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Commit a0677ca3 authored by Karim Ahmed's avatar Karim Ahmed
Browse files

get creation time for a file and remove recursive prints

parent 7af03110
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1 merge request!386get creation time for a file and remove recursive prints
......@@ -264,13 +264,15 @@ def get_dir_creation_date(directory: str, run: int,
ntries = 100
while ntries > 0:
dates = []
for f in directory.glob('*.h5'):
with h5py.File(f, 'r') as fin:
cdate = fin['METADATA/creationDate'][0].decode()
cdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(cdate, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
return min(dates)
rfiles = list(directory.glob('*.h5'))
# get creation time for oldest file,
# as creation time between run files
# should be different only within few seconds
with h5py.File(rfiles[0], 'r') as fin:
cdate = fin['METADATA/creationDate'][0].decode()
cdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(cdate, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
return cdate
except (IOError, ValueError):
ntries -= 1
except KeyError: # The files are here, but it's an older dataset
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# AGIPD Retrieving Constants Pre-correction #
Author: European XFEL Detector Group, Version: 1.0
Retrieving Required Constants for Offline Calibration of the AGIPD Detector
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
cluster_profile = "noDB"
in_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202030/p900119/raw" # the folder to read data from, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/ahmedk/test/AGIPD_" # the folder to output to, required
sequences = [-1] # sequences to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed
modules = [-1] # modules to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed
run = 80 # runs to process, required
karabo_id = "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1" # karabo karabo_id
karabo_da = ['-1'] # a list of data aggregators names, Default [-1] for selecting all data aggregators
path_template = 'RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5' # the template to use to access data
h5path_ctrl = '/CONTROL/{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP_TEST' # path to control information
karabo_id_control = "SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1" # karabo-id for control device
karabo_da_control = 'AGIPD1MCTRL00' # karabo DA for control infromation
use_dir_creation_date = True # use the creation data of the input dir for database queries
cal_db_interface = "tcp://max-exfl016:8015#8045" # the database interface to use
creation_date_offset = "00:00:00" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants
calfile = "" # path to calibration file. Leave empty if all data should come from DB
nodb = False # if set only file-based constants will be used
mem_cells = 0 # number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer
bias_voltage = 300
acq_rate = 0. # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine
gain_setting = 0.1 # the gain setting, use 0.1 to try to auto-determine
photon_energy = 9.2 # photon energy in keV
max_cells_db_dark = 0 # set to a value different than 0 to use this value for dark data DB queries
max_cells_db = 0 # set to a value different than 0 to use this value for DB queries
# Correction Booleans
only_offset = False # Apply only Offset correction. if False, Offset is applied by Default. if True, Offset is only applied.
rel_gain = False # do relative gain correction based on PC data
xray_gain = True # do relative gain correction based on xray data
blc_noise = False # if set, baseline correction via noise peak location is attempted
blc_stripes = False # if set, baseline corrected via stripes
blc_hmatch = False # if set, base line correction via histogram matching is attempted
match_asics = False # if set, inner ASIC borders are matched to the same signal level
adjust_mg_baseline = False # adjust medium gain baseline to match highest high gain value
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Fill dictionaries comprising bools and arguments for correction and data analysis
