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Commit 8714bba8 authored by Jakobsen, Mads Bregenholt's avatar Jakobsen, Mads Bregenholt
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this file contains functinalty to test the xpcs functions

parent dde9ab6f
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# this is a file that tests the different xpcs implementations
# i.e., fast XPCS and myxpcs (from mads)
import time
import numpy as np
#import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
# get some data
dataShape = (352, 512, 128)
photonEnergy = 13.3 # in ADU
# this is a function that generates a dummy panel dataset given a shape
# input: -shape, the shape of the data generated,
# shape = (numBunches, panelSlowScanDim, panelFastScanDim)
# e.g. shape = (352, 512, 128)
# -chanceOfPhotonPerPixel, is the chance of measuring a photon per pixel
# e.g. 0.05 or 0.01, note that measuring 2 pixels then has chance
# 0.05**2 = 0.0025 and measureing 3 pixel has change 0.05**3
# -correlationPerBunch, is the correlation from one image to the next
# if this is equal to 1, then it will be same image repeated numBunches times
# if this is equal to 0, then it will be complely uncorrelated, e.g., random
# -energy, the energy of a photon in ADU, e.g., 15.
# the position of the peaks for the 0, 1, 2, 3, ... photon hits is at
# respective integer multiples of this value
# -photonized, a boolean that decides wheather the output is photonized (integer values)
# If not, then there is a gaussian noise added to the photonized values
# -sigma, the standard deviation of the gaussian noise added. at around 0.15 the pixels are still relatively well
# localized within +/- 0.5 around the integer values. if sigma > 0.15 then the peaks start to smear into one another
def getDummyData(shape, chanceOfPhotonPerPixel = 0.01, correlationPerBunch=0.5, energy=15, photonized=True, sigma=0.15):
data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
numPixelPrImage = shape[1]*shape[2]
def getRandomImage(q=chanceOfPhotonPerPixel):
return np.reshape(np.random.choice(
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
p=[q**0, q**1, q**2, q**3, q**4, q**5, q**6]/np.sum([q**0, q**1, q**2, q**3, q**4, q**5, q**6])),(shape[1], shape[2]))
def evolveImageFrom(image, c=correlationPerBunch):
randMask = np.reshape(np.random.choice(
[0, 1],
p=[1-c, c]),(shape[1], shape[2]))
return np.where(randMask==1, image, getRandomImage())
data[0,:,:] = np.reshape(getRandomImage(), (shape[1], shape[2]))
for pulseNr in range(1,dataShape[0]):
data[pulseNr, :, :] = evolveImageFrom(data[pulseNr-1,:,:])
# if we do not returned photnoized data, then add a gaussian random variable
if (~photonized ):
data += sigma * np.random.standard_normal(size=shape)
data *= energy
return data
data = getDummyData(
# function to do the xpcs the same way as in the xpcs class
# in the xpcs calng addon
# input : -image, the data set, e.g., data
def xpcs(image, energy):
image /= 1
image = np.around(image)
flat_image_shape = image.reshape(image.shape[0], -1).shape
reshaped_data = image.reshape(flat_image_shape).T
indices = np.indices(reshaped_data.shape)
# make a mask that picls out those pixels that are
# lit, i.e., have a value larger than 0
lit_mask = reshaped_data > 0
# get the values of those that have a value larger than 0
lit_pixels = reshaped_data[lit_mask].astype(np.uint32)
# get the indices of those that
lit_indices = indices[:, lit_mask].astype(np.uint32)
# initalize a sparse array
sparse_array = np.empty_like(lit_pixels, dtype=np.uint32)
# call function to fill sparse array with indices and value via bitpacking
sparsify2(lit_pixels, lit_indices, sparse_array)
# do stuff
t = time.time()
xpcs(data, photonEnergy)
elapsed = time.time() - t
print(f"elapsed {elapsed}")
# cpu code with python from xpcs
fig = pl.hist(data[:,:,:].ravel(), bins=500, log=True)
pl.title('Histogram of values')
print('hist plotted')
def scaleForVideo(data):
min = np.min(data)
max = np.max(data)
vid = np.round(255*(data-min)/(max-min))
print(np.min(vid), np.max(vid))
return np.uint8(vid)
#videoData = scaleForVideo(data)
#fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
#out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.mp4', fourcc, 10.0, (dataShape[1], dataShape[2]))
#for bunchNr in range(dataShape[0]):
# print(bunchNr)
# out.write(cv2.cvtColor(np.transpose(videoData[bunchNr, :, :]),cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR))
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