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  • SCS/ToolBox
  • kluyvert/ToolBox
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""" Toolbox for SCS.
Various utilities function to quickly process data measured at the SCS instruments.
Copyright (2019) SCS Team.
import numpy as np
from karabo_data import RunDirectory
import xarray as xr
mnemonics = {
# Machine
"sase3": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
"sase2": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
"sase1": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
"maindump": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
"bunchpattern": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/TSYS/TIMESERVER',
"npulses_sase3": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
"npulses_sase1": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
# SA3
"nrj": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_MONO/MDL/PHOTON_ENERGY',
"M2BEND": {'source': 'SA3_XTD10_MIRR-2/MOTOR/BENDER',
'key': 'actualPosition.value',
"VSLIT": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_VSLIT/MDL/BLADE',
"ESLIT": {'source':'SCS_XTD10_ESLIT/MDL/MAIN',
"transmission": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_GATT/MDL/GATT_TRANSMISSION_MONITOR',
"GATT_pressure": {'source':'P_GATT',
# XGMs
"SA3_XGM": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_XGM/XGM/DOOCS:output',
"SA3_XGM_SLOW": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_XGM/XGM/DOOCS',
"SCS_XGM": {'source':'SCS_BLU_XGM/XGM/DOOCS:output',
"scannerX": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_SAM/LMOTOR/SCANNERX',
"scannerY": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_SAM/MOTOR/SCANNERY',
"scannerY_enc": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_SAM/ENC/SCANNERY',
"SAM-Z": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_MOV/ENC/SAM_Z',
"magnet": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_MAG/SUPPLY/CURRENT',
# FastCCD
"fastccd": {'source':'SCS_CDIDET_FCCD2M/DAQ/FCCD:daqOutput',
'dim':['x', 'y']},
"MCP1apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
"MCP1raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
"MCP2apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
"MCP2raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
"MCP3apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
"MCP3raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
"MCP4apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
"MCP4raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
'dim': ['samplesId']},
'key': 'actualStep.value',
'dim': None}
def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB, semesterNB, topic='SCS', display=False, validate=False):
""" Load a run and extract the data. Output is an xarray with aligned trainIds
fields: list of mnemonic strings to load specific data such as "fastccd", "SCS_XGM",
or dictionnaries defining a custom mnemonic such as
{"extra": {'SCS_CDIFFT_MAG/SUPPLY/CURRENT', 'actual_current.value', None}}
runNB: run number as integer
proposalNB: string of the proposal number
semesterNB: string of the semester number where the proposal data are saved
topic: string of the topic
display: boolean, whether to show the or not
validate: boolean, whether to run karabo-data-validate or not
res: an xarray DataSet with aligned trainIds
runFolder = '/gpfs/exfel/exp/{}/{}/{}/raw/r{:04d}/'.format(topic, semesterNB, proposalNB, runNB)
run = RunDirectory(runFolder)
if validate:
get_ipython().system('karabo-data-validate ' + runFolder)
if display:
keys = []
vals = []
# always load pulse pattern infos
fields += ["sase1", "sase3", "npulses_sase3", "npulses_sase1"]
for f in fields:
if type(f) == dict:
# extracting mnemomic defined on the spot
if len(f.keys()) > 1:
print('Loading only one "on-the-spot" mnemonic at a time, skipping all others !')
k = list(f.keys())[0]
v = f[k]
# extracting mnemomic from the table
if f in mnemonics:
v = mnemonics[f]
k = f
print('Unknow mnemonic "{}". Skipping!'.format(f))
if k in keys:
continue # already loaded, skip
if display:
print('Loading {}'.format(k))
if v['source'] not in run.all_sources:
print('Source {} not found in run. Skipping!'.format(v['source']))
vals.append(run.get_array(v['source'], v['key'], extra_dims=v['dim']))
aligned_vals = xr.align(*vals, join='inner')
result = dict(zip(keys, aligned_vals))
result = xr.Dataset(result)
result.attrs['run'] = run
return result
Online documentation can be found `here <>`_.
from ToolBox.Load import *
from ToolBox.xgm import *
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BOZ: Beam-Splitting Off-axis Zone plate analysis
The BOZ analysis consists of 4 notebooks and a script. The first notebook
:doc:`BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination <BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination>`
is used to determine all the necessary correction, that is the flat field
correction from the zone plate optics and the non-linearity correction from the
DSSC gain. The inputs are a dark run and a run with X-rays on three broken or
empty membranes. For the latter, an alternative is to use pre-edge data on an
actual sample. The result is a JSON file that contains the flat field and
non-linearity correction as well as the parameters used for their determination
such that this can be reproduced and investigated in case of issues. The
determination of the flat field correction is rather quick, few minutes and is
the most important correction for the change in XAS computed from the -1st and
+1st order. For quick correction of the online preview one can bypass the
non-linearity calculation by taking the JSON file as soon as it appears.
