ICBM Arduino Firmware
ESP32 firmware for the ICBM, based on Arduino and the ESP32-Ethernet-Kit_A_V1.2
The Intelligent Controller Board for MPODs is a project that aims to automatically
perform power procedures upon defined inputs.
This project depends on Arduino_SNMP
and MCP23S08
The IMC is meant to be used over network using HTTP get and post.
All routes return JSON.
Available routes are:
: provides information about firmware and hardware version, and uptime.
It can be queried as a heartbeat, seeing the uptime increasing.
Serial Interface
The serial interface is available through the micro-usb port.
It prints basic networking information, as well as a heartbeat (-
if ethernet is disconnected, else .
It is not possible to control the device or perform queries through the serial interface.
Despite communication being over Ethernet, the project makes use of the ESP32 Wifi stack, hence some
references to Wifi here and there (eg. WiFiUdp
Either use the Arduino IDE and use its library manager to find the SNMP library, or use arduino-cli
# Download arduino-cli
wget https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_64bit.tar.gz
# Extract the downloaded archive
tar -xzf arduino-cli_latest_Linux_64bit.tar.gz
# Verify installation
arduino-cli config init
Then set up the required environment. Edit ~/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml
and add the following:
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/gh-pages/package_esp32_index.json
- http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
enable_unsafe_install: true
We enable unsafe installation to allow installation of packages outside of the Arduino package registry (ie. via git)
Update the Arduino index with:
arduino-cli core update-index
The required libraries are (minimum versions):
arduino-cli lib install ethernet
arduino-cli lib install --git-url https://github.com/patricklaf/SNMP.git --config-file arduino-cli.yaml # Awaiting 1.4.1+ tag
arduino-cli lib install MCP23S08@0.5.2
needs to be installed from Git until a new release (greater than 1.4.0) is released due to compilation issues with arduino-esp 3+.
This is fixed in master, but not tagged and released in the Arduino library list.
The project can be compiled so:
arduino-cli compile -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit icbm.ino -v
And uploaded so:
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit
The firmware version is provided as part of the /idn
This is the git tag or commit, if -DICBM_GIT_VERSION
is set.
The git date can be set via -DICBM_GIT_TIMESTAMP
CI Artefacts
CI artefacts can be uploaded so:
unzip icbm-0.0.0.zip
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b esp32:esp32:esp32wroverkit --input-dir icbm-0.0.0