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  • calibration/pycalibration
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......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ repos:
# If `CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA` env var is set then this will
# run flake8 on the diff of the merge request, otherwise it will run
# flake8 as it would usually execute via the pre-commit hook
entry: bash -c 'if [ -z ${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA} ]; then (flake8 "$@"); else (git diff $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA...$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA | flake8 --diff); fi' --
entry: bash -c 'if [ -z ${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA} ]; then (flake8 "$@" --max-line-length 88); else (git diff $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA...$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA | flake8 --diff --max-line-length 88); fi' --
- repo:
rev: 3f92957478422df87bd730abde66f089cc1ee19b # commit where pre-commit support was added
# Release Notes
## 3.13.0
- [AGIPD][PC] Fixing ValueError.
- [Gotthard2][Dark] Sort dark runs.
- [ePix100][Correct] Correcting one train for epix100 and storing a list of one pulseId.
- [Doc] Change log update with latest releases.
- [Gotthard2][Correct] Add `idx` to `da_to_pdu` to use in picking correct `data_source`.
- [LPD][Dark] Sort Dark runs by Gain.
- [Webservice] Use AW status on myMdC for warnings that prevent launching correction.
- [Webservice] Move list of three gain/run detectors into webservice config yaml.
- [Webservice] add environment bin/ to PATH if not already there.
- Convert request time to local timezone in report.
- Don't keep DEBUG level logging from requests_oauthlib.
- Avoid using `run_metadata()` by default, to not fail for EXDF-v0.5 files.
## 3.12.6
- [Jungfrau][Correct] Avoid NAN disturbance for correction plots scale
- [Timepix] Updating Timepix3 Calibration Pipeline for compatibility with new Karabo Implementation + some general improvements
- [Timepix] Allow pipelines to be part of nodes in DataFile API
- [Timepix] Throw pasha at it
- [Timepix] Store labels assigned to pixels
## 3.12.5
- SPARTA AGIPD Single Module integration
## 3.12.4
- [Gotthard2][Correct] Store mask data properly for gotthard2 25um
- Make the run type regex for skipping JF darks less aggressive
## 3.12.3
- [webservice] Update Kafka config to use EuXFEL broker
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# AGIPD Offline Correction #
Author: European XFEL Detector Group, Version: 2.0
Offline Calibration for the AGIPD Detector
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
in_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/exp/MID/202201/p002834/raw" # the folder to read data from, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/esobolev/pycal_litfrm/p002834/r0225" # the folder to output to, required
metadata_folder = "" # Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate
sequences = [-1] # sequences to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed
modules = [-1] # modules to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed
train_ids = [-1] # train IDs to correct, set to -1 for all, range allowed
run = 225 # runs to process, required
karabo_id = "MID_DET_AGIPD1M-1" # karabo karabo_id
karabo_da = ['-1'] # a list of data aggregators names, Default [-1] for selecting all data aggregators
receiver_template = "{}CH0" # inset for receiver devices
path_template = 'RAW-R{:04d}-{}-S{:05d}.h5' # the template to use to access data
instrument_source_template = '{}/DET/{}:xtdf' # path in the HDF5 file to images
index_source_template = 'INDEX/{}/DET/{}:xtdf/' # path in the HDF5 file to images
ctrl_source_template = '{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP' # path to control information
karabo_id_control = "MID_EXP_AGIPD1M1" # karabo-id for control device
slopes_ff_from_files = "" # Path to locally stored SlopesFF and BadPixelsFF constants, loaded in precorrection notebook
creation_time = "" # To overwrite the measured creation_time. Required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC e.g. "2022-06-28 13:00:00"
cal_db_interface = "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015#8045" # the database interface to use
cal_db_timeout = 30000 # in milliseconds
creation_date_offset = "00:00:00" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants
cal_db_root = '/gpfs/exfel/d/cal/caldb_store' # The calibration database root path to access constant files. For example accessing constants from the test database.
cal_db_root = "" # The calibration database root path to access constant files. e.g. accessing constants from the test database /gpfs/exfel/d/cal_tst/caldb_store.
mem_cells = -1 # Number of memory cells used, set to 0 to automatically infer
bias_voltage = -1 # bias voltage, set to 0 to use stored value in slow data.
acq_rate = -1. # the detector acquisition rate, use 0 to try to auto-determine
gain_setting = -1 # the gain setting, use -1 to use value stored in slow data.
gain_mode = -1 # gain mode (0: adaptive, 1-3 fixed high/med/low, -1: read from CONTROL data)
max_pulses = [0, 352, 1] # range list [st, end, step] of memory cell indices to be processed within a train. 3 allowed maximum list input elements.
mem_cells_db = -1 # set to a value different than 0 to use this value for DB queries
integration_time = -1 # integration time, negative values for auto-detection.
# Correction parameters
blc_noise_threshold = 5000 # above this mean signal intensity now baseline correction via noise is attempted
cm_dark_fraction = 0.66 # threshold for fraction of empty pixels to consider module enough dark to perform CM correction
cm_dark_range = [-50.,30] # range for signal value ADU for pixel to be consider as a dark pixel
cm_n_itr = 4 # number of iterations for common mode correction
hg_hard_threshold = 1000 # threshold to force medium gain offset subtracted pixel to high gain
mg_hard_threshold = 1000 # threshold to force medium gain offset subtracted pixel from low to medium gain
noisy_adc_threshold = 0.25 # threshold to mask complete adc
ff_gain = 7.2 # conversion gain for absolute FlatField constants, while applying xray_gain
photon_energy = -1.0 # photon energy in keV, non-positive value for XGM autodetection
rounding_threshold = 0.5 # the fraction to round to down, 0.5 for standard rounding rule
# Correction Booleans
only_offset = False # Apply only Offset correction. if False, Offset is applied by Default. if True, Offset is only applied.
rel_gain = False # do relative gain correction based on PC data
xray_gain = False # do relative gain correction based on xray data
blc_noise = False # if set, baseline correction via noise peak location is attempted
blc_stripes = False # if set, baseline corrected via stripes
blc_hmatch = False # if set, base line correction via histogram matching is attempted
match_asics = False # if set, inner ASIC borders are matched to the same signal level
adjust_mg_baseline = False # adjust medium gain baseline to match highest high gain value
zero_nans = False # set NaN values in corrected data to 0
zero_orange = False # set to 0 very negative and very large values in corrected data
blc_set_min = False # Shift to 0 negative medium gain pixels after offset corr
corr_asic_diag = False # if set, diagonal drop offs on ASICs are corrected
force_hg_if_below = False # set high gain if mg offset subtracted value is below hg_hard_threshold
force_mg_if_below = False # set medium gain if mg offset subtracted value is below mg_hard_threshold
mask_noisy_adc = False # Mask entire ADC if they are noise above a relative threshold
common_mode = False # Common mode correction
melt_snow = False # Identify (and optionally interpolate) 'snowy' pixels
mask_zero_std = False # Mask pixels with zero standard deviation across train
low_medium_gap = False # 5 sigma separation in thresholding between low and medium gain
round_photons = False # Round to absolute number of photons, only use with gain corrections
# Optional auxiliary devices
use_ppu_device = '' # Device ID for a pulse picker device to only process picked trains, empty string to disable
ppu_train_offset = 0 # When using the pulse picker, offset between the PPU's sequence start and actually picked train
require_ppu_trigger = False # Optional protection against running without PPU or without triggering trains.
use_litframe_finder = 'off' # Process only illuminated frames: 'off' - disable, 'device' - use online device data, 'offline' - use offline algorithm, 'auto' - choose online/offline source automatically (default)
litframe_device_id = '' # Device ID for a lit frame finder device, empty string to auto detection
energy_threshold = -1000 # The low limit for the energy (uJ) exposed by frames subject to processing. If -1000, selection by pulse energy is disabled
use_super_selection = 'cm' # Make a common selection for entire run: 'off' - disable, 'final' - enable for final selection, 'cm' - enable only for common mode correction
use_xgm_device = '' # DoocsXGM device ID to obtain actual photon energy, operating condition else.
# Output parameters
recast_image_data = '' # Cast data to a different dtype before saving
compress_fields = ['gain', 'mask'] # Datasets in image group to compress.
# Plotting parameters
skip_plots = False # exit after writing corrected files and metadata
cell_id_preview = 1 # cell Id used for preview in single-shot plots
cmap = "viridis" # matplolib.colormap for almost all heatmap. Other options ['plasma', 'inferno', 'magma', 'cividis', 'jet', ...]
# Parallelization parameters
chunk_size = 1000 # Size of chunk for image-wise correction
n_cores_correct = 16 # Number of chunks to be processed in parallel
n_cores_files = 4 # Number of files to be processed in parallel
sequences_per_node = 2 # number of sequence files per cluster node if run as SLURM job, set to 0 to not run SLURM parallel
max_nodes = 8 # Maximum number of SLURM jobs to split correction work into
max_tasks_per_worker = 1 # the number of tasks a correction pool worker process can complete before it will exit and be replaced with a fresh worker process. Leave as -1 to keep worker alive as long as pool.
def balance_sequences(in_folder, run, sequences, sequences_per_node, karabo_da, max_nodes):
from xfel_calibrate.calibrate import balance_sequences as bs
return bs(in_folder, run, sequences, sequences_per_node, karabo_da, max_nodes=max_nodes)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import itertools
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta
from logging import warning
from pathlib import Path
import tabulate
from dateutil import parser
from IPython.display import Latex, Markdown, display
import h5py
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yaml
from extra_data import by_id, RunDirectory, stack_detector_data
from extra_geom import AGIPD_1MGeometry, AGIPD_500K2GGeometry
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.4)
import cal_tools.restful_config as rest_cfg
from cal_tools import agipdalgs as calgs
from cal_tools.agipdlib import (
from cal_tools.ana_tools import get_range
from cal_tools.calcat_interface import (
from cal_tools.enums import AgipdGainMode, BadPixels
from cal_tools.plotting import agipd_single_module_geometry
from cal_tools.step_timing import StepTimer
from import (
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
in_folder = Path(in_folder)
out_folder = Path(out_folder)
run_folder = in_folder / f'r{run:04d}'
step_timer = StepTimer()
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Evaluated parameters ##
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Fill dictionaries comprising bools and arguments for correction and data analysis
# Here the hierarchy and dependability for correction booleans are defined
corr_bools = {}
# offset is at the bottom of AGIPD correction pyramid.
corr_bools["only_offset"] = only_offset
# Dont apply any corrections if only_offset is requested
if not only_offset:
corr_bools["adjust_mg_baseline"] = adjust_mg_baseline
corr_bools["rel_gain"] = rel_gain
corr_bools["xray_corr"] = xray_gain
corr_bools["blc_noise"] = blc_noise
corr_bools["blc_stripes"] = blc_stripes
corr_bools["blc_hmatch"] = blc_hmatch
corr_bools["blc_set_min"] = blc_set_min
corr_bools["match_asics"] = match_asics
corr_bools["corr_asic_diag"] = corr_asic_diag
corr_bools["zero_nans"] = zero_nans
corr_bools["zero_orange"] = zero_orange
corr_bools["mask_noisy_adc"] = mask_noisy_adc
corr_bools["force_hg_if_below"] = force_hg_if_below
corr_bools["force_mg_if_below"] = force_mg_if_below
corr_bools["common_mode"] = common_mode
corr_bools["melt_snow"] = melt_snow
corr_bools["mask_zero_std"] = mask_zero_std
corr_bools["low_medium_gap"] = low_medium_gap
corr_bools["round_photons"] = round_photons
# Many corrections don't apply to fixed gain mode; will explicitly disable later if detected
disable_for_fixed_gain = [
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if sequences == [-1]:
sequences = None
dc = RunDirectory(run_folder)
ctrl_src = ctrl_source_template.format(karabo_id_control)
instrument_src = instrument_source_template.format(karabo_id, receiver_template)
index_src = index_source_template.format(karabo_id, receiver_template)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Create output folder
out_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Evaluate detector instance for mapping
instrument = karabo_id.split("_")[0]
if "AGIPD1M" in karabo_id:
nmods = 16
elif "AGIPD500K" in karabo_id:
nmods = 8
nmods = 1
# Evaluate requested modules
if karabo_da[0] == '-1':
if modules[0] == -1:
modules = list(range(nmods))
mod_indices = modules if nmods > 1 else [0]
karabo_da = ["AGIPD{:02d}".format(i) for i in modules]
else: # TODO: fix this with the new CALCAT metadata for module indices.
modules = [int(x[-2:]) for x in karabo_da]
mod_indices = modules if nmods > 1 else [0]
print("Process modules:", ', '.join(module_index_to_qm(x) for x in mod_indices))
print(f"Detector in use is {karabo_id}")
print(f"Instrument {instrument}")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if use_ppu_device and use_ppu_device in dc.control_sources:
# Obtain trains to process if using a pulse picker device and it's present.
seq_start = dc[use_ppu_device, 'trainTrigger.sequenceStart.value'].ndarray()
# The trains picked are the unique values of trainTrigger.sequenceStart
# minus the first (previous trigger before this run).
start_train_ids = np.unique(seq_start)[1:] + ppu_train_offset
train_ids = []
for train_id in start_train_ids:
n_trains = dc[
use_ppu_device, 'trainTrigger.numberOfTrains'
train_ids.extend(list(range(train_id, train_id + n_trains)))
if train_ids:
print(f'PPU device {use_ppu_device} triggered for {len(train_ids)} train(s)')
elif require_ppu_trigger:
raise RuntimeError(f'PPU device {use_ppu_device} not triggered but required, aborting!')
print(f'PPU device {use_ppu_device} not triggered, processing all valid trains')
train_ids = None
elif use_ppu_device:
# PPU configured but not present.
if require_ppu_trigger:
raise RuntimeError(f'PPU device {use_ppu_device} required but not found, aborting!')
