_idx)
combined_raw = combine_stack(raw, last_idx-first_idx)
combined_mask = combine_stack(mask, last_idx-first_idx)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Mean RAW Preview ###
The per pixel mean of the first 128 images of the RAW data
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown("The per pixel mean of the first {} images of the RAW data".format(plt_im)))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%matplotlib inline
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(np.mean(combined_raw[:,...],axis=0),
vmin=min(0.75*np.median(combined_raw[combined_raw > 0]), -5),
vmax=max(1.5*np.median(combined_raw[combined_raw > 0]), 50), cmap="jet")
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Single Shot Preview ###
A single shot image from cell 2 of the first train
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
dim = combined[2,...]
im = ax.imshow(dim, vmin=-0, vmax=max(1.5*np.median(dim[dim > 0]), 50), cmap="jet", interpolation="nearest")
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
h = ax.hist(dim.flatten(), bins=100, range=(0, 100))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Mean CORRECTED Preview ###
The per pixel mean of the first 128 images of the CORRECTED data
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown("The per pixel mean of the first {} images of the CORRECTED data".format(plt_im)))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(np.mean(combined[:,...], axis=0), vmin=0,
vmax=max(1.5*np.median(combined[combined > 0]), 10), cmap="jet", interpolation="nearest")
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Max CORRECTED Preview ###
The per pixel maximum of the first 128 images of the CORRECTED data
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(np.max(combined[:,...], axis=0), vmin=0,
vmax=max(100*np.median(combined[combined > 0]), 20), cmap="jet", interpolation="nearest")
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
combined[combined <= 0] = 0
h = ax.hist(combined.flatten(), bins=100, range=(-5, 100), log=True)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Bad Pixels ##
The mask contains dedicated entries for all pixels and memory cells as well as all three gains stages. Each mask entry is encoded in 32 bits as:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from cal_tools.enums import BadPixels
from IPython.display import HTML, display, Markdown, Latex
import tabulate
table = []
for item in BadPixels:
table.append((, "{:016b}".format(item.value)))
md = display(Latex(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='latex', headers=["Bad pixel type", "Bit mask"])))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Full Train Bad Pixels ###
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(np.log2(np.max(combined_mask[:,...], axis=0)), vmin=0,
vmax=32, cmap="jet")
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Full Train Bad Pixels - Only Dark Char. Related ###
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(np.max((combined_mask.astype(np.uint32)[:,...] & BadPixels.NOISY_ADC.value) != 0, axis=0), vmin=0,
vmax=1, cmap="jet")
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python