Martin Teichmann authored
on some terminals, the PDO can be configured. This allows for that. It is not perfect yet as we do not properly overwrite existing PDOs.
Martin Teichmann authoredon some terminals, the PDO can be configured. This allows for that. It is not perfect yet as we do not properly overwrite existing PDOs.
ebpfcat.py 21.52 KiB
# ebpfcat, A Python-based EBPF generator and EtherCAT master
# Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Teichmann <martin.teichmann@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""The high-level API for EtherCAT loops"""
from asyncio import (
CancelledError, ensure_future, gather, sleep, wait_for, TimeoutError)
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager, AsyncExitStack, contextmanager
from enum import Enum
import logging
import os
from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize, pack_into, unpack_from
from time import time
from .arraymap import ArrayMap, ArrayGlobalVarDesc
from .ethercat import (
ECCmd, EtherCat, MachineState, Packet, Terminal, EtherCatError,
from .ebpf import FuncId, MemoryDesc, SubProgram, prandom
from .xdp import XDP, XDPExitCode, PacketVar as XDPPacketVar
from .bpf import (
ProgType, MapType, create_map, delete_elem, update_elem, prog_test_run,
class PacketDesc:
def __init__(self, sm, position, size):
self.sm = sm
self.position = position
self.size = size
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
offset = instance.position_offset[self.sm]
if isinstance(instance, Struct):
terminal = instance.terminal
device = instance.device
terminal = instance
device = None
ret = PacketVar(terminal, self.sm, self.position + offset, self.size)
if device is None:
return ret
return ret.get(device)
class ProcessDesc:
"""A process variable as described in the current mapping
This describes a process variable as found in the current
PDO mapping read from the terminal.
:param index: the index of the process variable, usually found
in the terminal's documentation
:param subindex: the subindex, also found in the documentation
:param size: usually the size is taken from the PDO mapping. A
different size as in a :mod:`python:struct` definition may be
given here, or the number of a bit for a bit field.
def __init__(self, index, subindex, size=None):
self.index = index
self.subindex = subindex
self.size = size
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
index = self.index + instance.position_offset[SyncManager.IN]
if isinstance(instance, Struct):
terminal = instance.terminal
device = instance.device
terminal = instance
device = None
sm, offset, size = terminal.pdos[index, self.subindex]
if self.size is not None:
size = self.size
ret = PacketVar(terminal, sm, offset, size)
if device is None:
return ret
return ret.get(device)
class PacketVar(MemoryDesc):
base_register = 9
def fmt(self):
if isinstance(self.size, int):
return "B"
return self.size
def __init__(self, terminal, sm, position, size):
self.terminal = terminal
self.sm = sm
self.position = position
self.size = size
def set(self, device, value):
if device.sync_group.current_data is None:
super().__set__(device, value)
data = device.sync_group.current_data
start = self._start(device)
if isinstance(self.size, int):
if value:
data[start] |= 1 << self.size
data[start] &= ~(1 << self.size)
pack_into("<" + self.size, data, start, value)
def get(self, device):
if device.sync_group.current_data is None:
return super().__get__(device, None)
data = device.sync_group.current_data
start = self._start(device)
if isinstance(self.size, int):
return bool(data[start] & (1 << self.size))
return unpack_from("<" + self.size, data, start)[0]
def _start(self, device):
return device.sync_group.terminals[self.terminal][self.sm] \
+ self.position
def fmt_addr(self, device):
return ((self.size, 1) if isinstance(self.size, int) else self.size,
self._start(device) + Packet.ETHERNET_HEADER)
class Struct:
"""Define repetitive structures in a PDO
Some terminals, especially multi-channel terminals,
have repetitive structures in their PDO. Inherit from this
class to create a structure for them. Each instance
will then define one channel. It takes one parameter, which
is the offset in the CoE address space from the template
structure to the one of the channel.