print(f'PPU device {use_ppu_device} configured but not found, processing all valid trains')
train_ids = None
elif train_ids != [-1]:
# Specific trains passed by parameter, convert to ndarray.
train_ids = np.array(train_ids)
print(f'Processing up to {len(train_ids)} manually selected train(s)')
# No PPU configured.
print(f'Processing all valid trains')
train_ids = None
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# set everything up filewise
mapped_files, _, total_sequences, _, _ = map_modules_from_folder(
str(in_folder), run, path_template, karabo_da, sequences
file_list = []
# ToDo: Split table over pages
print(f"Processing a total of {total_sequences} sequence files in chunks of {n_cores_files}")
table = []
ti = 0
for k, files in mapped_files.items():
i = 0
for f in list(files.queue):
if i == 0:
table.append((ti, k, i, f))
table.append((ti, "", i, f))
i += 1
ti += 1
md = display(Latex(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='latex',
headers=["#", "module", "# module", "file"])))
file_list = sorted(file_list, key=lambda name: name[-10:])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
first_mod_channel = sorted(modules)[0]
instrument_src_mod = [
s for s in list(dc.all_sources) if f"{first_mod_channel}CH" in s][0]
agipd_cond = AgipdCtrl(
raise_error=False, # to be able to process very old data without gain_setting value
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Run's creation time:
creation_time = calcat_creation_time(in_folder, run, creation_time)
offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)
delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)
creation_time += delta
print(f"Creation time: {creation_time}")
if acq_rate == -1.:
acq_rate = agipd_cond.get_acq_rate()
if mem_cells == -1:
mem_cells = agipd_cond.get_num_cells()
# TODO: look for alternative for passing creation_time
if gain_setting == -1:
gain_setting = agipd_cond.get_gain_setting(creation_time)
if bias_voltage == -1:
bias_voltage = agipd_cond.get_bias_voltage(karabo_id_control)
if integration_time == -1:
integration_time = agipd_cond.get_integration_time()
if gain_mode == -1:
gain_mode = agipd_cond.get_gain_mode()
gain_mode = AgipdGainMode(gain_mode)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if mem_cells is None:
raise ValueError(f"No raw images found for {instrument_src_mod}")
mem_cells_db = mem_cells if mem_cells_db == -1 else mem_cells_db
print(f"Maximum memory cells to calibrate: {mem_cells}")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print(f"Using {creation_time} as creation time")
print("Operating conditions are:")
print(f"• Bias voltage: {bias_voltage}")
print(f"• Memory cells: {mem_cells_db}")
print(f"• Acquisition rate: {acq_rate}")
print(f"• Gain setting: {gain_setting}")
print(f"• Gain mode: {}")
print(f"• Integration time: {integration_time}")
print(f"• Photon Energy: 9.2")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if gain_mode:
for to_disable in disable_for_fixed_gain:
if corr_bools.get(to_disable, False):
warning(f"{to_disable} correction was requested, but does not apply to fixed gain mode")
corr_bools[to_disable] = False
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if use_litframe_finder != 'off':
from extra_redu import make_litframe_finder, LitFrameFinderError
if use_litframe_finder not in ['auto', 'offline', 'online']:
raise ValueError("Unexpected value in 'use_litframe_finder'.")
inst = karabo_id_control[:3]
litfrm = make_litframe_finder(inst, dc, litframe_device_id)
get_data = {'auto': litfrm.read_or_process, 'offline': litfrm.process, 'online':}
r = get_data[use_litframe_finder]()
cell_sel = LitFrameSelection(r, train_ids, max_pulses, energy_threshold, use_super_selection)
except LitFrameFinderError as err:
warning(f"Cannot use AgipdLitFrameFinder due to:\n{err}")
cell_sel = CellRange(max_pulses, max_cells=mem_cells)
# Use range selection
cell_sel = CellRange(max_pulses, max_cells=mem_cells)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if round_photons and photon_energy <= 0.0:
if use_xgm_device:
# Try to obtain photon energy from XGM device.
wavelength_data = dc[use_xgm_device, 'pulseEnergy.wavelengthUsed']
from scipy.constants import h, c, e
# Read wavelength as a single value and convert to hv.
photon_energy = (h * c / e) / (wavelength_data.as_single_value(rtol=1e-2) * 1e-6)
print(f'Obtained photon energy {photon_energy:.3f} keV from {use_xgm_device}')
except ValueError:
warning('XGM source available but photon energy varies greater than 1%, '
'photon rounding disabled!')
round_photons = False
warning('Neither explicit photon energy nor XGM device configured, photon rounding disabled!')
round_photons = False
elif round_photons:
print(f'Photon energy for rounding: {photon_energy:.3f} keV')
if round_photons and (rounding_threshold <= .0 or 1. <= rounding_threshold):
warning('Round threshould is out of (0, 1) range. Use standard 0.5 value.')
rounding_threshold = 0.5
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
agipd_corr = AgipdCorrections(
comp_threads=os.cpu_count() // n_cores_files,
agipd_corr.baseline_corr_noise_threshold = -blc_noise_threshold
agipd_corr.hg_hard_threshold = hg_hard_threshold
agipd_corr.mg_hard_threshold = mg_hard_threshold
agipd_corr.cm_dark_min = cm_dark_range[0]
agipd_corr.cm_dark_max = cm_dark_range[1]
agipd_corr.cm_dark_fraction = cm_dark_fraction
agipd_corr.cm_n_itr = cm_n_itr
agipd_corr.noisy_adc_threshold = noisy_adc_threshold
agipd_corr.ff_gain = ff_gain
agipd_corr.photon_energy = photon_energy
agipd_corr.rounding_threshold = rounding_threshold
agipd_corr.compress_fields = compress_fields
if recast_image_data:
agipd_corr.recast_image_fields['data'] = np.dtype(recast_image_data)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Retrieving constants
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def get_constants_and_update_metadata(cal_data, main_metadata, constants):
metadata = cal_data.metadata(constants)
for key, value in metadata.items():
main_metadata.setdefault(key, {}).update(value)
except CalCatError as e: # TODO: replace when API errors are improved.
warning(f"CalCatError: {e}")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Instantiate agipd_cal with the read operating conditions.
agipd_cal = AGIPD_CalibrationData(
caldb_root=Path(cal_db_root) if cal_db_root else None,
# Prepare lists of expected calibrations
dark_constants = ["Offset", "Noise", "BadPixelsDark"]
if not gain_mode: # Adaptive gain
agipd_metadata = agipd_cal.metadata(dark_constants)
agipd_cal.gain_mode = None # gain_mode is not used for gain constants
pc_constants, ff_constants = [], []
if any(agipd_corr.pc_bools):
pc_constants = ["SlopesPC", "BadPixelsPC"]
agipd_cal, agipd_metadata, pc_constants)
if agipd_corr.corr_bools.get('xray_corr'):
ff_constants = list(agipd_cal.illuminated_calibrations)
agipd_cal, agipd_metadata, ff_constants)
step_timer.done_step("Constants were retrieved in")
print("Preparing constants ("
f"FF: {agipd_corr.corr_bools.get('xray_corr', False)}, "
f"PC: {any(agipd_corr.pc_bools)}, "
f"BLC: {any(agipd_corr.blc_bools)})")
# Display retrieved calibration constants timestamps
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Validate constants availability and exclude modules with no offsets.
for da, calibrations in agipd_metadata.items():
mod = modules[karabo_da.index(da)]
# Constants to error out for when missing.
error_missing_constants = {"Offset"}
if not gain_mode:
error_missing_constants |= {"ThresholdsDark"}
error_missing_constants -= set(calibrations)
if error_missing_constants:
warning(f"Offset constant is not available to correct {da}.")
# Remove module from files to process.
del mapped_files[module_index_to_qm(mod)]
warn_missing_constants = set(dark_constants + pc_constants + ff_constants)
warn_missing_constants -= error_missing_constants
warn_missing_constants -= set(calibrations)
if warn_missing_constants:
warning(f"Constants {warn_missing_constants} were not retrieved for {da}.")
if not mapped_files: # Offsets are missing for all modules.
raise Exception("Could not find offset constants for any modules, will not correct data.")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Record constant details in YAML metadata
out_folder=(metadata_folder or out_folder),
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Load calibration constants to RAM
agipd_corr.allocate_constants(modules, (3, mem_cells_db, 512, 128))
def load_constants(da, module):
Initialize constants data from previously retrieved metadata.
da (str): Data Aggregator (Karabo DA)
module (int): Module index
(int, dict, str): Module index, {constant name: creation time}, Karabo DA
const_data = dict()
variant = dict()
for cname, mdata in agipd_metadata[da].items():
dataset = mdata["dataset"]
with h5py.File(agipd_cal.caldb_root / mdata["path"], "r") as cf: # noqa
const_data[cname] = np.copy(cf[f"{dataset}/data"])
variant[cname] = cf[dataset].attrs["variant"] if cf[dataset].attrs.keys() else 0 # noqa
agipd_corr.init_constants(const_data, module, variant)
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=len(modules)) as pool:
pool.starmap(load_constants, zip(karabo_da, modules))
step_timer.done_step(f'Constants were loaded in ')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Store timestamps for Offset, SlopesPC, and SlopesFF
# in YAML file for time-summary table.
timestamps = {}
for mod, mod_mdata in agipd_metadata.items():
modno = int(mod[-2:])
module_timestamps = {}
# Store few time stamps if exists
# Add NA to keep array structure
for key in ['Offset', 'SlopesPC', 'SlopesFF']:
if key in mod_mdata:
module_timestamps[key] = mod_mdata[key]["begin_validity_at"]
module_timestamps[key] = "NA"
timestamps[module_index_to_qm(modno)] = module_timestamps
seq = sequences[0] if sequences else 0
with open(f"{out_folder}/retrieved_constants_s{seq}.yml","w") as fd:
yaml.safe_dump({"time-summary": {f"S{seq}": timestamps}}, fd)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Data processing ##
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# allocate memory for images and hists
n_images_max = mem_cells * 256
data_shape = (n_images_max, 512, 128)
agipd_corr.allocate_images(data_shape, n_cores_files)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def batches(l, batch_size):
"""Group a list into batches of (up to) batch_size elements"""
start = 0
while start < len(l):
yield l[start:start + batch_size]
start += batch_size
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def imagewise_chunks(img_counts):
"""Break up the loaded data into chunks of up to chunk_size
Yields (file data slot, start index, stop index)
for i_proc, n_img in enumerate(img_counts):
n_chunks = math.ceil(n_img / chunk_size)
for i in range(n_chunks):
yield i_proc, i * n_img // n_chunks, (i+1) * n_img // n_chunks
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if max_tasks_per_worker == -1:
max_tasks_per_worker = None
with multiprocessing.Pool(maxtasksperchild=max_tasks_per_worker) as pool:
step_timer.done_step('Started pool')
for file_batch in batches(file_list, n_cores_files):
# TODO: Move some printed output to logging or similar
print(f"Processing next {len(file_batch)} files")
img_counts = pool.starmap(
zip(range(len(file_batch)), file_batch, [not common_mode]*len(file_batch))
step_timer.done_step(f'Loading data from files')
if img_counts == 0:
# Skip any further processing and output if there are no images to
# correct in this file.
if mask_zero_std:
# Evaluate zero-data-std mask
agipd_corr.mask_zero_std, itertools.product(
np.array_split(np.arange(agipd_corr.max_cells), n_cores_correct)
step_timer.done_step('Mask 0 std')
# Perform offset image-wise correction
pool.starmap(agipd_corr.offset_correction, imagewise_chunks(img_counts))
step_timer.done_step("Offset correction")
if blc_noise or blc_stripes or blc_hmatch:
# Perform image-wise correction
pool.starmap(agipd_corr.baseline_correction, imagewise_chunks(img_counts))
step_timer.done_step("Base-line shift correction")
if common_mode:
# In common mode corrected is enabled.
# Cell selection is only activated after common mode correction.
# Perform cross-file correction parallel over asics
image_files_idx = [i_proc for i_proc, n_img in enumerate(img_counts) if n_img > 0]
pool.starmap(agipd_corr.cm_correction, itertools.product(
image_files_idx, range(16) # 16 ASICs per module
step_timer.done_step("Common-mode correction")
img_counts =, image_files_idx)
step_timer.done_step("Applying selected cells after common mode correction")
# Perform image-wise correction"
pool.starmap(agipd_corr.gain_correction, imagewise_chunks(img_counts))
step_timer.done_step("Gain corrections")
# Save corrected data
pool.starmap(agipd_corr.write_file, [
(i_proc, file_name, str(out_folder / Path(file_name).name.replace("RAW", "CORR")))
for i_proc, file_name in enumerate(file_batch)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print(f"Correction of {len(file_list)} files is finished")
print(f"Total processing time {step_timer.timespan():.01f} s")
print(f"Timing summary per batch of {n_cores_files} files:")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if skip_plots:
print('Skipping plots')
import sys
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def do_2d_plot(data, edges, y_axis, x_axis, title=""):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
extent = [np.min(edges[1]), np.max(edges[1]),
np.min(edges[0]), np.max(edges[0])]
im = ax.imshow(data[::-1, :], extent=extent, aspect="auto",
norm=LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=max(10, np.max(data))))
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def get_trains_data(data_folder, source, include, detector_id, tid=None, modules=16, fillvalue=None, mod_starts_at=0):
"""Load single train for all module
:param data_folder: Path to folder with data
:param source: Data source to be loaded
:param include: Inset of file name to be considered
:param detector_id: The karabo id of the detector to get data for
:param tid: Train Id to be loaded. First train is considered if None is given
:param path: Path to find image data inside h5 file
run_data = RunDirectory(data_folder, include)
except FileNotFoundError:
warning(f'No corrected files for {include}. Skipping plots.')
import sys
if tid is not None:
tid, data =
f'{detector_id}/DET/*', source).train_from_id(tid, keep_dims=True)
# A first full trainId for all available modules is of interest.
tid, data = next(
f'{detector_id}/DET/*', source).trains(require_all=True, keep_dims=True))
stacked_data = stack_detector_data(
train=data, data=source, fillvalue=fillvalue, modules=modules,
return tid, stacked_data
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if "AGIPD500K" in karabo_id:
geom = AGIPD_500K2GGeometry.from_origin()
elif "AGIPD1M" in karabo_id:
geom = AGIPD_1MGeometry.from_quad_positions(quad_pos=[
(-525, 625),
(-550, -10),
(520, -160),
(542.5, 475),
else: # single module AGIPD detector
geom = agipd_single_module_geometry()
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
include = '*S00000*' if sequences is None else f'*S{sequences[0]:05d}*'
mod_starts_at = 0 if nmods > 1 else modules[0] # TODO: use CALCAT metadata for the detector.
tid, corrected = get_trains_data(out_folder, '', include, karabo_id, modules=nmods, mod_starts_at=mod_starts_at)
_, gains = get_trains_data(out_folder, 'image.gain', include, karabo_id, tid, modules=nmods, mod_starts_at=mod_starts_at)
_, mask = get_trains_data(out_folder, 'image.mask', include, karabo_id, tid, modules=nmods, mod_starts_at=mod_starts_at)
_, blshift = get_trains_data(out_folder, 'image.blShift', include, karabo_id, tid, modules=nmods, mod_starts_at=mod_starts_at)
_, cellId = get_trains_data(out_folder, 'image.cellId', include, karabo_id, tid, modules=nmods, mod_starts_at=mod_starts_at)
_, pulseId = get_trains_data(out_folder, 'image.pulseId', include, karabo_id, tid, modules=nmods, fillvalue=0, mod_starts_at=mod_starts_at)
_, raw = get_trains_data(run_folder, '', include, karabo_id, tid, modules=nmods, mod_starts_at=mod_starts_at)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown(f'## Preview and statistics for {gains.shape[0]} images of the train {tid} ##\n'))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Signal vs. Analogue Gain ###
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
raw_float = raw.astype(np.float32)
signal = raw[:, 0, ...]
gain = raw[:, 1, ...]
