ESP32 firmware for the ICBM, based on Arduino and the `ESP32-Ethernet-Kit_A_V1.2`.
The Intelligent Controller Board for MPODs is a project that aims to automatically
perform power procedures upon defined inputs.
This project depends on [`Arduino_SNMP`]( and [`MCP23S08`](
## Usage
The IMC is meant to be used over network using HTTP get and post.
### Routes
All routes return JSON.
Available routes are:
- `/idn`: provides information about firmware and hardware version, and uptime.
It can be queried as a heartbeat, seeing the uptime increasing.
### Serial Interface
The serial interface is available through the micro-usb port.
It prints basic networking information, as well as a heartbeat (`-` if ethernet is disconnected, else `.`).
It is not possible to control the device or perform queries through the serial interface.
### Quirks
Despite communication being over Ethernet, the project makes use of the ESP32 Wifi stack, hence some
references to Wifi here and there (eg. `WiFiUdp`).
### Installation
Either use the Arduino IDE and use its library manager to find the SNMP library, or use `arduino-cli`:
# Download arduino-cli
# Extract the downloaded archive
tar -xzf arduino-cli_latest_Linux_64bit.tar.gz
# Verify installation
arduino-cli config init
Then set up the required environment. Edit `~/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml` and add the following:
We enable unsafe installation to allow installation of packages outside of the Arduino package registry (ie. via git)
Update the Arduino index with:
The required libraries are (minimum versions):
arduino-cli lib install --git-url --config-file arduino-cli.yaml # Awaiting 1.4.1+ tag
arduino-cli lib install MCP23S08@0.5.2
`SNMP` needs to be installed from Git until a new release (greater than 1.4.0) is released due to compilation issues with arduino-esp 3+.
This is fixed in master, but not tagged and released in the Arduino library list.
arduino-cli compile -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit icbm.ino -v
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit
### Versioning
The firmware version is provided as part of the `/idn` route.
This is the git tag or commit, if `-DICBM_GIT_VERSION` is set.
The git date can be set via `-DICBM_GIT_TIMESTAMP`.
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit --input-dir icbm-0.0.0