device = None
def __new__(cls, *args):
return StructDesc(cls, *args)
class StructDesc:
def __init__(self, struct, sm3=0, sm2=None):
self.struct = struct
if sm2 is None:
sm2 = sm3
self.position_offset = {SyncManager.OUT: sm2, SyncManager.IN: sm3}
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
ret = object.__new__(self.struct)
ret.position_offset = self.position_offset
ret.terminal = instance
return ret
class TerminalVar:
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if isinstance(value, PacketVar):
instance.__dict__[self.name] = value
elif isinstance(value, Struct):
instance.__dict__[self.name] = value
value.device = instance
return instance.__dict__[self.name].set(instance, value)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
var = instance.__dict__.get(self.name)
if var is None:
return None
elif isinstance(var, Struct):
return var
return instance.__dict__[self.name].get(instance)
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.name = name
class DeviceVar(ArrayGlobalVarDesc):
def __init__(self, size="I", write=False):
super().__init__(FastSyncGroup.properties, size)
self.write = write
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
elif isinstance(instance.sync_group, FastSyncGroup):
return super().__get__(instance, owner)
return instance.__dict__.get(self.name, 0)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if isinstance(instance.sync_group, FastSyncGroup):
super().__set__(instance, value)
instance.__dict__[self.name] = value
class Device(SubProgram):
"""A device is a functional unit in an EtherCAT loop
A device aggregates data coming in and going to terminals
to serve a common goal. A terminal may be used by several
devices. """
def get_terminals(self):
"""return the terminals used by this device
return a dictionary of terminal vs. a boolean indicating
whether access is read-write.
ret = defaultdict(lambda: False)
for pv in self.__dict__.values():
if isinstance(pv, (PacketVar, Struct)):
ret[pv.terminal] |= pv.sm is SyncManager.OUT
return ret
def fast_update(self):
class EBPFTerminal(Terminal):
"""This is the base class for all supported terminal types
inheriting classes should define a ``compatibility`` class variable
which is a set of tuples, each of which is a pair of Ethercat vendor and
product id of all supported terminal types.
compatibility = None
position_offset = {SyncManager.OUT: 0, SyncManager.IN: 0}
use_fmmu = True
out_pdos = None
in_pdos = None
async def apply_eeprom(self):
await super().apply_eeprom()
if (self.compatibility is not None and
(self.vendorId, self.productCode) not in self.compatibility):
raise EtherCatError(
f"Incompatible Terminal: {self.vendorId}:{self.productCode}")
await self.to_operational(MachineState.PRE_OPERATIONAL)
if self.out_pdos is not None:
await self.write_pdos(0x1c12, self.out_pdos)
if self.in_pdos is not None:
await self.write_pdos(0x1c13, self.in_pdos)
self.pdos = {}
outbits, inbits = await self.parse_pdos()
self.pdo_out_sz = int((outbits + 7) // 8)
assert not self.pdo_out_sz or self.pdo_out_off
self.pdo_in_sz = int((inbits + 7) // 8)
assert not self.pdo_in_sz or self.pdo_in_off
await self.write_pdo_sm()
async def write_pdos(self, index, values):
await self.sdo_write(pack('B', 0), index, 0)
for i, v in enumerate(values, 1):
await self.sdo_write(pack('<H', v), index, i)
await self.sdo_write(pack('<H', 0), index, i + 1)
await self.sdo_write(pack('B', len(values)), index, 0)
def allocate(self, packet, readwrite):
"""allocate space in packet for the pdos of this terminal
return a dict that contains the datagram number and
starting offset therein for each sync manager.
