low_res_data: Low resolution data as a dictionary with the key set to `channel_{i}_{k}`, where i is a number between 1 and 4 and k is a letter between A and D. For each dictionary entry, a numpy array is expected with shape (train_id, ToF channel).
high_res_data: Reference high resolution data with a one-to-one match to the low resolution data in the train_id dimension. Shape (train_id, ToF channel).
Predict a high-resolution spectrum from a low resolution given one.
The output includes the uncertainty in its second and third entries of the first dimension.
low_res_data: Low resolution data as in the fit step with shape (train_id, channel, ToF channel).
Returns: High resolution data with shape (3, train_id, ToF channel). The component 0 of the first dimension is the predicted spectrum. Components 1 and 2 correspond to two sources of uncertainty.