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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Toolbox for SCS.

    Various utilities function to quickly process data measured at the SCS instruments.

    Copyright (2019) SCS Team.
Loïc Le Guyader's avatar
Loïc Le Guyader committed
from karabo_data import RunDirectory, by_index
    # Machine
    "sase3": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
    "sase2": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
    "sase1": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
    "maindump": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
    "bunchpattern": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/TSYS/TIMESERVER',
    "npulses_sase3": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
    "npulses_sase1": {'source':'SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER',
    # SA3
    "nrj": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_MONO/MDL/PHOTON_ENERGY',

    "M2BEND": {'source': 'SA3_XTD10_MIRR-2/MOTOR/BENDER',
               'key': 'actualPosition.value',
    "VSLIT": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_VSLIT/MDL/BLADE',
    "ESLIT": {'source':'SCS_XTD10_ESLIT/MDL/MAIN',
    "HSLIT": {'source':'SCS_XTD10_HSLIT/MDL/BLADE',
    "transmission": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_GATT/MDL/GATT_TRANSMISSION_MONITOR',
    "GATT_pressure": {'source':'P_GATT',

    # XGMs
    "SA3_XGM": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_XGM/XGM/DOOCS:output',
    "SA3_XGM_SLOW": {'source':'SA3_XTD10_XGM/XGM/DOOCS',
    "SCS_XGM": {'source':'SCS_BLU_XGM/XGM/DOOCS:output',
    "SCS_XGM_SLOW": {'source':'SCS_BLU_XGM/XGM/DOOCS',

    # KBS
    "HFM_CAPB": {'source':'SCS_KBS_HFM/ASENS/CAPB',
    "HFM_CAPF": {'source':'SCS_KBS_HFM/ASENS/CAPF',
    "HFM_CAPM": {'source':'SCS_KBS_HFM/ASENS/CAPM',
    "VFM_CAPB": {'source':'SCS_KBS_VFM/ASENS/CAPB',
    "VFM_CAPF": {'source':'SCS_KBS_VFM/ASENS/CAPF',
    "VFM_CAPM": {'source':'SCS_KBS_VFM/ASENS/CAPM',

    # FFT
    "scannerX": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_SAM/LMOTOR/SCANNERX',
    "scannerY": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_SAM/MOTOR/SCANNERY',
    "scannerY_enc": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_SAM/ENC/SCANNERY',
    "SAM-Z": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_MOV/ENC/SAM_Z',
    "magnet": {'source':'SCS_CDIFFT_MAG/SUPPLY/CURRENT',

    # FastCCD, if in raw folder, raw images
    #          if in proc folder, dark substracted and relative gain corrected
    "fastccd": {'source':'SCS_CDIDET_FCCD2M/DAQ/FCCD:daqOutput',
                'dim':['x', 'y']},
    # FastCCD with common mode correction
    "fastccd_cm": {'source':'SCS_CDIDET_FCCD2M/DAQ/FCCD:daqOutput',
                'dim':['x', 'y']},
    # FastCCD charge split correction in very low photon count regime
    "fastccd_classified": {'source':'SCS_CDIDET_FCCD2M/DAQ/FCCD:daqOutput',
                'dim':['x', 'y']},
    # FastCCD event multiplicity from the charge split correction:
    # 0: no events
    # 100, 101: single events
    # 200-203: charge split into two pixels in four different orientations
    # 300-303: charge split into three pixels in four different orientations
    # 400-403: charge split into four pixels in four different orientations
    # 1000: charge in more than four neighboring pixels. Cannot be produced by a single photon alone.
    "fastccd_patterns": {'source':'SCS_CDIDET_FCCD2M/DAQ/FCCD:daqOutput',
                'dim':['x', 'y']},
Loïc Le Guyader's avatar
Loïc Le Guyader committed
    # FastCCD gain map, 0 high gain, 1 medium gain, 2 low gain
    "fastccd_gain": {'source':'SCS_CDIDET_FCCD2M/DAQ/FCCD:daqOutput',
                'dim':['x', 'y']},
    # FastCCD mask, bad pixel map to be ignored if > 0
    "fastccd_mask": {'source':'SCS_CDIDET_FCCD2M/DAQ/FCCD:daqOutput',
                'dim':['x', 'y']},

    # TIM
    "MCP1apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
    "MCP1raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
    "MCP2apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
    "MCP2raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
    "MCP3apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
    "MCP3raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
    "MCP4apd": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
    "MCP4raw": {'source':'SCS_UTC1_ADQ/ADC/1:network',
                'dim': ['samplesId']},
                    'key': 'actualStep.value',
                    'dim': None}
def load(fields, runNB, proposalNB, semesterNB, topic='SCS', display=False,
    validate=False, runpath='/gpfs/exfel/exp/{}/{}/{}/raw/r{:04d}/',
    subset=by_index[:], rois={}):
    """ Load a run and extract the data. Output is an xarray with aligned trainIds

            fields: list of mnemonic strings to load specific data such as "fastccd", "SCS_XGM",
                or dictionnaries defining a custom mnemonic such as
                {"extra": {'SCS_CDIFFT_MAG/SUPPLY/CURRENT', 'actual_current.value', None}}
            runNB: run number as integer
            proposalNB: string of the proposal number
            semesterNB: string of the semester number where the proposal data are saved
            topic: string of the topic
            display: boolean, whether to show the or not
            validate: boolean, whether to run karabo-data-validate or not
            runpath: a string to fromat the run folder path with topic,
                semesterNB, proposalNB and runNB
            subset: a subset of train that can be load with by_index[:5] for the
                first 5 trains
            rois: a dictionnary of mnemonics with a list of rois definition and the desired
                names, for example {'fastccd':{'ref':{'roi':by_index[730:890, 535:720],
                'dim': ['ref_x', 'ref_y']}, 'sam':{'roi':by_index[1050:1210, 535:720],
                'dim': ['sam_x', 'sam_y']}}}
    runFolder = runpath.format(topic, semesterNB, proposalNB, runNB)
    run = RunDirectory(runFolder).select_trains(subset)

    if validate:
        get_ipython().system('karabo-data-validate ' + runFolder)
    # always load pulse pattern infos
    fields += ["sase1", "sase3", "npulses_sase3", "npulses_sase1"]
        if type(f) == dict:
            # extracting mnemomic defined on the spot
            if len(f.keys()) > 1:
                print('Loading only one "on-the-spot" mnemonic at a time, skipping all others !')
            k = list(f.keys())[0]
            v = f[k]
            # extracting mnemomic from the table
        if k in keys:
            continue # already loaded, skip

        if display:
            print('Loading {}'.format(k))

        if v['source'] not in run.all_sources:
            print('Source {} not found in run. Skipping!'.format(v['source']))

        if k not in rois:
            # no ROIs selection, we read everything
            vals.append(run.get_array(v['source'], v['key'], extra_dims=v['dim']))
            # ROIs selection, for each ROI we select a region of the data and save it with new name and dimensions
            for nk,nv in rois[k].items():
                vals.append(run.get_array(v['source'], v['key'], extra_dims=nv['dim'], roi=nv['roi']))
    aligned_vals = xr.align(*vals, join='inner')
    result = dict(zip(keys, aligned_vals))
    result = xr.Dataset(result)
    result.attrs['run'] = run
    return result