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Feat/user notebooks

Robert Rosca requested to merge feat/user-notebooks into master


Adds in support for notebooks in user-defined spaces. Idea is that you can, in xfel_calibrate/ add in a configuration like:

    "REMI": {
        "CORRECT": {
            "notebook": None,
            "user": {
                "notebook": "/gpfs/exfel/exp/{instrument}/{cycle}/p{proposal}/usr/calibration/notebooks/correct.ipynb",
                "venv": "/gpfs/exfel/sw/software/exfel_environments/sqs-remi-preview"
            "concurrency": {
                "parameter": None,
                "use function": None,
                "default concurrency": None,
                "cluster cores": 1

If ["notebook"] is set to None then user_notebook gets parsed and templated by CLI arguments, then the "notebook" key is set to this string and the rest continues as normal.

How Has This Been Tested?

  • Add in tests
  • Deploy and test with REMI CALLAB data on max-exfl17 with mymdc test instance

Manual test setup involved adding a notebook to /gpfs/exfel/exp/CALLAB/202130/p900203/usr/calibration/notebooks/correct.ipynb (this matches the REMI user notebook path pattern), then running xfel-calibrate REMI CORRECT --instrument CALLAB --cycle 202130 --proposal 900203.

This will then execute the test notebook.

The test notebook does... nothing really, it just creates an empty file called touch in the in_folder directory. If the SLURM job finishes without errors, the PDF renders correctly, and the touch file is present, then the user notebook with a user venv executed correctly.

Relevant Documents (optional)

Part of SQS Moonshot, see:

Types of changes

  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Test (additional or refactored tests)


  • My code follows the code style of this project.
  • My change requires a change to the documentation.
  • I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • I added tests where appropriate.




Edited by Robert Rosca

Merge request reports