hist, bins_x, bins_y = calgs.histogram2d(
bins=(100, 100),
np.percentile(signal, [0.02, 99.8]),
np.percentile(gain, [0.02, 99.8]),
do_2d_plot(hist, (bins_x, bins_y), "Signal (ADU)", "Analogue gain (ADU)")
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Signal vs. Digitized Gain ###
The following plot shows plots signal vs. digitized gain
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
vmin, vmax = np.nanmin(corrected), np.nanmax(corrected)
hist, bins_x, bins_y = calgs.histogram2d(
gains.flatten().astype(np.float32), bins=(100, 3),
# The range boundaries and decided by DET expert.
[max(vmin, -50), min(vmax, 8192)],
[0, 3]
do_2d_plot(hist, (bins_x, bins_y), "Signal (ADU)", "Gain bit value")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print(f"Gain statistics in %")
table = [[f'{gains[gains==0].size/gains.size*100:.02f}',
md = display(Latex(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='latex',
headers=["High", "Medium", "Low"])))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Intensity per Pulse ###
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
pulse_range = [np.min(pulseId[pulseId>=0]), np.max(pulseId[pulseId>=0])]
def clamp(value, min_value, max_value):
return max(min_value, min(value, max_value))
# Modify pulse_range, if only one pulse is selected.
if pulse_range[0] == pulse_range[1]:
pulse_range = [0, pulse_range[1]+int(acq_rate)]
mean_data = np.nanmean(corrected, axis=(2, 3))
vmin, vmax = mean_data.min(), mean_data.max()
hist, bins_x, bins_y = calgs.histogram2d(
bins=(100, int(pulse_range[1])),
range=[[clamp(vmin, -50, -0.2), min(vmax, 1000)], pulse_range],
do_2d_plot(hist, (bins_x, bins_y), "Signal (ADU)", "Pulse id", title="Signal-Pulse ID")
if vmax > 1000: # a zoom out plot.
hist, bins_x, bins_y = calgs.histogram2d(
bins=(100, int(pulse_range[1])),
range=[[clamp(vmin, -50, -0.2), min(vmax, 20000)], pulse_range]
do_2d_plot(hist, (bins_x, bins_y), "Signal (ADU)", "Pulse id", title="Signal-Pulse ID (Extended View)")
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Baseline shift ###
Estimated base-line shift with respect to the total ADU counts of corrected image.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
h = ax.hist(blshift.flatten(), bins=100, log=True)
_ = plt.xlabel('Baseline shift [ADU]')
_ = plt.ylabel('Counts')
_ = ax.grid()
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
corrected_ave = np.nansum(corrected, axis=(2, 3))
plt.scatter(corrected_ave.flatten()/10**6, blshift.flatten(), s=0.9)
plt.xlim(np.nanpercentile(corrected_ave/10**6, [2, 98]))
plt.xlabel('Illuminated corrected [MADU] ')
_ = plt.ylabel('Estimated baseline shift [ADU]')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if cell_id_preview not in cellId[:, 0]:
print(f"WARNING: The selected cell_id_preview value {cell_id_preview} is not available in the corrected data.")
cell_id_preview = cellId[:, 0][0]
cell_idx_preview = 0
print(f"Previewing the first available cellId: {cell_id_preview}.")
cell_idx_preview = np.where(cellId[:, 0] == cell_id_preview)[0][0]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown('### Raw preview ###\n'))
if cellId.shape[0] != 1:
display(Markdown(f'Mean over images of the RAW data\n'))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
data = np.mean(raw[slice(*cell_sel.crange), 0, ...], axis=0)
vmin, vmax = np.percentile(data, [5, 95])
ax = geom.plot_data_fast(data, ax=ax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
print("Skipping mean RAW preview for single memory cell, "
f"see single shot image for selected cell ID {cell_id_preview}.")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown(f'Single shot of the RAW data from cell {cell_id_preview} \n'))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
vmin, vmax = np.percentile(raw[cell_idx_preview, 0, ...], [5, 95])
ax = geom.plot_data_fast(
raw[cell_idx_preview, 0, ...], ax=ax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown('### Corrected preview ###\n'))
if cellId.shape[0] != 1:
display(Markdown('### Mean CORRECTED Preview ###\n'))
display(Markdown(f'A mean across train: {tid}\n'))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
data = np.mean(corrected, axis=0)
vmax = np.nanpercentile(data, 99.8)
ax = geom.plot_data_fast(data, ax=ax, vmin=max(-50, np.nanmin(data)), vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
print("Skipping mean CORRECTED preview for single memory cell, "
f"see single shot image for selected cell ID {cell_id_preview}.")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown(f'A single shot of the CORRECTED image from cell {cell_id_preview} \n'))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
vmax = np.nanpercentile(corrected[cell_idx_preview], 99.8)
ax = geom.plot_data_fast(
vmin=max(-50, np.nanmin(corrected[cell_idx_preview])),
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
vmin, vmax = get_range(corrected[cell_idx_preview], 5, -50)
nbins = int((vmax + 50) / 2)
h = ax.hist(corrected[cell_idx_preview].flatten(),
bins=nbins, range=(-50, vmax),
histtype='stepfilled', log=True)
plt.title(f'Log-scaled histogram for corrected data for cell {cell_idx_preview}')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
vmin, vmax = get_range(corrected, 10, -100)
vmax = np.nanmax(corrected)
if vmax > 50000:
vmax = 50000
nbins = int((vmax + 100) / 5)
h = ax.hist(corrected.flatten(), bins=nbins,
range=(-100, vmax), histtype='step', log=True, label = 'All')
ax.hist(corrected[gains == 0].flatten(), bins=nbins, range=(-100, vmax),
alpha=0.5, log=True, label='High gain', color='green')
ax.hist(corrected[gains == 1].flatten(), bins=nbins, range=(-100, vmax),
alpha=0.5, log=True, label='Medium gain', color='red')
ax.hist(corrected[gains == 2].flatten(), bins=nbins, range=(-100, vmax),
alpha=0.5, log=True, label='Low gain', color='yellow')
plt.title(f'Overlaid Histograms for corrected data for multiple gains')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown('### Maximum GAIN Preview ###\n'))
display(Markdown(f'The per pixel maximum across one train for the digitized gain'))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = geom.plot_data_fast(
np.max(gains, axis=0), ax=ax,
cmap=cmap, vmin=-0.3, vmax=2.3) # Extend cmap for wrong gain values.
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Bad Pixels ##
The mask contains dedicated entries for all pixels and memory cells as well as all three gains stages. Each mask entry is encoded in 32 bits as:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
table = []
for item in BadPixels:
table.append((, "{:016b}".format(item.value)))
md = display(Latex(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='latex',
headers=["Bad pixel type", "Bit mask"])))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
display(Markdown(f'### Single Shot Bad Pixels ### \n'))
display(Markdown(f'A single shot bad pixel map from cell {cell_id_preview} \n'))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
np.log2(mask[cell_idx_preview]), ax=ax, vmin=0, vmax=32, cmap=cmap)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if round_photons:
display(Markdown('### Photonization histograms ###'))
x_preround = (agipd_corr.hist_bins_preround[1:] + agipd_corr.hist_bins_preround[:-1]) / 2
x_postround = (agipd_corr.hist_bins_postround[1:] + agipd_corr.hist_bins_postround[:-1]) / 2
x_photons = np.arange(0, (x_postround[-1] + 1) / photon_energy)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, clear=True)
ax.plot(x_preround, agipd_corr.shared_hist_preround, '.-', color='C0'), agipd_corr.shared_hist_postround, photon_energy, color='C1', alpha=0.5)
ax.set_ylim(0, max(agipd_corr.shared_hist_preround.max(), agipd_corr.shared_hist_postround.max())*3)
ax.set_xlim(x_postround[0], x_postround[-1]+1)
ax.set_xlabel('Photon energy / keV')
ax.vlines(x_photons * photon_energy, *ax.get_ylim(), color='k', linestyle='dashed')
phx = ax.twiny()
phx.set_xlim(x_postround[0] / photon_energy, (x_postround[-1]+1)/photon_energy)
phx.set_xlabel('# Photons')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Percentage of Bad Pixels across one train ###
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
np.mean(mask>0, axis=0), vmin=0, ax=ax, vmax=1, cmap=cmap)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Percentage of Bad Pixels across one train. Only Dark Related ###
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cm = np.copy(mask)
cm[cm > BadPixels.NO_DARK_DATA.value] = 0
ax = geom.plot_data_fast(
np.mean(cm>0, axis=0), vmin=0, ax=ax, vmax=1, cmap=cmap)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Characterize AGIPD Pulse Capacitor Data #
Author: Detector Operations Group, Version 1.0
The following code characterizes AGIPD gain via data take with the pulse capacitor source (PCS). The PCS allows scanning through the high and medium gains of AGIPD, by subsequently intecreasing the number of charge pulses from a on-ASIC capicitor, thus increasing the charge a pixel sees in a given integration time.
Because induced charge does not originate from X-rays on the sensor, the gains evaluated here will later need to be rescaled with gains deduced from X-ray data.
PCS data is organized into multiple runs, as the on-ASIC current source cannot supply all pixels of a given module with charge at the same time. Hence, only certain pixel rows will have seen charge for a given image. These rows then first need to be combined into single module images again. This script uses new style of merging, which does not support old data format.
We then use a K-means clustering algorithm to identify components in the resulting per-pixel data series, matching to three general regions:
* a high gain slope
* a transition region, where gain switching occurs
* a medium gain slope.
The same regions are present in the gain-bit data and are used to deduce the switching threshold.
The resulting slopes are then fitted with a linear function and a combination of a linear and exponential decay function to determine the relative gains of the pixels with respect to the module. Additionally, we deduce masks for bad pixels form the data.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
cluster_profile = "noDB" # The ipcluster profile to use
in_folder = '/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202130/p900188/raw/' # path to input data, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/data/scratch/jsztuk/test/pc" # path to output to, required
in_folder = '/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202331/p900376/raw' # path to input data, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/exp/HED/202430/p900438/scratch/rovensky/pc" # path to output to, required
metadata_folder = "" # Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate
runs = [92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99] # runs to use, required, range allowed
runs = [61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68] # runs to use, required, range allowed
modules = [-1] # modules to work on, required, range allowed
karabo_da = ["all"]
karabo_da_control = "AGIPD1MCTRL00" # karabo DA for control infromation
karabo_id_control = "SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1" # karabo-id for the control device e.g. "MID_EXP_AGIPD1M1", or "SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1"
karabo_id = "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
ctrl_source_template = '{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP' # path to control information
instrument_source_template = '{}/DET/{}:xtdf' # path in the HDF5 file to images
receiver_template = "{}CH0" # inset for receiver devices
creation_time = "" # To overwrite the measured creation_time. Required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC e.g. "2022-06-28 13:00:00"
creation_date_offset = "00:00:00" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants
cal_db_timeout = 3000000 # timeout on caldb requests"
cal_db_interface = "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8019" # the database interface to use
local_output = True # output constants locally
db_output = False # output constants to database
bias_voltage = -1 # detector bias voltage, negative values for auto-detection.
mem_cells = -1 # number of memory cells used, negative values for auto-detection.
acq_rate = -1. # the detector acquisition rate, negative values for auto-detection.
gain_setting = -1 # gain setting can have value 0 or 1, negative values for auto-detection.
integration_time = -1 # integration time, negative values for auto-detection.
FF_gain = 7.3 # ADU/keV, gain from FF to convert ADU to keV
fit_hook = False # fit a hook function to medium gain slope --> run without hook
high_res_badpix_3d = False # set this to True if you need high-resolution 3d bad pixel plots. Runtime: ~ 1h
save_plots = False # set to True if you desire saving plots to output folder
hg_range = [30,210]#[0,-150] # range for linear fit. If upper edge is negative use clustering result (bound_hg - 20)
mg_range = [-277,600]#[-350,600] # range for linear fit. If lower edge is negative use clustering result (bound_mg + 20)
hg_range = [30,170]#[0,-150] # range for linear fit. If upper edge is negative use clustering result (bound_hg - 20)
mg_range = [240,590]#[-350,600] # range for linear fit. If lower edge is negative use clustering result (bound_mg + 20)
sigma_dev_cut = 5.0 # parameters outside the range median +- sigma_dev_cut*MAD are replaced with the median
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# imports, usually no need to change anything here
import os
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial
from dateutil import parser
import h5py
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from ipyparallel import Client
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid
%matplotlib inline
import XFELDetAna.xfelpyanatools as xana
from extra_data import RunDirectory
from cal_tools.agipdlib import AgipdCtrl
from cal_tools.enums import BadPixels
from cal_tools.plotting import plot_badpix_3d
from import (
from iCalibrationDB import Conditions, Constants
# make sure a cluster is running with ipcluster start --n=32, give it a while to start
view = Client(profile=cluster_profile)[:]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
cells = mem_cells
path_temp = in_folder+"/r{:04d}/"
image_name_temp = 'RAW-R{:04d}-AGIPD{:02d}-S{:05d}.h5'
print("Parameters are:")
if mem_cells < 0:
print("Memory cells: auto-detection on")
print("Memory cells set by user: {}".format(mem_cells))
print("Runs: {}".format(runs))
print("Modules: {}".format(modules))
# Get operation conditions
ctrl_source = ctrl_source_template.format(karabo_id_control)
run_folder = f'{in_folder}/r{runs[0]:04d}/'
raw_dc = RunDirectory(run_folder)
instrument_src_mod = list(raw_dc.detector_sources)[0]
instrument = karabo_id.split("_")[0]
if instrument == "HED":
nmods = 8
nmods = 16
print(f"Detector in use is {karabo_id}")
agipd_cond = AgipdCtrl(
raise_error=False, # to be able to process very old data without gain_setting value
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if karabo_da == ["all"]:
if modules[0] == -1:
modules = list(range(nmods))
strings = [s.split("/")[-1] for s in list(raw_dc.detector_sources)]
modules = [int(s[:s.index("C")]) for s in strings]
karabo_da = ["AGIPD{:02d}".format(i) for i in modules]
modules = [int(x[-2:]) for x in karabo_da]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
first_run = runs[0]
channel = 0
ctrl_src = ctrl_source_template.format(karabo_id_control)
instrument_src = instrument_source_template.format(karabo_id, receiver_template).format(channel)
agipd_cond = AgipdCtrl(
raise_error=False, # to be able to process very old data without gain_setting value
print("Runs: {}".format(runs))
print("Modules: {}".format(modules))
print(f"Detector in use is {karabo_id}")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Evaluate creation time
creation_time = calcat_creation_time(in_folder, runs[0], creation_time)
offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)
delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)
creation_time += delta
print(f"Creation time: {creation_time}\n")
# Read AGIPD parameter conditions.
if acq_rate < 0.:
acq_rate = agipd_cond.get_acq_rate()
if mem_cells < 0:
mem_cells = agipd_cond.get_num_cells()
# TODO: look for alternative for passing creation_time
if gain_setting < 0:
gain_setting = agipd_cond.get_gain_setting(creation_time)
if bias_voltage < 0:
bias_voltage = agipd_cond.get_bias_voltage(karabo_id_control)
if integration_time < 0:
integration_time = agipd_cond.get_integration_time()
print(f"Acquisition rate: {acq_rate} MHz")
print(f"Memory cells: {mem_cells}")
print(f"Gain setting: {gain_setting}")
print(f"Integration time: {integration_time}")
print(f"Using {creation_time} as creation time of constant.")
