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Fixes for testing 3.0.0-test03

Karim Ahmed requested to merge fix/3.0.0-test03-fixes into master


Hopefully final fixes for offline calibration 3.0.0 on max-exfl017


@kamile @danilevc


This is still WIP, as there is still a fix in progress for LPD Correction


The WIP: is removed as from what I understood from @jsztuk LPD correction is not expected and we could try to solve it after the deployment.

This is another filled checklist for testing tag 3.0.0-test03 using xcaltst@max-exfl017

CALLAB test checklist

Test-Tag: 3.0.0-test03

Calibration Services:

  • Dark Reports -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed Comments: ---
  • Correction Reports -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments: More than one detector in a run show only on report on service_overview [run 9995 LPD and JF1M]
  • myMDC communication with webservice -> Results: [x] Success [] Failed. Comments Communication is going as expected.

Calibration Notebook Dark/Correct Actions


  • AGIPD1M@SPB - run 9992 -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed. Comments:---

  • AGIPD500K@HED - run 9985 -> Result: [] Success -[x] Failed. Comments:--- calibration_configurations needs to be updated with ´bias_voltage = 200´ + Errors at the pre-notebook

  • DSSC@SCS - run 9987 -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed. Comments:---

  • EPIX10K@HED - run 9986 -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments: Error: Couldn't calibrate data in /gpfs/exfel/exp/CALLAB/202031/p900113/raw/r9986 This error happen only in xcaltst@max-exfl017, most probably it is access issues.

  • EPIX100@MID -run 9988 -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed. Comments:---

  • fastCCD@SCS - run 9993 -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed Comments flip_rgain is not defined (should only be used if relgain is requested)

  • JF1M@FXE - run 9995 -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed. Comments---

  • LPD@FXE - runs: [9996, 9995, 9994] -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments: Error while writing the data in .h5 files

  • pnCCD@SQS - run 9989 -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed Comments default parameters is needed as pnCCD used test is old with no parameters in slow data, required was given for use_dir_creation_date + pattern_class bool condition missing on histogram parameters


  • AGIPD1M@SPB - runs: [9992, 9991, 9990] -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments:---

  • AGIPD500K@HED - runs: [9985, 9984, 9983] -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments:---

  • DSSC@SCS - runs: [9987] -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed.

  • Epix100@MID - runs: [9988] -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed. Comments:---

  • Epix10K@HED - runs: [9986] -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments Wrong number of inputs send_to_db()

  • fastCCD@SCS - runs: [9993] -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments Syntax errors. Undefined libraries and variables

  • JF1M@FXE - runs: [9999, 9998, 9997] -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed. comments:---

  • LPD@FXE - runs: [9996, 9995, 9994] -> Result: [] Success [x] Failed. Comments: Error using matplotlib Unrecognized Location "outside-top"

  • pnCCD@SQS - runs: [9989] -> Result: [x] Success [] Failed. Comments:---

Edited by Cyril Danilevski

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