Negative datagram numbers are for the future FMMU
bases = {}
if self.use_fmmu:
if self.pdo_in_sz:
bases[SyncManager.IN] = (BaseType.FMMU_IN, packet.fmmu_in_size)
packet.fmmu_in_size += self.pdo_in_sz
packet.fmmu_in_count += 1
if readwrite and self.pdo_out_sz:
bases[SyncManager.OUT] = (BaseType.FMMU_OUT,
packet.fmmu_out_size += self.pdo_out_sz
packet.fmmu_out_count += 1
if self.pdo_in_sz:
bases[SyncManager.IN] = (BaseType.NO_FMMU, packet.size)
packet.append(ECCmd.FPRD, b"\0" * self.pdo_in_sz, 0,
self.position, self.pdo_in_off)
if readwrite and self.pdo_out_sz:
bases[SyncManager.OUT] = (BaseType.NO_FMMU, packet.size)
packet.append_writer(ECCmd.FPWR, b"\0" * self.pdo_out_sz, 0,
self.position, self.pdo_out_off)
return bases
def update(self, data):
class EtherXDP(XDP):
license = "GPL"
minimumPacketSize = 30
variables = ArrayMap()
dropcounter = variables.globalVar("I")
counters = variables.globalVar("64I")
rate = 0
DATA0 = 26
ethertype = XDPPacketVar(12, "!H")
addr0 = XDPPacketVar(18, "I")
cmd0 = XDPPacketVar(16, "B")
data0 = XDPPacketVar(DATA0, "H")
def program(self):
with prandom(self.ebpf) & 0xffff < self.rate:
self.dropcounter += 1
with self.ethertype == 0x88A4, self.cmd0 == 0:
self.r3 = self.addr0 # use r3 for tail_call
with self.counters.get_address(None, False, False) as (dst, _), \
self.r3 < FastEtherCat.MAX_PROGS:
self.r[dst] += 4 * self.r3
self.r4 = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
# we lost a packet
with self.data0 == self.r4 as Else:
self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1 + (self.r4 & 1)
# normal case: two packets on the wire
with Else, ((self.data0 + 1 & 0xffff) == self.r4) \
| (self.data0 == 0) as Else:
self.mI[self.r[dst]] += 1
with self.r4 & 1: # last one was active
self.data0 = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
with Else:
self.data0 = self.mH[self.r[dst]]
self.r2 = self.get_fd(self.programs)
class SimpleEtherCat(EtherCat):
class FastEtherCat(SimpleEtherCat):
def __init__(self, network):
self.programs = create_map(MapType.PROG_ARRAY, 4, 4, self.MAX_PROGS)
self.sync_groups = {}
def register_sync_group(self, sg):
index = len(self.sync_groups)
while index in self.sync_groups:
index = (index + 1) % self.MAX_PROGS
fd, _ = sg.load(log_level=1)
update_elem(self.programs, pack("<I", index), pack("<I", fd), 0)
self.sync_groups[index] = sg
yield index
delete_elem(self.programs, pack("<I", index))
async def connect(self):
await super().connect()
self.ebpf = EtherXDP()
self.ebpf.programs = self.programs
self.fd = await self.ebpf.attach(self.addr[0])
async def run(self):
await super().connect()
self.ebpf = EtherXDP()
self.ebpf.programs = self.programs
async with self.ebpf.run(self.addr[0]):
for v in self.sync_groups.values():
class SterilePacket(Packet):
"""a sterile packet has all its sets exchanged by NOPs"""
next_logical_addr = 0 # global for all packets
logical_addr_inc = 0x800
def __init__(self):
self.on_the_fly = [] # list of sterilized positions
self.fmmu_out_size = self.fmmu_in_size = 0
self.fmmu_out_count = self.fmmu_in_count = 0
self.counters = {}
def append_writer(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
self.on_the_fly.append((self.size, cmd))
self.append(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
def append(self, cmd, *args, counter=1):
super().append(cmd, *args)
self.counters[self.size - 2] = counter
def sterile(self, index):
ret = bytearray(self.assemble(index))
for pos, cmd in self.on_the_fly:
ret[pos] = ECCmd.NOP.value
return ret
def append_fmmu(self):
SterilePacket.next_logical_addr += 2 * self.logical_addr_inc
fmmu_in_pos = self.size
if self.fmmu_in_size:
self.append(ECCmd.LRD, b"\0" * self.fmmu_in_size, 0,
self.next_logical_addr, counter=self.fmmu_in_count)
fmmu_out_pos = self.size
if self.fmmu_out_size:
self.append_writer(ECCmd.LWR, b"\0" * self.fmmu_out_size, 0,
self.next_logical_addr + self.logical_addr_inc,
return (fmmu_in_pos, fmmu_out_pos, self.next_logical_addr,