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Read in data and merge ##
The new merging cannot handle the old data formats before Dec. 2017.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def merge_data(runs, in_folder, karabo_id, channel):
in_folder = in_folder+"/r{:04d}/"
def count_min_bursts(in_folder, runs, channel):
bursts = np.zeros(len(runs))
for i, run in enumerate(runs):
run_folder_path = in_folder.format(run)
r = RunDirectory(run_folder_path)
instrument_source = karabo_id+'/DET/{}CH0:xtdf'.format(channel)
c = r.get_array(instrument_source, 'image.length')
total_frame = np.count_nonzero(c)
cells = r.detector_info(instrument_source)['frames_per_train']
bursts[i] = total_frame // cells
bursts_total = np.min(bursts).astype(int)
return bursts_total, cells
bursts_total, cells = count_min_bursts(in_folder, runs, channel)
pc_data = {'analog': np.zeros((bursts_total, cells, 128, 512)),
'digital': np.zeros((bursts_total, cells, 128, 512)),
'cellID': np.zeros(((bursts_total) * cells))
for counter, run in enumerate(runs):
run_folder_path = in_folder.format(run)
print('Run: ', run_folder_path)
r = RunDirectory(run_folder_path)
instrument_source = karabo_id+'/DET/{}CH0:xtdf'.format(channel)
print('Module: ', instrument_source)
d = r.get_array(instrument_source, '')
d = d.values.reshape((d.shape[0] // cells, cells, 2, 512, 128))
d = np.moveaxis(d, 4, 3)
c = r.get_array(instrument_source, 'image.cellId')
print('Bursts: {}, Mem cells: {}\n'.format(c.shape[0] // cells, cells))
for i in range(7 - counter, 64, 8): # first run starts in row 7 and then decreases in each run by 1
pc_data['analog'][..., i, :] = d[:bursts_total, :, 0, i, :]
pc_data['digital'][..., i, :] = d[:bursts_total, :, 1, i, :]
for i in range(64 + counter, 128, 8): # separated module to 2 halves to catch the injection pattern correctly
pc_data['analog'][..., i, :] = d[:bursts_total, :, 0, i, :]
pc_data['digital'][..., i, :] = d[:bursts_total, :, 1, i, :]
if counter == 0:
pc_data['cellID'][...] = c[:bursts_total * cells, 0]
del d
del c
return pc_data['analog'], pc_data['digital'], pc_data['cellID']
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
start =
p = partial(merge_data, runs, in_folder, karabo_id)
# chunk this a bit, so that we don't overuse available memory
res = list(map(p, modules))
end = - start
print('Duration of merging: ', end)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Plotting of merged PC signal
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
The merged image of the injected pulse capacitor signal is plotted here for selected trains and a memory cell.
The left side shows images of analog signal, while the right side shows digital signal image. Rows visualize the signal in a given train.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def PC_image_plotting(res, burst_of_interest, cell_of_interest):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(burst_of_interest), 2, figsize=(10, 9))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, bottom=0.06, right=0.95, top=0.94, wspace=0.25)
for img_type in range(0,2):
if img_type == 0:
title = 'PC signal (ADU)'
img_title = 'Analog'
scale_min = 5000
scale_max = 11000
title = 'PC gain signal (ADU)'
img_title = 'Digital'
scale_min = 4500
scale_max = 8500
for x, b, in enumerate(burst_of_interest):
im1 = axs[x, img_type].imshow(res[0][img_type][b, cell_of_interest, ...], interpolation='nearest',
cmap='jet', origin='lower',vmin=scale_min, vmax=scale_max, aspect='equal')
cbar = fig.colorbar(im1, ax=axs[x, img_type], fraction=0.1, pad=0.2, orientation='horizontal')
axs[x, img_type].set_title("{}, Burst: {}, Cell: {}".format(img_title, b, cell_of_interest))
axs[x,img_type].xaxis.grid(True, which='major', linewidth=0.5, color='grey')
axs[x,img_type].yaxis.grid(True, which='major', linewidth=0.5, color='grey')
return fig
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### PC signal of a selected cell and bursts
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
burst_of_interest = [100, 200, 550]
cell_of_interest = 4
for module in modules:
fig = PC_image_plotting(res, burst_of_interest, cell_of_interest)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Slope clustering and Fitting ##
The following two cells contain the actual algorithm logic as well as a preview of a single pixel and memory cells visualizing the data and the concepts.
We start out with calculating an estimate of the slope in proximity of a given data value. This is done by calculating the slopes of a given value with 15 neighbours and averaging the result. Values are then clustered by these slopes into three regions via a K-means algorithm.
* for the first region a linear function is fitted to the data, determining the gain slope and offset for the high gain mode.
$$y = mx + b$$
* for the second and third region a composite function (so-called hook function) of the form:
$$y = A*e^{-(x-O)/C}+mx+b$$
is fitted, covering both the transition region and the medium gain slope.
If variable {fit_hook} is set to False (default) only the medium gain region is fitted with linear function and the transition region is omitted in the fitting procedure.
Clustering results are not used if {hg_range} or {mg_range} are defined as positive integers, thus setting borders for the high gain region (hg_range) or medium gain region (mg_region). Data inside each region are fitted with linear function. Hook function fit to the data is not allowed in this case.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from iminuit import Minuit
from iminuit.util import describe, make_func_code
def rolling_window(a, window):
shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window)
strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],)
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
def calc_m_cluster2(x, y, r1=5, r2=0, r3=1.5):
scan_range = 15
ms = np.zeros((x.shape[0], scan_range))
for i in range(scan_range):
xdiffs = x - np.roll(x, i+1)
ydiffs = y - np.roll(y, i+1)
m = ydiffs/xdiffs
ms[:,i] = m
m = np.mean(ms, axis=1)
m[scan_range//2:-scan_range//2+1] = np.mean(rolling_window(m, scan_range),-1)
reg1 = m > r1
reg2 = m < r2
reg3 = (m > r2) & (m < r3)
reg4 = ~(reg1 | reg2 | reg3)
labels = [reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4]
regions = np.zeros_like(x, np.uint8)
for r, lbl in enumerate(labels):
regions[lbl] = r
scan_range = 30
mregions = np.round(np.mean(rolling_window(regions, scan_range),-1))
# change from np.nan to -1
regions[...] = -1
regions[scan_range//2:-scan_range//2+1] = mregions
labels = [regions == 0, regions == 1, regions == 2, regions == 3]
idx = np.arange(x.size)
maxlbl = x.size-1
for i in range(0, len(labels)-1):
nidx = labels[i+1]
if np.any(nidx):
maxlbl = np.max(idx[nidx])
cidx = idx > maxlbl
if np.any(cidx):
labels[i][cidx] = False
ms = []
for lbl in labels:
xl = x[lbl]
xd = np.reshape(xl, (len(xl), 1))
xdiff = xd - xd.transpose()
yl = y[lbl]
yd = np.reshape(yl, (len(yl), 1))
ydiff = yd - yd.transpose()
ms.append(np.mean(np.nanmean(ydiff/xdiff, axis=0)))
return ms, labels, None
def fit_data(fun, x, y, yerr, par_ests):
par_ests["throw_nan"] = False
par_ests["pedantic"] = False
par_ests["print_level"] = 0
f_sig = describe(fun)[1:]
class _Chi2Functor:
def __init__(self, f, x, y, err):
self.f = f
self.x = x[y != 0]
self.y = y[y != 0]
self.err = err[y != 0]
f_sig = describe(f)
# this is how you fake function
# signature dynamically
self.func_code = make_func_code(
f_sig[1:]) # docking off independent variable
self.func_defaults = None # this keeps numpy.vectorize happy
def __call__(self, *arg):
# notice that it accept variable length
# positional arguments
# chi2 = sum((y-self.f(x,*arg))**2 for x,y in zip(self.x,self.y))
return np.sum(((self.f(self.x, *arg) - self.y) ** 2) / self.err)
wrapped = _Chi2Functor(fun, x, y, yerr)
m = Minuit(wrapped, **par_ests)
fmin = m.migrad()
return m.values
def lin_fun(x, m, b):
return m*x+b
def hook_fun(x, a, c, o, m, b):
return a*np.exp(-(x-o)/c)+m*x+b
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from import get_constant_from_db_and_time
offsets = {}
noises = {}
thresholds = {}
for k_da, mod in zip(karabo_da, modules):
offset, when = get_constant_from_db_and_time(karabo_id, k_da,
np.zeros((128, 512, mem_cells, 3)),
offsets[mod] = np.array(
noise, when = get_constant_from_db_and_time(karabo_id, k_da,
np.zeros((128, 512, mem_cells, 3)),
cal_db_interface, creation_time=creation_time)
noises[mod] = np.array(
threshold, when = get_constant_from_db_and_time(karabo_id, k_da,
np.zeros((128, 512, mem_cells, 3)),
cal_db_interface, creation_time=creation_time)
thresholds[mod] = np.array(
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
test_pixels = []
tpix_range1 = [(0,16), (0,64)]
for i in range(*tpix_range1[0]):
for j in range(*tpix_range1[1]):
test_cells = [4, 38, 64, 128]#, 200, 249]
tcell = np.array(test_cells)
tcell = tcell[tcell < mem_cells]
if tcell.size == 0:
test_cells = [mem_cells-1]
test_cells = tcell.tolist()
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
for mod, r in zip(modules, res):
ana, dig, cellId = r
d = []
d2 = []
d3 = []
H = [0, 0, 0, 0]
ex, ey = None, None
offset = offsets[mod]
for pix in test_pixels:
for cell in test_cells:
color = np.random.rand(3,1)
x = np.arange(ana.shape[0])
y = ana[:,cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
yd = dig[:,cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
thresh_trans = thresholds[mod][pix[0], pix[1], cell,0]
vidx = (y > 1000) & np.isfinite(y)
x = x[vidx]
y = y[vidx]
yd = yd[vidx]
if x.shape[0] == 0:
ms, labels, centers = calc_m_cluster2(x, y)
bound = None
bound_m = None
markers = ['o','.','x','v']
colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'k']
ymin = y.min()
#### Transition region gain is set based on dark thresholds. ####
msk = yd[labels[1]] < thresh_trans
label_filter = np.where(labels[1])[0]
labels[1][label_filter[msk]] = False
labels[0][label_filter[msk]] = True
for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
if np.any(lbl):
if i == 0:
gain = 0
gain = 1
ym = y[lbl] - offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, gain]
h, ex, ey = np.histogram2d(x[lbl], ym, range=((0, 600), (-500, 6000)), bins=(300, 650))
H[i] += h
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for i in range(3):
H[i][H[i]==0] = np.nan
ax.imshow(H[0].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='summer', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.imshow(H[1].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='spring', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=100)
ax.imshow(H[2].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='winter', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.set_ylabel("AGIPD response (ADU)", fontsize=12)
ax.set_xlabel("PC scan point (#)", fontsize=12)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Examples from Pixel Subset ###
The follwing is an visualization of the clustering and fitting for a subset of pixels. If data significantly mismatches expectations, the clustering and fitting algorithms should fail for this subset:
* the first plot shows the clustering results for pixels which were sucessfully evaluated
* the second plot shows the clustering results for pixels which failed to evaluate--> change this
* the third plot shows the fits and fit residuals for the pixel clusters shown in the first plot
Non-smooth behaviour is an indication that you are errorously processing interleaved data that is not, or vice versa, or have the wrong number of memory cells set.
We do this twice for different detector regions
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def find_params(x, y, yd, thresh_trans):
ms, labels, centers = calc_m_cluster2(x, y)
bound = None
bound_m = None
if labels[1].any():
bound = np.min(x[labels[1]])
bound_m = ms[1]
threshold = (np.mean(yd[labels[0]])+np.mean(yd[labels[2]])) / 2
#### Transition region gain is set based on dark thresholds. ####
msk = yd[labels[1]] < thresh_trans
label_filter = np.where(labels[1])[0]
labels[1][label_filter[msk]] = False
labels[0][label_filter[msk]] = True
if np.max(x[labels[0]] > 220): # step value above which dark threholds are not considered
labels[0][label_filter[msk]] = False
except ValueError:
print('Could not determine maximum value.')
if bound is None or bound < 20: #and False:
ya = dig[:,cell, pix[0], pix[1]][vidx]
msa, labels, centers = calc_m_cluster2(x, ya, 25, -10, 25)
if np.count_nonzero(labels[0]) > 0:
bound = np.min(x[labels[0]])
bound_m = ms[3]
bound = 0
bound_m = 0
if hg_range[1] > 0 :
hg_bound_high = hg_range[1]
hg_bound_low = hg_range[0]
else :
hg_bound_high = bound - 20
hg_bound_low = 0
if fit_hook:
mg_bound_high = len(x)
mg_bound_low = np.max(x[labels[1]]) + 20
except ValueError: #raised if `y` is empty.
mg_bound_low = bound + 100
else :
if mg_range[0] > 0 :
mg_bound_low = mg_range[0]
mg_bound_high = mg_range[1]
else :
mg_bound_high = len(x)
mg_bound_low = np.max(x[labels[1]]) + 20
except ValueError: #raised if `y` is empty.
