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Commit c9f1bc6e authored by Danilo Ferreira de Lima's avatar Danilo Ferreira de Lima
Browse files

Added inverse PCA transform and uncs.

parent 13def540
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import numpy as np
from autograd import numpy as anp
from autograd import grad
import h5py
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from typing import Dict, List
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
def matching_ids(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns list of train IDs common to sets a, b and c."""
......@@ -36,11 +42,23 @@ class Model(object):
self.lr_pca = PCA(n_pca_lr, whiten=True)
self.hr_pca = PCA(n_pca_hr, whiten=True)
# PCA unc. in high resolution
self.high_pca_unc: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
# fit model
self.fit_model = FitModel()
# size of the test subset
self.test_size = 0.05
# where to cut on the ToF PES data
self.tof_start = 31445
self.delta_tof = 200
self.tof_end = self.tof_start + self.delta_tof
# high-resolution photon energy axis
self.high_res_photon_energy: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
# smoothing of the SPEC data in eV
self.high_res_sigma = 0.2
......@@ -57,37 +75,48 @@ class Model(object):
cat = np.concatenate([low_res_data[k][:, self.tof_start:self.tof_end] for k in self.channels], axis=1)
return cat
def preprocess_high_res(self, high_res_data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
def preprocess_high_res(self, high_res_data: np.ndarray, high_res_photon_energy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Get the high resolution data and preprocess it.
high_res_data: High resolution data with shape (train_id, features).
high_res_photon_energy: High resolution photon energy values (the "x"-axis of the high resolution data) with shape (train_id, features).
Returns: Pre-processed high-resolution data of shape (train_id, features) before.
# Apply smoothing
# TODO: Why?!
mu = high_res_data[0,high_res_data.shape[1]//2]
gaussian = np.exp(-((high_res_data - mu)/self.high_res_sigma)**2/2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*self.high_res_sigma**2)
# TODO: why 80?!
high_res_gc = fftconvolve(high_res_data, gaussian, mode="same", axes=1)/80
n_features = high_res_data.shape[1]
mu = high_res_photon_energy[0, n_features//2]
gaussian = np.exp(-((high_res_photon_energy - mu)/self.high_res_sigma)**2/2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*self.high_res_sigma**2)
# 80 to match normalization (empirically taken)
high_res_gc = fftconvolve(high_res_data, gaussian, mode="same", axes=1)/80.0
return high_res_gc
def fit(self, low_res_data: Dict[str, np.ndarray], high_res_data: np.ndarray):
def fit(self, low_res_data: Dict[str, np.ndarray], high_res_data: np.ndarray, high_res_photon_energy: np.ndarray):
Train the model.
low_res_data: Low resolution data as a dictionary with the key set to `channel_{i}_{k}`, where i is a number between 1 and 4 and k is a letter between A and D. For each dictionary entry, a numpy array is expected with shape (train_id, ToF channel).
high_res_data: Reference high resolution data with a one-to-one match to the low resolution data in the train_id dimension. Shape (train_id, ToF channel).
high_res_photon_energy: Photon energy axis for the high-resolution data.
self.high_res_photon_energy = high_res_photon_energy
low_res = self.preprocess_low_res(low_res_data)
high_res = self.preprocess_high_res(high_res_data)
high_res = self.preprocess_high_res(high_res_data, high_res_photon_energy)
# fit PCA
low_pca = self.lr_pca.fit_transform(low_res)
high_pca = self.hr_pca.fit_transform(high_res)
# split in train and test for PCA uncertainty evaluation
low_pca_train, low_pca_test, high_pca_train, high_pca_test = train_test_split(low_pca, high_pca, test_size=self.test_size)
# fit the linear model, high_pca_train, low_pca_test, high_pca_test)
high_pca_rec = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca)
self.high_pca_unc = np.sqrt(np.mean((high_res - high_pca_rec)**2, axis=0))
def predict(self, low_res_data: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
......@@ -101,9 +130,239 @@ class Model(object):
low_res = self.preprocess_low_res(low_res_data)
low_pca = self.lr_pca.transform(low_res)
# TODO: Get high res.
# high_pca = linear_model.predict(low_pca)
high_res_predicted = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca)
# TODO: Add uncertainties
return high_res_predicted
# Get high res.
high_pca = self.fit_model.predict(low_pca, None, None)
high_res_predicted = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca["Y"])
high_res_unc = self.hr_pca.inverse_transform(high_pca["Y"] + high_pca["Y_eps"]) - high_pca_predicted
result = np.stack((high_res_predicted, high_res_unc, self.high_pca_unc), axis=0)
return result
def save(self, filename: str):
Save the fit model in a file.
filename: H5 file name where to save this.
with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf:
d = self.fit_model.as_dict()
for key, value in d.items():
if isinstance(value, int):
hf.attrs[key] = value
hf.create_dataset(key, data=value)
def load(self, filename: str):
Load model from a file.
filename: Name of the file where to read the model from.
with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hf:
d = {k: hf[k][()] for k in hf.keys()}
d.update({k: hf.attrs[k] for k in hf.attrs})
class FitModel(object):
Linear regression model with uncertainties.
def __init__(self):
# training dataset
self.X_train: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.Y_train: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
# test dataset to evaluate uncertainty
self.X_test: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.Y_test: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
# normalized target
self.Y_train_norm = None
self.Y_test_norm = None
# model parameter sizes
self.Nx: int = 0
self.Ny: int = 0
# fit result
self.A_inf: np.ndarray = None
self.b_inf: np.ndarray = None
self.u_inf: np.ndarray = None
# fit monitoring
self.loss_train: List[float] = list()
self.loss_test: List[float] = list()
self.input_data = None
def fit(self, X_train: np.ndarray, Y_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray, Y_test: np.ndarray):
Perform the fit and evaluate uncertainties with the test set.
