We ran into an issues where sequences without data would raise a ValueError
and make a slurm job hang.
The following is an attempt at fixing that.
The dataset /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202030/p900138/raw/r0167
has no data in the sequences 2:
/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202030/p900138/raw/r0167/RAW-R0167-AGIPD00-S00002.h5 (1 attributes)
│ └DET
│ └0CH0:xtdf
│ ├header (3 attributes)
│ │ ├magicNumberBegin [int8: 0 × 8]
│ │ ├majorTrainFormatVersion [uint32: 0]
│ │ ├minorTrainFormatVersion [uint32: 0]
│ │ ├trainId [uint64: 0]
│ │ ├linkId [uint64: 0]
│ │ ├pulseCount [uint64: 0]
│ │ ├dataId [uint64: 0]
│ │ └reserved [uint8: 0 × 16]
│ ├image (3 attributes)
│ │ ├data [uint16: 0 × 2 × 512 × 128]
│ │ ├pulseId [uint64: 0 × 1]
│ │ ├status [uint16: 0 × 1]
│ │ ├length [uint32: 0 × 1]
│ │ ├cellId [uint16: 0 × 1]
│ │ └trainId [uint64: 0 × 1]
│ ├detector (3 attributes)
│ │ ├data [uint8: 0 × 5408]
│ │ └trainId [uint64: 0]
│ └trailer (3 attributes)
│ ├checksum [int8: 0 × 16]
│ ├magicNumberEnd [int8: 0 × 8]
│ ├status [uint64: 0]
│ └trainId [uint64: 0]
As this is the last sequence in the folder, I theorisize that acquistion was stopped just in time before data was available for this sequence.
Here, we aim to curb this issue by validating sequences with data before calibrating it: when the sequences are not explicitely defined, we check each file for data.
This has two shortcomings.
I would prefer for a file to be skipped if there's no data in it and continue with the other files in the bunch, but it's proven tricky to do.
There's an integration test using the "broken" run.
I'm also using the following to run a complete test:
xfel-calibrate AGIPD CORRECT \
--slurm-mem 750 \
--slurm-name spb_debug \
--report-to /gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/danilevc/debug/ \
--receiver-id {}CH0 \
--h5path-ctrl /CONTROL/{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP \
--in-folder /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202030/p900138/raw/ \
--out-folder /gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/danilevc/debug/ \
--karabo-id SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1 \
--karabo-id-control SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1 \
--karabo-da-control AGIPD1MCTRL00 \
--run 167 \