# Here the herarichy and dependability for correction booleans are defined
corr_bools = {}
# offset is at the bottom of AGIPD correction pyramid.
corr_bools["only_offset"] = only_offset
# Dont apply any corrections if only_offset is requested
if not only_offset:
corr_bools["adjust_mg_baseline"] = adjust_mg_baseline
corr_bools["rel_gain"] = rel_gain
corr_bools["xray_corr"] = xray_gain
corr_bools["blc_noise"] = blc_noise
corr_bools["blc_hmatch"] = blc_hmatch
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
# make sure a cluster is running with ipcluster start --n=32, give it a while to start
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipyparallel import Client
print(f"Connecting to profile {cluster_profile}")
view = Client(profile=cluster_profile)[:]
from iCalibrationDB import Constants, Conditions, Detectors
from import (map_modules_from_folder, get_dir_creation_date)
from cal_tools.agipdlib import get_gain_setting
from dateutil import parser
from datetime import timedelta
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
max_cells = mem_cells
creation_time = None
if use_dir_creation_date:
creation_time = get_dir_creation_date(in_folder, run)
offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)
delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)
creation_time += delta
print(f"Using {creation_time} as creation time")
if sequences[0] == -1:
sequences = None
if in_folder[-1] == "/":
in_folder = in_folder[:-1]
print(f"Outputting to {out_folder}")
os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True)
import warnings
from cal_tools.agipdlib import SnowResolution
melt_snow = False if corr_bools["only_offset"] else SnowResolution.NONE
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
control_fname = f'{in_folder}/r{run:04d}/RAW-R{run:04d}-{karabo_da_control}-S00000.h5'
h5path_ctrl = h5path_ctrl.format(karabo_id_control)
if gain_setting == 0.1:
if creation_time.replace(tzinfo=None) < parser.parse('2020-01-31'):
print("Set gain-setting to None for runs taken before 2020-01-31")
gain_setting = None
gain_setting = get_gain_setting(control_fname, h5path_ctrl)
except Exception as e:
print(f'ERROR: while reading gain setting from: \n{control_fname}')
print("Set gain setting to 0")
gain_setting = 0
print(f"Gain setting: {gain_setting}")
print(f"Detector in use is {karabo_id}")
# Extracting Instrument string
instrument = karabo_id.split("_")[0]
# Evaluate detector instance for mapping
if instrument == "SPB":
dinstance = "AGIPD1M1"
nmods = 16
elif instrument == "MID":
dinstance = "AGIPD1M2"
nmods = 16
elif instrument == "HED" or instrument == "DETLAB":
dinstance = "AGIPD500K"
nmods = 8
print(f"Instrument {instrument}")
print(f"Detector instance {dinstance}")
if karabo_da[0] == '-1':
if modules[0] == -1:
modules = list(range(nmods))
karabo_da = ["AGIPD{:02d}".format(i) for i in modules]
modules = [int(x[-2:]) for x in karabo_da]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# set everything up filewise
print(f"Checking the files before retrieving constants")
mmf = map_modules_from_folder(in_folder, run, path_template, karabo_da, sequences)
mapped_files, mod_ids, total_sequences, sequences_qm, _ = mmf
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Retrieve Constants ##
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from functools import partial
import yaml
def retrieve_constants(karabo_id, bias_voltage, max_cells, acq_rate,
gain_setting, photon_energy, only_dark, nodb_with_dark,
cal_db_interface, creation_time,
corr_bools, pc_bools, inp):
Retreive constant for each module in parallel and produce a dictionary
with the creation-time and constant file path.
:param karabo_id: (STR) Karabo ID
:param bias_voltage: (FLOAT) Bias Voltage
:param max_cells: (INT) Memory cells
:param acq_rate: (FLOAT) Acquisition Rate
:param gain_setting: (FLOAT) Gain setting
:param photon_energy: (FLOAT) Photon Energy
:param only_dark: (BOOL) only retrieve dark constants
:param nodb_with_dark: (BOOL) no constant retrieval even for dark
:param cal_db_interface: (STR) the database interface port
:param creation_time: (STR) raw data creation time
:param corr_bools: (DICT) A dictionary with bools for applying requested corrections
:param pc_bools: (LIST) list of bools to retrieve pulse capacitor constants
:param inp: (LIST) input for the parallel cluster of the partial function
mdata_dict: (DICT) dictionary with the metadata for the retrieved constants
dev.device_name: (STR) device name
import numpy as np
import sys
import traceback
from cal_tools.agipdlib import get_num_cells, get_acq_rate
from cal_tools.agipdutils import assemble_constant_dict
from import get_from_db
from iCalibrationDB import Constants, Conditions, Detectors
err = None
qm_files, qm, dev, idx = inp
# get number of memory cells from a sequence file with image data
for f in qm_files:
if not max_cells:
max_cells = get_num_cells(f, karabo_id, idx)
if max_cells is None:
if f != qm_files[-1]:
raise ValueError(f"No raw images found for {qm} for all sequences")
cells = np.arange(max_cells)
# get out of the loop,
# if max_cells is successfully calculated.
if acq_rate == 0.:
acq_rate = get_acq_rate((f, karabo_id, idx))
print(f"Set memory cells to {max_cells}")
print(f"Set acquistion rate cells to {acq_rate} MHz")
# avoid creating retireving constant, if requested.
if not nodb_with_dark:
const_dict = assemble_constant_dict(corr_bools, pc_bools, max_cells, bias_voltage,
gain_setting, acq_rate, photon_energy,
beam_energy=None, only_dark=only_dark)