# training dataset
self.X_train: np.ndarray = X_train
self.Y_train: np.ndarray = Y_train
# test dataset to evaluate uncertainty
self.X_test: np.ndarray = X_test
self.Y_test: np.ndarray = Y_test
# model parameter sizes
self.Nx: int = self.X_train.shape[1]
self.Ny: int = self.Y_train.shape[1]
# initial parameter values
A0: np.ndarray = np.eye(self.Nx, self.Ny).reshape(self.Nx*self.Ny)
Aeps: np.ndarray = np.zeros(self.Nx)
b0: np.ndarray = np.zeros(self.Ny)
u0: np.ndarray = np.zeros(self.Ny)
x0: np.ndarray = np.concatenate((A0, b0, u0, Aeps), axis=0)
# reset loss monitoring
self.loss_train: List[float] = list()
self.loss_test: List[float] = list()
def loss(x: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray) -> float:
Calculate the loss function value for a given parameter set `x`.
x: The parameters as a flat array.
X: The independent-variable dataset.
Y: The dependent-variable dataset.
Returns: The loss.
# diag( (in @ x - out) @ (in @ x - out)^T )
A = x[:self.Nx*self.Ny].reshape((self.Nx, self.Ny))
b = x[self.Nx*self.Ny:(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny)].reshape((1, self.Ny))
b_eps = x[(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny):(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny+self.Ny)].reshape((1, self.Ny))
A_eps = x[(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny+self.Ny):].reshape((self.Nx, 1))
log_unc = X @ A_eps + b_eps
#log_unc = anp.log(anp.exp(log_unc) + anp.exp(log_eps))
iunc2 = anp.exp(-2*log_unc)
#print("iunc2", iunc2)
#print("log_unc", log_unc)
return anp.mean( (0.5*((X@ A + b - Y)**2)*iunc2 + log_unc).sum(axis=1), axis=0 ) # Put RELU on (XX@x) and introduce new matrix W
def loss_history(x: np.ndarray) -> float:
Calculate the loss function and keep a history of it in training and testing.
x: Parameters flattened out.
Returns: The loss value.
l_train = loss(x, self.X_train, self.Y_train)
l_test = loss(x, self.X_test, self.Y_test)
self.loss_train += [l_train]
self.loss_test += [l_test]
return l_train
def loss_train(x: np.ndarray) -> float:
Calculate the loss function for the training dataset.
x: Parameters flattened out.
Returns: The loss value.
l_train = loss(x, self.X_train, self.Y_train)
return l_train
grad_loss = grad(loss_train)
sc_op = fmin_l_bfgs_b(loss_history,
# Inference
self.A_inf = sc_op[0][:self.Nx*self.Ny].reshape(self.Nx, self.Ny)
self.b_inf = sc_op[0][self.Nx*self.Ny:(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny)].reshape(1, self.Ny)
self.u_inf = sc_op[0][(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny):(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny+self.Ny)].reshape(1, self.Ny) # removed np.exp
self.A_eps = sc_op[0][(self.Nx*self.Ny+self.Ny+self.Ny):].reshape(self.Nx, 1)
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Export relevant variables to rebuild this object from a simple dictionary.
Returns: Dictionary with all relevant variables.
return dict(
def from_dict(self, in_dict: Dict[str, Any]):
Rebuild this object from a dictionary.
in_dict: The input dictionary with relevant variables.
self.X_train = in_dict["X_train"]
self.X_test = in_dict["X_test"]
self.Y_train = in_dict["Y_train"]
self.Y_test = in_dict["Y_test"]
self.A_inf = in_dict["A_inf"]
self.b_inf = in_dict["b_inf"]
self.u_inf = in_dict["u_inf"]
self.A_eps = in_dict["A_eps"]
self.loss_train = in_dict["loss_train"]
self.loss_test = in_dict["loss_test"]
self.Nx = in_dict["Nx"]
self.Ny = in_dict["Ny"]
def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
Predict y from X.
X: Input dataset.
Returns: Predicted Y.
result = dict()
# result
result["Y"] = (X @ self.A_inf + self.b_inf)
# flat uncertainty
result["Y_unc"] = self.u_inf[0,:]
# input-dependent uncertainty
result["Y_eps"] = np.exp(X @ self.A_eps + result["Y_unc"])
#self.result["res"] = self.model["spec_pca_model"].inverse_transform(self.result["res_pca"]) # transform PCA space to real space
#self.result["res_unc"] = self.model["spec_pca_model"].inverse_transform(self.result["res_pca"] + self.model["u_inf"]) - self.model["spec_pca_model"].inverse_transform(self.result["res_pca"] )
#self.result["res_unc"] = np.fabs(self.result["res_unc"])
#self.result["res_eps"] = self.model["spec_pca_model"].inverse_transform(self.result["res_pca"] + self.result["res_pca_eps"]) - self.model["spec_pca_model"].inverse_transform(self.result["res_pca"] )
#self.result["res_eps"] = np.fabs(self.result["res_eps"])
#self.Yhat_pca = self.model["spec_pca_model"].inverse_transform(self.model["Y_test"])
#self.result["res_unc_specpca"] = np.sqrt(((self.Yhat_pca - self.model["spec_target"])**2).mean(axis=0))
#self.result["res_unc_total"] = np.sqrt(self.result["res_eps"]**2 + self.result["res_unc_specpca"]**2)
return result
......@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ numpy
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