The determination of the non-linearity correction is a lot longer and can take
some 2 to 8 hours depending on the number of pulses in the
train. For this reason, the computation can also be done on GPUs in 30min
instead. A GPU notebook adapted for CHEM experiment with liquid jet and
normalization implement for S K-edge is available at
:doc:`OnlineGPU BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination S K-egde <OnlineGPU BOZ analysis part I.a Correction determination S K-egde>`.
The other option is to use a script
that can be downloaded from :download:`scripts/` and
reads as:
.. literalinclude:: scripts/
:language: bash
It uses the first notebook and is launched via slurm:
``sbatch ./ -p 2937 -d 615 -r 614 -g 3``
where 2937 is the proposal run number, where 615 is the dark run number,
614 is the run on 3 broken membranes and 3 is
the DSSC gain in photon per bin. The proposal run number is defined inside the
script file.
The second notebook
:doc:`BOZ analysis part I.b Correction validation <BOZ analysis part I.b Correction validation>` can be used to check how well the calculated correction still
work on a characterization run recorded later, i.e. on 3 broken membrane or empty membranes.
The third notebook
:doc:`BOZ analysis part II.1 Small data <BOZ analysis part II.1 Small data>`
then use the JSON correction file to load all needed corrections and
process an run, saving the rois extracted DSSC as well as aligning them to
photon energy and delay stage in a small data h5 file.
That small data h5 file can then be loaded and the data binned to compute a
spectrum or a time resolved XAS scan using the fourth and final notebook
:doc:`BOZ analysis part II.2 Binning <BOZ analysis part II.2 Binning>`
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DSSC data binning
In scattering experiment one typically wants to bin DSSC image data versus
time delay between pump and probe or versus photon energy. After this first
data reduction steps, one can do azimuthal integration on a much smaller
amount of data.
The DSSC data binning procedure is based on the notebook
:doc:`Dask DSSC module binning <Dask DSSC module binning>`. It performs
DSSC data binning against a coordinate specified by *xaxis* which can
be *nrj* for the photon energy, *delay* in which case the delay stage
position will be converted in picoseconds and corrected but the BAM, or
another slow data channel. Specific pulse pattern can be defined, such as:
.. code:: python
['pumped', 'unpumped']
which will be repeated. XGM data will also be binned similarly to the DSSC
Since this data reduction step can be quite time consuming for large datasets,
it is recommended to launch the notebook via a SLURM script. The script can be
downloaded from :download:`scripts/` and reads as:
.. literalinclude:: scripts/
:language: bash
It is launched with the following:
.. code:: bash
sbatch ./ -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 0 -x delay -b 0.1
sbatch ./ -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 1 -x delay -b 0.1
sbatch ./ -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 2 -x delay -b 0.1
sbatch ./ -p 2719 -d 180 -r 179 -m 3 -x delay -b 0.1
where 2719 is the proposal number, 180 is the dark run number, 179 is the run
nummber and 0, 1, 2 and 3 are the 4 module group, each job processing a set of
4 DSSC module, delay is the bin axis and 0.1 is the bin width.
The result will be 16 \*.h5 files, one per module, saved in the folder specified
in the script, a copy of which can be found in the *scripts* folder in the
toolbox source. This files can then be loaded and combined with:
.. code:: python
import xarray as xr
data = xr.open_mfdataset(path + '/*.h5', parallel=True, join='inner')
DSSC azimuthal integration
Azimuthal integration can be performed with pyFAI_ which can utilize the
hexagonal pixel shape information from the DSSC geometry to split
the intensity in a pixel in the bins covered by it. An example notebook
:doc:`Azimuthal integration of DSSC with pyFAI.ipynb <Azimuthal integration of DSSC with pyFAI>` is available.
A second example notebook
:doc:`DSSC scattering time-delay.ipynb <DSSC scattering time-delay>`
demonstrates how to:
- refine the geometry such that the scattering pattern is centered before
azimuthal integration
- perform azimuthal integration on a time delay
dataset with ``xr.apply_ufunc`` for multiprocessing.
- plot a two-dimensional map of the scattering change as function of
scattering vector and time delay
- integrate certain scattering vector range and plot a time trace
DSSC fine timing
When DSSC is reused after a period of inactivity or when the DSSC gain setting
use a different operation frequency the DSSC fine trigger delay needs to be
checked. To analysis runs recorded with different fine delay, one can use
the notebook :doc:`DSSC fine delay with SCS toolbox.ipynb <DSSC fine delay with SCS toolbox>`.