mg_bound_low = bound + 100
except Exception as e:
if "zero-size array" in str(e):
return hg_bound_low, hg_bound_high, mg_bound_low, mg_bound_high, bound, bound_m, labels, threshold
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def evaluate_fitting_ROI(modules, res, tpix_range, test_cells, roi):
markers = ['o', '.', 'x', 'v']
colors = ['tab:blue', 'tab:red', 'tab:green', 'k']
test_pixels = []
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5))
ax1.grid(zorder=0, lw=1.5)
ax1.set_ylabel("PC pixel signal (ADU)", fontsize=11)
ax1.set_xlabel('step #', fontsize=11)
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5))
ax2.grid(zorder=0, lw=1.5)
ax2.set_ylabel("PC gain signal (ADU)", fontsize=11)
ax2.set_xlabel('step #', fontsize=11)
fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1])
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
ax3.grid(zorder=0, lw=1.5)
ax3.set_ylabel('PC signal (keV)', fontsize=11)
ax4.set_ylabel('Relative\ndeviation', fontsize=11)
ax4.set_xlabel('step #', fontsize=11)
for i in range(*tpix_range[0]):
for j in range(*tpix_range[1]):
tcell = np.array(test_cells)
tcell = tcell[tcell < mem_cells]
if tcell.size == 0:
test_cells = [mem_cells-1]
test_cells = tcell.tolist()
for mod, r in zip(modules, res):
ana, dig, cellId = r
d = []
d2 = []
d3 = []
offset = offsets[mod]
noise = noises[mod]
for pix in test_pixels:
for cell in test_cells:
color = np.random.rand(3, 1)
x = np.arange(ana.shape[0])
y = ana[:,cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
yd = dig[:,cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
thresh_trans = thresholds[mod][pix[0], pix[1], cell,0]
vidx = (y > 1000) & np.isfinite(y) & np.isfinite(x)
x = x[vidx]
y = y[vidx]
yd = yd[vidx]
hg_bound_low, hg_bound_high, mg_bound_low, mg_bound_high, bound, bound_m, labels, threshold = find_params(x, y, yd, thresh_trans)
for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
if i == 0:
gain = 0
gain = 1
ax1.plot(x[lbl], (y[lbl] - offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, gain]), ls='None',
marker=markers[i], color=colors[i], alpha=0.3)
ax2.plot(x[lbl], yd[lbl], ls='None', marker=markers[i], color=colors[i], alpha=0.3)
ax2.plot(np.array([x[0], x[-1]]), np.ones(2) * threshold, lw=1, color='k', alpha=0.3)
# fit linear slope
idx = (x > hg_bound_low) & (x < hg_bound_high)
xl = x[idx]
yl = y[idx] - y[0]
if yl.shape[0] != 0:
parms = {'m': bound_m, 'b': np.min(yl)}
parms["limit_m"] = [0., 50.]
errors = np.ones(xl.shape) * noise[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 0]
fitted = fit_data(lin_fun, xl, yl, errors , parms)
hg_slope = fitted['m']
pc_high_l = fitted['b']
yf = lin_fun(xl, hg_slope, pc_high_l)
ax3.plot(xl, (yl / FF_gain), color='tab:blue', ls='None',alpha=0.5, marker='o')
ax3.plot(xl, (yf / FF_gain), color='navy', lw=1, zorder=9)
ax4.plot(xl, ((yl-yf) / yl), lw=1, color='navy')
# fit hook slope
if fit_hook:
idx = (x >= mg_bound_low) & (x < mg_bound_high)
xh = x[idx]
yh = y[idx] - offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 1]
parms = {'m': bound_m/10 if bound_m/10>0.3 else 0.5,
'b': np.min(yh[yh > -2000]),
'a': np.max(yh), 'c': 5, 'o': bound-1}
parms["limit_m"] = [0., 2.0]
parms["limit_c"] = [1., 1000]
errors = np.ones(xh.shape) * noise[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 1]
fitted = fit_data(hook_fun, xh, yh, errors, parms)
mg_slope = fitted['m']
pc_med_l = fitted['b']
slope_ratio = hg_slope / mg_slope
md_additional_offset = pc_high_l - pc_med_l * slope_ratio
yf = lin_fun(xh, mg_slope * slope_ratio, pc_med_l)
corr_yh = yh * slope_ratio + md_additional_offset
max_devh = np.median(np.abs((corr_yh - yf) / corr_yh))
idx = (x >= mg_bound_low) & (x < mg_bound_high)
xh = x[idx]
yh = y[idx] - offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 1]
if len(yh[yh > -2000]) == 0:
parms = {'m': bound_m/10 if bound_m/10>0.3 else 0.5,
'b': np.min(yh[yh > -2000]),
parms["limit_m"] = [0., 2.0]
errors = np.ones(xh.shape) * noise[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 1]
fitted = fit_data(lin_fun, xh, yh, errors, parms)
mg_slope = fitted['m']
pc_med_l = fitted['b']
slope_ratio = hg_slope / mg_slope
md_additional_offset = pc_high_l - pc_med_l * slope_ratio
yf = lin_fun(xh, mg_slope * slope_ratio, pc_med_l)
corr_yh = yh * slope_ratio + md_additional_offset
max_devh = np.median(np.abs((corr_yh - yf) / corr_yh))
ax3.plot(xh, corr_yh/FF_gain, color='tab:green', ls='None', alpha=0.3, marker='x')
ax3.plot(xh, yf/FF_gain, color='green', lw=1, zorder=10)
ax4.plot(xh, ((corr_yh-yf)/corr_yh), lw=1, color='green')
except Exception as e:
if "zero-size array" in str(e):
if save_plots:
fig1.savefig("{}/module_{}_{}_pixel_plot.png".format(out_folder, mod, roi))
fig2.savefig("{}/module_{}_{}_pixel_plot_gain.png".format(out_folder, mod, roi))
fig3.savefig("{}/module_{}_{}_pixel_plot_fits.png".format(out_folder, mod, roi))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## ROI 1
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
tpix_range1 = [(250,254), (60,63)]
test_cells = [4, 38]
roi = 'ROI1'
evaluate_fitting_ROI(modules, res, tpix_range1, test_cells, roi)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## ROI 2
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
tpix_range2 = [(96,128), (32,64)]
roi2 = 'ROI2'
evaluate_fitting_ROI(modules, res, tpix_range2, test_cells, roi2)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Here we perform the calculations in column-parallel for all modules
def calibrate_single_row(cells, fit_hook, ranges, inp):
hg_range = ranges[0]
mg_range = ranges[1]
import numpy as np
from iminuit import Minuit
from iminuit.util import describe, make_func_code
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
yra, yrd, offset, noise, thresh_trans = inp
def rolling_window(a, window):
shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window)
strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],)
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
def calc_m_cluster2(x, y, r1=5, r2=0, r3=1.5):
scan_range = 15
ms = np.zeros((x.shape[0], scan_range))
for i in range(scan_range):
xdiffs = x - np.roll(x, i+1)
ydiffs = y - np.roll(y, i+1)
m = ydiffs / xdiffs
ms[:,i] = m
m = np.mean(ms, axis=1)
m[scan_range//2:-scan_range//2+1] = np.mean(rolling_window(m, scan_range),-1)
reg1 = m > r1
reg2 = m < r2
reg3 = (m > r2) & (m < r3)
reg4 = ~(reg1 | reg2 | reg3)
labels = [reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4]
regions = np.zeros_like(x, np.uint8)
for r, lbl in enumerate(labels):
regions[lbl] = r
scan_range = 30
mregions = np.round(np.mean(rolling_window(regions, scan_range),-1))
# chanage from np.nan to -1
regions[...] = -1
regions[scan_range//2:-scan_range//2+1] = mregions
labels = [regions == 0, regions == 1, regions == 2, regions == 3]
idx = np.arange(x.size)
maxlbl = x.size-1
for i in range(0, len(labels)-1):
nidx = labels[i+1]
if np.any(nidx):
maxlbl = np.max(idx[nidx])
cidx = idx > maxlbl
if np.any(cidx):
labels[i][cidx] = False
ms = []
for lbl in labels:
xl = x[lbl]
xd = np.reshape(xl, (len(xl), 1))
xdiff = xd - xd.transpose()
yl = y[lbl]
yd = np.reshape(yl, (len(yl), 1))
ydiff = yd - yd.transpose()
ms.append(np.mean(np.nanmean(ydiff/xdiff, axis=0)))
return ms, labels, None
def fit_data(fun, x, y, yerr, par_ests):
par_ests["throw_nan"] = False
par_ests["pedantic"] = False
par_ests["print_level"] = 0
f_sig = describe(fun)[1:]
class _Chi2Functor:
def __init__(self, f, x, y, err):
self.f = f
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.err = err
f_sig = describe(f)
# this is how you fake function
# signature dynamically
self.func_code = make_func_code(
f_sig[1:]) # docking off independent variable
self.func_defaults = None # this keeps numpy.vectorize happy
def __call__(self, *arg):
# notice that it accept variable length
# positional arguments
# chi2 = sum((y-self.f(x,*arg))**2 for x,y in zip(self.x,self.y))
return np.sum(((self.f(self.x, *arg) - self.y) ** 2) / self.err)
wrapped = _Chi2Functor(fun, x, y, yerr)
m = Minuit(wrapped, **par_ests)
fmin = m.migrad()
return m.values
def lin_fun(x, m, b):
return m*x+b
def hook_fun(x, a, c, o, m, b):
return a*np.exp(-(x-o)/c)+m*x+b
# linear slope
ml = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
bl = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
devl = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
#hook function
mh = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
bh = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
ch = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
oh = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
ah = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
devh = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
dhm = np.full(yra.shape[1:], np.nan)
# threshold
thresh = np.full(list(yrd.shape[1:])+[3,], np.nan)
failures = []
for col in range(yra.shape[-1]):
y = yra[:,col]
x = np.arange(y.shape[0])
yd = yrd[:,col]
vidx = (y > 1000) & np.isfinite(y) & np.isfinite(x)
x = x[vidx]
y = y[vidx]
yd = yd[vidx]
ms, labels, centers = calc_m_cluster2(x, y)
bound = np.min(x[labels[1]])
bound_m = ms[1]
threshold = (np.mean(yd[labels[0]])+np.mean(yd[labels[2]])) / 2
thresh[col,0] = threshold
thresh[col,1] = np.mean(y[labels[0]])
thresh[col,2] = np.mean(y[labels[2]])
# fit linear slope
if hg_range[1] > 0 :
hg_bound_high = hg_range[1]
hg_bound_low = hg_range[0]
else :
hg_bound_high = bound - 20
hg_bound_low = 0
if fit_hook:
mg_bound_high = len(x)
mg_bound_low = np.max(x[labels[1]]) + 20
except ValueError: #raised if `y` is empty.
mg_bound_low = bound + 100
else :
if mg_range[0] > 0 :
mg_bound_low = mg_range[0]
mg_bound_high = mg_range[1]
else :
mg_bound_high = len(x)
mg_bound_low = np.max(x[labels[1]]) + 20
except ValueError: #raised if `y` is empty.
mg_bound_low = bound + 100
idx = (x > hg_bound_low) & (x < hg_bound_high)
xl = x[idx]
yl = y[idx] - y[0] # instead of offset subtraction is better to subtract first pc value here
errors = np.ones(xl.shape) * noise[col, 0]
if yl.shape[0] != 0:
parms = {'m': bound_m, 'b': np.min(yl)}
parms["limit_m"] = [0., 50.]
fitted = fit_data(lin_fun, xl, yl, errors, parms)
hg_slope = fitted['m']
pc_high_l = fitted['b']
yf = lin_fun(xl, hg_slope, pc_high_l)
max_devl = np.median(np.abs((yl-yf) / yl))
ml[col] = hg_slope #fitted['m']
bl[col] = pc_high_l #fitted['b']
devl[col] = max_devl
dhml = lin_fun(bound, hg_slope, pc_high_l)
# fit hook slope
if fit_hook:
idx = (x >= mg_bound_low) & (x < mg_bound_high)
xh = x[idx]
yh = y[idx] - offset[col, 1]
errors = np.ones(xh.shape) * noise[col, 1]
parms = {'m': bound_m/10 if bound_m/10 > 0.3 else 0.5, 'b': np.min(yh[yh > -2000]), 'a': np.max(yh), 'c': 5., 'o': bound-1}
parms["limit_m"] = [0., 2.0]
parms["limit_c"] = [1., 1000]
fitted = fit_data(hook_fun, xh, yh, errors, parms)
mg_slope = fitted['m']
pc_med_l = fitted['b']
slope_ratio = hg_slope / mg_slope
md_additional_offset = pc_high_l - pc_med_l * slope_ratio
yf = lin_fun(xh, mg_slope * slope_ratio, pc_med_l)
corr_yh = yh * slope_ratio + md_additional_offset
max_devh = np.median(np.abs((corr_yh - yf) / corr_yh))
mh[col] = mg_slope # fitted['m']
bh[col] = pc_med_l # fitted['b']
ah[col] = fitted['a']
oh[col] = fitted['o']
ch[col] = fitted['c']
devh[col] = max_devh
dhm[col] = bound
else :
idx = (x >= mg_bound_low) & (x < mg_bound_high)
xh = x[idx]
yh = y[idx] - offset[col, 1]
errors = np.ones(xh.shape)*noise[col, 1]
parms = {'m': bound_m/10 if bound_m/10 > 0.3 else 0.5,
'b': np.min(yh[yh > -2000]),
parms["limit_m"] = [0., 2.0]
fitted = fit_data(lin_fun, xh, yh, errors, parms)
mg_slope = fitted['m']
pc_med_l = fitted['b']
slope_ratio = hg_slope / mg_slope
md_additional_offset = pc_high_l - pc_med_l * slope_ratio
yf = lin_fun(xh, mg_slope * slope_ratio, pc_med_l)
corr_yh = yh * slope_ratio + md_additional_offset
max_devh = np.median(np.abs((corr_yh - yf) / corr_yh))
mh[col] = mg_slope # fitted['m']
bh[col] = pc_med_l # fitted['b']
ah[col] = 0
oh[col] = 1
ch[col] = 1
devh[col] = max_devh
dhm[col] = bound
except Exception as e:
failures.append((col, str(e)))
del yrd
del yra
return thresh, (ml, bl, devl), (mh, bh, ah, oh, ch, devh), failures, dhm
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
start =
fres = {}
failures = []
for i, r in zip(modules, res):
offset = offsets[i]
noise = noises[i]
qm = module_index_to_qm(i)
dig, ana, cellId = r
thresh_trans = thresholds[i][..., 0]
# linear slope
ml = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
bl = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
devl = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
#hook function
mh = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
bh = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
ch = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
oh = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
ah = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
devh = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
dhma = np.zeros(dig.shape[1:])
# threshold
thresh = np.zeros(list(dig.shape[1:]))
thresh_bounds = np.zeros(list(dig.shape[1:])+[2,])
for cell in range(dig.shape[1]):
inp = []
for j in range(dig.shape[2]):
inp.append((dig[:,cell,j,:], ana[:,cell,j,:], offset[j,:,cell,:], noise[j,:,cell,:], thresh_trans[j,:,cell]))
p = partial(calibrate_single_row, cells, fit_hook, [hg_range, mg_range])
p = partial(calibrate_single_row, mem_cells, fit_hook, [hg_range, mg_range])
frs = view.map_sync(p, inp)
for j, fr in enumerate(frs):
threshr, lin, hook, fails, dhm = fr
mlr, blr, devlr = lin
mhr, bhr, ahr, ohr, chro, devhr = hook
ml[cell, j, :] = mlr
bl[cell, j, :] = blr
devl[cell, j, :] = devlr
mh[cell, j, :] = mhr
bh[cell, j, :] = bhr
oh[cell, j, :] = ohr
ch[cell,j,:] = chro
ah[cell, j, :] = ahr
devh[cell, j, :] = devhr
dhma[cell, j, :] = dhm
thresh[cell, j, ...] = threshr[..., 0]
thresh_bounds[cell, j, ...] = threshr[..., 1:]
fres[qm] = {'ml': ml,
'bl': bl,
'devl': devl,
'tresh': thresh,
'tresh_bounds': thresh_bounds,
'dhm': dhma}
'mh': mh,
'bh': bh,
'oh': oh,
'ch': ch,
'ah': ah,
'devh': devh,
end = - start
print('Duration of fitting: ',end)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Results of slope fitting from PC runs values are
distinguished on axis 0 by index:
0: linear slope - m value
1: linear slope - b value
2: linear slope - deviation
3: hook function - m value
4: hook function - b value
5: hook function - o value
6: hook function - c value
7: hook function - a value
8: hook function - deviation
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from collections import OrderedDict
from scipy.stats import median_abs_deviation as mad
bad_pixels = OrderedDict()
for qm, data in fres.items():
mask = np.zeros(data['ml'].shape, np.uint32)
mask[(data['tresh'][...,0] < 50) | (data['tresh'][...,0] > 8500)] |= BadPixels.CI_GAIN_OF_OF_THRESHOLD.value
mask[(data['devl'] == 0)] |= BadPixels.CI_LINEAR_DEVIATION.value
mask[(np.abs(data['devl']) > 0.5)] |= BadPixels.CI_LINEAR_DEVIATION.value
mask[(~np.isfinite(data['devl']))] |= BadPixels.CI_EVAL_ERROR.value
bad_pixels[qm] = mask
# high gain slope from pulse capacitor data
pc_high_m = data['ml']
pc_high_b = data['bl']
# medium gain slope from pulse capacitor data
pc_med_m = data['mh']
pc_med_b = data['bh']
fshape = pc_high_m.shape
# calculate median for slopes
pc_high_med = np.nanmedian(pc_high_m, axis=(1, 2))
pc_med_med = np.nanmedian(pc_med_m, axis=(1, 2))
# calculate median for intercepts:
pc_high_b_med = np.nanmedian(pc_high_b, axis=(1, 2))
pc_med_b_med = np.nanmedian(pc_med_b, axis=(1, 2))
# mad can only iterate on 1 axis
tshape = (fshape[0],fshape[1]*fshape[2])
# calculate MAD for slopes
pc_high_rms = mad(pc_high_m.reshape(tshape), axis=1, scale='normal', nan_policy='omit')
pc_med_rms = mad(pc_med_m.reshape(tshape), axis=1, scale='normal', nan_policy='omit')
# calculate MAD for intercepts:
pc_high_b_rms = mad(pc_high_b.reshape(tshape), axis=1, scale='normal', nan_policy='omit')
pc_med_b_rms = mad(pc_med_b.reshape(tshape), axis=1, scale='normal', nan_policy='omit')
# expand the arrays to match the size of the originals
pc_high_med = np.repeat(pc_high_med, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
pc_med_med = np.repeat(pc_med_med, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
pc_high_b_med = np.repeat(pc_high_b_med, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
pc_med_b_med = np.repeat(pc_med_b_med, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
pc_high_rms = np.repeat(pc_high_rms, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
pc_med_rms = np.repeat(pc_med_rms, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
pc_high_b_rms = np.repeat(pc_high_b_rms, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
pc_med_b_rms = np.repeat(pc_med_b_rms, fshape[1]*fshape[2]).reshape(fshape)