self.next_logical_addr + self.logical_addr_inc)
def activate(self, ebpf):
for pos, cmd in self.on_the_fly:
ebpf.pB[pos + self.ETHERNET_HEADER] = cmd.value
class BaseType(Enum):
class SyncGroupBase:
missed_counter = 0
current_data = None
logical_in = logical_out = None
def __init__(self, ec, devices, **kwargs):
self.ec = ec
self.devices = devices
terminals = defaultdict(lambda: False)
for dev in self.devices:
for t, rw in dev.get_terminals().items():
terminals[t] |= rw
dev.sync_group = self
# sorting is only necessary for test stability
self.terminals = {t: rw for t, rw in
key=lambda item: item[0].position)}
async def to_operational(self):
await gather(*[t.to_operational() for t in self.terminals])
async def map_fmmu(self):
async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
for terminal, bases in self.fmmu_maps.items():
base = bases.get(SyncManager.OUT)
if base is not None:
await stack.enter_async_context(
terminal.map_fmmu(base, True))
base = bases.get(SyncManager.IN)
if base is not None:
await stack.enter_async_context(
terminal.map_fmmu(base, False))
async def run(self):
data = self.asm_packet
async with self.map_fmmu():
task = ensure_future(self.to_operational())
while True:
data = await wait_for(
except TimeoutError:
self.missed_counter += 1
"did not receive Ethercat response in time %i",
data = self.update_devices(data)
await task # should be done quickly, just here to not forget
except CancelledError:
def allocate(self):
self.packet = SterilePacket()
terminals = {t: t.allocate(self.packet, rw)
for t, rw in self.terminals.items()}
in_pos, out_pos, logical_in, logical_out = self.packet.append_fmmu()
offsets = {BaseType.NO_FMMU: 0,
BaseType.FMMU_IN: in_pos, BaseType.FMMU_OUT: out_pos}
self.terminals = {t: {sm: offsets[base] + off + Packet.DATAGRAM_HEADER
for sm, (base, off) in d.items()}
for t, d in terminals.items()}
offsets = {BaseType.FMMU_IN: logical_in,
BaseType.FMMU_OUT: logical_out}
self.fmmu_maps = {t: {sm: offsets[base] + off
for sm, (base, off) in d.items()
if base is not BaseType.NO_FMMU}
for t, d in terminals.items()}
class SyncGroup(SyncGroupBase):
"""A group of devices communicating at the same time"""
packet_index = 1000
def update_devices(self, data):
self.current_data = bytearray(data)
for pos, count in self.packet.counters.items():
if data[pos] != count:
'EtherCAT datagram was processe %i times, should be %i',
data[pos], count)
self.current_data[pos] = 0
for dev in self.devices:
return self.current_data
async def to_operational(self):
await gather(*[t.to_operational() for t in self.terminals])
while True:
r = await gather(*[t.to_operational() for t in self.terminals])
for t, (state, error, status) in zip(self.terminals, r):
if state is not MachineState.OPERATIONAL:
"terminal %s was not operational, status was %i",
t, status)
await sleep(1)
except CancelledError:
except Exception:
logging.exception('to_operational failed')
def start(self):
self.packet_index = SyncGroup.packet_index
SyncGroup.packet_index += 1
self.asm_packet = self.packet.assemble(self.packet_index)
self.task = ensure_future(self.run())
return self.task
class FastSyncGroup(SyncGroupBase, XDP):
license = "GPL"
properties = ArrayMap()
def __init__(self, ec, devices, **kwargs):
super().__init__(ec, devices, subprograms=devices, **kwargs)
def program(self):
with self.packetSize >= self.packet.size + Packet.ETHERNET_HEADER as p:
for dev in self.devices:
async def run(self):
with self.ec.register_sync_group(self) as self.packet_index:
self.asm_packet = self.packet.sterile(self.packet_index)
# prime the pump: two packets to get things going
await super().run()
def update_devices(self, data):
if data[EtherXDP.DATA0 - Packet.ETHERNET_HEADER] & 1:
self.current_data = data
elif self.current_data is None:
return self.asm_packet
for dev in self.devices:
return self.asm_packet
def start(self):
self.task = ensure_future(self.run())
return self.task
def cancel(self):