[Timepix] Throw pasha at it
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clustering_epsilon = 2.0 # centroiding: The maximum distance between two samples for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other
clustering_tof_scale = 1e7 # centroiding: Scaling factor for the ToA axis so that the epsilon parameter in DB scan works in all 3 dimensions
raw_timewalk_lut_filepath = '' # fpath to look up table for timewalk correction relative to proposal path or empty string,
_tpx_data["labels"] = clustering(_tpx_data, epsilon=clustering_epsilon, tof_scale=clustering_tof_scale, min_samples=clustering_min_samples, n_jobs=clustering_n_jobs)
fraction_centroids = np.sum(centroids["size"])/events['data.size'] if events['data.size']>0 else np.nan