# sanitize PC data
# replace vals outside range and nans with median.
bad_fits_high = (np.abs((pc_high_m - pc_high_med)/pc_high_rms) > sigma_dev_cut) |\
(np.abs((pc_high_b - pc_high_b_med)/pc_high_b_rms) > sigma_dev_cut) |\
(~np.isfinite(pc_high_m)) | (~np.isfinite(pc_high_b))
bad_fits_med = (np.abs((pc_med_m - pc_med_med)/pc_med_rms) > sigma_dev_cut) |\
(np.abs((pc_med_b - pc_med_b_med)/pc_med_b_rms) > sigma_dev_cut) |\
(~np.isfinite(pc_med_m)) | (~np.isfinite(pc_med_b))
def plot_cuts(a,sel,name,units, ax = None) :
stats_cut = {}
stats = {}
if ax is None :
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
stats_cut["Mean"] = np.nanmean(a[sel])
stats_cut["STD"] = np.nanstd(a[sel])
stats_cut["Median"] = np.nanmedian(a[sel])
stats_cut["Min"] = np.nanmin(a[sel])
stats_cut["Max"] = np.nanmax(a[sel])
stats["Mean"] = np.nanmean(a)
stats["STD"] = np.nanstd(a)
stats["Median"] = np.nanmedian(a)
stats["Min"] = np.nanmin(a)
stats["Max"] = np.nanmax(a)
bins = np.linspace(m-10*s,m+10*s,100)
bins = bins,
label='all fits',
bins = bins,
label='good fits'
def statistic(stat, colour, shift):
textstr = ""
for key in stat:
textstr += '{0: <6}: {1: 7.2f}\n'.format(key, stat[key])
props = dict(boxstyle='round', alpha=0.65, color=colour,)
ax.text(0.05, 0.95-shift, textstr, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10,
family='monospace', weight='book', stretch='expanded',
verticalalignment='top', bbox=props, zorder=2)
statistic(stats_cut, 'tab:green', 0)
statistic(stats, 'tab:red', 0.25)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
plot_cuts(pc_high_m,~(bad_fits_high | (mask>0)),'pc_high_m',"ADU/DAC",fig.add_subplot(221))
plot_cuts(pc_high_b,~(bad_fits_high | (mask>0)),'pc_high_b',"ADU",fig.add_subplot(222))
plot_cuts(pc_med_m,~(bad_fits_med | (mask>0)),'pc_med_m',"ADU/DAC",fig.add_subplot(223))
plot_cuts(pc_med_b,~(bad_fits_med | (mask>0)),'pc_med_b',"ADU",fig.add_subplot(224))
pc_high_m[bad_fits_high] = pc_high_med[bad_fits_high]
pc_high_b[bad_fits_high] = pc_high_b_med[bad_fits_high]
pc_med_m[bad_fits_med] = pc_med_med[bad_fits_med]
pc_med_b[bad_fits_med] = pc_med_b_med[bad_fits_med]
mask[bad_fits_high] |= BadPixels.CI_EVAL_ERROR.value
mask[bad_fits_med] |= BadPixels.CI_EVAL_ERROR.value
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if local_output:
ofile = "{}/agipd_pc_store_{}_{}_{}.h5".format(out_folder, "_".join([str(run) for run in runs]), modules[0], modules[-1])
store_file = h5py.File(ofile, "w")
for qm, r in fres.items():
for key, item in r.items():
store_file["/{}/{}/0/data".format(qm, key)] = item
store_file["/{}/{}/0/data".format(qm, "BadPixelsPC")] = bad_pixels[qm]
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Overview Plots ##
Each of the following plots represents one of the fit parameters of a defined memory cell on a module:
For the linear function of the high gain region
$$y = mx + b$$
* ml denotes the $m$ parameter
* bl denotes the $b$ parameter
* devl denotes the absolute relative deviation from linearity.
For the linear function of the medium gain region
$$y = mx + b$$
* mh denotes the $m$ parameter
* bh denotes the $b$ parameter
* devh denotes the absolute relative deviation from linearity.
For the composite function (if selected) of the medium gain and transition region
$$y = A*e^{-(x-O)/C}+mx+b$$
* oh denotes the $O$ parameter
* ch denotes the $C$ parameter
* mh denotes the $m$ parameter
* bh denotes the $b$ parameter
* devh denotes the absolute relative deviation from the linear part of the function.
Additionally, the thresholds and bad pixels (mask) are shown.
Finally, the red and white rectangles indicate the first and second pixel ranges.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def preview_fitted_params(data, module, cell_to_preview, fit_hook):
plot_text= {"ml": 'HG slope (ml)',
"bl": 'HG intercept (bl)',
"devl": 'HG linearity deviation (devl)',
"tresh": 'Gain threshold (tresh)',
"tresh_bounds": 'Mean HG signal (tresh_bounds)',
"dhm": 'HG boundary (dhm)',
"mh": 'MG slope (mh)',
"bh": 'MG intercept (bh)',
"oh": 'Hook - o (oh)',
"ch": 'Hook - c (ch)',
"ah": 'Hook - a (ah)',
"devh": 'MG linearity deviation (devh)'
mask = bad_pixels[module]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))
if fit_hook:
grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111,
nrows_ncols=(7, 2),
axes_pad=(0.9, 0.55),
grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111,
nrows_ncols=(5, 2),
axes_pad=(0.9, 0.55),
i = 0
for key, citem in data.items():
item = citem.copy()
item[~np.isfinite(item)] = 0
med = np.nanmedian(item)
bound = 0.1
maxcnt = 10
if med < 0:
bound = -bound
while(np.count_nonzero((item < med-bound*med) | (item > med+bound*med))/item.size > 0.01):
bound *= 2
maxcnt -= 1
if maxcnt < 0:
if "bounds" in key:
d = item[cell_to_preview, ..., 0]
im = grid[i].imshow(d, interpolation="nearest", origin='lower',
vmin=med-bound*med, vmax=med+bound*med)
grid[i].set_title(plot_text[key], fontsize=14)
if fit_hook:
d = item[cell_to_preview, ...]
im = grid[i].imshow(d, interpolation="nearest", origin='lower',
vmin=med-bound*med, vmax=med+bound*med)
grid[i].set_title(plot_text[key], fontsize=14)
if key == 'oh' or key == 'ch' or key == 'ah':
d = item[cell_to_preview, ...]
im = grid[i].imshow(d, interpolation="nearest", origin='lower',
vmin=med-bound*med, vmax=med+bound*med)
grid[i].set_title(plot_text[key], fontsize=14)
cb = grid.cbar_axes[i].colorbar(im)
# axes coordinates are 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is upper right
x0, x1 = tpix_range1[0][0], tpix_range1[0][1]
y0, y1 = tpix_range1[1][0], tpix_range1[1][1]
p = patches.Rectangle((x0, y0), (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0), fill=False, color="red")
x0, x1 = tpix_range2[0][0], tpix_range2[0][1]
y0, y1 = tpix_range2[1][0], tpix_range2[1][1]
p = patches.Rectangle((x0, y0), (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0), fill=False, color="white")
i += 1
im = grid[-1].imshow(mask[cell_to_preview, ...], interpolation="nearest", origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1)
cb = grid.cbar_axes[-1].colorbar(im)
grid[-1].set_title('Mask', fontsize=14)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for module, data in fres.items():
print(' Memory cell {}:'.format(cell_to_preview[0]))
preview_fitted_params(data, module, cell_to_preview[0], fit_hook)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for module, data in fres.items():
print('Memory cell {}:'.format(cell_to_preview[1]))
preview_fitted_params(data, module, cell_to_preview[1], fit_hook)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Memory Cell dependent behavior of thresholding ###
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
toplot = {"tresh": "Gain theshold (ADU)",
"ml": "Slope (HG)",
"bl": "Offset (HG) (ADU)",
"mh": "Slope (MG)",
"bh": "Offset (MG) (ADU)",
"mltomh": "Ration slope_HG/slope_MG"}
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(18, 15))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.15)
for module, data in fres.items():
mltomh = data['ml'] / data['mh']
fres[module].update({'mltomh': mltomh})
bins = 100
for counter, (typ, label) in enumerate(toplot.items()):
r_hist = np.zeros((mem_cells, bins))
mask = bad_pixels[module]
thresh = data[typ]
hrange = [0.5 * np.nanmedian(thresh), 1.5 * np.nanmedian(thresh)]
if hrange[1] < hrange[0]:
hrange = hrange[::-1]
for c in range(mem_cells):
d = thresh[c, ...]