# Retrieve multiple constants through an input dictionary
# to return a dict of useful metadata.
mdata_dict = dict()
for cname, cval in const_dict.items():
condition = getattr(Conditions, cval[2][0]).AGIPD(**cval[2][1])
co, mdata = \
get_from_db(dev, getattr(Constants.AGIPD, cname)(),
condition, getattr(np, cval[0])(cval[1]),
cal_db_interface, creation_time, meta_only=True)
cal_db_interface, creation_time, meta_only=True, verbosity=0)
mdata_const = mdata.calibration_constant_version
# saving metadata in a dict
mdata_dict[cname] = dict()
# check if constant was sucessfully retrieved.
if mdata.comm_db_success:
mdata_dict[cname]["file-path"] = f"{mdata_const.hdf5path}" \
mdata_dict[cname]["creation-time"] = f"{mdata_const.begin_at}"
mdata_dict[cname]["file-path"] = const_dict[cname][:2]
mdata_dict[cname]["creation-time"] = None
except Exception as e:
err = f"Error: {e}, Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}"
return qm, mdata_dict, dev.device_name, acq_rate, max_cells, err
pc_bools = [corr_bools.get("rel_gain"),
inp = []
only_dark = False
nodb_with_dark = False
if not nodb:
only_dark=(calfile != "")
if calfile != "" and not corr_bools["only_offset"]:
nodb_with_dark = nodb
# A dict to connect virtual device
# to actual device name.
for i in modules:
qm = f"Q{i//4+1}M{i%4+1}"
if qm in mapped_files and not mapped_files[qm].empty():
device = getattr(getattr(Detectors, dinstance), qm)
qm_files = [str(mapped_files[qm].get()) for _ in range(mapped_files[qm].qsize())]
print(f"Skipping {qm}")
inp.append((qm_files, qm, device, i))
p = partial(retrieve_constants, karabo_id, bias_voltage, max_cells,
acq_rate, gain_setting, photon_energy, only_dark, nodb_with_dark,
cal_db_interface, creation_time,
corr_bools, pc_bools)
results = view.map_sync(p, inp)
#results = list(map(p, inp))
mod_dev = dict()
mdata_dict = dict()
for r in results:
if r:
qm, md_dict, dname, acq_rate, max_cells, err = r
mod_dev[dname] = {"mod": qm, "err": err}
if err:
print(f"Error for module {qm}: {err}")
mdata_dict[dname] = md_dict
# check if it is requested not to retrieve any constants from the database
if not nodb_with_dark:
with open(f"{out_folder}/retrieved_constants.yml", "w") as outfile:
yaml.safe_dump(mdata_dict, outfile)
print("\nRetrieved constants for modules: ",
f"{[', '.join([f'Q{x//4+1}M{x%4+1}' for x in modules])]}")
print(f"Operating conditions are:\n• Bias voltage: {bias_voltage}\n• Memory cells: {max_cells}\n"
f"• Acquisition rate: {acq_rate}\n• Gain setting: {gain_setting}\n• Photon Energy: {photon_energy}\n")
print(f"Constant metadata is saved in retrieved_constants.yml\n")
print("No constants were retrieved as calibrated files will be used.")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print("Constants are retrieved with creation time: ")
i = 0
when = dict()
to_store = []
for dname, dinfo in mod_dev.items():
print(dinfo["mod"], ":")
line = [dinfo["mod"]]
if dname in mdata_dict:
for cname, mdata in mdata_dict[dname].items():
if hasattr(mdata["creation-time"], 'strftime'):
mdata["creation-time"] = mdata["creation-time"].strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M')
print(f'{cname:.<12s}', mdata["creation-time"])
# Store few time stamps if exists
# Add NA to keep array structure
for cname in ['Offset', 'SlopesPC', 'SlopesFF']:
if not dname in mdata_dict or dinfo["err"]:
if cname in mdata_dict[dname]:
if mdata_dict[dname][cname]["creation-time"]:
i += 1
if sequences:
seq_num = sequences[0]
# if sequences[0] changed to None as it was -1
seq_num = 0
with open(f"{out_folder}/retrieved_constants.yml","r") as fyml:
time_summary = yaml.safe_load(fyml)
time_summary.update({"time-summary": {
with open(f"{out_folder}/retrieved_constants.yml","w") as fyml:
yaml.safe_dump(time_summary, fyml)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
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