DSSC quadrant geometry
To check or refined the DSSC geometry or quadrants position, the following
notebook can be used :doc:`DSSC create geometry.ipynb <DSSC create geometry>`.
Legacy DSSC binning procedure
Most of the functions within toolbox_scs.detectors can be accessed directly. This is useful during development, or when working in a non-standardized way, which is often neccessary during data evaluation. For frequent routines there is the possibility to use dssc objects that guarantee consistent data structure, and reduce the amount of recurring code within the notebook.
* bin data using toolbox_scs.tbdet -> *to be documented*.
* :doc:`bin data using the DSSCBinner <dssc/DSSCBinner>`.
* post processing, data analysis -> *to be documented*
.. _pyFAI:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
import dask
print(f'dask: {dask.__version__}')
import dask.array as da
dask.config.set({'array.chunk-size': '512MiB'})
import xarray as xr
%% Output
dask: 2.11.0
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import sys
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from psutil import virtual_memory
import gc
# gc.collect() # run garbage collection to free possible memory
mem = virtual_memory()
print(f'Physical memory: {} Gb') # total physical memory available
%% Output
Physical memory: 504 Gb
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import toolbox_scs as tb
from toolbox_scs.routines.boz import load_dssc_module
from extra_data import open_run
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Parameters
%% Cell type:code id: tags:parameters
``` python
proposalNB = 2719
dark_runNB = 180
runNB = 179
module_group = 0
pulse_pattern = ['pumped', 'unpumped']
xaxis = 'delay' # 'nrj'
bin_width = 0.1 # [ps]
path = f'/gpfs/exfel/exp/SCS/202002/p002719/scratch/tests/r{runNB}/'
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
moduleNB = list(range(module_group*4, (module_group+1)*4))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Processing function
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def process(module):
# Load dark
arr_dark, tid_dark = load_dssc_module(proposalNB, dark_runNB, module, drop_intra_darks=False)
arr_dark = arr_dark.rechunk(('auto', -1, -1, -1))
dark_img = arr_dark.mean(axis=0).compute()
# Load module data
arr, tid = load_dssc_module(proposalNB, runNB, module, drop_intra_darks=False)
arr = arr.rechunk(('auto', -1, -1, -1))
# dark and intra dark correction
arr = arr - dark_img
arr = arr[:, ::2, :, :] - arr[:, 1::2, :, :]
# Load slow data against which to bin
if xaxis == 'delay':
run, v = tb.load(proposalNB, runNB, ['PP800_DelayLine', 'BAM1932M', 'SCS_XGM'])
run, v = tb.load(proposalNB, runNB, [xaxis, 'SCS_XGM'])
# select part of the run
# v = v.isel({'trainId':slice(0,3000)})
# combine slow and DSSC module data
xr_data = xr.DataArray(arr,
coords={'trainId': tid,
'sa3_pId': v['sa3_pId'].values},
dims = ['trainId', 'sa3_pId', 'y', 'x'])
xr_data = xr_data.expand_dims(module=[module], axis=2)
r = xr.merge([xr_data.to_dataset(name='DSSC'), v], join='inner')
# calculate bins
if xaxis == 'delay':
r['delay'] = tb.misc.positionToDelay(r['PP800_DelayLine'])
bam = r['BAM1932M'] - r['BAM1932M'].mean()
r['bin_delay'] = ((r['delay'] - bam)/bin_width).round()*bin_width
r['bin_' + xaxis] = (r[xaxis]/bin_width).round()*bin_width
# add the pulse pattern coordinates
Nrepeats = int(len(v['sa3_pId'].values)/len(pulse_pattern))
pp = pulse_pattern*Nrepeats
pp = np.array(pp)
r = r.assign_coords(pp=("sa3_pId", pp))
# select pattern and bin data
bin_data = None
for p in np.unique(pp):
# slice using non-index coordinates
sub_r = r.sel(sa3_pId=(r.pp == p))
# calculate mean on bin, then mean to remove the dimension
res = sub_r.groupby('bin_'+xaxis).mean().mean(['sa3_pId'])
if bin_data is None:
bin_data = res
bin_data['DSSC'] = res['DSSC'].expand_dims(pp=[p])
bin_data['SCS_SA3'] = res['SCS_SA3'].expand_dims(pp=[p])
bin_data = xr.merge([bin_data,
# save the result
fname = path + f'run{runNB}-darkrun{dark_runNB}-module{module}.h5'
bin_data.to_netcdf(fname, format='NETCDF4', engine='h5netcdf')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Processing
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for m in moduleNB:
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