h, e = np.histogram(d.flatten(), bins=bins, range=hrange)
r_hist[c, :] = h
if counter < 3:
im = ax[counter, 0].imshow(r_hist[:, :].T[::-1, :], interpolation="nearest",
aspect="auto", norm=LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=np.max(r_hist)),
extent=[0, mem_cells, hrange[0], hrange[1]])
ax[counter,0].set_xlabel("Memory cell", fontsize=12)
ax[counter,0].set_ylabel(label, fontsize=12)
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax[counter, 0], pad=0.01)
im = ax[counter-3, 1].imshow(r_hist[:, :].T[::-1, :], interpolation="nearest",
aspect="auto", norm=LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=np.max(r_hist)),
extent=[0, mem_cells, hrange[0], hrange[1]])
ax[counter-3, 1].set_xlabel("Memory cell", fontsize=12)
ax[counter-3, 1].set_ylabel(label, fontsize=12)
cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax[counter-3, 1], pad=0.01)
cb.set_label("Counts", fontsize=12)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Global Bad Pixel Behaviour ##
The following plots show the results of bad pixel evaluation for all evaluated memory cells. Cells are stacked in the Z-dimension, while pixels values in x/y are rebinned with a factor of 2. This excludes single bad pixels present only in disconnected pixels. Hence, any bad pixels spanning at least 2 pixels in the x/y-plane, or across at least two memory cells are indicated. Colors encode the bad pixel type, or mixed type.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
cols = {BadPixels.CI_GAIN_OF_OF_THRESHOLD.value: (, '#FF000080'),
BadPixels.CI_EVAL_ERROR.value: (, '#0000FF80'),
BadPixels.CI_GAIN_OF_OF_THRESHOLD.value | BadPixels.OFFSET_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD.value: ('MIXED', '#DD00DD80')}
rebin = 2 if not high_res_badpix_3d else 1
gain = 0
for mod, data in bad_pixels.items():
plot_badpix_3d(np.moveaxis(data, 0, 2), cols, title=mod, rebin_fac=rebin, azim=60.)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
one_photon = 73 # ADU (10 keV photon)
test_pixels = []
tpix_range1 = [(0,8), (0,8)]
for i in range(*tpix_range1[0]):
for j in range(*tpix_range1[1]):
test_cells = [4, 38, 64, 128, 200, 249]
tcell = np.array(test_cells)
tcell = tcell[tcell < mem_cells]
if tcell.size == 0:
test_cells = [mem_cells-1]
test_cells = tcell.tolist()
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
for mod, r in zip(modules, res):
dig, ana, cellId = r
d = []
d2 = []
d3 = []
H = [0, 0, 0, 0]
H2 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
Ha = [0, 0, 0, 0]
qm = module_index_to_qm(mod)
cdata = fres[qm]
ex, ey, ea = None, None, None
medml = np.nanmean(cdata['ml'])
medmh = np.nanmean(cdata['mh'][cdata['mh']> 0.5])
offset = offsets[mod]
threshold = thresholds[mod]
medth = np.nanmean(threshold[..., 0])
for pix in test_pixels:
for cell in test_cells:
color = np.random.rand(3, 1)
x = np.arange(dig.shape[0])
y = dig[:, cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
a = ana[:, cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
vidx = (y > 1000) & np.isfinite(y)
x = x[vidx]
y = y[vidx]
a = a[vidx]
ms, labels, centers = calc_m_cluster2(x, y)
bound = None
bound_m = None
markers = ['o','.','x','v']
colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'k']
ymin = y.min()
amin = a[labels[2]].min()
for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
if np.any(lbl):
if i == 0:
cm = (cdata['ml'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]/medml)
o = offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 0]
ym = (y[lbl]-o)/cm
elif i >= 1:
mh = cdata['mh'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
ml = cdata['ml'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
cml = ml / medml
cmh = mh / medmh
cm = medml / medmh
oh = cdata['bh'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
o = offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 1] + oh
ym = (y[lbl]-o) / cmh * cm
if i == 1:
ah = cdata['ah'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
ch = cdata['ch'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
ohh = cdata['oh'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
tx = ch * np.log(ah/(y[lbl]-o))+ohh
chook = (ah*np.exp(-(tx-ohh)/ch) - mh*tx)/cmh*cm
ym -= chook
h, ex, ey = np.histogram2d(x[lbl], ym/one_photon, range=((0, 600), (0, 15000/one_photon)), bins=(300, 600))
H[i] += h
labels = [a < threshold[pix[0], pix[1], cell,0], a >= threshold[pix[0], pix[1], cell,0]]
for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
if np.any(lbl):
if i == 0:
cm = (cdata['ml'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]/medml)
o = offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 0]
ym = (y[lbl]-o) / cm
elif i >= 1:
mh = cdata['mh'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
ml = cdata['ml'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
cml = ml/medml
cmh = mh/medmh
cm = medml/medmh
oh = cdata['bh'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
o = offset[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 1] + oh
ym = (y[lbl]-o) / cmh * cm
if i == 1:
ah = cdata['ah'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
ch = cdata['ch'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
ohh = cdata['oh'][cell, pix[0], pix[1]]
tx = ch*np.log(ah/(y[lbl]-o)) + ohh
chook = (ah*np.exp(-(tx-ohh)/ch) - mh*tx)/cmh*cm
idx = (a[lbl]-amin) < 0
ym[idx] -= chook[idx]
h, ex, ey = np.histogram2d(x[lbl], ym/one_photon, range=((0, 600), (0, 15000/one_photon)), bins=(300, 600))
H2[i] += h
labels = [a < threshold[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 0], a >= threshold[pix[0], pix[1], cell, 0]]
for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
if np.any(lbl):
am = a[lbl] - amin
h, ex, ea = np.histogram2d(x[lbl], am, range=((0, 600), (-100, 5000)), bins=(300, 400))
Ha[i] += h
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,15))
ax = fig.add_subplot(311)
for i in range(3):
H[i][H[i]==0] = np.nan
ax.imshow(H[0].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='summer', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.imshow(H[1].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='spring', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=100)
ax.imshow(H[2].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='winter', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.set_ylabel("AGIPD response (# photon)")
ax.set_xlabel("PC scan point (#)")
x = np.arange(0, 600)
ideal = medml * x / one_photon
ax.plot(x, ideal, color='red')
ax.plot(x, ideal + np.sqrt(ideal), color='red')
ax.plot(x, ideal - np.sqrt(ideal), color='red')
ax = fig.add_subplot(312)
for i in range(2):
H2[i][H2[i]==0] = np.nan
ax.imshow(H2[0].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='summer', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.imshow(H2[1].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ey[0], ey[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='winter', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.set_ylabel("AGIPD response (# photon)")
ax.set_xlabel("PC scan point (#)")
x = np.arange(0, 600)
ideal = medml * x / one_photon
ax.plot(x, ideal, color='red')
ax.plot(x, ideal + np.sqrt(ideal), color='red')
ax.plot(x, ideal - np.sqrt(ideal), color='red')
ax = fig.add_subplot(313)
for i in range(2):
Ha[i][Ha[i]==0] = np.nan
ax.imshow(Ha[0].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ea[0], ea[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='summer', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.imshow(Ha[1].T, origin="lower", extent=[ex[0], ex[-1], ea[0], ea[-1]],
aspect='auto', cmap='winter', alpha=0.7, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
ax.set_ylabel("AGIPD gain (ADU)")
ax.set_xlabel("PC scan point (#)")
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Pulse Capacitor Characterisation Summary
This notebook is used as a dependency notebook for a pulse capacitor characterisation to provide summary for all modules of the AGIPD.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
in_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/d/raw/SPB/202331/p900376/" # path to input data, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202331/p900376/usr/PC/temp_test/12on/" # path to output to, required
in_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/exp/HED/202430/p900438/raw/" # path to input data, required
out_folder = "/gpfs/exfel/exp/HED/202430/p900438/scratch/rovensky/pc/" # path to output to, required
metadata_folder = "" # Directory containing calibration_metadata.yml when run by xfel-calibrate
runs = [] # runs to use, required, range allowed
karabo_id_control = "SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1" # karabo-id for the control device e.g. "MID_EXP_AGIPD1M1", or "SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1"
karabo_id = "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
karabo_id_control = "HED_DET_AGIPD65K1" # karabo-id for the control device e.g. "MID_EXP_AGIPD1M1", or "SPB_IRU_AGIPD1M1"
karabo_id = "HED_DET_AGIPD65K1"
ctrl_source_template = '{}/MDL/FPGA_COMP' # path to control information
creation_time = "" # To overwrite the measured creation_time. Required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC e.g. "2022-06-28 13:00:00"
creation_date_offset = "00:00:00" # add an offset to creation date, e.g. to get different constants
cal_db_timeout = 3000000 # timeout on caldb requests"
cal_db_interface = "tcp://max-exfl-cal001:8015#8045"
db_output = False
bias_voltage = -1 # detector bias voltage, negative values for auto-detection.
mem_cells = -1 # number of memory cells used, negative values for auto-detection.
acq_rate = -1. # the detector acquisition rate, negative values for auto-detection.
gain_setting = -1 # gain setting can have value 0 or 1, negative values for auto-detection.
integration_time = -1 # integration time, negative values for auto-detection.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import warnings
import os
from pathlib import Path
from dateutil import parser
from datetime import timedelta
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import as cm
import numpy as np
import tabulate
import multiprocessing
from cal_tools.agipdlib import AgipdCtrl
from cal_tools.ana_tools import get_range
from import (
from cal_tools.plotting import agipd_single_module_geometry
from extra_data import RunDirectory
from extra_geom import AGIPD_1MGeometry, AGIPD_500K2GGeometry
from IPython.display import Latex, display
from XFELDetAna.plotting.simpleplot import simplePlot
from iCalibrationDB import Conditions, Constants
%matplotlib inline
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Evaluate creation time
creation_time = calcat_creation_time(in_folder, runs[0], creation_time)
offset = parser.parse(creation_date_offset)
delta = timedelta(hours=offset.hour, minutes=offset.minute, seconds=offset.second)
creation_time += delta
print(f"Creation time: {creation_time}\n")
# Get operation conditions
ctrl_source = ctrl_source_template.format(karabo_id_control)
run_folder = f'{in_folder}/r{runs[0]:04d}/'
raw_dc = RunDirectory(run_folder)
# Read operating conditions from AGIPD00 files
instrument_src_mod = [
s for s in list(raw_dc.all_sources) if "0CH" in s][0]
ctrl_src = [
s for s in list(raw_dc.all_sources) if ctrl_source in s][0]
instrument_src_mod = list(raw_dc.detector_sources)[0]
agipd_cond = AgipdCtrl(
raise_error=False, # to be able to process very old data without mosetting value
if mem_cells == -1:
mem_cells = agipd_cond.get_num_cells()
if mem_cells is None:
raise ValueError(f"No raw images found in {run_folder}")
if acq_rate == -1.:
acq_rate = agipd_cond.get_acq_rate()
if gain_setting == -1:
gain_setting = agipd_cond.get_gain_setting(creation_time)
if bias_voltage == -1:
bias_voltage = agipd_cond.get_bias_voltage(karabo_id_control)
if integration_time == -1:
integration_time = agipd_cond.get_integration_time()
# Evaluate detector instance for mapping
instrument = karabo_id.split("_")[0]
if instrument == "HED":
nmods = 8
nmods = 16
instance = karabo_id_control.split("_")[-1]
agipd_instances = {'AGIPD65K1': [1, agipd_single_module_geometry()],
'AGIPD500K2G': [8, AGIPD_500K2GGeometry.from_origin()],
'AGIPD1M1': [16, AGIPD_1MGeometry.from_quad_positions(quad_pos=[(-525, 625),
(-550, -10),
(520, -160),
(542.5, 475),
nmods = agipd_instances[instance][0]
geom = agipd_instances[instance][1]
except KeyError as ke:
print('The provided AGIPD instance is not recognised. Available instances are: \
print(f"Using {creation_time} as creation time\n")
print(f"Operating conditions are:\n• Bias voltage: {bias_voltage}\n• Memory cells: {mem_cells}\n"
f"• Acquisition rate: {acq_rate}\n• Gain setting: {gain_setting}\n• Integration time: {integration_time}\n"
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# ml - high gain slope
# bl - high gain intercept
# devl - absolute relative deviation from linearity for high gain
# mh - medium gain slope
# bh - medium gain intercept
# oh, ch, ah - parameters of hook function fit to medium gain (only if requested)
# devh - absolute relative deviation from linearity for linear part of medium gain
keys = ['ml', 'bl', 'mh', 'bh', 'BadPixelsPC']
keys_file = ["ml", "bl", "devl", "mh", "bh", "oh", "ch", "ah", "devh"]
fit_data = {}
bad_pixels = {}
modules = []
karabo_da = []
constants_files = []
for mod in range(nmods):
out_folder = Path(out_folder)
constants_files = sorted(out_folder.glob('*.h5'),
key=lambda f: (len(f.stem), f.stem))
for f in constants_files:
mod = int(f.stem.split("_")[-1])
qm = module_index_to_qm(mod)
fit_data[mod] = {}
constants_file = f'{out_folder}/agipd_pc_store_{"_".join([str(run) for run in runs])}_{mod}_{mod}.h5'
if os.path.exists(constants_file):
print(f'Trying to find: {constants_file}')
print(f'Data available for module {qm}\n')
with h5py.File(constants_file, 'r') as hf:
bad_pixels[mod] = hf[f'/{qm}/BadPixelsPC/0/data'][()]
for key in keys_file:
fit_data[mod][key]= hf[f'/{qm}/{key}/0/data'][()]
print(f"No fit data available for module {qm}\n")
with h5py.File(f, 'r') as hf:
bad_pixels[mod] = hf[f'/{qm}/BadPixelsPC/0/data'][()]
for key in keys_file:
fit_data[mod][key]= hf[f'/{qm}/{key}/0/data'][()]
print(f'Data available for AGIPD{mod:02d}')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def slope_dict_to_arr(d):
key_to_index = {
"ml": 0,
"bl": 1,
"devl": 2,
"mh": 3,
"bh": 4,
"oh": 5,
"ch": 6,
"ah": 7,
"devh": 8,
"tresh": 9
arr = np.zeros([11]+list(d["ml"].shape), np.float32)
for key, item in d.items():
if key not in key_to_index:
arr[key_to_index[key],...] = item
return arr
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# set the operating condition
condition = Conditions.Dark.AGIPD(memory_cells=mem_cells,
db_modules = get_pdu_from_db(karabo_id, karabo_da, Constants.AGIPD.SlopesPC(),
condition, cal_db_interface,
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
proposal = list(filter(None, in_folder.strip('/').split('/')))[-2]
file_loc = proposal + ' ' + ' '.join(list(map(str,runs)))
report = get_report(metadata_folder)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
md = None
if db_output:
for mod, pdu in zip(modules, db_modules):
for const in ["SlopesPC", "BadPixelsPC"]:
dbconst = getattr(Constants.AGIPD, const)()
if const == "SlopesPC": = slope_dict_to_arr(fit_data[mod])
else: = bad_pixels[mod]
md = send_to_db(pdu, karabo_id, dbconst, condition,
file_loc, report, cal_db_interface,
print("Constants injected with the following conditions:\n")
print(f"• memory_cells: {mem_cells}\n• bias_voltage: {bias_voltage}\n"
f"• acquisition_rate: {acq_rate}\n• gain_setting: {gain_setting}\n"
f"• integration_time: {integration_time}\n"
f"• creation_time: {md.calibration_constant_version.begin_at if md is not None else creation_time}\n")
print('Injection to DB not requested.')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Remove keys which won't be used for comparison plots and add BP to the rest of data
for mod in modules:
fit_data[mod]['BadPixelsPC'] = bad_pixels[mod]
for key in keys_file:
if key not in keys:
del fit_data[mod][key]
for key in keys:
fit_data[mod][key] = fit_data[mod][key].swapaxes(1,2)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def retrieve_old_PC(mod):
dconst = getattr(Constants.AGIPD, 'SlopesPC')()
old_PC = get_from_db(karabo_id=karabo_id,
creation_time=creation_time-timedelta(seconds=1) if creation_time else None,
return old_PC
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=len(modules)) as pool:
old_PC_consts =, range(len(modules)))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Create the arrays that will be used for figures.
