DEPFET Q2M1 Power Procedure
This MR offers a validated power up and down procedure for the DSSC2 for a single module (Q2M1).
How Has This Been Tested?
The MPOD is powered through Karabo using the DETLAB_DSSC2/PSC/MPOD2
, and Manual Powering Instructions.
Only a single module, M1
was powered up and down.
Shutdown order matters.
Validation of channel order done while powering up:
import requests
from time import monotonic
def power_all_on():
tstart = monotonic()
print(requests.get("")) # Group does not exist, validate that error handled, expect HTTP 406
print("Took ", monotonic() - tstart)
Command used for triggering power down from microcontroller:
import requests
from time import monotonic
def off():
tstart = monotonic()
print("Took ", monotonic() - tstart)
Test Protocol:
Power auto-on from Karabo, trigger complete shutdown from microcontroller: AON channels go down. -
Power auto-on, ASICs from Karabo, trigger complete shutdown from microcontroller: IOBA, IOB, RB, MBJT, AON channels go down. -
Power auto-on, ASICs, HV from Karabo, trigger complete shutdown from microcontroller: BACK, RING2, RING1, IS, IOBA, IOB, RB, MBJT, AON channels go down. -
Power all on: auto-on, ASICs, HV, PLC, SG from Karabo, trigger complete shutdown from microcontroller: SG, PLC, IS (set to 2.5v), BACK, RING2, RING1, IS (off), IOBA, IOB, RB, MBJT, AON channels go down.
Implement voltage check on power up (is sense voltage == target voltage?):
Not strictly needed as channel goes fromRAMPING
when setting voltage, but would not hurt. A feature on its own, better handled in separate MR. -
Implement way to trigger power down from serial interface to testing purposes:
Outside of scope of this MR. Will be done in subsequent MR.
Edited by Cyril Danilevski