Offline Calibration
The offline calibration is a package that consists of different services, responsible for applying most of the offline calibration and characterization for the detectors.
Offline calibration installation
It's recommended to install the offline calibration (pycalibration) package over maxwell, using anaconda/3 environment.
Installation using Anaconda
First you need to load the anaconda/3 environment through:
1. module load anaconda/3
If installing into other python enviroments, this step can be skipped.
Then the package for the offline calibration can be obtained from the git repository:
2. git clone
You can then install all requirements of this tool chain in your home directory by running:
3. pip install -r requirements.txt . --user
in pycalibration's root directory.
After installation, you should make sure that the home directory is in the PATH environment variable:
4. export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
Installation using virtual python environment
Create virtual environment:
module load anaconda/3
python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
Clone from git:
cd /path/to/packages
git clone
cd pycalibration
Edit path to the python environment in the bin/ file. Change:
export PATH=/home/${USER}/.local/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin:$PATH
Install the package:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In additional install pyDetLib package, which is required for many notebooks:
cd /path/to/packages
git clone
cd pyDetLib/lib
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
Development Installation
For a development installation in your home directory, which automatically picks up (most) changes, first install the dependencies as above, but then install the tool-chain separately in development mode:
pip install -e . --user
Activate Offline calibration
For using pycalibration package one needs to activate it through:
source activate
from inside of the pycalibration directory. This will automatically load all needed modules and export the $PATH for the home directory.
Python Scripted Calibration
First: do not run this on the Maxwell gateway. Rather, salloc a node for yourself first:
salloc -p exfel/upex -t 01:00:00
where -p gives the partition to use: exfel or upex and -t the duration the node should be allocated. Then ssh onto that node.
(optionally) Set up the environment:
module load python3
pip install --user ipython --upgrade
pip install --user ipyparallel --upgrade
pip install --user dill
If running headless (i.e. without X forwarding), be sure to set MPLBACKEND=Agg, via:
Then start an ipcluster. If you followed the steps above this can be done via:
~/.local/bin/ipcluster start --n=32
Run the script:
python3 --input /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/201701/p002012/raw/r0100 \
--output ../../test_out --mem-cells 30 --detector AGIPD --sequences 0,1
Here --input should point to a directory of RAW files for the detector you are calibrating. They will be output into the folder specified by --output, which will have the run number or the last folder in the hiearchy of the input appended. Additionally, you need to specify the number of --mem-cells used for the run, as well as the --detector. Finally, you can optionally specify to only process certain --sequences of files, matching the sequence numbers of the RAW input. These should be given as a comma-separated list.
Finally, there is a --no-relgain option, which disables relative gain correction. This can be useful while we still further characterize the detectors to provid accurate relative gain correction constants.
You'll get a series of plots in the output directory as well.