[REMI] Various fixes and improvements for quad DLDs
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Recent work on characterizing new (non-REMI) DLD detectors uncovered some minor annoyances in the current notebook.
and ignore_ppl
enabled, a virtual trigger is now created spanning the entire train. This is useful when data was taking using only dark hits for maximal duty cyclemaxshape=(None,) + shape[1:]
run = 125
in_folder = '/gpfs/exfel/exp/SQS/202331/p900382/raw'
calib_config_path = '/gpfs/exfel/exp/SQS/202331/p900382/usr/aqsx_proc_config.yaml'
karabo_id = 'SQS_AQSX_DLD4'
out_aggregator = 'DLD01'
quad_anode = Truess
ignore_fel = False
ignore_ppl = False