#include "powerproc.hpp"
#include "mpod.hpp"
PowerProcedure::PowerProcedure(const IPAddress& ipAddr)
: ipAddr(ipAddr), stagesCount(STAGESCOUNT), currentStage(""), currentChannel(-1) {
stages = new Stage[stagesCount];
stages[0].size = 4;
stages[0].channels = new int[stages[0].size]{604, 705, 706, 707};
stages[1].name = "ASICS";
stages[1].size = 9;
stages[1].channels = new int[stages[1].size]{508, 708, 502, 503, 504, 501, 507, 607, 608};
stages[2].name = "HV";
stages[2].size = 10;
stages[2].channels = new int[stages[2].size]{1, 2, 101, 103, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108};
stages[3].name = "PLCSOURCE";
stages[3].size = 9;
stages[3].channels = new int[stages[3].size]{701, 801, 802, 803, 804, 301, 302, 303, 304};
PowerProcedure::~PowerProcedure() {
for (size_t stageIdx = 0; stageIdx < stagesCount; stageIdx++) {
delete[] stages[stageIdx].channels;
String PowerProcedure::toJSON() {
String json = "{\n";
json += "\"target\":\"" + ipAddr.toString() + "\",\n";
json += "\"groups\": [\n";
for (size_t stageIdx = 0; stageIdx < stagesCount; stageIdx++) {
Stage* currentStage = &stages[stageIdx];
json += "{\"name\":\"" + currentStage->name + "\",";
json += "\"channels\":[\n";
for (size_t ch = 0; ch < currentStage->size; ch++) {
SNMP::Message* snmp_msg =>channels[ch]);
snmp.send(snmp_msg, ipAddr, SNMP::Port::SNMP);
delete snmp_msg;
snmp.loop(); // Force loop to update now
json += mpod.toJSON();
json += ",\n";
json.remove(json.lastIndexOf(','), 1); // Remove trailing comma of last entry
json += "]\n";
json += "},\n";
json.remove(json.lastIndexOf(','), 1); // Remove trailing comma of last entry
json += "]\n"; // groups body
json += "}"; // json body
return json;
bool PowerProcedure::powerOn(const String& stage) {
for (size_t stageIdx = 0; stageIdx < stagesCount; stageIdx++) {
Stage* currentStage = &stages[stageIdx];
if (currentStage->name == stage) {
for (size_t chIdx = 0; chIdx < currentStage->size; chIdx++) {
setChannelAndWait(&ipAddr, currentStage->channels[chIdx], 1); // 1 == ON
return true;
return false; // Invalid group name
bool PowerProcedure::powerOff(const String& stage) {
for (size_t stageIdx = 0; stageIdx < stagesCount; stageIdx++) {
Stage* currentStage = &stages[stageIdx];
if (currentStage->name == stage) {
for (int chIdx = currentStage->size - 1; chIdx >= 0; chIdx--) {
setChannelAndWait(&ipAddr, currentStage->channels[chIdx], 0); // 0 == OFF
return true;
return false; // Invalid group name
PowerProcedure pproc(IPAddress(192, 168, 140, 106));