# Each array correponds to the data for all processed modules.
pixel_range = [0,0,512,128]
const_data = {}
old_const = {}
const_order = [0, 1, 3, 4]
for (key, c) in zip(keys, const_order):
const_data[key] = np.full((nmods, mem_cells, 512, 128), np.nan)
old_const[key] = np.full((nmods, mem_cells, 512, 128), np.nan)
for cnt, i in enumerate(modules):
if key in fit_data[i]:
pixel_range[1]:pixel_range[3]] = fit_data[i][key]
for cnt, mn in enumerate(modules):
if key in fit_data[mn]:
pixel_range[1]:pixel_range[3]] = fit_data[mn][key]
if np.any(old_PC_consts[0][0]):
pixel_range[1]:pixel_range[3]] = old_PC_consts[cnt][0][c].swapaxes(1,2)
const_data['BadPixelsPC'] = np.full((nmods, mem_cells, 512, 128), np.nan)
for i in modules:
pixel_range[1]:pixel_range[3]] = fit_data[i]['BadPixelsPC']
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
#Define AGIPD geometry
if instrument == "HED":
geom = AGIPD_500K2GGeometry.from_origin()
geom = AGIPD_1MGeometry.from_quad_positions(quad_pos=[
(-525, 625),
(-550, -10),
(520, -160),
(542.5, 475),
for cnt, mn in enumerate(modules):
pixel_range[1]:pixel_range[3]] = fit_data[mn]['BadPixelsPC']
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Summary across pixels ##
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
gain_data = {'HG': {},
'MG': {},
'BP': {}
old_gain_data = {'HG': {},
'MG': {}
for key in ['ml', 'bl']:
gain_data['HG'][key] = const_data[key]
old_gain_data['HG'][key] = old_const[key]
for key in ['mh', 'bh']:
gain_data['MG'][key] = const_data[key]
old_gain_data['MG'][key] = old_const[key]
gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC'] = const_data['BadPixelsPC']
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def plot_definition(data, g, key):
titel = ['Difference to previous', 'Percentage difference']
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
plt.suptitle(f'{g}', fontsize=16)
for pos in range(0,2):
vmin, vmax = get_range(data[pos], 2)
vmax = max(vmax, abs(vmin))
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, pos])
ticks = [-1, 0, 1] if np.isnan(vmin) else [vmin, (vmin+vmax)/2, vmax]
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, cmap="RdBu", figsize=(13,7),
colorbar={'shrink': 1,
'pad': 0.04,
'fraction': 0.1,
colorbar = ax.images[0].colorbar["{:.1f}".format(tk) for tk in colorbar.get_ticks()])
if pos == 1:
ax.set_title(f"{titel[pos]}: {key}", fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel("Columns", fontsize=13)
ax.set_ylabel("Rows", fontsize=13)
def plot_diff_consts(old_const, new_const, g, ratio=False):
if ratio:
old_data = old_const['HG']['ml'] / old_const['MG']['mh']
new_data = new_const['HG']['ml'] / new_const['MG']['mh']
data1 = np.nanmean((new_data - old_data), axis=1)
data2 = np.nanmean((new_data - old_data)/old_data*100, axis=1)
data = [data1, data2]
key ='Slopes ratio HG/MG'
plot_definition(data, g, key)
for i, key in enumerate(old_const[g].keys()):
data1 = np.nanmean((new_const[g][key] - old_const[g][key]), axis=1)
data2 = np.nanmean((new_const[g][key] - old_const[g][key])/old_const[g][key]*100, axis=1)
data = [data1, data2]
plot_definition(data, g, key)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for gain in old_gain_data.keys():
plot_diff_consts(old_gain_data, gain_data, gain)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
plot_diff_consts(old_gain_data, gain_data, 'Ratio HG/MG', ratio=True)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
g_label = ['High gain', 'Medium gain', 'Bad pixels PC']
for idx, g in enumerate(gain_data.keys()):
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
plt.suptitle(f'{g_label[idx]}', fontsize=16)
for i, key in enumerate(gain_data[g].keys()):
if key is 'BadPixelsPC':
data = np.nanmean(gain_data[g][key]>0, axis=1)
vmin, vmax = (0,1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
ticks = [0, 0.5, 1]
data = np.nanmean(gain_data[g][key], axis=1)
vmin, vmax = get_range(data, 5)
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, i])
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, cmap="jet", figsize=(13,7),
colorbar={'shrink': 1,
'pad': 0.04,
'fraction': 0.1,
colorbar = ax.images[0].colorbar
ax.set_title(key, fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel('Columns', fontsize=13)
ax.set_ylabel('Rows', fontsize=13)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Summary across cells ##
Good pixels only.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
ratio = gain_data['HG']['ml'] / gain_data['MG']['mh']
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
data = np.nanmean(ratio, axis=1)
vmin, vmax = get_range(data, 5)
ax = geom.plot_data_fast(data,
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, cmap="jet", figsize=(6,7),
colorbar={'shrink': 1,
'pad': 0.04,
'fraction': 0.1
colorbar = ax.images[0].colorbar
colorbar.set_label('HG slope / MG slope', fontsize=13)
ax.set_title('High/Medium Gain Slope Ratio', fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel('Columns', fontsize=13)
ax.set_ylabel('Rows', fontsize=13)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for idx, g in enumerate(gain_data.keys()):
for key in gain_data[g].keys():
data = np.copy(gain_data[g][key])
if key=='BadPixelsPC':
data = data>0
data[gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC']>0] = np.nan
d = []
for i in range(nmods):
d.append({'x': np.arange(data[i].shape[0]),
'y': np.nanmean(data[i], axis=(1,2)),
'drawstyle': 'steps-pre',
'label': f'{i}',
'label': f'{modules[i]}',
'linewidth': 2,
'linestyle': '--' if i>7 else '-'
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.suptitle(f'{g_label[idx]} - {key}', fontsize=16)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
_ = simplePlot(d, xrange=(-12, 510),
x_label='Memory Cell ID',
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1] + np.abs(ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.2)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
d = []
for i in range(nmods):
d.append({'x': np.arange(ratio[i].shape[0]),
'y': np.nanmean(ratio[i], axis=(1,2)),
'y': np.nanmedian(ratio[i], axis=(1,2)),
'drawstyle': 'steps-pre',
'label': f'{i}',
'label': f'{modules[i]}',
'linewidth': 2,
'linestyle': '--' if i>7 else '-'
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.suptitle('High/Medium Gain Slope Ratio', fontsize=16)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
_ = simplePlot(d, xrange=(-12, 510),
x_label='Memory Cell ID',
y_label='Gain ratio ml/mh',
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1] + np.abs(ylim[1]-ylim[0])*0.2)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
table = []
ratio_old = old_gain_data['HG']['ml'] / old_gain_data['MG']['mh']
for mod in modules:
for cnt, mod in enumerate(modules):
f"{np.nanmean(ratio[mod]):0.1f} +- {np.nanstd(ratio[mod]):0.2f}",
f"{np.nanmean(ratio_old[mod]):0.1f} +- {np.nanstd(ratio_old[mod]):0.2f}",
f"{np.nanmean(gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC'][mod]>0)*100:0.1f} ({np.nansum(gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC'][mod]>0)})"
f"{np.nanmedian(ratio[cnt]):0.1f} +- {np.nanstd(ratio[cnt]):0.2f}",
f"{np.nanmedian(ratio_old[cnt]):0.1f} +- {np.nanstd(ratio_old[cnt]):0.2f}",
f"{np.nanmedian(gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC'][cnt]>0)*100:0.1f} ({np.nansum(gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC'][cnt]>0)})"
all_HM = []
all_HM_old = []
for mod in modules:
for mod in range(len(modules)):
all_HM = np.array(all_HM)
all_HM_old = np.array(all_HM_old)
all_MSK = np.array([list(msk) for msk in gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC']])
f"{np.nanmean(all_HM):0.1f} +- {np.nanstd(all_HM):0.2f}",
f"{np.nanmean(all_HM_old):0.1f} +- {np.nanstd(all_HM_old):0.2f}",
f"{np.nanmean(all_MSK>0)*100:0.1f} ({np.nansum(all_MSK>0)})"
md = display(Latex(tabulate.tabulate(table, tablefmt='latex',
"HG/MG Ratio",
"Previous HG/MG Ratio",
"Bad pixels [%(Count)]"])))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Summary high-medium gain ratio (good pixels only) + histograms
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, nmods))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17, 8))
ratio[gain_data['BP']['BadPixelsPC'] > 0] = np.nan
data = np.nanmean(ratio, axis=1)
vmin, vmax = get_range(data, 5)
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, cmap="jet", figsize=(12.5,7),
colorbar={'shrink': 1,
'pad': 0.04,
'fraction': 0.1
colorbar = ax.images[0].colorbar
colorbar.set_label('HG/MG', fontsize=12)
ax.set_xlabel('Columns', fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('Rows', fontsize=12)
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1])
for mod in modules:
h, e = np.histogram(ratio[mod].flatten(), bins=100, range=(vmin, vmax))
ax.plot(e[:-1], h, color=colors[mod],linewidth=2, label=f'{mod}', alpha=0.8)
for cnt, mod in enumerate(modules):
h, e = np.histogram(ratio[cnt].flatten(), bins=100, range=(vmin, vmax))
ax.plot(e[:-1], h, color=colors[cnt],linewidth=2, label=f'{mod}', alpha=0.8)
ax.set_xlabel('High/Medium Gain Ratio', fontsize=13)
ax.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=13)
plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0))
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ install_requires = [
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timezone
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Sequence
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
import h5py
......@@ -113,8 +114,7 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
"""Encode operating condition to CalCat API format.
caldata (CalibrationData): Calibration data instance used to
interface with database.
condition (dict): Mapping of parameter DB name to value
(dict) Operating condition for use in CalCat API.
......@@ -192,6 +192,19 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
return resp_calibration["data"]["id"]
def calibration_name(self, calibration_id):
"""Name for a calibration in CalCat."""
resp_calibration = Calibration.get_by_id(
self.client, calibration_id
if not resp_calibration["success"]:
raise CalCatError(resp_calibration)
return resp_calibration["data"]["name"]
def parameter_id(self, param_name):
"""ID for an operating condition parameter in CalCat."""
......@@ -203,6 +216,33 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
return resp_parameter["data"]["id"]
def _closest_ccv_by_time_by_condition(
detector_name: str,
calibration_ids: Sequence[int],
condition: dict,
karabo_da: Optional[str] = None,
resp = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_closest_by_time_by_detector_conditions(
karabo_da=karabo_da or "",
if not resp["success"]:
if resp["status_code"] == 200:
# calibration_client turns empty response into an error
return []
raise CalCatError(resp)
return resp["data"]
def closest_ccv_by_time_by_condition(
......@@ -284,20 +324,16 @@ class CalCatApi(metaclass=ClientWrapper):
# afterwards, if necessary.
karabo_da = next(iter(da_to_modname)) if len(da_to_modname) == 1 else '',
resp_versions = CalibrationConstantVersion.get_closest_by_time_by_detector_conditions( # noqa
resp_data = self._closest_ccv_by_time_by_condition(
if not resp_versions["success"]:
raise CalCatError(resp_versions)
for ccv in resp_versions["data"]:
for ccv in resp_data:
mod = da_to_modname[ccv['physical_detector_unit']['karabo_da']]
except KeyError:
This diff is collapsed.
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from cal_tools.calcat_interface2 import (
def test_AGIPD_CalibrationData_metadata():
"""Test CalibrationData with AGIPD condition"""
cond = AGIPDConditions(
# From:
sensor_bias_voltage=300, # V
acquisition_rate=2.2, # MHz
agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
event_at="2022-09-01 13:26:48.00",
calibrations=["Offset", "SlopesFF"],
assert agipd_cd.detector_name == "MID_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
assert "Offset" in agipd_cd
assert set(agipd_cd["Offset"].constants) == {f"AGIPD{m:02}" for m in range(16)}
assert isinstance(agipd_cd["Offset", "AGIPD00"], SingleConstant)
assert agipd_cd["Offset", "Q1M2"] == agipd_cd["Offset", "AGIPD01"]
def test_AGIPD_merge():
cond = AGIPDConditions(
# From:
sensor_bias_voltage=300, # V
acquisition_rate=2.2, # MHz
agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
event_at="2022-09-01 13:26:48.00",
calibrations=["Offset", "SlopesFF"],
modnos_q1 = list(range(0, 4))
modnos_q4 = list(range(12, 16))
merged = agipd_cd.select_modules(modnos_q1).merge(
assert merged.module_nums == modnos_q1 + modnos_q4
offset_only = agipd_cd.select_calibrations(["Offset"])
slopes_only = agipd_cd.select_calibrations(["SlopesFF"])
assert set(offset_only) == {"Offset"}
assert set(slopes_only) == {"SlopesFF"}
merged_cals = offset_only.merge(slopes_only)
assert set(merged_cals) == {"Offset", "SlopesFF"}
assert merged_cals.module_nums == list(range(16))
def test_AGIPD_CalibrationData_metadata_SPB():
"""Test CalibrationData with AGIPD condition"""
cond = AGIPDConditions(
agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
event_at="2020-01-07 13:26:48.00",
assert "Offset" in agipd_cd
assert set(agipd_cd["Offset"].constants) == {f"AGIPD{m:02}" for m in range(16)}
assert agipd_cd["Offset"].module_nums == list(range(16))
assert agipd_cd["Offset"].qm_names == [
f"Q{(m // 4) + 1}M{(m % 4) + 1}" for m in range(16)
assert isinstance(agipd_cd["Offset", 0], SingleConstant)
def test_AGIPD_load_data():
cond = AGIPDConditions(
agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
event_at="2020-01-07 13:26:48.00",
arr = agipd_cd["Offset"].select_modules(list(range(4))).xarray()
assert arr.shape == (4, 128, 512, 352, 3)
assert arr.dims[0] == "module"
np.testing.assert_array_equal(arr.coords["module"], np.arange(0, 4))
assert arr.dtype == np.float64
# Load parallel
arr_p = agipd_cd["Offset"].select_modules(list(range(4))).xarray(parallel=4)
xr.testing.assert_identical(arr_p, arr)
def test_DSSC_modules_missing():
dssc_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
DSSCConditions(sensor_bias_voltage=100, memory_cells=600),
event_at="2023-11-29 00:00:00",
# DSSC was used with only 3 quadrants at this point
modnos = list(range(4)) + list(range(8, 16))
assert dssc_cd.aggregator_names == [f"DSSC{m:02}" for m in modnos]
assert dssc_cd.module_nums == modnos
assert dssc_cd.qm_names == [f"Q{(m // 4) + 1}M{(m % 4) + 1}" for m in modnos]
offset = dssc_cd["Offset"]
assert offset.module_nums == modnos
# test ModulesConstantVersions.select_modules()
modnos_q3 = list(range(8, 12))
aggs_q3 = [f"DSSC{m:02}" for m in modnos_q3]
qm_q3 = [f"Q3M{i}" for i in range(1, 5)]
assert offset.select_modules(modnos_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
assert offset.select_modules(aggregator_names=aggs_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
assert offset.select_modules(qm_names=qm_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
# test CalibrationData.select_modules()
assert dssc_cd.select_modules(modnos_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
assert dssc_cd.select_modules(aggregator_names=aggs_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
assert dssc_cd.select_modules(qm_names=qm_q3).module_nums == modnos_q3
def test_LPD_constant_missing():
lpd_cd = CalibrationData.from_condition(
LPDConditions(memory_cells=200, sensor_bias_voltage=250),
# Constants are missing for 1 module (LPD05), but it was still included in
# the PDUs for the detector, so it should still appear in the lists.
assert lpd_cd.aggregator_names == [f"LPD{m:02}" for m in range(16)]
assert lpd_cd.module_nums == list(range(16))
assert lpd_cd.qm_names == [f"Q{(m // 4) + 1}M{(m % 4) + 1}" for m in range(16)]
# When we look at a specific constant, module LPD05 is missing
modnos_w_constant = list(range(0, 5)) + list(range(6, 16))
assert lpd_cd["Offset"].module_nums == modnos_w_constant
# Test CalibrationData.require_constant()
assert lpd_cd.require_calibrations(["Offset"]).module_nums == modnos_w_constant
def test_AGIPD_CalibrationData_report():
"""Test CalibrationData with data from report"""
# Report ID:
agipd_cd = CalibrationData.from_report(3757)
assert agipd_cd.detector_name == "SPB_DET_AGIPD1M-1"
assert set(agipd_cd) == {"Offset", "Noise", "ThresholdsDark", "BadPixelsDark"}
assert agipd_cd.aggregator_names == [f"AGIPD{n:02}" for n in range(16)]
assert isinstance(agipd_cd["Offset", "AGIPD00"], SingleConstant)